British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1412: Sikkim is useful

Less than 100,000 defenders may seem like a lot, but defending more than 100,000 square kilometers of land is still far from enough. If Dongba is regarded as occupied, even if Yahya Khan is the head of the military, he will be doomed by then. The end is sad.

Now Yahya Khan hopes that the US task force passing through the Strait of Malacca can deter India. On the other hand, he has to gamble on his future.

Soon, Yahya Khan made a decision to call a military meeting to fight an all-out war with India. The situation might become more dangerous, but he had no choice.

The news of Pakistan's formal declaration of war on India spread across the world at the speed of light, and at the same time Pakistan launched an attack on India on the Western Front.

Later, Indira Gandhi broadcast to the nation, "Now this is an all-out war, not a war in Bengal, for which we have been waiting for a long time."

All over India, countless people took to the streets, holding up the portrait of Indira Gandhi to express their support for this war, and their patriotism was beyond words.

The Indian military's offensive on the western front will take a defensive position according to the previous plan, and wait until the eastern front has a result before turning around and returning to solve the problem on the western front.

"Isn't this very good? The Germans call the experts directly. India is not afraid of the problems that the Germans tried their best to avoid in the two world wars. What is a powerful country?" When discussing with Maggins, Alan Wilson said India's move expressed admiration.

Although he, the secretary-general of the cabinet, always blamed India, he still praised Indira Gandhi at this time. In fact, apart from choosing the wrong opponent in 1962, India is still a remarkable country. It's a pity, how can there be traffic in the decisive battle between India and Pakistan at the top of the Himalayas.

"At present, India's winning rate is still very high." Maggins also admitted that, in his view, India's victory is only a matter of time.

"The gateways around Dhaka are the four cities of Faridpur, Bogora, Mimensingh, and Chandpur. Once these four cities are conquered, the direction of the war in East Pakistan will become clear. Among them, India's North Road and East After Lu Cong started the war, the momentum was like a bamboo, and now there is good news on the western front, and India has already taken advantage of the Dongba battlefield."

"It seems that when India and Pakistan were partitioned, it was destined to have today's results." Makins sighed for a while, "But it's good, at least they will find something to do."

"Marshal Mountbatten actually doesn't like the partition plan of India and Pakistan." Alan Wilson must say something for his father-in-law at this time. This is really the result of the two major religions not wanting to be in one country.

The work that should be done in the UK has been done, and the peace that should be persuaded has been persuaded. The leaders of the two parties cannot reach an agreement, and no one can do anything about it.

Because of the large number of Bangladeshis in the army and the independence army formed by Bangladeshi exiles in India, although India encountered resistance in East Pakistan at the beginning, especially on the western border, the progress in the other two routes of India was poor. Said to be smooth, there is no difficulty in away games.

On the side of West Pakistan, which has already started fighting, India, as the defensive side, is also evenly matched with the offensive Pakistani army, and the side with the same level of numbers has an absolute advantage.

India now belongs to the side with ease. After Pakistan declared war, it did not change the overall disadvantage.

In order to knock on the door to Dhaka, the attacking Indian army, under the guidance of Bangladeshi guides, carried out a key attack on two fronts, of which the western front was the most important, and the western direction was divided into two combat areas, southwest and northwest. .

The southwestern combat area refers to the Kushtia, Jessore, Khulna, Faridpur and other areas south of the Dongba Ganga and west of the Jamuna River.

In this area, the warring parties mainly carry out offensive and defensive operations around Jessore, Khulna and Faridpur, the traffic artery leading to Dhaka. The Indian Army launched an offensive with the newly formed Second Army leading the Ninth Infantry Division and the Fourth Mountain Division in an attempt to capture Jessore in order to cut off the connection between Khulna and the defenders of Kushtiaba, and then capture the French army as appropriate. Ridpool, developing an attack in the direction of Dhaka.

Faridpur is an important town to be captured by the Indian army's largest investment in the Western Front. If it is captured here, the capital Dhaka will not feel threatened.

Street fighting is cruel, people seem to no longer know what pain is. What is death, you only know how to fight, and use blood and fire to avenge your comrades!

Maybe during the day, India will take advantage of its armor and personnel to occupy a block, and at night, the defenders will come out again and take it back again. Both sides were murderous, leaving countless corpses.

When the front lines have been glued together. It is no longer possible for India to use the original artillery tactics.

The leading troops had even entered the east of the city. After half of the city, there were people from their own side everywhere, and enemies everywhere. To bombard them at such a time would only cause their own people to suffer losses along with them.

The image of the Indian army as a benevolent and righteous division has not been maintained for long. There is no need for New Delhi to urge to adjust tactics. Commanders at all levels have made changes according to reality.

The Indian army has a large number of troops mainly composed of fellow villagers. According to the history of a certain big country, the Hunan Army and the Huai Army belong to this type of army formed by fellow villagers and relatives.

