British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1431: Military aid to Israel

The trend is still obvious. The United Kingdom has its own Commonwealth of Nations, and France has its own French Community. The two countries operate their own organizations, and the well water does not run into the river. At the same time, it is the leading country of the European Community, leading the organization that puts a protective shell on the country.

"In fact, what Germany needs is a free market. This is also the purpose of the Germans fighting two world wars. It is not impossible for our two countries to provide energy and raw materials. It is a free market economy. Of course, considering the defeated countries There are some sensitive areas that Germany cannot get involved in, but this is not our problem, and the Americans will not let Germany get involved.”

As soon as de Gaulle's coffin was out of the city, Alan Wilson was talking in front of the Prime Minister, saying that everything could be discussed, but he also clarified a few bottom lines.

He didn't believe that the Germans didn't understand this. Alan Wilson learned from Anna when he ran on gold. The discussion on the dollar and gold in Germany was no worse than that of the French, but it was different from the French. People dare to think and act. After all, Germany is a defeated country, and there are still American troops stationed in the country. It cannot be as blatant as France is to run on gold.

In fact, from the heart, if Britain, France and Germany do one thing together, Alan Wilson believes that Britain is the weak link in the imperialist camp.

But fortunately, the Labour Party also distributes benefits, and this kind of thing is still clear, and it will not be like a drug addict.

Whether it agrees with the idea of ​​Greater Europe or something else, Germany's choice is very important. After all, not only the United States has troops stationed in Germany, but Britain and France have also garrisoned troops.

"In fact, Sinn Fein's demands are the top priority compared to Germany's affairs. There are some worrying trends in Ireland." Harold Wilson is a little worried. For any country, domestic issues are more important than foreign affairs. question.

"Haven't we been talking about it all the time, Northern Ireland is the location of the British strategic bomber and transport aircraft factory. The local employment situation is good. I have also been paying attention to the local area." Alan Wilson smiled and comforted, actually entering the Irish Republican Army in 1972 It's true that there is a lot of trouble, but in terms of Megumi, his supreme authority is not aimed at anyone.

After all, the United Kingdom is much stronger than the quagmire Britain in history, and it is quite emboldened to benefit. Northern Ireland has a population of just over one million, and it is possible to maintain stability by adjusting some industries.

"Our previous discussion was that Ireland could only consider joining the European Community on the condition that Ireland abandons its border disputes. This condition remains unchanged." Alan Wilson lowered his voice, "Whitehall will definitely not forcefully suppress some small-scale protests. The door is always open to negotiation. I don't think it's a big problem."

"That's good! It's better not to have bloodshed. Otherwise, the Soviets will seize the opportunity and make us very uncomfortable." Harold Wilson sighed. Although he has always practiced US-Soviet equality diplomacy, every time he Thinking of the huge eastern neighbor, it is still difficult to calm down.

Alan Wilson understands that for the population and size of European countries, some of the Soviet Union's wives are too big, even the merger of the United States and Canada can not compare with it.

The idiom of dread is the word that can best describe Lao Maozi. It is not something that happened in modern times, and it started a long time ago, but it is never soft in action.

"Looking for a chance, we must find out whether the Republic of Ireland has anything to do with the Soviet Union." Alan Wilson murmured in his heart, whether he could get anything from Alexeyev, but it was not easy. The relationship between the two It is more complicated, the exchange of interests is possible, and it is unlikely to be prostitution. As Alexeyev himself said, "You didn't take care of me either."

Although there is no direct evidence that the IRA was in contact with the Soviet Union, these henchmen were indeed opposed to Britain in the name of Marxism and Leninism.

But this is not the problem of Britain itself. The Red Army Brigade in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Red Army Brigade in Italy, the ETA in Spain, and the Black Panther Party in the United States are all similar, regardless of whether the Soviet Union supports them or not, but most of them are indeed under the banner of the Soviet Union. expand influence.

"The Irish Republican Army is not as big as those organizations. Why doesn't France have a similar organization? You didn't ask the French how to deal with it?" Pamela Mountbatten asked when she learned the reason for her husband's frown.

"The French are on the bright side, and the French are always protesting, and the revolutionary enthusiasm has been exhausted so often. There are pros and cons." Alan Wilson thought for a while and said, "It is still NATO. To solve these problems within the framework of the United States, we united several countries to put pressure on the United States, saying that these organizations are the spillover effects of the US military after the Vietnam War.”

After much deliberation, only the sturdy physique of the world hegemon is suitable to bear the blame. If the United States did not fight the Vietnam War, the red wave would not have spread so seriously in Europe.

"Isn't the government discussing the issue of the pound area? This time I came to Paris because of this. Economic reasons are the fundamental reason for the proliferation of such organizations, so that the government will resolutely defend the stability of the pound area." Pamela Mountbatten said This smiled, "It seems that life in Australia is still peaceful, without these headaches."

