British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1413: subtle bay of bengal

"What is the direction of the India-Pakistan war now?" Defense Secretary Dennis Healey asked. He was just a minister, and he couldn't find the latest information by himself. The information had to be collected by civil servants before it returned to him.

"The land aspect is still the previous trend. If there is anything that stands out, it is that the Indian Navy has performed well this time." Alan Wilson replied, "The aircraft carrier formation blocked the coast of East Pakistan in the Bay of Bengal and was very successful. .and the operation in the west was even more unexpected."

Alan Wilson briefed the prime minister and ministers on the latest situation just received.

The Indian Navy dispatched a special formation to Arabia. In addition to an oil tanker responsible for logistical support, there are two anti-submarine frigates and three small mosquito-class missile boats.

Their task is to use the relatively new SSN2 Styx anti-ship missiles of the Soviet Union to directly attack the port of Karachi, where the main force of the Pakistani navy is located. This new type of naval warfare weapon purchased from the Soviet Union, the Indians will not only use it to attack ships in the port, but also prepare to bombard the oil depot in the port of Karachi.

Controversy over the ability of anti-ship missiles to target and attack land targets is still huge. Even the Soviet Union, the design and production country, never thought of a similar attempt.

But the Indians were determined to give it a try and launched the "Trident" combat operation. The formation was deployed at a distance of 400 kilometers from the enemy's coast throughout the day, thereby avoiding the eyes and ears of Pakistan Air Force aircraft.

It was not until night fell for a long time that the ship began to rush for 300 kilometers, approaching Karachi port from the south without anyone noticing.

But at this time, the radar on the ship suddenly discovered a suspected enemy target. After confirming that it should be a patrol warship of the Pakistan Navy, a Mosquito turned to the northwest and fired an ssn2 anti-ship missile.

The Pakistani warship that was attacked, the air defense radar on the ship did find the incoming missile, but it was mistaken for an attack launched by the Indian Air Force. As the ship's main guns and anti-aircraft guns failed to intercept, the huge Styx crashed directly into the right side of the hull. The ensuing explosion also destroyed the ship's power system, causing it to lose power immediately.

The communicator on board sent a distress signal in a panic, not only reporting the wrong location, but also continuing to attribute the attack to the Indian Air Force aircraft. Before the rescue team of the Pakistan Navy found them, the Indians fired a second ssn2 missile and sent it completely to the bottom of the sea.

After creating epoch-making victories with small gains, this Indian naval formation, which is not considered strong at all, decided to pursue the victory and continue to expand the victories.

The Indian naval formation moved closer to the port of Karachi. The second Mosquito-class speedboat moved forward to attack the new target they found.

That was the freighter Venus Challenger, which transported weapons and ammunition for the Pakistan Navy, and the destroyer INS Rajahan, which escorted it. The former had a big explosion after being concentrated by a Styx, and quickly sank into the water. The latter also struggled to stay afloat after losing power after being hit by one of these missiles.

The two missile boats, which were already considered outstanding, stopped at 20 kilometers off the coast of Karachi for the final attack, and fired the remaining two ssn2 missiles at the oil depot that the radar had barely locked on to.

The first of them missed the target quickly, but the second successfully hit the oil depot. The ensuing explosion destroyed the entire oil depot, and a large amount of fuel for the Pakistan Navy was declared reimbursed. The fire and thick smoke flew far away, and the officers and soldiers of the Indian Navy who had not left could see it.

After successfully attacking the oil depot, the Indian Navy raid formation has retreated from the enemy's waters. Before leaving, the third Mosquito-class attacked a minesweeper detected by radar. With just one missile, the Indians sent her into the water. Due to the speed of the sinking, the communicators on the ship did not even have time to send a distress telegram.

So far, the formation of three missile boats carrying anti-ship missiles has achieved two destroyers, one minesweeper, one transport ship, and a large oil depot on the shore.

In this era, the Middle East War broke out when Israel was first established. This time, there was no Suez Canal War, Britain and France led Israel to level up, causing Israel to stay in the memory of the war that did not have the upper hand when it was first established. Therefore, the Middle East War Egyptian Navy There is no such case of sinking an Israeli destroyer.

The free world still thinks that the Soviet Union, which built missile boats, is just a poor country's navy. As for the batch of missile boats manufactured by the UK sold to Egypt, they are nothing more than bells and whistles to fool Egypt. Isn't it just a catamaran? The shipbuilding country can't build it ?

"There is such a big result? Is it the battle report announced by India? Is it the result of the manipulation of public opinion?" Defense Minister Dennis Healy was taken aback. How can naval battles be fought like this?

I have to say that the Indian Navy's brains are wide open, and it has achieved such great results against its old enemy. It can be described as amazing, and even the British Secretary of Defense could not believe it.

