British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1421: standoff over

"Can you allocate 60 million pounds?" Harold Wilson's reluctance was almost written on his face. After the war, Britain did not print money, but compared with the United States, it was still very restrained.

Moreover, when printing money, it can be said that the cabinet secretaries are all there, and when it comes to printing money, Whitehall is often in the position of opponents. Of course, this objection is mainly opposed to printing money in the country.

Whitehall has never opposed printing money in the colonies. What is quantitative easing in a word?

In the eyes of Harold Wilson, this should be the first time that Whitehall offered to print money during his tenure, and then give it to an already independent place?

"Prime Minister, the Bretton Woods system has already existed in name only. Although its framework is still there, it cannot be exchanged for gold and is still denominated in gold?" Alan Wilson paused and explained, "In the future, whether it is the British pound or the dollar, it will be sovereign. Credit currency, not gold. We don’t have to worry about printing more money, and someone will come to the UK to exchange gold with pounds.”

For the U.S. dollar, only the shackles are smashed, but the whole world is obtained, but the pound is also an international currency. Even if the pound cannot get the whole world, it is better to get a part of the world.

"The current currency in Bangladesh, the Pakistani rupee, will fall to the bottom of the bottom after this war. If nothing else, countries like India do not recognize the opportunities here. But we can recognize that the Pakistani rupee will fall to the bottom. It could be one to fifty, or one to five thousand.”

Alan Wilson said eloquently, "Maybe Bangladesh will also use a new currency. As long as there is a British army landing, it is not necessary for us to reorganize the financial order of Bangladesh. We decide the currency value of this new country with a population of 60 million. And Bangladesh The role of Pakistan is an export base, and West Pakistan only imports, which is also the reason for the long-term dissatisfaction of the Bangladeshis. Now the reason for the collapse of the Bangladeshi currency is because of this India-Pakistan war, even the Bangladeshis themselves will not be concerned about it. Doubt, we stepped in like an angel and pulled the youngest independent nation out of the quagmire."

As long as the 60 million pounds are exchanged in Bangladesh, the value of the money in the UK can be exchanged in an instant. Of course, this depends on the operation of British financial talents.

This kind of thing happened more than once at the end of the Cold War. The Federal Republic of Germany swallowed up the GDR, saying that it took out a lot of taxes, but in exchange for the wealth of the entire country of the GDR. As for the collapse of the entire Russian ruble, the exchange rate with the US dollar has been 5,000 to 1, which makes Russians still remember the consequences of integrating into the West.

"Bangladesh people are not at a disadvantage. Ten years ago, we implemented the real estate development plan in Africa. We exchanged a colonial capital with a passing look for the consolidation and circulation of the sterling area. The effect is very good. If you copy it once now, it will be even better Experience, and Malaya is not far from Bangladesh, it has this condition.”

Maria Falkende never left, listening to the gushing of the cabinet secretary, if not the entire Whitehall head was here, explaining a series of operations after the war with a sincere attitude. She couldn't imagine how this loop-by-loop operation came out.

The reason for the intervention is that human rights are greater than sovereignty, and in terms of interests, it can bring 60 million people in Bangladesh back into the pound area, and demonstrate the British care for the former colony and restore its influence.

Now India is obviously more inclined towards the Soviet Union. The settlement of the ruble against the rupee is just digging a corner of the UK. This move can also be said to be revenge against India.

Now we need an excuse for public opinion to support the government's decision-making. The excuse has already been placed in front of the Prime Minister. The Dhaka University massacre, the UK can intervene.

"The US Navy and the Soviet Red Navy are still facing off in the Bay of Bengal!" Harold Wilson was a little embarrassed, and the Bay of Bengal is still crowded.

"The Pakistan war is over, but the Pakistani government has not officially recognized it, but that's just two days."

Alan Wilson said, "The United States is definitely thinking about leaving. The United States is leaving. From my understanding of the Soviet Union, it will track the American task force for a while. This fleeting time difference, we can use it, Andaman. Military installations in the archipelago and Malaya can do that.”

This is by no means just rhetoric. Lao Maozi is like this in this country. When he is benevolent and righteous, he is especially benevolent and righteous, and when he is domineering, he is especially domineering.

In history, after the standoff in the Bay of Bengal ended, the US task force evacuated, and the Soviet Red Navy followed to the Philippines. It was determined that the US task force would not return, and the Soviet Red Navy left.

"Then what does the government need to do?" Harold Wilson was also eager to give it a try. Only by frequent contact can he feel the precise judgment of the head of Whitehall, especially the direction of this India-Pakistan war. Now that we say If you can intervene, you should be fine.

"The prime minister needs to express his sympathy for the tragic situation in Bangladesh at that time, and finally, with the support of public opinion, he has to take action. As for the preparations, leave it to me." Alan Wilson patted his chest and promised.

