British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1434: mother and son reunion

"Urban construction seems to be in the mouth of Sir, it is a panacea, but it seems that it is not done in the UK." Alekseyev stayed in London for a long time, but he still believed his eyes.

"Not suitable for Britain does not mean not suitable for the Soviet Union. It is really a good idea for your Soviet Union. Otherwise, how can the rubles in the hands of the Soviets be spent? It is spent on prices that have remained unchanged for 50 years? Since there are not enough commodities corresponding to the currency, I think Methods to create demand. Some methods have different effects in different countries. For example, Soviet cameras and watches are very popular in Britain because they are really good and cheap. This is complementarity, and real estate is suitable for the Soviet Union.”

Although urbanization had reached 60% in the late Soviet Union, urban construction during the Khrushchev period was actually based on availability. Khrushchev also regarded the Khrushchev Building as an expedient measure in his public speeches. Once the Soviet Union With a better foundation, twenty-five years later, the Soviet Union is still going to start building.

Beginning in the mid-1980s, the Khrushchev Building had reached the end of its service life, and it was estimated that real estate development should begin during the Getu period.

Moreover, the problem in the later period of the Soviet Union was that the banking system had accumulated a large amount of rubles, and the social environment in which prices had been frozen for decades allowed these rubles to accumulate to an extremely frightening figure. There was no problem at all in digesting the rubles accumulated over the decades with real estate.

Besides, the Soviet Union is the base of a big government. If a big country can do something, in theory, the Soviet Union can do it. It doesn't need to be like a Malayan colony. If they have legitimate rights and interests, they have to be buried alive by the colonial government to solve the problem. Of course, there are not many people. There are less than 100 people in total.

Looking back now, there are definitely better ways to make up for the urban construction problem in Malaya. For example, we can use another excuse to say that these people were bewitched by the Indonesian Communist Party, so they became famous.

Since the eldest son is about to return to China to serve the people, Alan Wilson decided to chat more. After all, the meeting between the two after returning to China will not be as easy as it is now.

To get rid of some misunderstandings, it is also for Alexeyev to make up for the shortcomings. For example, in financial operations, although the supreme authority is not a financial expert, it is still stronger than someone who has no knowledge of this aspect at all. More than one.

Alan Wilson tried his best to convince the eldest son that Britain's help centered on the war of attrition was right. "It is a terrible thing for a weaker party to not know that he is weak, which can easily lead to catastrophic consequences, and a relatively weak country must not Fighting against opponents, France was cut in half by the German army on the way to Belgium in World War II, and all standing troops were destroyed. Although the war of attrition is a bit boring, it can keep the Arab countries from being destroyed.”

This kind of thing happened to Russia twice a few decades later, and Ukraine in 2014 also felt that they were all great children of the Soviet Union. Could you be better than me, and be taught by Russia to be a man. After eight years, wouldn't it be honest to squat in the pit, although it is a bit embarrassing, and it is difficult to change the final result, but at least I can try my best to comfort myself.

"Britain is not trying to maintain its own sphere of influence. There are still so many countries that maintain traditional relations with the UK." Alexeyev said with a disrespectful look. This is by no means a show of fatherly love. The main reason is that for the benefit of the United Kingdom.

"Time will tell, and, you're wrong, those pocket countries, plus Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, are not comparable in size to Saudi Arabia, not to mention Iran is also a pro-American country. You look at Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Not much, but it must play a bigger role than the so-called influential country of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom can only parry but not fight back in the face of the United States.”

"Egypt is another issue. From the handover of the management of the Suez Canal to Egypt, Egypt can no longer be regarded as a pro-British home. I know that the Soviet Union has attempted to infiltrate Egypt, and I can also happily admit that the infiltration of the Soviet Union into Egypt has been curbed. The countermeasures against it were formulated by me. But the Soviet Union should not feel that it is at a loss, maybe this is a good thing.”

As long as you remember the figures of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, I believe that no one can stand up proudly, and it is no wonder that the Russians could not bear it later. Libya, led by Gaddafi, can share nearly 5 billion US dollars in aid. Libya has a population of 1.2 million this year, and the Soviet Union directly gave 5 billion.

Besides, Libya is still a country rich in oil resources, with a population of only one million, which is no worse than that of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Is it so beneficial to use the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union single-handedly built the Aswan Dam, but in the end, it was also killed by Egypt, so don’t think that Alan Wilson’s resolute resistance to Soviet infiltration is a bad thing. To some extent, it may also optimize the Soviet Union’s financial situation. , spent a lot of money.

Later generations of network officials always feel that a certain big country is taking advantage of it. In fact, what is it compared to the Soviet Union? The disintegration of the Soviet Union was the disintegration of a proper creditor country, and dozens of countries owed the Soviet Union $250 billion.

