British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1441: Beware of Pinochet

"As expected of a family." Alan Wilson opened his mouth wide, admiring the unity among the members of the royal family, but then again, who can avoid the vulgarity, a family is different from outsiders after all.


If someone proposes to settle with diamonds, he won't spit on the other party's face? Standard man-made demand products, if not completely worthless, don't try to fool him.


But Alexeyev came over and said that, he still did not reject all of them, saying that diamonds of more than ten carats are not impossible to talk about, and at the critical moment, he still wants to take care of the son of the tsar.


"How does the cabinet view this matter?" Pamela Mountbatten asked her husband what Harold Wilson thought about the matter.


"He is happy, who is unhappy when he sees gold? Gold is naturally..." Alan Wilson suddenly got stuck. He originally wanted to say that gold was naturally currency, but when he thought of the sleeping king who was still the youngest senator in the United States at this time After banning Russian gold, I was suddenly not so sure in my heart.


With hegemony in hand, such a counter-intuitive thing can happen, and it cannot be said that the city on top of the mountain is stupid. The key is that there are no competitors.


France's national strength is still a little bit underwhelmed by the EU's talk, not to mention that the European Union is full of apprentices and grandchildren supported by the United States. Why don't the United States try to follow the law?


In the end, Alan Wilson reached an agreement with the good eldest son. First, 200 tons of gold will be shipped in London, and they will be exchanged for British pounds to buy food. If enough is enough, the British will convert the British pounds back into gold. strong.


In fact, before the talks were concluded, the ambassadors of the two populous countries had already started their work, talking about the exchange of precious foreign exchange reserves for food that could be grown at any time.


During the settlement negotiations, the Soviet Union could export steel and cement to the UK to offset a portion of the gold settlement share, which was used for the reconstruction of Bangladesh. In this matter, it is best not to use Malaya's industrial capacity to suddenly increase industrial production capacity. When the reconstruction is completed, there may be a backlog in Malaya.


With such a large production capacity in the Soviet Union, it doesn’t matter if it is more or less. If it also requires 5 million tons of steel, it is obvious that the Soviet Union, with an annual output of 145 million tons, is easier to adjust than Malaya, which has an annual output of 35 million tons.


The news of the Soviet Union's replenishment of domestic grain reserves did not cause fluctuations in international grain prices. Even after the news appeared, because the demand for the Soviet Union ended this year, international grain prices also declined.


Alan Wilson believes that the Soviet Union must be closely watching the changes in international food prices to find opportunities to enter the market, and will see results within two months.


At this time, the cabinet, the prime minister and ministers were delighted by the news that 200 tons of gold had arrived in London. There was less intrigue at No. 10 Downing Street, and the atmosphere was happy.


Alan Wilson took the telegram from the grain ship from Dalian and gave Alexeyev a reassurance, "Look, can't this be done? I believe there will be good news in Mumbai soon."


"Britain really has the means." Alekseev's heart was complicated, at least when the two populous countries had a good relationship with the Soviet Union now or before, but Britain could do what it said.


"Because we Britain is a real imperialist country, it's useless to talk about class feelings with Britain, it's more useful to talk about money. As for India, that is our original colony." Alan Wilson took pride in He raised his chest proudly and said, "The Soviet Union can't do this, otherwise it will be considered as debt, so we can."


"Blue Gourd Sword Fairy"


Looking at the invincible face of this old-fashioned imperialism, Alekseev became angry, "I won the largest country in Southeast Asia in one day in Indonesia."


"You can't take it down without me." Alan Wilson chuckled unsurprisingly, "I don't know if you don't tell me, but it ended up being cheap for you."


The supreme authority was still surprised at the time, who did the things in Indonesia, and only today did I know that it was the son of the tsar, but how old was he at that time? He couldn't help but sigh, "You are very courageous."


Alekseev was a little confused, while Alan Wilson waved his hand, "The business is over, you should be going back to China soon, let's chat casually."


"Well, let's talk." A complex expression flashed on Alexeyev's face. He felt that this might be the most complicated father-son relationship in the world. The two were in two camps, and the previous negotiations were not completely hostile. , at least it didn't let personal feelings affect it.


He had to admit that the head of the British civil service was a master negotiator. Of course, at the Potsdam Conference, it was his mother Fortseva who was talking to the other party. Even her mother could handle it, not to mention her son.


"After going back this time, have you been promoted? Don't look at me like this, I'm also happy that you were promoted. I think it's not enough for you to be the director of the general bureau, but the head of the subordinate department should be almost the same. After all, Yekaterina is in In any case, the Soviet Union has several leaders."


Alan Wilson didn't look at the other party's eyes at all, and just said these words in a guessing tone, "This time the food purchase, if there is no accident, is also a credit, it is impossible for you to be helped immediately after your promotion, I am not saying this to What do you get from you, you should be a Soviet to serve the Soviet Union, and I am a British also to consider the interests of the United Kingdom. Otherwise, you will settle with a diamond that is composed of carbon, and I will agree."


Listening to Alan Wilson's words, Alexeyev was silent, "If one day you need help, I am also willing to help if it does not violate national interests."


"This is my word, you should be careful about yourself." Alan Wilson chuckled and stretched his long voice, "You have a lot of problems. Even if it is inside the Warsaw Pact, there must be no problems?"


"What's the problem? They don't have that strength." The first thing Alexeyev thought of was Poland, where he was in Warsaw when he was airborne.

