British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1420: human rights over sovereignty

Palden put his hands on his waist, never seeming to feel so confident, "Isn't this a small blessing for the British High Commissioner, the American Ambassador, the two great powers to serve me alone?"

In the Sikkim Palace, the Union Jack and the Star-Spangled Banner on both sides complement each other. David tidyed up his clothes and waved to Mason, the US ambassador who had just been promoted quickly, holding hands on behalf of the two countries.

"It's a small country with beautiful scenery." Mason has a good impression of Sikkim, and it is not so simple to go from a diplomat to an ambassador. In addition to the most important contacts, a series of coincidences are needed, and it is obvious that Sikkim helped him complete this crucial step.

"It's still a very important small country." David followed the words and said, "Some countries have strategic value even if they are small in size."

Hearing this sentence, the two laughed at the same time, and they were tacitly aware of the value of Sikkim. Even if there was an American soldier in Sikkim, the fragile Siliguri Corridor would be threatened.

At this time, Sikkim, with a population of only 100,000, had one company of British airborne troops and one company of US Marines. Although the total number was only a few hundred, it represented two countries that India could not face.

The news of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Sikkim can be regarded as a wake-up call for India, who is complacent. The fragile India in the Siliguri Corridor is not ignorant, but the black-box operation of the British before they left has caused India to lose its interest in Sikkim and Bhutan. The starting point is to infiltrate the three Himalayan kingdoms, but they are always unable to do so, and now the Americans have also come in.

All of a sudden, the victory over the old enemy Pakistan was diluted a lot. India's troubles are Indians' business, and in London, Alan Wilson has his own business, and he has Commonwealth Secretary General John Hunt and the cabinet by his side. Deputy Secretary Burke Trend.

Burke Trend had a very delicate relationship with Alan Wilson earlier. After all, Alan Wilson almost stepped on his head and sat in the position of supreme authority, which no one could accept for a while.

However, since Burke Trend's tens of billions of pounds of British Prosperity Fund, the relationship between the two has improved, and they have worked together to maintain the unity of Whitehall. Only when Whitehall is united will the United Kingdom be better.

Handing each of them a Cuban cigar, Alan Wilson said slowly, "This time, the Bengalis have suffered greatly, and the whole of Bangladesh has been in ruins. There may even be a famine. Of course, Bangladesh is always in ruins. There is a famine."

The reason why there is always famine in Bengal is because the Greater Bengal region, which includes Calcutta, is the core of British India's rule.

Although the two had never worked in British India, they had heard about it, and they heard Alan Wilson continue, "John, the tragic nature of this war should be widely publicized from the Commonwealth of Nations. And this is also a good opportunity for local The shortfall must be filled immediately, I gave my colleagues the opportunity to make up for their mistakes, and I ignored my warnings, but Fiji is a high commissioner to see who is willing to run for the country."

"It's just that telegrams won't work. You should find someone to go there." John Hunter shook his head slightly. "Otherwise, those high commissioners might really ignore our words."

"How about Wick, let him go and explain things face-to-face." Burke Trend took the initiative to say goodbye, "Secretary-General has always been very optimistic about Wick, and asked him to meet with high commissioners from all over the world. Explain things clearly, how much the materials donated to Bangladesh are worth, it is not how much we say.”

"You must know that the consumption of 60 million people is very terrifying. Who will check? They can't find out anything."

John Hunter also agreed, "When the accounts are settled everywhere, colleagues can go into battle lightly. In the future, I will do my best to benefit the society. Otherwise, it will always be a hidden danger, and it will not be good to arouse the vigilance of the cabinet. Send someone to check the account."

"You can't check all of them, in case something is found out." Alan Wilson nodded and gave the core policy of this donation, "The previous things are considered to have never happened, but we can't let them go. Go on like this. It's our money, they take two million and Whitehall one million and we thank them?"

John Hunter and Dean Rusk were also outraged, and the past was revealed, but from now on, it is really time to take care of those colleagues overseas.

"Wick, bring the documents of the Dhaka massacre. John and Burke are also there, and just want to meet you." Alan Wilson took the phone and pressed the Cuban cigar with the other hand.

The Commonwealth is not all newly independent countries that are still controlled by colleagues or occupy a lot of influence, but also rich countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and horses that are not independent, but are obviously proud of their chests in the region. Come to Asia, Middle East emirates.

