British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1425: Anglo-Bangladesh Treaty of Friendship

Alan Wilson has no doubt that once the broken shoes and socks donated by the British mainland arrive in Chittagong, it will be enough to attract the traffic of British newspapers for at least a month.

Regardless of how worthless the things donated by the UK are, even if it is a rusty bicycle that rings everywhere if the bell does not ring, or a rotten bucket that does not know whether its predecessor is a urinal or something, this will not delay the self-confidence of the British.

In fact, judging from his life experience, in fact, a certain big country in the 21st century is actually very suitable for this generous donation. As long as you think about it for a while, there are unowned bicycles in every community, and scrapped bicycles that still exist in many communities. No one cares about the car, so you know how reasonable his thinking is.

The scrapped car system in a certain big country is almost the root cause of unowned scrapped cars that can be seen in any remote mountainous area. When he was in elementary school in his previous life, there was a scrapped bus next to the school wall.

He also left a lot of good childhood memories. Of course, he also witnessed with his own eyes that starting from the glass of the car, the whole bus disappeared from sight bit by bit. None, it should be broken into parts and sent to the waste collection station.

This is just to think about it, the current big country cannot support the ardent expectations of the supreme authority, but the scrapped car system is indeed a good thing, and it should be piloted in Malaya first.

A telegram from Pakistan arrived at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, reporting that Rahman had been released and whether he should be sent back to Bangladesh. After some consideration, Alan Wilson called back, "Let him come to London first, and cry poorly here before leaving. "

Even if you are begging for food, you have to be more professional. If you don’t come to the UK to beg, the UK can’t shave your head and be hot, right? Come and perform a show of crying bitterly to the suzerain country, and the British citizens can feel more comfortable for you. Don't you need paper and ink to run a money printing machine?

The British embassy in Pakistan watched the high commissioner read the sent telegram. David estimated that he should be traveling with the leaders of the Awami League this time.

The former Pakistani Awami League leader who was arrested was not Rahman himself, but a whole group of high-level officials who were counting stars in the prison. Now, with the mediation efforts of the British Foreign Office, they are free, and they should respond to British diplomacy. Expressing gratitude for the influence, what happened to London before returning to China?

Even a visit to London is not enough. You should also visit Xiangjiang and Malaya to see and see, and you are considering the issue of returning to China to govern.

Prime Minister Harold Wilson is fine. What's wrong with him, embarrassing the surge in approval ratings? Suffering Bangladeshi leader coming to London, damage to UK diplomatic clout?

Didn't you see the Americans and didn't say anything? The Soviets did say something, but the Soviet Union was the leader of the hostile camp, so there would be problems if they didn't say anything.

When the Bangladeshi leaders headed by Rahman landed at London International Airport, it marked the official end of the third India-Pakistan war. According to the prior agreement, Rahman was set up as an unyielding fighter and criticized the serious damage caused by the Pakistani army to Bangladesh. , so that Bengal society has set back hundreds of years, slammed the Dhaka University established by the United Kingdom for being bloodbathed, and the intellectual class of the entire Bengal was broken.

Of course, the supporters behind Pakistan cannot be let go, especially in countries where the United Nations is firmly behind Pakistan, and the United States, which has sent a task force to support Pakistan.

Then he thanked India for saving Bangladesh. This is of course unavoidable. Even if Bangladesh becomes independent, it will be surrounded by India on three sides. The reality prompts Rahman to maintain relations with India.

Rahman also expressed his gratitude to the Soviet Red Navy who intervened in the US task force, but...especially the United Kingdom.

The tearful image of Rahman was broadcast on British television, and both inside and outside the words hope that Britain can save the Bangladeshi people from the fire and water.

Ah... Allen Wilson yawned for a long time, glanced at Vivien Leigh, who was expressing her mother's love, and a big son who was looking up to the sky and sighing, and said, "Go abroad more, the world is big, you can't just stay at home , which is not conducive to increasing knowledge.”

"But you can't send David to such a dangerous place. I'm just such a son." Vivien Leigh glared at a man of the same status as her husband. She only had such a son, but Alan Wilson had more than one son, "I am so old I gave birth to him at my age, have you considered my feelings?"

Don't you have a daughter with your ex-husband? Although Alan Wilson thought so, he decisively admitted his mistake, "There will never be a next time, it's my lack of consideration. But David has grown up, and he can't always be by your side. You also have to consider his career."

"Is it so difficult to be the president of a film company?" Vivien Leigh retorted dissatisfied, "It's just as if you don't know where the person is? The earth can't hold you."