"My promise is still valid. No matter how you look at me, I will do my best to help when I encounter difficulties one day." Before parting, Alan Wilson reiterated the validity of the promise in front of his eldest son, and he must not help in vain. , the United Kingdom can not be taken advantage of.

Britain could pay for Soviet bonds, $250 billion, and Alan Wilson was willing to buy 10 billion pounds.

The Soviet Union has never done anything like debt extortion. Basically, it is a rumor. But if the debt of the Soviet Union falls into the hands of the United Kingdom, the debt extortion in the rumor will become a reality.

If the United Kingdom still had the national strength to use force at that time, it would definitely look for a scapegoat to let the debtor countries understand what happened.

"With the help of the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, we can win even if we really start a war." Alekseev was full of confidence and looked forward to this result.

"I misunderstood. I'm talking with you just hoping that Israel won't win. I don't think Israel will lose. Israel has a nuclear bomb." Alan Wilson said that he had misunderstood what he meant, although Israel would not have a nuclear bomb unless it was a last resort. Light up, once used, that is the beginning of Israel's disaster, the overwhelming Arabs will tear Israel to shreds.

But nuclear threats are useful. Equal bombs not only threaten ordinary people, but those in power are also concerned about such weapons, otherwise they will just kill civilians. World wars have been fought several times a long time ago.

Britain's ally, the feudal lord of Yishui, does not necessarily dare to go out and push Israel to a desperate situation, but Israel's victory is not good for Britain. Any move that disrupts the world order, whether it comes from an enemy or a suspicious ally, Not good for the run-down aristocracy in England.

Otherwise, how could Alan Wilson be so keen on maintaining stability?

The so-called anticipation of the enemy is strict, if you are not in harmony with the army, you cannot go into battle; if you are not in line with the formation, you cannot go into battle; if you do not conform to the battle, you cannot win a decisive victory. Alan Wilson was only afraid that he would not be able to hold back with the ability of the United Kingdom, so he remembered how big he was, and sold the destroyer of the world order again.

In any case, Alan Wilson is still looking forward to the smooth development of the son of the cultural czar for him to develop in the Soviet Union.

A day later, Charlotte took the dictation and recited in front of Alan Wilson, "Central People's Broadcasting Station..."

After a while, when his son finished reciting, Alan Wilson turned on the tape recorder and listened to the content of the rant against imperialism from beginning to end before nodding his head slightly, "Finally, your Hong Kong flavor has been changed. accent."

"Just an accent, you can't let it go." Seeing his son's relieved tone, Xia Meng couldn't help but complain, "I also have an accent, so you didn't say anything."

"I didn't expect you to do anything. But Lolo is different. He should have a bigger stage and can't speak with an obvious regional accent." Alan Wilson replied solemnly, "You think this is Is it a trivial matter, the influence of Hong Kong dramas in Malaya is declining sharply, right? Now the stars of Hong Kong are also changing their accents unknowingly, do you know why? Because I stipulated that those who did not speak Chinese would not be allowed to work in the colonial government. Per capita Malaya is no worse than Xiangjiang, and the total amount is stronger, so if Xiangjiang wants to maintain its cultural influence, whether it wants to or not, its accent must be closer to Malaya.”

I won’t say anything more bluntly. This day will come sooner or later. Let the people of Xiangjiang adapt first. To tell the truth, from the perspective of long-term ability and even beyond, the dialects of a certain big country will be eliminated sooner or later. The so-called protection of places Culture, just listen to it, what is worth protecting?

To protect local languages, should we protect national languages? Isn't protection a double standard? It would be better to assimilate everything across the board. If you are not satisfied, then you are satisfied. UU reading www.

"Okay, don't forget to pay attention to the accent when you return to Xiangjiang." Alan Wilson got up after saying that, and then said to Xia Meng, "I'll see you again in a few days, there's a lot going on in Whitehall."

"Well, good." Xia Meng murmured in her heart, it must be other women who have a lot of things to do, but her son was watching, she could only swallow the grievance and make an understanding statement.

Alekseev landed in Moscow and had already changed into a KGB uniform. The rank on the epaulette indicated his status as an active lieutenant colonel. He walked out of the airport with his head held high, and Alekseev took the bus directly home. , before returning to China, he had left all the cash on his body in the UK to use for the funds of the Soviet embassy.

He has to go to the 12th office of the First General Administration first and return the ID card when he was active in the UK. As for reporting back to the First General Administration, there is no need to worry so much.

Fortseva had already been looking forward to her son's return, and as soon as she heard a sound at the door, she couldn't wait to open the door and embraced her son, "Alyosha, it can be regarded as coming back."


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