"As for the countries that have hatred with the Soviet Union, most of them have a good relationship. After much deliberation, it is Poland. This Catholic country is a Slavic country, but it is a big trouble for the Soviet Union. Of course, this is not a problem unique to the Soviet Union. The United Kingdom Ireland next to it, Japan and South Korea in East Asia can even add Vietnam, Pakistan in South Asia, Mexico next to the United States, none of them like their neighbors stronger than themselves.”


Alan Wilson really mentioned Poland. If the small country next to the big country has never been wider, it's fine. I'm afraid that it will be wider by chance.


That's easier to think about. Before the territory was ceded by the United States, Mexico took the lead in Latin America. Although Brazil has a larger territory, it is still not easy for Portuguese to lead a group of Spanish.


Japan and South Korea also belong to this category. Pakistan is a modern version of the Peace Religion that swayed Indian Buddhism in the agricultural era. Even if it fails, it does not want to admit defeat to India.


Before the expansion of imperial Russia, the overlord of Eastern Europe was the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. From the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea is the meaning of the name of Poland. Poland and Lithuania were the countries that later became the most violent against Russia.


To say that all Eastern European countries are anti-Russian countries is not necessarily true. That is to say, Poland and the Baltic Sea are really anti-Russian countries. The Slavic countries in Southeast Europe were all rescued from the Ottoman Empire by imperial Russia. The Czech Republic and Slovakia are not inseparable from Russia either.


The reason why it seems that Eastern Europe is anti-Russian is not because Russia is weak? If the strength of the Soviet Union really scared them to death, they would not dare.


Isn't the comparison between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War similar to that of China and the United States in the 21st century, which are separated by the Pacific Ocean? Looking at the comparison of the economic aggregates of China and Russia, Russia has almost declined by a factor of ten.


Even considering Russia's vast land and resources and the exchange rate of the ruble, it is certain that it will decline three or four times, so why don't the restless friends around me jump up and perform?


Compared with these countries, Ireland next to the United Kingdom is easy to deal with. Ireland is really not rich, and Alan Wilson still has some confidence in benefiting Ireland. If Ireland also has a history of widening, then the Irish problem is even more troublesome.


Since he mentioned the issue of the side of the couch, Alan Wilson thought that since there was no one else in front of him, he suddenly said, "I'm not hiding it from you, Allende probably won't survive next year."


"What? Chilean President Allende?" Alekseyev was taken aback and didn't expect to hear such an explosion, "You won't lie to me? You also said that there might be a war in the Middle East."


"Britain is inclined towards Arab countries. Will the U.S. tell Britain when to go to war?"


Alan Wilson curled his lips and said, "But our intelligence department has analyzed that there will be war in the Middle East in a short period of time. The United States is hiding it from us, and we don't know the exact information. But Allende is at risk of a coup, and I didn't analyze it. There has to be an economic crisis for the coup to happen, and you'll know when that happens."


Of course, this is also a lie. He also has no information about the coup d'etat from Chile, and that's why he dares to call it out, unless there is a figure like Yuri in the United States who can follow the wave of thoughts to find him, the supreme authority.


Otherwise, he would only be suspicious in his own country, and whether he was infiltrated by the Soviet spy again into the high-level interior of the United States.


And this is also a good thing for the UK. The Soviet Union put your national strength in the place where the United States can really jump. Don't always push hard against Europe. Latin America is the place where the United States will definitely jump.


Ever since Cuba, who was under the nose, made such a move, the United States has been strictly guarding the entire Americas. Allende's opponents in previous elections have received funding from the United States. Since Allende came to power, the United States has been trying to find a way to coup.


The Soviet Union can benefit so much. Isn't it much better to benefit Latin America than Sudan and Somalia?


"In the long run, the smuggling of people from Latin America will become a big problem for the United States. But it will take time to verify." Alan Wilson stood without a backache, although the population of the United Kingdom has not changed much since the war.


However, he has specifically investigated that it is not that the fertility rate in the UK has plummeted, but that Whitehall's guidance to immigration to Australia has played a role, and the UK's population structure is still healthy.


The supreme authority who decided to make up lessons for planned one in the last meeting of my grandson before returning, about the linkage between the Middle East war and the coup in Chile, and suddenly it seemed What, "You seem to be holding a lot of prisoners in Cuba?"


"There is such a thing!" Alexeyev nodded. The Americans knew about this kind of exile in the new era. They used it to criticize the Soviet Union, and he didn't know what the purpose of putting it there.


"Let Castro put it in the United States when he acts. In addition to Cuba's own pro-American groups, there are hundreds of thousands of people, enough for the United States to be in a hurry for half a month." Alan Wilson said lightly, "It is best to work hard for three It happened at a point in time, it depends on the capabilities of your KGB. Pinochet must pay attention, he is very dangerous."


A very old-fashioned rant, Alexeyev doesn't need to thank him, this is what should be done, the settlement share of the entire American pound is only 6%, and the rest is in US dollars.


America is a better battlefield. Alan Wilson is considering the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States. The United States is fighting in its own base camp. Isn’t that the upper hand? Playing the Soviet Union in the palm of your hand?


"When Latin America is in turmoil, the locals will only hate the United States. Go ahead and do it." Alan Wilson had put on his coat and stopped again, "Tell Catherine about your conversation with me today. Come now. Say, your situation is not comparable to your mother. Pay more attention to the political situation in the United States, the Watergate incident will not end so easily."




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