British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1437: back and forth

Early the next morning, the Washington Post reported the incident in a prominent position on the front page, and the Watergate incident began to be known to all parties.

"Secretary-General, have you heard? There are programs in the US elections." Maggins is also well-informed and has already heard about the Watergate incident in the United States.

"Makins, let's talk about the next-generation main battle tank plan." Alan Wilson reminded his friend to get to the point quickly, this is just the beginning.

As the incumbent president, it is not a problem for Nixon to press for a period of time. You must know that the power of the American president in the electoral country is the greatest in the free world. There is a saying that it is called the emperor with a term.

If it is really like what is currently reported, it is impossible to pull Nixon down. The reports are all the tip of the iceberg. Nixon's campaign team planned a series of political conspiracies against political opponents, including placing spies on opponents and other scandals. .

When Nixon learned that the captured thieves had participated in his own political conspiracy, in order to prevent the exposure of these political scandals, he repeatedly ordered legal counsel Dean to put pressure on the thieves and promised to compensate them later.

The Watergate incident only played an extended role, not the whole of the incident. If it was only reported on the surface, it would not be enough to make Nixon step down.

It’s too early to eat melons. There will be more time to eat in the future. Now let’s deal with the British affairs first. For example, the armor force update in Europe. Who sees who is not confused?

If you want to talk about what Britain can use in the Watergate incident, it is impossible to do something to the United States, but what if you think differently? For example, it is not impossible to export conspiracy theories to a certain big country. Nixon was pulled down by domestic and foreign political opponents because of easing relations.

This kind of thing does my part, and it needs a person who has a good knowledge of both Chinese and Western, and combines the advantages of the two ideas to operate.

It's still too early, why don't we talk about the main battle tank? The bidding for the shield ship has already started. Pamela Mountbatten is currently following up the affairs of her shipyard, and is preparing to share in this round of the Royal Navy's big order. With a piece of cake, the problems at sea and in the air have been solved, and now the replacement of the main battle tank is short.

It can be said that during the Cold War, the tanks in the free world had their own characteristics. The United Kingdom just kept piling up the weight and made great strides towards the bright road of the Iron King.

But if you think that Britain has failed extremely in tanks, you must not take France, my traditional army power, into consideration. British tanks are the best, and France is the exact opposite.

The 13 light tank is the first generation of tanks developed by France after World War II. It is equipped with an automatic loading machine and becomes the first tank that can automatically load shells. It adopts a swinging turret, is equipped with a 75mm cannon, and is driven by a 250 horsepower gasoline engine. It has the characteristics of small size and good mobility.

The tank is light in weight and thin in armor. Compared with other star tanks at that time, the 13 tank has better mobility, but its protection and firepower are completely incomparable with other tanks of the same period.

This tank weighs 15 tons and is equipped with a 75mm main gun. If one day the impressive India feels that it can do it again and wants to make gestures on the roof of the world, you can consider this one.

In the late 1950s, France, the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy originally planned to jointly develop a new generation of main station tanks, but later the three countries had inconsistent requirements, and eventually parted ways, each developing its own main battle tank.

So the 30 main battle tank with a total weight of 36 tons was released, which inherited the characteristics of the previous generation and carried forward, superior mobility, and better protection than nothing.

As for the Leopard 1 main battle tank currently used by the Federal Republic of Germany, it is only a little bit stronger than the equipment of the French Army. The hope of European ground armed forces really lies in the traditional maritime power of the United Kingdom. Sky, as for the pair of suffering brothers and sisters, Germany and France, let's not mention it.

This is the case in Europe. As for the overlord of the free world, the United States, is still using Patton to modify it. Once upon a time, who would have thought that the British Empire would proudly puff up its chest in the field of tanks in the free world. Now Chopper Mu armor has been released, so it should be even more puffed up.

Maggins, who had a heavy responsibility, immediately agreed, saying that the Ministry of National Defense would immediately follow up and come up with a practical plan.

"I also hope that our shield ship construction can be faster, especially in terms of hull construction. As a traditional shipbuilding country, we should not compare efficiency with the United States, which has almost no civilian shipbuilding industry." Alan Wilson pondered for a moment, and then mentioned To the shipbuilding program.

After Makins left, the supreme authority remained motionless, with a thoughtful expression, thinking about the current equipment changes of the British army and navy.

The construction of the Air Force's Typhoon fighter jets has already started, and the Navy's shield ships are also under construction. If the construction of the new generation of main battle tanks goes well, at least within 20 years, or even longer, the United Kingdom can wait for the people militarily. up.

