British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1423: Landing in Bangladesh

The latest website: Twenty nautical miles away are the five battleships dispatched with the Vanguard as the core. Although the battleships are a product of the previous era, the King George V-class battleships are more typical treaty battleships. Said to be mediocre.

But it is undeniable that even in the 1970s, few countries had the strength to build it.

In the face of the United States and the Soviet Union, the battleship is the representative of backwardness, but in the face of other countries, the products of the previous era can still reign supreme. At the rear of the battleship formation is the Eagle-class aircraft carrier strike group, and around this aircraft carrier is a fleet of air defense and anti-submarine defenses.

These big guys alone have a total tonnage of nearly 300,000 tons, which is five times that of the entire Indian Navy. At this time, these steel giants are squatting in the Bay of Bengal, watching the idlers and others coming out of the mouth of the Ganges.

India's aircraft carrier INS Vikrant, the giant-class Hercules sold by Britain to India, has returned to Kolkata.

Even if the aircraft carrier Vikrant was there, it would not be able to confront such a powerful enemy. The Indian military, which had just ended the battle in Bangladesh, did not hesitate to report the news of the British fleet in the open sea to New Delhi.

Since independence, the most worrying thing in India is the comeback of the British. It was only ten years ago that they focused on a certain power, but they did not expect that this time the Royal Navy really came again.

Even if it is an outdated battleship, it needs to carry an Eagle-class aircraft carrier that is far inferior to American carrier-based aircraft. I am as invincible in the world as Great Britain...

In the capital of Pakistan, Ali Bhutto, who just took over the power from the military, is in the midst of a wreck at this time. I have to say that the mess left by the military government is really bad.

Bhutto can be said to have taken office at a time of crisis in Pakistan. Externally, India occupies 5,000 square miles of land in West Pakistan, East Pakistani soldiers are captured and imprisoned in India, and the state of war between India and Pakistan has not yet ended; internally, the economy has been severely damaged, industrial and agricultural production has come to a standstill, and there is chaos .

Ali Bhutto was born in a typical upper-class elite family during the colonial period. He was qualified as a lawyer in the United Kingdom. Of course, he knew about the United Kingdom. After he was busy with his own business, he asked the guard to let the British Commissioner who came in, the High Commissioner in Pakistan, William.

However, the eldest son David, who was about to leave Sikkim to return to China, also saw Ali Bhutto as his father said.

David was originally going to go back to London to heal the tension between his parents, but he was given a new mission by the supreme authority who gave birth to his son for nothing. He followed the High Commissioner to Pakistan to meet President Ali Bhutto who had just taken office, and Be candid about British thinking.

What a great opportunity to gain qualifications, no need to use it in vain, this is definitely beneficial for the future road.

"Rahman can't let go now, President Bhutto, this time we are here to help Pakistan. Although the war is over, the consequences of the war are far from over."

High Commissioner William directly stated his intentions, "There is no doubt that Pakistan has suffered a fiasco in this India-Pakistan war. Half of its tax revenue and foreign exchange are generated by East Pakistan. Losing East Pakistan is fatal to Pakistan. But the UK can find a way to make Pakistan's loss. smaller."

"The Royal Pacific Fleet is just off the coast of Dhaka. Now we need a reason to station in Bangladesh, and this reason lies with Rahman. The explanation for other countries is to prevent India's ambition to annex Bangladesh." David followed the old man's instructions. The core instructions that came out helped, "Clearly, the UK is better equipped than India to bring Bangladesh on the right track."

When David arrived in Pakistan and contacted his father who was the supreme authority, he learned that the old man had begun to design the city construction of Dhaka. He really wanted to ask if he had been to Dhaka, and how many people were there?

"The release of Rahman can be released to us, and the United Kingdom will definitely wait for Rahman to stay in Dhaka. I believe that, from a religious point of view, Rahman definitely does not want Bangladesh after independence to become India's The vassal, the solution to this problem is the United Kingdom."

Speaking of this, William asked Ali Bhutto, "President Bhutto, I think in front of India and the United Kingdom, this choice is not difficult."

Ali Bhutto is definitely unwilling to cooperate with the former colonists, but if there is an Indian factor, it is not something that cannot be considered. With Pakistan's strength, it is definitely impossible to regain Dongba. Losing Dongba has become a foregone conclusion. Since the United Kingdom is willing to come forward to solve this matter, of course he will not object.

"Two gentlemen, are you going to see Rahman now?" Ali Bhutto said after a brief thought.

"Of course it couldn't be better." William and David looked at each other and nodded, "Britain is willing to play a good role in the development of relations between the nascent Bangladesh and Pakistan."

At this moment, the busiest department in Whitehall is undoubtedly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After the Royal Pacific Fleet was blocked at the mouth of the Ganges, the radios of China, the Soviet Union, the United States, India and Pakistan have mixed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs into a pot of porridge.

