British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1426: Summon the old ministry

As for the next step, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has arranged for Rahman to accept an exclusive interview with the BBC to tell his own mental journey, although most British people may not be very concerned.

Another purpose is to use the leader of a country that once split from British India to say what the British people like to hear, and what the British government likes to hear, especially what Alan Wilson likes to hear.

"Actually, the differences between Nehru and Jinnah's demands for independence were the fundamental reasons for the partition of India and Pakistan. Among them were the reasons of the Hindu hardliners and the need of the Muslim League to separate their families at that time. From the perspective of the Bangladeshis, we I don't want to separate the two countries. I'm not saying that now with dissatisfaction with the leaders at the time."

Shaking the glass, Alan Wilson was quite satisfied with Rahman's performance in an exclusive interview on TV. The partition of India and Pakistan has always been considered by the countries of the Soviet system to be deliberately done by Britain to create conflicts.

If the UK really did this, then these accusations would be considered unheard at best, but Alan Wilson clearly knew that the government at the time and Mountbatten himself were not interested in partition.

Partitioning is also not in line with the British tradition of managing colonies. It was clearly Nehru and Jinnah who insisted on dividing their families. Now that several decades have passed, are the British still being held accountable?

In particular, he himself was a colonial official in British India at that time, and the United Kingdom has always been carrying the blame, indicating that he also has a share of this supreme authority. How can this be done?

Hearing her brother-in-law defending herself, Princess Margaret didn't like to listen to it, and she said, "I really want to hear that the government and Marshal Mountbatten really don't want to divide the rule, but you and your colleagues in British India are very supportive. Divide and conquer, and it was prepared like this from the beginning, this black pot has nothing to do with Britain, but how can it have nothing to do with you?"

Immediately, Princess Margaret received the look of me advising you to mind your own business! Alan Wilson put down the wine glass and put his hand on Her Royal Highness's thigh, "Can I change the national policy with a commissioner's assistant? The root cause is that Nehru and Jinnah can't talk about it. What does it have to do with me? Besides, Historical documents are not relevant."

The partition of India and Pakistan is a foregone conclusion. The India-Pakistan war has been fought three times. Does it make sense to hold him accountable as a small bureaucrat now?

It is good to have the original clear source, but if it is beneficial to me, it is the original clear source, and if it is unfavorable to me, I punish myself with three cups. At this time, Her Royal Highness made him very dissatisfied.

"Okay, I know that you are all selfless for the British Empire." Holding the wrong hand, Princess Margaret admitted her mistake with a ruddy face.

"It's really sad to endure this kind of distrust based on my contribution to the country." Alan Wilson's expression as Prime Minister Cao was clearly in order to help the British family, but it was not understood.

Alan Wilson, who thinks, arguably, has done more positively for Britain than any Briton over the years, is misunderstood?

Fortunately, Princess Margaret still knew the basics. After a while, she was lying on the man's body, as powerless as a fish that left the Thames, her red lips were slightly open and she couldn't help herself.

Bangladesh's previous pillar industry was jute, and this is not the only thing that Bangladesh regards as a pillar industry. India is also a big country of jute. It should be the same in a big country at this time. The most common application for jute people is to make sacks. It doesn't mean that jute is useless, but you don't know that its raw material is jute when you see it.

Jute is a natural fiber. If we want to eliminate it, we must make breakthroughs in man-made fiber technology. At least ten years, the world's demand for jute will not decrease.

It takes a long time from the harvest of jute to the flow of industrial supplies to the market. The initial processing alone costs a lot of labor and time. From the harvest of jute to the delivery of the jute to the factory in exchange for profit, it takes at least one For most farmers, this month has reduced a lot of planting profits.

If you plant less, you can dry and soak the jute yourself for rough processing. If you plant too much, you need to hire someone to help, otherwise you will be too busy. A proper labor-intensive industry. It is indeed very suitable for a small country like Bangladesh, where the largest resource is people, let alone now, 50 years later, this will also be a pillar industry of Bangladesh and an important industry of India.

Now Allen Wilson's idea is to restore the jute industry in Bangladesh as soon as possible, and let the locals have something to do first. This industry is time-consuming and labor-intensive, otherwise a large country will not immediately phase out jute cultivation after comparing man-made fibers. , However, the national conditions are different, not suitable for a big country does not mean that it is not suitable for South Asia.

