British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1422: familiar royal navy

The current task of the Far East Joint Operations Command is to monitor the departure of the Soviet Red Navy and the U.S. Navy from the Bay of Bengal along the way, and report to Whitehall after crossing the Strait of Malacca.

In addition to reporting the end of the Indo-Pakistani war, the British mainland also devoted a part of their energy to reporting the end of the most dangerous confrontation after the Cuban missile crisis. Everything seemed to have nothing to do with the UK.

While Burma called on Britain to exert influence to stop refugees, London was playing dead, and when Sikkim called for mediation, Britain was courting India.

During the confrontation in the Bay of Bengal, the Royal Navy did not appear either. The United Kingdom was like an outsider from beginning to end, which also reassured the Soviet Union. On the contrary, the Americans who plunged into the Bay of Bengal were the opponents to be guarded against.

Now that the Indo-Pakistani war is over, and the most dangerous time has passed, the Red Navy is still keeping an eye on the most dangerous opponent.

It is expected that it will take some time for the US-Soviet fleet to leave the Strait of Malacca. During this time period, the United Kingdom will still have to play dead.

After some time, Alan Wilson called Singapore to communicate with Worthy, commander of the British Army in the Far East, and inquired about the combat readiness of the Royal Pacific Fleet. Including the battleship HMS Vanguard and the King George V class, a total of five battleships can go to sea at any time. Penang is still the home port of the Eagle-class aircraft carrier, but the two Centaur-class light aircraft carriers are in Hong Kong.

There are more than these battleships in Malaya, but the remaining three Queen Elizabeth-class battleships are still in a fog if they can go out to sea. There should be no problem in going out to sea.

A heavy aircraft carrier formation, a fleet of five battleships and auxiliary ships, plus the military bases in the Andaman Islands, I can't say how strong it is, but it is still no problem to deal with the Indian Navy.

The Royal Pacific Fleet is indeed incomparable with the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet. The warships in the establishment are all old warships that are not needed by the first two fleets. However, in addition to the United States and the Soviet Union, they can compete with the French Navy, not to mention Indian Navy.

Perth, Australia, the Ark Royal, another Eagle-class aircraft carrier, and the experimental guided-missile battleship Admiral Mountbatten. After the two discussed it, they believed that they would not need to use it, and the current strength was sufficient to complete the mission.

Even an aircraft carrier plus a formation of five battleships would have a total tonnage of 300,000 tons. Currently, the Brazilian Navy ranks tenth among the top ten navies in the world, with a total tonnage of 70,000 tons.

India is not in the top ten at all. Today's navy is the top five, the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France, and the fifth is Australia. Except for these five countries, the total tonnage from the sixth is less than 100,000 tons.

Don’t look at the remarkable performance of the Indian Navy this time, but in essence, the Pakistani Navy is too weak. Without the Soviet Red Navy, the task force sent by the United States can easily send the Indian Navy to the seabed. Although the Eagle-class aircraft carrier Not as big as the Enterprise, but the Andaman Islands itself is an unsinkable aircraft carrier.

Lieutenant General Worthy believed that it was not difficult to deal with the Indian Navy, but in Alan Wilson's instructions not to underestimate the enemy, he still said that he would be prepared to fight to prevent the situation that the gutter capsized.

Although the Indian Navy does not dare to compete with the Royal Navy in theory, it cannot really think according to the premise that the other party dares not.

"I heard that the Ganges River was mines before entering the sea. I don't know if the Indian Navy has cleaned it up. We can't ask New Delhi, otherwise it may cause India's vigilance." After hanging up the phone with Lieutenant General Worthy, Alan Wilson once again Called Alyssa's office, "Hurry up and pack a boat of tattered shoes and socks and go to the Bay of Bengal to see if the mines are clean."

The military base of the Vulcan Strategic Bomber Wing is in Australia, so there is no need to notify the Air Force. The aircraft is flying fast. When the action starts, the strategic bomber wing will be stationed in the Andaman Islands. After a few calls, there is no There is something called superiority in my pride on authority.

"Oops, I've been wandering around these two days." At the critical moment before he broke out of the penalty area, Alan Wilson decided to relax himself and put aside the dispute with Kissinger by the way.

The United States is very dissatisfied with the fact that the United Kingdom has stayed out of this confrontation from beginning to end. Kissinger, who is in a bad situation, is especially dissatisfied.

But this kind of thing can be communicated. For example, if Kissinger secretly ran behind the bamboo curtain, if he doesn't want to leak it now, it will delay Nixon and a major country's plan to ease the situation. Then Kissinger should shut up and stop provoking the special relationship between Britain and the United States at this time.

If Kissinger can do this, then the United Kingdom can also be regarded as ignorant of Kissinger's actions of a similar nature to that of Riton's foreign countries without the knowledge of the US Congress.