"Australia's stability is based on the restraint of Malaya. The Australian government understands some issues better than the European side, at least not naive." Alan Wilson said brokenly.

"My dear, every time I see you working so hard, I don't know what to say." Pamela Mountbatten took her husband's arm to express her love.

Really want to put a rocket in your mouth! Alan Wilson started teleportation, Pamela Mountbatten looked at her husband without fear, I still want you to be breathless.

With de Gaulle's funeral, Harold Wilson stayed in Paris for three days, and the Prime Minister's mood became more and more relaxed as the conversation opened up during these three days.

Germany also feels that there is a bottleneck in its development. Otherwise, it will not start the Eastern strategy, improve relations with Eastern European countries, and recognize a series of problems on the German border.

"Brandt is really a great chancellor, and his rule is lucky for Germany." After listening to Alan Wilson, he sang praises for the German chancellor in front of the prime minister, but the content of the praises may not be heard by some Germans. "From Considering the reality, the two Germanys are already a fait accompli, and it is meaningless to entangle the past reunification. The United Kingdom should unite with France and propose the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR to join the United Nations family. This is also a positive response to the relaxation policy advocated by the Soviet Union.”

"That's right." Harold Wilson thought that this was indeed the case. The two Germanys are good for the whole of Europe. "This is also an important step in reconciliation, isn't it?"

"Of course, Prime Minister, except the Germans themselves, all countries are happy to see this result." Alan Wilson said happily, "Isn't it just for this result that we split Germany under pressure from the Soviet Union? Just waiting for the Germans to accept it. Reality."

This is a matter at the diplomatic level. It can be promoted after returning to China. Every time you take a shot to solve a problem, it is enough. This time, when we talk about economic cooperation, we will only talk about the economy.

Harold Wilson took the advice, "but honestly, your wife is very good at economics, after all he's the richest man in the UK."

"Probably." Alan Wilson answered vaguely, although it was an open question, but he didn't know what the Labour prime minister meant? If you want to make a fuss about inheritance tax, don't think about it. Judging from the current situation, there is no problem at all in the life of the supremely authoritative beloved for fifty years.

Because it was a funeral, the leaders of Britain, France and Germany did not express any consensus on what was wrong, but only reached a consensus at the personal level. The remaining specific issues still need to be advanced by the foreign ministries of the three countries.

Immediately after the funeral, the leaders of European countries, with the exception of Kosygin, the chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers, all returned home.

The French are mavericks. De Gaulle has just left, and the legacy of stepping out of his own line of great powers is still there. Naturally, he will express France's great power status with the Soviets.

Just back in London, Alan Wilson wondered if his wife had just come back, if it was when he was grinding foreign workers, John Lenny, the MI6 spokeswoman, came to visit, "Israel has accepted a batch of F4 fighter jets from the United States, Secretary General, you It has always been said that Middle East intelligence cannot be delayed at any time, and I will tell you directly."

"Uh? How many sorties?" Alan Wilson took the intelligence handed over by John Rennie, and was taken aback. "Four squadrons of fighter jets? Eighty-four fighter jets? Military aid?"

John Lenny nodded, "That's true. The Israeli Air Force has always been the core of the development of the Israeli military after the war. UUkanshu is comparable to the United States' emphasis on the Air Force. This batch of military aid is particularly large, So I think maybe the Secretary-General needs it."

"No, it's been more than 20 years since the last war. I thought that both Israel and Arabia accepted each other's existence." Alan Wilson put down the intelligence and shook his head slightly, "Why? In fact, we all know that Israel You can't afford a war of attrition, and... hey!"

The military power of Arab countries is definitely stronger than the original history, and much stronger, because the only pro-Soviet countries in the Middle East are Syria and Yemen.

In order to prevent the shrinking of its sphere of influence, the United Kingdom is arming its Middle East allies with the Soviet Union, but the focus is not exactly the same.

The United Kingdom chose the Kingdom of Iraq as the target country of the armed air force, because the Kingdom of Iraq was far away and could not be attacked by Israeli air strikes in the first time.

As for the other two good countries, Egypt and Jordan, there is no such treatment. Egypt is concentrated in the navy and army. Do you know what the main fighter jets of the Egyptian Air Force are? Phantom 3 fighter. The active equipment of the French Air Force is not only beneficial to Egypt, but also to France. The ground defense lines of Jordan and Egypt are all based on the fortress group defense line as the core arrangement.

This does not mean that there are fewer tanks in the two countries, but compared with the Soviet-armed Syria and Yemen, the ground armor forces of Egypt and Jordan are indeed not so exaggerated.

What should Israel do in this situation? In other words, Israel did not want to do it on its own, but cooperated with the United States? Alan Wilson had no choice but to think about conspiracy theories, but he stopped thinking wildly.

"Wick, talk to the Israeli ambassador." Alan Wilson picked up the phone to start the micro-manipulation this time. He didn't have time himself, and he had to talk to the eldest son about this.


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