British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1430: It's a no-brainer

Knowing the date of de Gaulle's funeral through diplomatic channels, the prime minister started his schedule. I don't know if he would think that his death is greater than the contribution of his life.

It's not impossible to think so. After the Franco-Prussian War, the status of France and the United Kingdom has been unequal. When formulating policies, we have to consider the feelings of the United Kingdom more.

As a result, decades-long dependence has emerged. From this point of view, de Gaulle came to power to reverse this unequal relationship, which must have made the British side a little disappointed.

However, the UK should be content. If Alan Wilson hadn't existed, the problem faced by the UK would not be loss, but embarrassment, being locked out of the European Community by France and begging for entry.

Later, Pamela Mountbatten, who had ended this southern hunt, called and said that he would also attend Charles de Gaulle's funeral, and at the same time talked to his French friends, "And send Albert to join the army, or at home. Be safe in service."

"I don't have any objections. Isn't Marshal Mountbatten all settled?" Alan Wilson said, "Since the child likes the military career, it is good to enter the military to exercise."

Putting down the phone, Alan Wilson continued to write the standards for scrapped cars, and at the same time asked Kuala Lumpur to add evidence to demonstrate the logical relationship between car depreciation and the percentage of car accidents. Scrap cars also include agricultural machinery and motorcycles. Grab the modified cars, and hand over all the scrapped cars to the colonial government for unified treatment.

But luxury cars are an exception. With different values, they naturally have different treatment. No matter what regulations are in a capitalist place, you should follow the local customs, so that you can go beyond it in the long run. Otherwise, there will be the problem that I really have a cow.

In a short while, thirty-one articles have been written, and thirty-one is only a short line.

"Like me, a secretary-general who has studied both China and the West and combines the advantages of the two systems, I don't know if the UK will be able to meet him in the future." Alan Wilson stood by the window and sighed with his back to all beings.

Charles de Gaulle had long made a will, "My funeral, everything is simple. No state funeral, no state leaders and representatives from all walks of life, no bands, no speeches, and no eulogy for Congress." But as a wartime leader A member of the people, de Gaulle's status is here, and leaders from all over the world have expressed their desire to attend,

The British Prime Minister Harold Wilson was the first to express his intention to attend, and this led to a trend. After the news of Harold Wilson expressing his intention to attend spread, leaders from various European countries expressed their intention to attend, including the German Chancellor. The dignitaries of various countries, including Brandt, have already set off ahead of schedule.

Because de Gaulle died of illness during his tenure, which was different from his death in his hometown in history, all his simple wills were destined to be only partially realized.

On the occasion of this funeral, Harold Wilson also wanted to discuss with Prime Minister Pierre Mesmer, who was in charge of state affairs when de Gaulle was reclusive, about the relationship between Britain and France in the post-Bretton Woods era. How to protect the interests, of course, also has the role of Germany.

"If this were two thousand years ago, how could Charles de Gaulle's status not be comparable to that of the Emperor of the Western Roman Empire." At the Windsor Castle chain hotel and his family members, Alan Wilson looked at the headquarters of the Woodpecker Film Company opposite, and issued a small message. Not a small sigh.

"Father, isn't it?" Pamela said in front of her mother, "What is Britain?"

"It's a British barbarian." Alan Wilson looked at his daughter, who was good at feeding killer whales and raising crocodiles. "I'm very pessimistic about your future. What will you do in the future?"

"I can't say that, father, if you want to join the army, there is Albert, and if you want the next generation to enter Whitehall, there is also Arnold. I am a woman, and I don't have to shoulder the hope of family revitalization. My mother just gives me a business operation." Pamela made a lot of comments and expressed her life expectations.

"It's a good dream, the Comet airliner carries the sustenance of 100,000 local employees, which is 100,000 families. Because Land Rover has different production lines in different places, only the production line of Range Rover in China, involving fewer employees, including the headquarters has 40,000 The responsibility of each employee has to be borne. This is not to mention that the automobile is a highly related industry, and there are at least 200,000 derivative jobs, adding up to more than 200,000 direct jobs, the income brought by it is related to The expenditure of more than 200,000 families, supported by their consumption expenditure, such as eating a big meal and buying a high-end suit, determines the income of at least 500,000 families. Most oil companies are employees stationed abroad, not counting Now, you only need to consider one-fifth of the local jobs among the 70,000 employees.”

"The above are all related to jobs in the UK. For example, the steel base is a problem in Kuching. I don't have to count it with you." Alan Wilson said to his daughter Nunu, "If you can do something like You are so professional in raising crocodiles, it must be no problem."

