British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1419: US-Tin Establishment of Diplomatic Relations

"Sikkim wants to use diplomatic channels to get in touch with the United States? No problem, the king is my friend. You must pay attention to the news in Dhaka, and never send out news that is not in the national interest." Alan Wilson hung up after finishing speaking Telephone.

Anna glanced at the man who quickly hung up the phone, and a gleam flashed in her eyes, "What? Don't you believe me even today?"

"Honey, where did you say it?" Alan Wilson replied with a smile, "I just don't want the war to destroy the Christmas atmosphere between us, there is absolutely no other meaning."

In fact, there is nothing to say. Both the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom support India, but the strength of support is different. The Soviet Union is more straightforward, while the United Kingdom is more reserved.

After all, the United States supports Pakistan, and the fact that the United States supports Pakistan is not the result of a collective will, but the decision of a small group of people.

Don't look at the United States aggressively and quickly formed the 74th Task Force, but American public opinion, Congress and civil servants are more inclined to India. In fact, it is very simple. Compared with Pakistan, India is of course a more valuable party, which can be judged by individuals.

It is not a certain big country that has already fought India once. From the standpoint of the United States, there is no need to be hostile to India.

At this time, serious division broke out in the White House system, Congress, and civil service system in the United States. The domestic public opinion, Congress, and civil service system in the United States basically supported India, while the White House and the foreign affairs department under the leadership of Kissinger strongly supported Pakistan. In the rebellion, there are three people who specifically support Pakistan, President Nixon, Kissinger and Bush Sr.

Being hostile to India is not the consensus of American political circles, but purely a decision of a small circle. Alan Wilson used history as a mirror to know that Kissinger was not a shady old fox in the early days of politics. Especially the decision-making during the third India-Pakistan war, properly a Chang Gong.

Therefore, the Sikkim card has become extremely valuable until now. Whether it is Nixon, Kissinger, or Bush Sr., facing the embarrassment of the 74th Task Force, and the possibility that India may completely collapse Every attack on the Soviet Union must draw a card.

It just so happened that the Queen of Sikkim was an American, and she sent a plea for help, bringing Sikkim, which has a very strategic position, within the sight of Washington, and this was the moment for this small group of messed up people to save face. The Siliguri corridor is so narrow that once Sikkim is within sight, it will immediately reflect its value.

There is no need for Anna to know these words, but Anna is still entangled, "It's been so long, you are so stingy, I have two children."

"It's really not what you think. Both the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom support India. At least we have a common position on South Asian affairs. We must always give the United States a step down, right?" Alan Wilson comforted the unhappy little dragoons, "Did you know there was a massacre in Dhaka?"

Seeing Anna shaking his head, Allen Wilson said in a low voice, "When the US military appears in Sikkim, we will send out the news of the Dhaka massacre. At that time, countries that support Pakistan may be embarrassed. It is a pity that the Himalayas are under lockdown. If it is not the season of closing mountains, the embarrassment is not limited to the United States."

As soon as the news of the Dhaka massacre came out, it was embarrassing, of course, that there was a country that had taken a stand with the United States in support of Pakistan, a country that was higher than the sky and deeper than the sea and could not be said more.

It's a pity that the heavy snow blocked the mountains and let them hide. Alan Wilson actually welcomed the act of resolute support against the massacre of civilians by the Pakistani army, and criticized colonialism if he had nothing to do.

A day later, holding the news that the Queen of Sikkim called for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Sikkim, Alan Wilson came to Whitehall, and then wrote a list of paper, and then called Wick to send it to Kuala Lumpur, "Give it to Ellie It is not a burden for Sha to go to apportionment, but can alms be a burden? Given the current situation in Bangladesh that has been reduced to ruins, what is a donation?".

What Wick received was the apportionment list written by the Supreme Authority. The sugar king donated some sugar, the oil refining king donated some palm oil, and the instant noodle king donated some instant noodles. Lose together.

Of course, the British and Malaysian colonial governments took care of the big items by themselves, and just poured out some old rice from the granary.

It's all labeled like this, and is it expired? Bengalis should not be so ignorant of good and evil. As for the broader call for donations from Malayan subjects, Alisa can make her own decisions.

Calling a colony to donate money and materials is definitely not a difficult task, because the situation in Bangladesh is really miserable now. Pakistan’s continuous suppression for almost a year has caused millions of casualties. Scraping Bangladesh once, the Bangladeshis are almost eating dirt.

Such a miserable place, especially compared with Malaya, the pearl of Asia, is enough to arouse the sympathy of the subjects of Malaya.