"Well!" Alan Wilson's face turned from cloudy to cloudy, and he directly silenced the national treasure, and then said, "Don't you have a few pieces of land in Xiangjiang, don't you consider developing it? Send it out? This can also exercise David. "

Before Vivien Leigh could answer, Alan Wilson had already said on his own, "Now the position of Governor of Hong Kong has been selected from diplomats. If David had practiced for a few years, I was still in Whitehall at that time. It is not impossible. Dream, think about this question carefully."

"There seems to be a problem with the law and order over there." Vivien Leigh was delighted when she heard the position of the Governor of Hong Kong. She knew that this man would not treat their mother and child badly, but she still wanted more word of mouth.

"Crawford has already noticed this matter, and there is a rectification coming over there." Alan Wilson pointed out that during MacLehose's tenure as Governor of Hong Kong, the social atmosphere in Hong Kong will definitely improve on a large scale, and then he will focus on the good Da'er, "David, the key is you, what do you think?"

Vivien Li could not wait to press her son's head and quickly agreed, but such a matter of obvious benefit did not require the help of Da Ying Bao in person. Seeing Hao Da'er nodding, Alan Wilson nodded slightly, "Then I will try it, Maybe you will be the governor of Hong Kong twenty years from now."

Xia Meng's son is not suitable to be the governor of Hong Kong. The governor of Hong Kong still needs a real British person. Besides, Xia Meng's son will definitely develop his career in the future, and stay in Hong Kong to develop his career without moving?

Back in Whitehall, Alan Wilson asked Rahman how the meeting with the Prime Minister went. Frank smiled and said, "It's not bad, and the talk with us was not bad."

"The pocket is already full of pounds, right?" Alan Wilson also smiled knowingly, "Brand-new pounds, put it under your nose and smell it, and you can even smell the ink."

"Of course, the products just came out of the printing factory." Frank was proud, "But the leaders of the Awami League are not losing money, isn't it worth more than the Indian rupee?"

"It's not a problem to fill their pockets. Anyway, 60 million Bangladeshis will pay them back." Alan Wilson breathed out softly, "If you don't agree to our terms, the pounds that are stuffed in their pockets are life money."

Anyway, the British army has entered Bangladesh. If Rahman and the leaders of the Awami League are smarter, they should unconditionally agree to all British demands.

Bangladesh doesn't have any resources. Is there any place where a big river enters the sea that has a lot of resources? There may be some resources in the Bay of Bengal, but they are not technologically developed by Bangladesh. Apart from the 60 million Bengali people who are starving for food and picking up clothes to wear, what else can we lose?

Allen Wilson also took a fancy to these 60 million people who were threatened by hunger. After all, it was part of the Greater Calcutta Industrial Area, and some industrial workers were based there.

Before the British-Indian naval exercise was over, the leadership of the Awami League headed by Rahman signed the Anglo-Bangladesh friendship treaty with the Harold Wilson government in London, the capital of the United Kingdom.

The main content of the treaty is that the two contracting parties will continue to develop and strengthen the friendly, good-neighborly and comprehensive cooperative relations between the two countries. Any act by one party that causes military loss, without providing any assistance to any third party participating in an armed conflict with the other party

When any of the contracting parties is attacked or threatened the two parties should immediately consult together to eliminate this threat and take appropriate corresponding measures to ensure peace and security of the two countries

The parties declare not to undertake to other States any secret or public obligations that are incompatible with this Treaty.

When Rahman signed the Anglo-Bangladesh Friendship Treaty, there was warm applause in the venue. Rahman who signed it and Prime Minister Harold Wilson accepted it, and the applause of the humble social public was thunderous.

Alan Wilson, clapping his hands, turned to look at Berktrund and John Hunter, "There are very few such happy occasions. If you don't mind, please invite your colleagues for a drink."

"Good idea!" Burktrund nodded, "After this treaty is signed, we will probably be busy for a while."

"Business itself is part of our work." Alan Wilson said in his heart, can you be busier than me? The supremely authoritative eight-pack abs were all trained in manned spaceflight.

In a sense, the signing of the Anglo-Bangladesh Treaty of Friendship marked Britain's return to South Asia, although through the economic siphon effect of Malaya, Britain had previously brought Myanmar back into the pound zone. But that is an operation in the economic field after all, it is not like this time the British military presence has returned to South Asia again.

You don't need to think about it to know that India is not happy. India finally defeated its old enemy and wanted to make a splash, but it didn't expect the suzerain country to watch it pretending to be aggressive. It must be very complicated.

However, in Alan Wilson's view, India has nothing to complain about. Although India and Pakistan fought a big fight and suffered tens of thousands of casualties, it is really not as big as Britain's role in this India-Pakistan war. Although India paid They sacrificed their lives, but what Britain paid was diplomatic influence. How could this be the same?

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