Now that the world war has been fought twice, the United Kingdom naturally cannot do what it used to be. With a single order, a quarter of the world will follow the British command to fight wherever. tried.

To put it simply, the United Kingdom is ready to pay 60 million to the Bangladeshi labor force that is running around to fill their stomachs, but does not want to pay any cost, except for the delaru company to print money.

What can be done then? It can only be hard for the common people of the Commonwealth to suffer, and it can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

A few minutes later, Wick brought the documents of the Dhaka massacre and the intelligence about the U.S. landing in Sikkim. Alan Wilson was very satisfied, "John and Burke have something to tell you, I'm going to the Prime Minister."

At this time, the Prime Minister should be after dinner. After arriving, the political secretary, Maria Fakender, was also there, which was really unexpected.

"Secretary-General, you're here, then I'll go out first." Maria Falkend said that she was about to leave the Prime Minister's office.

"There's no need, Maria. It's an open and honest business." Alan Wilson shook his head, and then reported with a document report, "The war in East Pakistan is over, and it can be concluded that this India-Pakistan war is generally over, and now There is an intelligence that there was a massacre in Dhaka, and the University of Dhaka was slaughtered by the Pakistani defenders, but now the Pakistani defenders have surrendered. According to common sense, the peace religion groups supporting Pakistan should now be **** revenge by the Bangladeshis. "

"When did this happen?" Maria Falkend raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why didn't we get any news at all."

"It's not that they didn't get the news, it's that the reporters reporting need to take into account the overall situation. The interests of the country are taken into consideration."

Alan Wilson smiled and said, "I suppressed this report, but now that the United States has parachuted into Sikkim, we have provided the United States with a step down, and now it is time to handle our own affairs."

"Alan, you blocked the news of the massacre at Dhaka University, which is suppressing public opinion." Harold Wilson lowered his voice, as if to remind the seriousness of the matter.

"It's appropriate to steer the news in favor of the country, and we've done the same with Ireland."

Alan Wilson replied flatly, "Based on discussions with our colleagues in the Treasury Department, we talked about specific operations to save the Bangladeshis, and now it seems that there may be a window period in the next few days, if this window period occurs. We can carry out."

"Suppressing news reports, is this worthy of your conscience?" Maria Fakender frowned, deeply shocked by the actions of the cabinet secretary.

"Why should I show off my conscience at this critical moment? Maria, in 1947, I suppressed reports of the Great Famine in India. If I reported the tragedy in British India at that time, it would be difficult for us to replace the British An Indian-valued plan is not good, without that money the UK will likely have to lose more in the face of US debt collection."

Alan Wilson downplayed it, and said in a succinct tone, "What's more, the suffering of the Bangladeshis this time was not caused by the British. The Bangladeshis are looking for the murderer and the Pakistanis. If not enough, there is India who launched the attack. Expand a little bit to find the two permanent members who support Pakistan, and you can't find us anyway."

"After the signing of a good treaty between the Soviet Union and India, we found that there was a problem with the circulation of sterling in India, so we are ready to teach India a lesson in due course."

Alan Wilson provided intelligence on the settlement of bilateral trade in rubles and rupees, a landmark step in India's deep embedding into the Soviet economic system. In other words, India violated Nehru's promise that post-independence Indian trade should be settled in sterling.

"There is such a thing." Harold Wilson was shocked. After all, it was only four months since the Indus River Soviet Union signed a friendship treaty, and many things are still unclear.

Part of the Prime Minister's surprise was because Whitehall noticed the problem so quickly, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com and he, the Prime Minister, doesn't know anything.

"We just discovered it. If London doesn't find it all the time? Maybe it will be despised by New Delhi? Just as the previous discussion, the United Kingdom has already made preparations to intervene in the India-Pakistan war. Prime Minister."

Alan Wilson expressed respect for democracy and then gave an excuse to intervene, "The British Empire must be responsible for the humanitarian disasters in the former colonies, whether it was the slaughter of Bengalis in Pakistan or the subsequent destruction of Bangladesh by the Indian Army, all local Man has brought prudent suffering, human rights outweigh sovereignty, and the British army must step in immediately."

"During the process of intervention, to call on the Commonwealth to pay attention to the suffering of Bangladesh, and to call for a fund-raising operation, it is best to reduce the cost of British intervention. Of course, all the costs of this kind of cost will eventually be returned by the Bangladeshis, which cannot be compromise."


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