British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1408: Task Force

69net69, the fastest update of British civil servants! <r><r>  's call to sit down and talk is nothing more than the basic exercise of my British as a permanent member of the United Nations.

   In terms of public opinion, the coverage of this India-Pakistan war can be regarded as a rare upsurge in public opinion in recent years. The trend of the war in the former colonies involves every move of British citizens.

   "It's really tough, and I don't know what news will come out. Is the Pakistani government army crushing India's attack, or the Indian army has made a breakthrough, or is still in a stalemate."

   Alan Wilson was rarely calm. He still felt that India would have the advantage, but he didn’t know how many days Pakistan would last. The situation is obvious. Bangladesh is surrounded by Indian territory. The Pakistani defenders have only 90,000 divisions, and the attacking Indian army has more than 200,000 troops.

  Bangladesh is small and has no depth. The Pakistani defenders are very isolated. This is not a special military operation of Lao Maozi. 200,000 people will swallow 600,000 square kilometers and 400,000 defenders of Ukraine.

  India is the dominant side in this war, no matter from any angle.

"Egypt wants to buy the production line of the Sheikh tank. Looking at the supreme authority and sighing, Markins has to change the subject and talk about Egypt's desire to get British help in the construction of the army. This is an order, and Egypt also needs Get technical support.

   "Oh? Let me think about it! Actually, it's not a big problem. But it is more difficult to convince the cabinet." Alan Wilson frowned slightly, indicating that this matter can be discussed.

  If he remembers correctly, Egypt, as the number one military power in Arabia for a long time, is actually not completely superficial. The military industry is considered high in the Arab countries, and there is an Abrams production line in the 21st century.

"In this way, first transfer the technology of the catamaran missile boat to Egypt, stabilize Egypt first, and we are trying to figure out the rest. The problem with the tank is not a big problem, the ceramic composite armor is pinched, don't worry about those homogeneous armor. Tanks will become a threat to us one day. You look at the Soviet Union's support for Syria and Yemen. Egypt does not have an advantage in the number of tanks, and it is not impossible to want a production line."

Whether it is Syria or Yemen, there are now huge armored forces. After the war, the Soviet Union is the most powerful army power in the world, and the countries supported by the Soviet Union are also mainly ground forces. It is very scary in terms of data. .

   This is something that countries with good relations with the Soviet Union have in common. Could it be that the United Kingdom should also pile tanks for Egypt like the Soviet Union? It's a joke to think so, who can benefit from the UK's competition with the Soviet Union?

  In the case of not being able to compete with the Soviet Union in terms of quantity, it is a feasible choice to build a tank production line for the Egyptian production license. Who is going to follow the UK in the future?

   "You are the secretary general of the cabinet. This is all your job. The shipbuilding plan has been laid out, and I will send it to you in the afternoon." After a sip of black tea, Markins finished enjoying a pleasant working meal.

   Alan Wilson nodded, and then the two left the restaurant. It has been several years since my British original 022 catamaran missile boat was equipped with the Egyptian Navy.

Because the British shipbuilding industry is subject to competition from Japan, the respected richest woman started the prelude to save the British shipbuilding industry. Pamela Mountbatten, who took over two shipyards, used the supreme authority that no one understands shipbuilding better than me. , to give the design drawings as the first step in the shipbuilding industry.

   To be honest, when the ships were first delivered to Egypt, many of the richest women were ridiculed for it. Whether it was the US or the British shipyard, they all looked at the deal with schadenfreude.

  The shipbuilding colleagues of the two countries agreed that even in the myth of admirable wealth, it cannot be successful in any industry. The shipbuilding industry of the richest woman started when the friendly talk that only the navy of poor countries could be built began.

   Alan Wilson comforted his wife a lot at that time, what they didn't know about the goods, this is the killer of the coastal navy.

   If it weren't for the fact that the UK had its own aircraft carriers in service, he would have wanted to talk about the concept of saturation attack and aircraft carrier killing.

   This is the way it is. The United Kingdom and the United States have large navies and naturally look down on missile boats, but the navy of the anti-aircraft submarine type, with missile boats close to 50 knots, must not only participate in speedboat competitions.

  Fortunately, Egypt did not dislike these missile boats. After all, what is there to dislike? Egypt can also dislike British products? No matter what level you are!

The shipbuilding plan sent by   Markins is a plan for the Royal Navy to replace the old destroyers and frigates. The first one is based on the blueprint of the Tiger cruiser to replace the Kokang-class destroyer.

   The second is an enlargement of the county-class destroyer. In retrospect, Alan Wilson seems to have an 82-class destroyer in the UK that can match the current indicators, but only one was built.