Seeing that it's already 1972, and it's already an election year, it's better to do more than less.

Regarding the position of a major country, Nixon must not be able to hide it, but it will definitely take time to deal with it, otherwise Ye Changmeng will be used by his opponents, but obviously, at least now according to public information, Nixon has not released any relaxation remarks.

Alan Wilson estimates that Nixon is now evaluating whether it is beneficial or harmful to run for president with a detente policy. Once a judgment is made, Nixon will publicly sing praises for the detente policy.

When the ship was loaded with donations from Malayan subjects and set off with good intentions, Alan Wilson was very busy to maintain his position among the ladies and his husband.

Others are easy to handle, princesses are more difficult to handle, especially during the New Year's Eve, the royal family always has a lot of rules, but just like fishing, the most important thing is patience, Alan Wilson has never lacked in patience. , he has worked tirelessly for decades to make the UK maintain its status as a world power. What can he do if he has no patience?

"There are still too many rules in the royal family. It's better to be a commoner." Alan Wilson touched his sister-in-law's face, and from his expression, he knew how much he respected the authority of the royal family.

"If you let the queen know, you'll be dead." Princess Margaret threatened softly, and in turn learned Ellen Wilson's moves.

"What are you doing?" Alan Wilson grabbed his hand but didn't push it away. He didn't seem to have seen Her Royal Highness take such initiative.

"Touch you." Princess Margaret tried to answer in a calm tone, but failed. The man's warm expression made her heart beat faster. "I'm just curious how your beard feels." She smiled. "Now I know." She put her hand back on her thigh. "They tickle me so much."

She felt like a fool. But the other party didn't understand her uneasiness, but just looked dumb and speechless. It seems that her boldness really surprised the social public.

She sighed softly, he probably thought of her as an immoral and shameless woman, and her behavior was indeed like that. What happened to her? Usually she's not so aggressive.

She pondered what Ellen Wilson might think, her fingertips caressed the man's upper arm unconsciously, but people are conscious, and that soft, light, butterfly-like touch is simply maddening. She stared at his chin and said her apology. "Usually I'm not so curious or proactive."

"How do you know?" The question made her look at his face in surprise, only to see his eyes full of interest, is he making fun of her?

"I always remember the way you kissed me, and I like you to kiss me again. This kind of confession is so shameless, isn't it? I've been living a sheltered life..."

His mouth blocked her explanation. The kiss was tender and unrequited until she wrapped her arms around his neck and met him softly and gladly. He couldn't help himself, and the kiss became strong, hot and powerful, beautiful and exciting.

She felt as if she melted into his arms, loving the taste of him, the feeling of his tongue rubbing and the abuse of his lips again and again. She liked the growl deep in his throat and the roughness and tenderness of his embrace.

"I'll make a phone call to the Semiconductor Research Institute first, otherwise I'd be too disrespectful to Turing." Alan Wilson found in his conscience at this moment, and felt that it would be better if there were no accidents. He doesn't like that unexpected bad things happen if there is no accident.

However, for Margaret's favor, this cannot be refused. He has done so much for the country, and it is also reasonable to accept some rewards. It is completely well-deserved.

Even though he was in the land of tenderness, Alan Wilson's eyes never left the Bay of Bengal. This time, he was going to bring his talents to the warm South Asian beaches, and naturally he could not make mistakes.

This New Year is full of joy for Indians. In fact, the whole world is immersed in the joy of the New Year, except for Pakistan, which tastes bitter failure.

Penang, the largest naval base in Malaya, is also in the midst of the lanterns. As night falls, the steel behemoth that is almost motionless throughout the year raises the St. George's flag. The aircraft carrier formation with the Eagle-class aircraft carrier as the core, the battleship HMS Vanguard The battleship formation as the core, accompanied by cruisers, destroyers, and submarines, left the Penang military port.

Along with the fleet, there were also combat troops drawn from various ministries, totaling 15,000 people, ready to land in Bangladesh.

"Tell Ali Bhutto that Rahman can't be released now." Alan Wilson held the microphone with a cold face and said, "Rahman is not in Bangladesh, we say that we have accepted the invitation to stabilize the situation in Bangladesh. He is detained by Pakistan and India. It's impossible to prove."

In fact, the High Commissioner of Pakistan is going to meet Ali Bhutto soon to explain the British views on the future situation in Bangladesh, while temporarily preventing Rahman from being released.

This fleet sailed northward along the coast of Myanmar in the eastern waters of the Andaman Islands. In the evening two days later, it appeared off the coast of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. When the fleet appeared, the Vulcan Strategic Bomber Wing had already entered. Andaman Islands.

On this huge fleet, the St. George's flag of the Royal Navy hangs. It is very familiar to many generals of the Indian Navy. Once upon a time, they also fought under the light of this flag, but now, this huge fleet The purpose of the fleet is unknown, which makes them very worried.

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