In fact, in places with good economic development, it is easy to breed this kind of cheap sympathy. It is not necessarily true that the subjects of Malaya are extraordinarily kind, and they do not know Bangladeshi people well. Stray dogs feel almost pitiful.

If the Bengali people live a particularly good life and still compete with Malaya in the industry, maybe the subjects of Malaya will set off firecrackers to celebrate this war after hearing about it.

The supreme authority is definitely not just taking advantage of the opportunity to pluck the wool. Malaya has missions for Malaya. Doesn’t the British mainland have no missions?

Of course there are, for example, considering that there are 60 million Bangladeshis, I don’t know if there will be any after this war, but Alan Wilson will take it as his own. His current job is to prepare to chat with the Prime Minister and print 60 million pounds. thing.

Just when the cabinet secretary was going to talk to the prime minister about the specific operation of quantitative easing, the life-saving straw from Sikkim arrived at the loyal Washington from the Bay of Bengal, across the Suez Canal, and along the warm North Atlantic current. Singer knew.

Of course it sounds good to say against all opinions, but this time the decision to support Pakistan is really a decision made after discussions among small circles. As a result, the task force formed now is an existing fleet in the Bay of Bengal, paying attention to the Indian army's sweep of East Pakistan.

This embarrassing situation has become synonymous with blind and barren operations against all opinions, which makes the group that has been criticized for supporting Pakistan question Kissinger himself and President Nixon behind him.

It can be said that since the beginning of the India-Pakistan war, Kissinger did not sleep well, and the war was completely moving towards the side he did not want to see.

The appeal of the Queen of Sikkim at this time came at the right time, not to mention the fact that there is a small country in Sikkim that is afraid of the behemoths around it. The queen is an American, and the government certainly believes in the Americans.

Kissinger, holding a life-saving straw, left and came to the White House, explaining the latest situation to President Nixon, "Hope Cook is an American citizen, and we currently have no diplomatic relations with Sikkim. Obviously, India is extremely important to this geographical location." Small countries have ambitions, and India should learn a lesson by ignoring our diplomatic efforts this time and taking actions that undermine the regional balance."

This scene was within the expectations of Alan Wilson, who was preparing to print money. Although he did not witness it with his own eyes, Kissinger's performance at this time did verify his judgment.

When India, supported by the Soviet Union, won the victory, the United States always had to win a round. How important is the position of Sikkim, and the queen is still an American citizen.

"British public opinion is also discussing this matter fiercely. There are mainly two types. They think that Sikkim is a country with traditional British influence and has a very strategic position, but they hope that the United States will assist them. It is a CIA agent, and this is a conspiracy by the United States to penetrate into areas of traditional British influence this time."

Now there is no other way. In fact, Kissinger was very wronged. The United States suffered setbacks in the Vietnam War and urgently needed to improve relations with a certain big country. Pakistan has a good relationship with a certain big country, which is the bridge for this.

But at this time, there was civil strife in Pakistan, and from the perspective of the United States, Pakistan could not be abandoned at this time.

But the key point is that Kissinger visited secretly. Except for being discovered by a cabinet secretary in London, it can be said to be extremely confidential. How is it possible for civil servants in Congress and the executive branch to know about this?

Of course, too many people should not know about the black-box operation. Most people who don't know the inside story are opposed to the hostility between the United States and India, but the United States frightens India.

Nixon remained Now it is obviously a multiple-choice question. The decision to improve relations and poach the corners of the Soviet Union has been implemented, so we can only continue.

"Establish diplomatic relations with Sikkim, and send C-5 transport planes to transport the sea chrysanthemum marines to take off from Thailand to Sikkim. This matter must be informed to relevant countries. You can arrange the establishment of diplomatic relations with Sikkim. After that, let the task force leave the Bay of Bengal. Issue a statement that the United States will Will keep West Pakistan safe and bring New Delhi to an immediate end to the war."

Soon, the C-5 transport plane at the Thai military base took the hastily designated diplomats and a team of marines and flew towards the small country of Sikkim at the southern foot of the Himalayas.

At this time, Bangladesh has ceased fire across the board, and the Pakistani army is surrendering to the attacking Indian army. India, which is in ecstasy across the country, does not know the latest actions of the United States.

The United States immediately exerted diplomatic pressure on India, which had already won the Battle of East Pakistan, through diplomatic channels, urging India to immediately cease fire and stop the war immediately.

Sikkim has an airport built by the UK before, which can allow the UK's strategic transport planes to land, so of course the US has no problem. On this day, in addition to the Union Jack, the Stars and Stripes appeared in Sikkim.

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