The Indian army has a large number of troops of this type, and they have encountered a lot of resistance, and their commanders can't explain it. The cannon was immediately used to plow the ground, and it was very effective.

The distant war made Allen Wilson very busy, and he spent a lot of time reading newspapers for a day, and then called Brest and told him, "The public opinion I want to see is that the Indian army's military discipline is corrupt, and the definition is rape. There are many cases, and the Pakistani defenders are more simple, they have massacred Bangladeshis."

I don't know if the military discipline of the Indian army can be on an equal footing with the Americans, but it is estimated that there is no problem. As for the report on Pakistan, it is certainly not slander.

If Alan Wilson remembers correctly, when Pakistan suppressed the Bangladeshi independence movement, there was a slogan that all problems would be solved by killing the upper class of three million Bangladeshis. This slogan was still widely circulated.

Before the surrender, the Pakistani defenders in Dhaka also bloodbathed the University of Dhaka until Pakistan was defeated. He didn't know if Pakistan killed three million people, but there must have been hundreds of thousands.

Although the British army has not yet been dispatched, British journalists have already appeared in the Indian army. There must be brave men under heavy rewards. There is no shortage of people who earn money by working hard in any era.

In adjusting public opinion, it must be implied that the two independent countries from the former colonies have degenerated into barbaric times after leaving the British rule. The United Kingdom is of course qualified to say that. As the army with the best military discipline during World War II, the British army is definitely not in vain.

In the curtain call battle of the Empire on which the sun never sets, although the British army's turn was relatively lonely, it was still graceful.

"The most important thing is that the British army finally had to step in to stop the widespread violation of human rights." Brest understood immediately that this was creating public opinion for the intervention.

"If we don't save them, who will save them? Count on the Americans, the Soviets, or the Chinese?" Just as Alan Wilson finished speaking, the phone on the desk rang, and it was a call from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

There is a saying that when Cao Cao arrived, it was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that conveyed the latest situation in Washington. Simply put, it was Kissinger who felt that his micromanagement was very common.

At the moment when India has the upper hand, the attitude of ignoring the United States makes the current government very uncomfortable. Kissinger has already stated that he has communicated with a certain big country. The US warship is heading to the Bay of Bengal. I have the advantage in the sea. The subtext is that I can defeat the Soviet Union there, don't be afraid.

Then he said that the United States has collected all the situation on the Sino-Soviet border by satellite, and some of the Soviet Union's arrangements can be seen clearly, as long as a certain major country needs it, it can provide it at any time. The subtext is that I can give you benefits, and you can make military alliances in the future.

Confidence has also been given, benefits have been mentioned, and then we have to talk about requirements: if a major country believes that the situation in the Indian subcontinent is a threat to its own security, if it wants to take action to protect its security, the United States will oppose other countries' irresponsible remarks.

"Well, all right!" Alan Wilson put down the microphone, and then let out a long breath.

Seeing this situation, Brest asked, "Secretary-General, who's calling!" Why did Supreme Authority have such an expression after answering the phone.

"I just find it funny." Alan Wilson explained the operation of Kissinger's Chang Gong's possession, and then pouted, "Just pretend that you don't know about Himalayas are closed. I'll go down I met Kissinger for the first time and suggested that he go on a trip at the end of the year to see if he can achieve what he said."

Kissinger's proposal is so nonsense, who can interfere at this time of year? If there is someone, it has to be me, Daying. The two transport planes are staying in Nepal, and now they are waiting for Sikkim to ask for help.

Anyway, now I have to go to Monroe to criticize the United States, I have to make Monroe feel ashamed, and I have to blush.

"Why are the armies of these countries like this?" Monroe is actually very concerned about current affairs. She was very concerned about it when she was in the United States. Seeing reports that the Indian and Pakistani troops have committed war crimes, she can't see it.

"Actually, the armies of most countries are really like this." Alan Wilson put his arms around Monroe's smooth body, not forgetting to set up a character for himself, "I'm also trying to stop it, but I don't have a clue yet." Many facts show that men dare to say anything in front of women, and he despised Kissinger only during the day.

As a result, the two rockets do not know the north, south, east, and west, and they have already shown an attitude of competing for this year's Nobel Peace Prize.

There is no idea to stop it yet, but there is already a clue to act as if to stop it. Now he only needs his good friend Sikkim King Palden Dundup Namgal to make a public appeal.

When Myanmar hoped that Britain would find a way to stop the refugees, Britain did not respond. When the United States hoped that Britain would help intercept the Soviet Red Navy, Britain did not respond. This time, the King of Sikkim once again issued an appeal, and Britain will respond.

"It's very simple. We should highlight the presence of the UK." Alan Wilson introduced the situation in Sikkim at No. 10 Downing Street. Isn't this nonsense? He saved it himself. Facts have proved that saving Sikkim is really useful.

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