British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1409: Red navy strikes

69net69, the fastest update of British civil servants! <r><r>  The 14th Task Force has not assembled yet, and the news has spread all over the world. The United States has no plans to hide anything at all. In fact, the United States is afraid that other countries will not know that the United States is going to interfere, especially I am afraid that India does not know that deterrence is the fundamental reason for the US Navy's dispatch this time.

When the news reached London, Alan Wilson was still discussing with Markins whether the Secretary of Defense would support the shipbuilding plan. He couldn't help laughing when he received the news, "The drama has just begun."

   "What?" Makins really couldn't keep up with the supreme authority's brain circuit, and instead asked another question, "Actually, what can all parties in this war get, and what is the best outcome?"

   "The best outcome for us in the UK is to wait and see. But the best outcome for the US, the time for intervention has passed."

Alan Wilson recalled what the United States should do at this time when they were already in their respective positions, and replied, "If you know that the India-Pakistan war is destined to break out, from the United States' point of view, you should do a few things to facilitate the early outbreak of the India-Pakistan war. Especially before the Himalayas are closed, you can even secretly promise that New Delhi will not interfere, and secretly contact India's northern neighbors to support them in fighting India. India has signed a friendship treaty with the Soviet Union, which will The Soviet Union also got involved."

  Makins thought along this line of thought and sucked in a breath of air, "In this way, border conflicts will break out in several countries that may be involved."

   Once India-Pakistan, India, the Soviet Union, and each other follow this layout, border conflicts will be considered trivial, and larger-scale wars may break out.

   "So, fortunately, I'm not an American." Alan Wilson let out a white tooth and smiled especially gloomily. If he was someone of the same status in the United States, he would definitely plan according to this step.

   Even if there is no large-scale war between the countries involved, it will deepen the hostility between these countries, as long as you do this, you will make a lot of money.

  There is nothing to hide. If he were an American, he would definitely plan this way, he would not hesitate for even a second, and everything would be his lifelong goal of maintaining American hegemony. Put right and wrong first, only success and failure.

   But he is British, and American hegemony cares about him? The United States is too powerful, and it will only treat all countries as dogs, not to mention anything else. Did you take into account the feelings of the United Kingdom when it disrupted Hong Kong?

   Doesn't the United States know how many interests Hong Kong Britain has? As a result, the United States not only did it, but also had to let the United Kingdom support it with a smile.

   I don’t know if it was a psychological shadow caused by the empire on which the sun never sets when I was a child. Even if the United Kingdom is virtuous in the 21st century, the United States still needs to do some work from time to time. Alan Wilson didn't have a good pregnancy, so he could only guard against this suspicious ally all the time.

   "Let's see if the Soviet Union will take over." Alan Wilson smiled, the first Indo-Pakistani war was a famous confrontation between the US Navy and the Soviet Red Navy.

   Since the Cuban Missile Crisis, the theory of a nuclear war at sea was considered bankrupt. The Soviets found that submarines could not solve all problems, and since then they have been catching up. In the 1900s, after nearly ten years of construction, the Soviet Red Navy began to look for a place to test its construction results.

Markins opened his mouth wide, more exaggerated than he saw the little mistress's carcass, "Allen, the Soviet Red Navy dared to confront the US Navy, and everyone has seen the result of the Cuban missile crisis. Even though the construction of these years has been very fruitful, Can the Soviets fight at sea? They are inexperienced."

   "Respected Executive Secretary, the Navy is the military service that best reflects combat experience and is bullshit."

Alan Wilson pouted, Markins is a permanent undersecretary of the Ministry of National Defense, and he is not professional at all, "The United States faced the Spanish fleet in the Spanish-American War. Spain has been a maritime power since the Armada period, and it has little combat experience. What? What was the result? The face of the empire on which the sun never sets has been thrown away."

In fact, the truth that can best reflect the fact that the ship is strong and the gun is sharp, it has to be the Sino-Japanese War. The period of the late Qing Dynasty can be said to be the fastest time since the emergence of human beings. The Opium War and the first industrial revolution have just ended, and I just want to accept A little foreign thought has not yet been digested, and the second industrial revolution has begun.

   The problem faced by people in the late Qing Dynasty was that, when the exam was approaching, they notified you that the teaching materials would be changed. The Beiyang Fleet's warships are in the era of rapid elimination. If the war started a year earlier, the strength of the Beiyang Fleet would still be higher than that of Japan, and the strength of the Japanese Navy would surpass that of the Beiyang Fleet a year later.

   The military that takes the most combat experience is the Army. No matter how powerful the recruitment of veterans and new recruits is, it will not change the result of an instant collapse.

After the Battle of Elsk, Germany lost its strategic offensive power. The Soviet army's counterattack speed, which had been attacked ten times by Stalin, was no slower than that of Germany's blitzkrieg, and the more they fought, the more successful they were. What is the result.