"I think the Americans will confirm the news." Alan Wilson replied that the US task force had crossed the Strait of Malacca and arrived in the Bay of Bengal. Two guided-missile destroyers, four guided-missile frigates, and submarines did not surface. The Malaya British army detected the signal, but it was impossible to determine how many were below.

As for the Soviet fleet that has already crossed the Tsushima Strait, the fleet is mainly composed of three guided missile destroyers. I believe that the US base in Okinawa should know what is going on and where it is.

At this time, the Soviet fleet has realized the missileization of its main weapons, and is fully capable of sinking or severely damaging the US aircraft carrier in the first place.

I don't know if Washington has noticed that India's battle report has been announced. The Styx is the first generation of anti-ship missiles of the Soviet Union. The anti-ship missiles carried by the Soviet Red Navy are no longer of this type.

The area of ​​the Bay of Bengal cannot be said to be small, but it is actually not a very ideal site for an aircraft carrier formation, but it is very suitable for the Soviet missile fleet.

The prime minister and the two cabinet ministers were still immersed in the small and big achievements of the missile boats. Patrick, the foreign minister, suddenly asked, "Sir, Pamela's shipyard seems to build missile boats, and they have sold a lot of them to Egypt. With this Let's go."

"Yes, my dear minister, the navies of poor countries are often ridiculed by others." Alan Wilson said that he wanted to pretend but had to restrain himself. After this India-Pakistan war, he believed that the sales of missile boats would be destroyed. Open quite a bit.

Of course, he understood the meaning of Foreign Secretary Patrick's question, and replied directly, "The Malaya fleet is indeed a little behind, but there is absolutely no problem with it, and that is the fleet's protection. After all, battleships rely entirely on armor protection. "

My Great Britain is still remarkable at present, and it is by no means that there will be more generals than tanks in future generations. In fact, although many people say that Russia is seriously corrupt, it is not certain how much military spending will be implemented decades later.

But if you look at the three countries of Britain, France and Germany, you must know that the military expenditures of these three countries are actually on the same level as Russia. Looking at the military size of the top three in Europe, corrupt Russia has raised nearly one million troops and hundreds of third-generation aircraft. , several thousand tanks and six thousand nuclear bombs.

And the military spending of the same scale by the top three in Europe is completely unknown. If we say that the US military spending of 800 billion US dollars can still be said to be millions of dollars. The military expenditures of Britain, France and Germany do not know where to go.

New aircraft in service? Launching a warship? Anyway, Greece raised an army of the same size and spent 6 billion U.S. dollars in military expenditure. If Greece wants to spend 60 billion U.S. dollars in military spending, it can't hang Turkey up and beat it?

This kind of situation just goes unnoticed under the dazzling brilliance of the 800 billion U.S. military expenditure, and the U.S. military industry can still produce something.

After this raid, half of the fuel in the Karachi area was wiped out. Not only is it difficult for the navy's ships to be dispatched, but even the air force planes at the nearby airport are also short of fuel. Coupled with the huge loss of the port itself, Pakistan's foreign trade has also been greatly Indian Navy took the opportunity to control the entire coast of Pakistan, and stipulated that all merchant ships must pass a self-fortified route to enter the port of Karachi .

Regarding the use of two strategic transport planes to land in Sikkim, the cabinet is not without disagreements. Faced with this issue, Alan Wilson explained that now that Pakistan and India have officially declared war, the route from West Pakistan to Nepal is no longer safe. , which means that the two strategic transport planes and the soldiers on them no longer have the possibility of returning safely.

On the contrary, the Nepalese border is still safe. It cannot be said that arriving in Sikkim is completely safe, but the success rate is still quite high.

While discussing on the British side, Washington also received an intelligence analysis of this new naval battle and knew the cause and effect.

For a while, the atmosphere in the White House was very delicate. It was shocking that the three missile boats beat the Pakistani navy to the point of leaving the port. If it was normal, this would become a research topic for the Pentagon, but at this time there was a Such a case?

We must know that the US task force has entered the Bay of Bengal, and behind the task force is the Eighth Squadron of the Soviet Red Navy. India can use missile boats to clean up the Pakistani navy. Could it be that the guided missile cruisers and guided missile destroyers behind the task force Just a little threat? How is this possible.

When the Pentagon conveyed this news to Task Force 74 in the Bay of Bengal, the command of the entire task force fell silent. The calm sea is no longer relaxing. Not only them, but also the Soviet Red Navy who also received the news are also full of thoughts.

For a while, the navies belonging to the two most powerful countries in the world faced each other in the Bay of Bengal, as if the atmosphere in the entire Bay of Bengal was extremely delicate.

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