British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1444: World Wide Web

Remember [New] for a second,! "It's so sad." Several justices of the peace looked right and right, and believed the one-sided words of Lord Zhongtang, "Actually, we also understand that accepting fugitives from South Vietnam will have a negative impact on the economy, but Sometimes you have to do it.”

"Indeed, it's all for justice." Alan Wilson sighed, as if he had had enough grievances in his life, "We can't just watch them be persecuted, right? If there are consequences that none of us want to see, we can't help others. Chinese immigrants in the country are also a wake-up call and should know whose side they should be on."

The Chinese in Southeast Asia should have been on the side of the colonizers. They were introduced as a means of offshore balance. Only by helping the colonial empire to establish a stable rule is the bright road.

The demise of South Vietnam also means that the Chinese forces in Vietnam have been uprooted. From the perspective of Vietnam, Le Duan has indeed played a huge role in the formation of the country of Vietnam.

In Southeast Asian countries, there is a problem that Chinese immigrants occupy resources that do not match the proportion of the population, but after Le Duan, Vietnam is really just Vietnam of Vietnamese. With the demise of South Vietnam, a large class in this country has been eradicated. .

In this process, Le Duan is very similar to Park Chung-hee, another contemporary person, except that South Korea led by Park Chung-hee is promoting the implementation of boiled frogs in warm water. And Vietnam was done through a war that wiped out South Vietnam.

Many of these bereaved dogs have fled to the United States. They have always been hard-core immigrants, equivalent to Cubans who have escaped from Cuba. Once they arrive in Malaya, they will definitely become the backbone of maintaining the colonial government.

In fact, a lot of people would have fled to Hong Kong, but Alan Wilson believes that the group that maintains my British will play a bigger role in Malaya and contribute to Britain's status as a great power.

The supreme authority asked these justices of the peace whether they supported it or not. Of course they did, because the population of Malays is growing faster than the Chinese, and they can sense this general trend.

"In fact, maintaining the status quo is good for each other. I will tell you the truth. If we have to leave, we will consider adopting the partition of India and Pakistan to deal with Malaya. The administrative area of ​​Penang has been adjusted and the West Malaysia Peninsula has been cut off. At that time, according to the division of Malaya and the Straits Settlements, there will be enclaves in both Chinese and Malay countries.”

Alan Wilson, in a candid and realistic manner, explained all his thoughts and ideas, and other unrealistic ideas need not be said too clearly. Partition was done by the United Kingdom. India and Pakistan are examples. Last time The Indo-Pakistani War has only passed for a year.

"In fact, everyone is their own." Alan Wilson also talked with Su Yang, the sugar king, about the marriage with the Duke of Manchester.

He just talked casually, and he didn't give any advice. After all, it was someone else's business, so he would naturally consider it from multiple levels and finally make a choice.

The main purpose of the richest woman this time is to evaluate how to return to the traditional market. First of all, of course, it is impossible for British capital to go back directly. These successful overseas Chinese people need to explore the way first.

"Actually, I'm also a little worried. Where will they stand in the future?" Pamela Mountbatten expressed hesitation only in front of her husband.

"Don't worry, it's like a helicopter carrier and an amphibious assault ship. You seem to be similar, but in fact, the two types of warships are very different." Alan Wilson gave an example, and the richest woman was even more confused and did not understand Husband what to say.

"Having lived overseas for a long time, the idea is not necessarily in line with the local compatriots. Do the Americans and the British think the same? Do you think if we propose a merger of the United Kingdom and the United States, will the Americans agree? They will not agree, and neither will the UK. ...even if we all speak English."

Alan Wilson shrugged, overseas Chinese and local compatriots are like helicopter carriers and amphibious assault ships, and most people will only feel the same. But how could it be the same, the helicopter carrier was an important force in the Soviet Red Navy, and the amphibious assault ship was a supplement to the aircraft carrier in the traditional navy.

Helicopter carrier is really something specially defined by the Soviet Red Navy. Its main function is anti-submarine, clearing the safe sea area for the dispatched Soviet Red Navy, and covering the Soviet anti-ship fleet and nuclear submarines.

In fact, the helicopter carrier also has the function of specifically restraining the missile boat. If he hadn't copied the catamaran missile boat, the Soviet missile boat would be the only choice for third world countries. How could the Soviet Union allow this self-developed missile boat to threaten itself? The helicopter carrier is the natural enemy of this missile boat.

In fact, the U.S. Navy also discovered the role of the helicopter carrier in the future. During the Gulf War, the helicopter carrier was used to clean up Iraqi missile boats to ensure the safety of shipping.