The American Eagle, the prototype of the Typhoon fighter jet, has been in service until the 21st century without any problems. The same is true for the Apache, the prototype of the Tiger helicopter gunship. The tank platform has also reached a bottleneck after the third-generation main battle tank. The only possibility is that it needs to be replaced. Only the Royal Navy is the only one. It has to be said that another meaning of the century-old navy is indeed worthy of the name, and it really burns money.

In theory, warships can continue to be enlarged with existing technology, just like the US aircraft carrier is not the largest in theory, it is a sacrifice made to pass through the Panama Canal.

Aircraft carriers can even reach 200,000 tons. In fact, the United States has demonstrated a heavy aircraft carrier of 150,000 tons.

It is precisely because of this possibility of continuous amplification that the navy is a service that requires continuous investment, and the shield ship is the first weapon system to be replaced among the British army, navy and air force in the future.

Because the richest woman is holding a shipyard meeting, Alan Wilson took the opportunity to come to Monroe to criticize the Watergate incident in the United States and expose the hypocritical political ecology of the United States.

"Are you criticizing the political ecology of the United States? If it weren't for the fact that you care so much about those poor people in Bangladesh, I would suspect that you are similar to those politicians." Monroe half-lyed beside the man, feeling the rubbing on his chest Warm palms, muttering unconvincingly.

"There are too many suffering people in this world. I always feel that my abilities are limited and I can do too little." He was going to talk about these things a few days ago. In Hepburn three days ago, he didn't speak like this at all. He talked about poetry and distant places...

The supreme authority has a clear conscience. As far as Bangladesh is concerned, if someone cares about it, it is God's manifestation. It doesn't matter whether the purpose is noble or despicable?

If it weren't for his short-term reconstruction needs, Bangladesh would be delayed for 20 years because of this war.

Now that Rahman has returned to Dhaka, he keeps saying that he wants to build socialism in the model of the Labor Party. It can be considered that his hard work for the benefit of Bangladeshi society has not been in vain.

"I know you have put a lot of effort into it." Monroe took the initiative to kiss the mouth of supreme authority, as a sweet treat for a man of the same status as her husband, "Are you satisfied now?"

"It seems to be a little bit worse." Alan Wilson felt it, and if he beat around the bush a little more, I could still stand up to my original intention.

Alan Wilson started his own management again, replacing the Prime Minister in managing the life of the country. His concerns include, but are not limited to, the Rhodesian Civil War, the guerrilla warfare in Portuguese Africa, the economic indicators of Malaya, the reconstruction of Bangladesh, the Commonwealth of Nations unity and so on.

By the way, eating melons during the Watergate incident, the current public opinion in the United States is stable, maybe it is just not yet time to ferment, Nixon has gained the trust of the Republican Party, and has not been affected by that isolated incident.

It can be seen from the public opinion in the past two months that the American people still maintain their trust in Nixon. Even Americans don’t care about Then other countries don’t care. Even the Soviet Union felt that it was boring after being hyped for a while, and gradually reduced the popularity.

Alan Wilson, who benefited the society and ladies of the same status as his wife for a day, was listening to Wick's report about the confrontation at the Paris Coordinating Committee.

"It's extremely difficult to produce a little result. Organizations involving many member states are like this. They talk about their own things and are in a mess." Alan Wilson sighed, "Actually, many countries have secretly violated the regulations in the past few years. We don’t know? Which country is the Soviet Union’s machine tool imported cleanly?”

The Soviet Union, which is being mentioned, is also having a dialogue. At the KGB headquarters in Lubyanka Square, Alekseev took the intelligence assessment of the General Directorate of Internal Defense Intelligence and the report on the possible reduction in grain production this year. A big problem. I was still working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before, and the purchase of food may still be able to play a role."

"A few years ago, we purchased grain through the UK." Andropov nodded in agreement. "Now there are three major grain merchants in the world, three in the United States, and one in Britain and France. It's not the most important thing." At this time, it is best not to alarm the Americans."

"I am determined to complete the task." Alekseyev nodded, and now he is going to go to the 12th Department to get his identity back. The 12th Department of the Foreign Intelligence Service specially creates identities for going abroad. He used it when he went to the UK for a second job. False identity, since he is going to the UK again, it is natural that the identity should be taken back.

This was another transaction involving hundreds of tons of gold. Of course, Alekseev was unwilling to do this, but the problem of feeding more than 200 million Soviet people was here, so he couldn't do it either.

Alan Wilson didn't expect that his eldest son would come back so soon, it seems that only half a year has passed.

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