Alan Wilson is no exaggeration at all. It is like Japan in the future. The entire automobile-related industry has created 5 million jobs for Japan. This is 5 million families, and a family of three is 15 million. People point to the car to live, the total population of Japan is just over 100 million, and the proportion of Germany is not too small, because the high-end market is doing well, the situation is safer than Japan.

"Is there a simpler industry?" Pamela didn't change her character of wanting and wanting, she just wanted to tell the credit for watching her two younger brothers and lurking around her mother for many years.

"Mining!" Pamela Mountbatten said, "This industry is relatively simple, and there are more jobs that are not involved. There are 300,000 employees working."

Australia today is completely different from Australia in 1945. The booming development of the mining industry has raised the labor cost of Australia, which is not low. After the war, Australia still has the shadow of an industrial country. Now it is purely a resource In China, Australia's local car brand Holden was also acquired by Land Rover.

"It seems that you can only think of a solution in the gaming industry in Newfoundland." Alan Wilson covered his forehead. "If you are interested, start with the casinos in Goa. If you feel good, try it out."

"Okay, Pamela, go get busy with your own business." Pamela Mountbatten made a look and abandoned the idlers.

The husband and wife also need their own time. Pamela Mountbatten needs a warm embrace. When the children are out, she whispers, "I am in Perth, you are so happy."

"How could it be? I miss you all the time, just to work for the country, and it's not easy to delay your career." Alan Wilson's face was full of love and righteousness, and he directly picked up his wife and put it on him.

"You're the one who handled things in Bangladesh. It's just a lackluster place, and it's worthy of your operation?" Pamela Mountbatten was puzzled, she couldn't see any value.

"It's really worthless, it's just an excessive place. It can also play a role in maintaining stability." Alan Wilson nodded, "British people better keep a broad vision, in fact, you understand that this is not easy to do in an electoral country. When it comes to elections, politicians dare to pay whatever promises they make, and they dare to fight anything. The former is okay, the big deal is that it has never happened after taking office, but the election strategy of drawing hatred and fighting chicken blood can easily backfire on oneself.”

Emotions are aroused, you can't do nothing at all, how embarrassing. This is not only harmful to the country but also harmful to politicians, but also to support Ukraine to reduce inflation. Isn't Bao Zhongtang just living the consequences? How can it be so easy?

"Let Bangladesh attract attention for a few years, and we are thinking about where the next development will be." Alan Wilson is full of confidence, the most dangerous time has passed, and the United States has not fully grown in the Soviet Union. The two colonial empires of Britain and France It's even more impossible to let it go completely now.

Anyway, the choice of going to war is unlikely to come up. As long as there is no war, what can the United States do to Britain and France, the pair of crouching dragons and phoenixes?

As for borrowing two defeated countries to contain Britain and France. Isn't this time in Paris to talk about this issue? It depends on whether the Germans are willing to cooperate. If Germany has even a little Europeanism, it should stand on the side of Britain and France and keep a distance from Japan.

At this moment, the leaders of Britain, France and Germany are communicating on this issue. At the beginning, they will definitely not give the Germans any sweetness. But if Germany is determined to want a certain settlement share, they will We must ensure that we stand with Britain and France and press Japan down.

Two days later, de Gaulle's funeral was held in Paris. This funeral was simple and simple, but it was also grand on another level. The French army used an armored vehicle to transport de Gaulle's coffin. There were many French generals in attendance, which seemed to show that The military rank of this man who could barely be called a general.

But on another level, it was very grand. Half a million people in Paris spontaneously took to the streets to watch de Gaulle's coffin leave. De Gaulle also returned to his hometown of Columbe for burial. Until the coffin left Paris, people flocked to the Arc de Triomphe again and stood there. A moment of silence, in which they paid tribute to their national hero and bid him farewell.

Politicians from all over the world also followed Charles de Gaulle's will, only seeing them off in Paris, without disturbing the French hero's sleep in his hometown.

"Prime Minister, how is it?" Alan Wilson waited until the coffin was out of sight before asking about the process of this meeting.

"Very good, your judgment is right." Harold Wilson said in a low voice, "It's hard to imagine, have you really never met Pierre? You know him so well."

"Our work experience is similar. I have also been a colonial administrator overseas for ten years, which is similar to Mr. Prime Minister." Alan Wilson explained softly, "The perspective is similar, and the natural position on the issue will not be big. Change. Looks like I guessed right this time."


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