There was chaos, and the whole earth was in chaos because of the actions of the United Kingdom. No one thought that the confrontation in the Bay of Bengal, which had just cooled down, was heating up again because of the appearance of the British Royal Navy.

"British should enter Bangladesh to maintain local stability in Bangladesh." Patrick, the foreign secretary, answered unequivocally in the face of the influx of media people, "Although the war has ended, the pain caused by the war is far from over. Many countries in the Commonwealth hope that Britain can help poor Bangladeshis and restore peace and prosperity."

While Foreign Secretary Patrick was making outrageous remarks, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was responding to the stakeholders one by one, saying to a major country, "Britain's intervention will help balance the situation in South Asia and prevent India from annexing Bangladesh, which is also beneficial to you."

The reply to the Soviet Union stated, "The United Kingdom has no intention of provoking trouble, otherwise, when confronted in the Bay of Bengal, it will be dispatched together with the American task force. The action at this time is purely for peaceful purposes."

The answer to the United States emphasized the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, and the rest was similar to what was said about a major power.

As for the routine notification to Pakistan, the words to be said have been conveyed clearly through the High Commissioner and the eldest son.

For India, the United Kingdom shouted that human rights are higher than sovereignty, and guaranteed the independence of Bangladesh. At the same time, starting from its position of strength, it reminded India that it violated the agreement signed between India’s independence and the United Kingdom, that is, India’s imports and exports must be calculated in pounds, rubles against rupees The behavior has damaged the traditional relationship between the two countries.

Alan Wilson turned off the TV and took the telegram from David, "Your good son will be back soon, and he asked me in the telegram if I've been to Dhaka, well, it seems that I, a British Indian official, Do you want to accept your son's professional evaluation?"

"He's just asking, it's not that he doesn't believe in your ability." Knowing that her son was about to return to China, Vivien Leigh didn't lose her temper with a man of the same status as her husband, and whispered aggrievedly, "You should also tell me that Nanya is at war. , you just let him go like this, as if it's not your son."

"Is it wrong to run for the interests of the country?" Alan Wilson said with a cold face, straightening his chest proudly, "If one day the British Empire needs me to sacrifice, I will... uh!"

The declaration that he was willing to go through fire and water was directly covered by the palm of Great Britain Treasure.

The TV then inserted an important news, "The High Commissioner to Pakistan and Pakistani President Ali Bhutto discussed the Bangladesh issue. After the high commissioner's candid communication, President Ali Bhutto announced the release of Awami League leader Rahman. The following is Rahman. Mann's statement."

"The new Bangladesh will be a prosperous and peaceful country. We attach great importance to the feelings of the UK. Bangladesh also needs the help of the UK to lead us out of the quagmire..."

Rahman's script, which has spread all over the world through British public opinion, is also the best explanation for the operation of the Royal Navy off the coast of Dhaka.

This time the Royal Navy was dispatched to pick peaches down the mountain. In fact, everyone knew it clearly. The United States understood it, a certain major country understood it, and the Soviet Union understood it, not to mention the two parties involved, Pakistan and India. It must also be admitted that this fleeting opportunity was seized by the United Kingdom, and the knife was clean and neat.

Even Indira Gandhi had to smash things to vent his anger at the Prime Minister's Office, and he had to admit that this colonial suzerain, which usually pretended to be dead, suddenly violently attacked and taught India a lesson.

Less than 20 hours later, the British fleet from Malaya docked in Chittagong, and the Marine Corps holding the U-shaped flag, as well as the troops of the Chinese Malays, made the U-shaped flag reappear in South Asia.

It took a long time for the British troops to land. After all, the situation in Chittagong was not good. It was devastated by the Indian wars before. When the British landing troops set foot on this familiar land, some Bengalis hid from a distance and watched With all this, the landing soldiers who had already prepared candy had a good experience of the military and civilians.

India itself is not much richer than Bangladesh, and UU reading has to rely on the Soviet Union for benefits, how can it be possible to benefit Bangladesh in return? It would be nice not to steal things in Bangladesh, but the UK is different, not to mention that the sugar industry in Malaya is a pillar industry, and it is not a problem to sprinkle some candy.

Harold Wilson made a firm commitment in the House of Commons questioning, "Britain will ensure the independence and integrity of Bangladesh, and pull this country, which has been affected by the biggest war after the war, out of the quagmire. This is what the British Empire should have. leadership.”

There was thunderous applause in the House of Commons, and even the Conservatives did not flinch at this time, and they also admitted that this time the operation was beautiful, and Prime Minister Wilson did a good job.

"Good fighters don't have illustrious achievements, you know?" Alan Wilson, who had already fired a shot and changed places, looked at the BBC and put all the credit on himself in front of Monroe.

Perhaps India's mood is the most complicated right now, but what can this be? Why not pull the HMS Vikrant out and have a fight with the Royal Navy. If you don't dare, don't say anything.


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