   Does the combat experience of the US Navy refer to the experience of catapulting the carrier in the safe waters in the face of a country that cannot build a navy at all? If this is the point, the United States is indeed very experienced.

In Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, Brezhnev is holding a supreme meeting. Also present is Marshal Gorshkov, commander-in-chief of the Soviet Navy. This supreme meeting is discussing the ongoing India-Pakistan war. Marshal Gorshkov is also present. Introduced the news that the United States has established a task force and is heading for the Bay of Bengal.

"There is no doubt that this is a kind of deterrence. The United States likes it like this. It sends a signal to tell others what it is going to do, hoping that others can retreat." KGB Chairman Andropov shook his head slightly, "Obviously the United States sent a The purpose of the task force is to hope that Indira Gandhi can stop the offensive, Comrade Brezhnev, this is the current situation."

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 1/2 of 2 Andropov handed the latest information to Brezhnev, and at the same time introduced to others, "Bangladesh is surrounded by Indian territory, and the Pakistani defenders are less than 100,000, so it is impossible to cover everything. In addition to the western defense line, the Pakistani defenders are still holding on, and the northern and eastern borders have been penetrated by the Indian attacking army. The Indian army has penetrated deep into East Pakistan, and the airborne brigade that landed near Dhaka is still fighting with the local defenders. ."

   "The airborne troops did not carry any heavy weapons, and the Pakistani defenders did not delay their annihilation until now, which also shows that the Pakistani defenders are not optimistic."

Brezhnev nodded as he listened, "It's useless to defend only one side. The Indian army's assault in the north and east still achieves its strategic goal. It can be confirmed that although the western offensive has encountered some obstacles, it can only be achieved. The effect of delaying the fall of the whole territory. Under such circumstances, Indira Gandhi will not stop the attack."

"Yes, that's what we judged as well." Andropov's conversation changed at this time, "The battlefield is actually not far from the British colony of Malaya, but judging from the intelligence in London, the United Kingdom is not interested in interfering in the situation in South Asia. Great, the British Foreign Office has stated several times that it is only willing to help in the subsequent reconstruction, but is unwilling to intervene in the current war."

Andropov misunderstood, saying that the United Kingdom did not act at all. Alan Wilson is asking if France has time. After all, although the area of ​​French India is not large, it still has 500 square kilometers, and France still has a consulate in it. As for the operation, shouldn't the banner of de Gaulle be held high to safeguard the glorious interests of France?

  Britain is all for the sake of France, but the French did not appreciate it and did not respond to the olive branch handed over by the British. This was unknown to Andropov.

   "But Indira Gandhi has asked, is the Soviet-Indian Friendship Treaty still valid?" Foreign Minister Gromyko said about the Indian side's reaction, and the strength of the 14th Task Force is huge. Although the Indian Navy has a Giant-class aircraft carrier sold by the United Kingdom, it is completely underwhelming in front of this task force.

   Now all India can rely on is the Soviet Union, which has just signed a treaty of friendship, and India cannot handle this task force.

   After Gromyko finished speaking, everyone's eyes fell on Brezhnev. The decision on whether to respond to the deterrent actions of the United States rests with this No. 1 figure who never speaks loudly.

"It doesn't matter who the differences between us and the Eastern comrades are more wrong. At this stage, the Soviet Union can't lose India, since the friendship treaty has been signed. The Soviet Union has to assume its obligations. I think this is also the purpose of Indira's inquiry. , told her that the Treaty of Friendship was still in force and that the Soviet Union's support for India was unwavering, which of course included the liberation of Bangladesh. UU Reading"

  Brezhnev made a decision in a slow but very firm tone, then looked at Marshal Gorshkov, commander-in-chief of the Soviet Navy, "Show the courage of the proletariat, my Marshal, do you have confidence?"

   "I believe that naval soldiers are definitely not lacking in courage." Marshal Gorshkov, commander-in-chief of the Red Navy, solemnly promised, "This time the Red Navy will never take a step back."

Later, Marshal Gorshkov, in the name of the commander of the Red Navy, played against the Jakarta-based Eighth Special Fleet to closely monitor the movements of the American task force. Once the American task force passed the Strait of Malacca, the Red Navy Eighth Special Forces would The fleet immediately followed.

   Then Marshal Gorshkov felt that the Eighth Special Squadron was not enough to confront the American fleet, and ordered the Pacific Fleet to transfer troops to the south to act together with the Eighth Squadron.

  The most important port in the Far East Primorsky Krai, because it is already the end of November, the port of Vladivostok has been frozen, and icebreakers are urgently opening a passage out of the port.

   Admiral Smirnov, commander of the Pacific Fleet, appeared at the port, watched the ships that were about to set sail, and instructed the commander of the fleet, Lopukhov, "It's up to you."

   Accompanied by the sound of the whistle, the newly formed Tenth Fleet ships sailed out of the port, and the floes that cut through the sea disappeared from people's sight.

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