As for the frigate part, it is also remarkable, but in Alan Wilson's heart, the part that can be discarded at this time, I don't know if the frigate is the prototype of the Sheffield class, but if the cabinet is not satisfied with the scale of the shipbuilding plan, Then the frigate part can be cut off to build a general-purpose destroyer with an 8,000-ton destroyer.

   This is also Alan Wilson's bottom line. The Royal Navy with two Eagle-class, two Queen Elizabeth-class, and five Queen Victoria-class ships can't be stingy when building a destroyer fleet. There is no shortage of aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines now.

"Markins, the Ministry of Defense has demonstrated that a reduction in the hull cannot save costs. Why is the price of the vertical launch system so high? It's not a radar system. Pamela also has a shipyard. I will ask her when the time comes." Take the shipbuilding plan

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! On page 1/2, Alan Wilson instructed Markins on the phone.

  It’s a pity that Pamela Mountbatten has returned to Perth, otherwise he can talk to the richest woman, how to minimize the cost while ensuring the quality, that is, to persuade his wife not to make money.

Compared with ships of the same class in the United States, this shipbuilding plan is unsatisfactory. He remembers that the Sheffield-class cost is 200 million US dollars, and the Ticonderoga-class cruiser is a billion US dollars. Although the tonnage is far from the same, even the same The tonnage can't go straight to the cost of the US Navy, half of it is about the same.

   Now is the time to submit the shipbuilding plan. Considering that the specific war trend is not yet known, this can wait.

Every time I come to Hepburn's home, the supreme authority is always passionate. Every piece of furniture here is as thick and sturdy as a house, and it also contains a kind of primitive charm; the golden sofa is covered with a layer of mutton. The velvet cushion, the soft and dense touch, has good memories of the two everywhere.

   Of course, he was not less complained. Hepburn complained as if he had suffered a big loss. "It's all my fault when I was young and didn't understand it. You caught my weakness. Now I think you took a big advantage."

   "I never deny this." Alan Wilson bowed his head to express his apology, not mentioning that he was recently busy with receiving German guests, and said, "You also know that there is a war in South Asia, and the cabinet is busy."

   "You always have reasons, and it's like I'm too stingy when you care." Hepburn accepted the man's explanation, expressing his open-mindedness.

   But Alan Wilson was not satisfied. He thought it would be better to stabilize the relationship. He took out the photo album of the two and recalled the whole process of interacting with Qiuhua, and the wedding photos and maternity photos were all good memories.

   "What about the video record, take it out and take a look." Alan Wilson hugged Hepburn's body, causing the ball to be vigilant, "Which one?"

   "That's it." The supreme authority rarely prays, but in private situations, it's not too much to watch Hepburn's first movie in the sea. The risks are two-way, after all, the actor is him.

When Alexeyev saw Alan Wilson, Alan Wilson, who was tortured by the situation in South Asia, had already adjusted his mentality from the ladies of the same status as his wife, and it was no longer like playing the red police without a panoramic view. As irritable as the map, "Is India's plan to attack East Pakistan formulated by your Soviet Union, especially the airborne operation?"

   "There is absolutely no such thing." Alekseev categorically denied it, looking more resolute than when Sodang faced the questioning.

   Alan Wilson stared at the expression of the eldest son, and then muttered, "That is, you are a class enemy, you can't be trusted."

  Class enemy? Alexeyev was speechless, shouldn't this be what he should have said, why did the other party say it so mellowly? How could he know that the cheap father was an existence who practiced magic skills in reverse. UU Reading

In Washington, the capital of the United States, Kissinger suggested with a solemn face that the United States must deter India's adventurous moves, "To give a signal to the Indians, the US Navy can appear anywhere in the world. Our warships should appear in the waters off India. , and sending supplies to Pakistan from Iran, Turkey and Jordan.”

Before    came to the White House, Kissinger just met with the Soviet ambassador Dobrynin, had a frank exchange of views, and admitted that the United States and Pakistan have a special relationship.

   Nixon fell into a daze, and finally nodded, "Okay, that crazy woman has to pay the price."

   The mad woman Nixon spoke of was Indira Gandhi, who had visited the United States before. The negotiation between the two was very unpleasant, and now Nixon's throat is still in retrospect.

Nixon expressed support for Kissinger, ordering the formation of a task force consisting of "the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, the amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli, guided-missile destroyers including USS King, USS Decatur, USS Parsons. Destroyer Bowser U.S.S. Er, USS Lake Charles, USS McKean, USS Anderson. Ammunition supply ship USS Harley Alaka, fleet supply ship USS White Plains, and an attack submarine.

   It can be said that in addition to the British Royal Navy and the Soviet Red Navy, this task force can send the navy of any country to the bottom of the sea in one day.

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