Now that the Prime Minister has agreed, Alan Wilson can't continue to disturb him. He waited until he left Maria Falkend before speaking, "I usually only heard the Prime Minister talking about the work of the Secretary-General, but now it seems that he is indeed a terrible person. Not just in the support of the Mountbatten family. He was very intimidating himself."

"When it comes to the Mountbatten family, some people say that Pamela Mountbatten found the key to wealth after marrying him." Harold Wilson couldn't help laughing, "Of course I don't believe in this kind of god-like thing. The guess of the will, is it like the astrology of some countries says that the combination of the two changes the fortune."

When the Prime Minister and the Political Secretary were discussing the fortune-telling, Alan Wilson had already returned to Whitehall, explaining the Prime Minister's approval and arranging the work of guiding public opinion.

Wick also expressed his desire to make progress. Under the persuasion of the other two giants, he decided to go on a business trip to talk to high commissioners from all over the world.

All this has little to do with Alan Wilson. He drew four cards from his pocket and randomly drew the Queen of Spades, "Go to Hepburn today."

"The most famous university established by the United Kingdom in South Asia has been destroyed after this massacre. It is unimaginable that such atrocities will appear in modern society..." On the TV, the hostess's voice was sad and her eyes were tearful, broadcasting the University of Dhaka. The news of the massacre, the so-called blood and tears accusation is just like that.

"According to the latest opinion poll, 60 percent of citizens expressed sympathy for the tragedy, this time covering 3,000 opinion polls in 260 constituencies."

"It is gratifying that the first batch of materials donated by citizens has passed through the Suez Canal, hoping to help the troubled Bangladeshis."

"According to the latest report by our reporter in Malaya, business representatives from all walks of life in Malaya have made generous donations and donations..."

"Commonwealth Secretary-General Sir John Hunt said that some Commonwealth countries have expressed concern about this matter and are willing to help where they can."

At the end of the news broadcast about the current situation in Bangladesh, Hepburn fell on the man's shoulders and muttered, "It's really terrible, the war is really terrible."

"Okay, okay!" Reaching out and holding the ball in his arms, Alan Wilson comforted and sniffed the woman's hair softly, his face full of plans, "I've been paying attention to this matter to see if I can do something. . . I think at this moment, the vast majority of Britons are like me."

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there are still many things that British citizens can do. For example, underwear and socks that they don’t wear can be donated to Bangladeshis. It is not that the second-hand clothing trade does not exist.

Alan Wilson remembers that in his previous life, in the mid-1990s, second-hand clothes were also common in his hometown. According to rumors, they were ripped off from dead foreigners and sold in China, so many people were afraid to buy them. Two thousand years later, such rumors are rare in his hometown, at least.

Of course, this does not mean that this kind of trade does not exist. Knowing Wang also sanctioned African countries specifically because African countries resisted the import of such second-hand clothes.

This kind of trade looks low-end, but in fact it has a unique role. You must know that the first step in developing an industry is often the textile industry. The massive import of second-hand clothes is a drawback for countries that want to be sweatshops.

Even if the domestic market is small, when the textile industry was first developed, it was always supported by local people, and only then was export revenue. The domestic market is flooded with a large number of second-hand clothes. How can the textile industry be developed?

"I know you are busy for the country." Hepburn rubbed in his arms, expressing his sympathy for this man.

"Like a child." Alan Wilson kissed Hepburn lightly. To be honest, he didn't know how to treat her. She is so elegant, but also very nervous and excited.

Hepburn blushed like a little girl, unable to look into the man's eyes. Her shyness is amusing. He tried to imagine her in the wilderness, and nearly burst out laughing.

Hepburn looks fragile and delicate like beautiful porcelain, which can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be played with. No, she couldn't have survived in the wilderness, thank God this woman never had to take this test.

The Andaman Islands military base received an order to closely monitor the U.S.-Soviet fleet. This is a repeated order. This military base has been doing this all the time.

There is pressure from the United Nations, the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union in the Bay of Bengal, and after Indira Gandhi discussed with various departments, he felt that it was enough. This war in less than two months was enough for India to completely establish its advantage over its old enemy and occupy the Dongba, with 56% of the population, 40% of fiscal revenue and 60% of foreign exchange, will no longer exist, and will be replaced by an independent Bangladesh.

There is no need to fight the war anymore, because India has received warnings from the United States and its northern neighbors that it cannot destroy the integrity of West Pakistan, and has achieved the desired results. Indira Gandhi decided to let it go. Twelve On January 27, the Indian government announced a ceasefire on the Western Front, and if the Pakistani government is willing to restore peace, it will leave the state of war.

A few hours later, the Pakistani government expressed its acceptance of India's ceasefire proposal. This time the India-Pakistan war was over, and the result was a sigh of relief for the relevant countries.

The next day, knowing that India and Pakistan had ceased fire, the US 74th Task Force received an order from the Pentagon to withdraw from the Bay of Bengal.

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