The amphibious assault ship is the product of the United States from sea to land. One is rushing out, and the other is going in. How can it be the same? But just looking at the appearance, it is easy to have a similar impression. In fact, the difference is far away, and they are not in the same field at all.

The Royal Navy has no plans to build either of the two types of warships, and the United Kingdom does not have to break through the encirclement like the Soviet Union, and there is no need for the United States to interfere in the Eurasian continent at any time. Naturally, there is no need to build warships with similar functions, well, in essence, to save military expenses.

In fact, the Royal Navy is still unable to compete with the US Navy in various fields, and can only try to save military expenses in some less noticeable places.

At night, the couple slept together, talking about the difference between Australia and the UK, "It's really a good place to feed the gods, and it's even easier than the Americans."

"There's only one place in the world, oh, except for Newfoundland." Alan Wilson opened his mouth and modified his answer to be more rigorous.

If Newfoundland wasn't there, the UK would definitely be disgraced by Iceland. With such a royal domain, Iceland would have no time to trouble the UK.

"Hey, what are you doing?" In the bedroom in the dark, Alan Wilson couldn't help but break the silence, suddenly.

"Catch the rocket, not to catch the rocket is not at ease." Pamela Mountbatten laughed, "What? You are my husband, this is the treatment I deserve."

Exhausted, the supreme authority arrived at Turing's Royal Institute for Computing Machinery and Semiconductors to take a look at the latest developments in the field of computing in the UK, as well as discussions on applications.

Alan Wilson is fully qualified to discuss this. After all, he is the inventor of the mouse. He also made a lot of money during the patent protection period and experienced the thrill of a copyright hooligan. Who can say that the mouse is not important?

Of course, every time he pretends to be an inventor, a new victim will appear in the world, which is inevitable, and someone will pay for technological progress.

"The computer can completely form a system!" Turing is worthy of being the father of the computer, and feels that this can become a reality.

"Good idea, what about the World Wide Web? It's like a fishing net to include everything." Alan Wilson expressed his approval after listening, "First start with the local university. As for the second step, of course, Promote it to major European universities.”

The Internet was born in the United States in 1969. Its predecessor "Arpanet" was a military research system, and later it gradually developed into an academic system connecting computers in universities and colleges.

The Internet is not the only Internet network in the world. For example, in Europe, transnational Internet networks include "European Union Network", "European Academic and Research Network", "European Information Network", and "International Academic Network" in the United States. It's just that the Internet is the biggest.

As for the World Wide Web, a concept proposed by the United Kingdom, the World Wide Web can be accessed by everyone, and the URLs beginning with 3w. are the characteristics of the World Wide Web. The father of the World Wide Web was Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist.

"If you have your support, it's not difficult to do." Turing was very happy, he could feel that this was an epoch-making revolution.

"I'll try my best." Alan Wilson opened his mouth. "Then start from Oxbridge. As for the advancement of the Continent, we still can't get around the French."

This is a very sad thing, Alan Wilson has to admit, France is the strongest country among Latin-speaking countries, but Britain is really not the strongest among English-speaking countries. When it comes to the role of Europe, the UK has to calmly negotiate with the French, and the French don't have to do this in turn.

"I'm in a strong country, but not the strongest country. I'm really fed up with grievances." He walked out of the Royal Institute of Computer and Semiconductors with his hands in his trouser pockets, and the supreme authority began to sigh again.

If it goes on like this, before the world famous book can be published in Japan, he will write a book that Britain can say no to, to vent his depression.

Alan Wilson quickly adjusted his mood, celebrating the birthdays of Heidi Lamarr and Vivien Leigh one after another, and then Christmas.

For ordinary people, the end of the year may be a rare and relatively leisure time of the year, but for the supreme authority, it is a very busy time. He keeps writing letters to say hello to women of equal status with his wife and their children, and also To offer to invite is not to meet.

After Nixon was re-elected, he no longer had the pressure of re-election, and officially began to withdraw from the Vietnam War. In January, the US-Vietnam peace talks that had been interrupted more than once began again.

In order to express his sincerity, Nixon announced the official termination of the large-scale bombing that had been going on since the beginning of the Vietnam War, and the sky in Vietnam finally ushered in a long-lost tranquility.

As Paris, where the peace talks were held, France showed its influence as a great power as the host.

"This is a truce? Isn't that a defeat?" Alan Wilson felt that it was time to make the UK's position clear, and that it must shoulder the responsibility of being a close ally and let the US understand the fate of this retreat.

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