It is difficult to equal the rich and the poor in the world, and the temperature of the earth is uneven. A country like Bangladesh has no good resources, let alone nothing in itself. Even if Kuwait’s resources are given to Bangladesh, it will not change anything. The population of Kuwait is eight. One hundred thousand, Bangladesh has a population of 60 million, which is not an order of magnitude at all.

The basic conditions are like this. What can you do without the jute industry? However, if there are other ways, the jute textile industry will not be regarded as a pillar industry in the 21st century.

There is still another question before Rahman, how to wisely borrow the signboard of the United Kingdom to restore people's livelihood in Bangladesh without provoking the Indian side.

"After Rahman goes back, he won't regret agreeing to our agreement?" Although the United Kingdom got what it wanted, it can be said to be a great success, but John Hunter still showed pessimism.

"My friend, in fact, Bangladesh's independence is not good for India in a certain way. Whether India or Pakistan is a country of amalgamation of religions. But Bangladesh perfectly fits the concept of a nation-state defined by Europe. If India can always Guaranteed smooth sailing, that's not a big threat to India. If one day India itself is in crisis, then maybe. The merger of Bangladesh and West Bengal is not entirely impossible."

The vicinity of Calcutta was originally the richest place in South Asia, otherwise the British would not have landed from the Ganges delta and slowly began to invade.

"India will encounter problems? Is this unlikely?" John Hunter raised his eyebrows, thinking how weak India must be to give Bangladesh a chance.

"Who can tell in the future, the bottom line of the plan to rebuild Bangladesh is that the living standard of Bangladeshis is higher than the average level of India. Now that Bangladesh is destroyed by war, it is indeed very difficult, but if the time is extended, it will also be difficult. It can't be done."

Alan Wilson is still optimistic about the future of the Bangladeshis. It is the same sentence. There are not many people in this world who are hardworking and hardworking for the dream of a great country, but there are many people who show hard work in order to eat and eat. . Bangladesh fits this perfectly.

Of course, this must be done under the guidance of professionals. Alan Wilson is really incapable of doing anything to benefit Bangladeshi society.

But it doesn't matter, he has sent the Home Office to find his colleagues who are still alive, living and sweating in British India. British India has been independent for more than 20 years, and there must be many gentlemen who are no longer there. This requires the Ministry of the Interior to slowly recall them.

Only professional colleagues who have a good understanding of the local customs can tap the potential of Bangladesh to the greatest extent and bring this troubled country on the right track.

Recalling colleagues must fully meet two basic requirements. The first point is that the children of the former colleagues are also part of the humble social public. Only in this way will they think about their children and sweat seriously. Otherwise, they may not be able to work hard. Second, you need a fairly healthy body. After more than 20 years, don't go to South Asia and go back and forth. This is not good.

After the Awami League leader Rahman went on his second mission, visiting New Delhi to meet Indira Gandhi, the London side also began to recall the heat.

In Hyde Park, London, a lively concert is being held, and a large number of audiences cannot extricate themselves from the music. This is the world. Some people are starving, some people are singing and dancing. I wonder if the citizens of London have forgotten the tragic Bangladesh at this time. people.

The most striking thing is that a pair of twin sisters with youthful atmosphere, the beautiful singing is captivating, and the new song "rolling in thedeep" is even more intoxicating.

Rollinginthedeep is Adele's classic song, but as long as there is no authority in this world, who knows?

Listening to the praise of the two sisters Isabella Ista by the people around him, David's face was very calm, he raised his wrist to check the time, and waited for the end of the concert.

"These two girls are the most popular singers in Europe right now. I don't know who their mothers are to give birth to such beautiful angels."

This sentence made David raise his eyebrows, UU reading www. Of course, thought, Dad's happiness is unimaginable, always waited until the end of the sisters' song, David walked in a direction and waited for the two sisters to come out.

Not long after, the two sisters, Isabella Ista, came together, greeted David politely, nodded to each other, and left Hyde Park together.

"Let's meet at Hoxon Manor. Many people are familiar faces. This is also for the reconstruction of Bangladesh. They are all so familiar." Alan Wilson said weakly, yawning.

"Then I will inform them like this. But whether the secretary-general is ill, you should pay more attention to rest." Brest expressed his concern for the supreme authority on the phone.

"Take more rest, um, I actually want to." Alan Wilson agreed absent-mindedly, glancing at the ladies on the left and right who had the same status as his wife, Heidi Lamarr and Ingrid Bergman also looked back unconsciously. Looking at him, it seems that there is no consensus on this issue for the time being.



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