British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1446: reverse arms purchase

"That's it, I don't know if Washington will be dissatisfied." Foreign Secretary Patrick is still a little worried, after all, the United States is very important to the United Kingdom.

"It shouldn't be that, when it comes to the most core interests, the Americans are also very good at speaking. Obviously, the mitigation strategy is something that Europe should do, and the United States should not oppose it." Alan Wilson replied, "This is after careful consideration. Even fake democracies like Italy and Japan will protect their own interests at certain times, let alone the UK.”

Inside Whitehall, Italy and Japan are defined as democratic countries in name, and elections are just procedural. In fact, since the 1955 system, Japan has entered a long era of the Liberal Democratic Party. In 2009, the kind of election in Japan, it is better to say that the internal factions of the Liberal Democratic Party are allocated.

Do you think Japan is too much? In fact, it is Italy that is even more excessive, and Japan is also equipped with such a dress.

In Italy, because the Communist Party of Italy is the largest party in Western Europe, the Catholic Democratic Party in Italy does not even pretend. Does the Catholic Democratic Party have any governing program? Do you have any idea? Not at all, the only concept is that all forces except the Italian Communist Party gather, no matter what you are left, middle and right, as long as it is not the Italian Communist Party, everyone is a friend.

If you stand on the opposite side, of course, Italy can try it. Japan is really like an iron barrel and cannot be subverted. There is a really unstable trend. The United States still does not dare to blatantly suppress it in Europe, but it is not possible in Japan.

The Catholic Democratic Party did not have the same cohesion as the Liberal Democratic Party, and the Soviet Union became history.

Of course, although the Catholic Democratic Party hates the Soviet Union, it definitely does not hate the resources of the Soviet Union. Italy and France are completely the two colanders of the free world.

Maybe now the Italian government, learning of the signing of the trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, has a kind of thought, "I feel like I have been living in his shadow!"

In a big country in the Far East, a ship full of arms left the port, and soon the news was notified to Whitehall by radio waves. Delivered to the desk of supreme authority.

"We buy weapons from them, isn't that right?" Margins, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of National Defense, was a little hard to say. I, Great Britain, is one of the most powerful countries in the world. Moreover, the UK itself is an arms exporter.

"Lord, don't be so rigid, or people will think Britain is inflexible. What if we buy some weapons? Not expensive."

Alan Wilson replied indifferently, "If we give overly advanced weapons, in terms of the quality of Arab and Israeli troops, it is likely to smash the brand of British weapons. And although the United Kingdom hopes that its interests in the Arab world will not be damaged, But in the unlikely event that the Arab countries win? Right?"

"That's why we developed a war plan with a defensive counterattack as the core. Weapons that are too advanced cannot be sold. And on the ground, their weapons are cheaper than ours and have a wider range of applications. These light weapons are the most Suitable for the Middle East battlefield."

Alan Wilson actually didn't buy anything good, nothing more than three hundred sets of Type 63 107mm light towed rocket launchers.

Mainly for portability, this time the order will be landed in Iraq and sent to Gaza through Jordan. The supreme authority has added an item in the instruction manual, which must be placed in residential settlements, with the lives and properties of ordinary people as cover. , no thanks, this is what should be done in a total war situation.

Cooperating with the fortified community built over the years, it should have an unexpected effect. He is willing to pay the price.

"If there is a scene of urban guerrilla warfare, let's take a look at it and see how to deal with it. This is a rare experience." Alan Wilson reassured Markins.

Isn't it a gratifying thing to be able to use the blood of others to sum up experience and lessons? Compared with the recent US military aid to Israel, the British aid is simply restrained. The United States allocated $3 billion to replenish the armament of Israel's three armed forces at cost, which is larger than last year's military aid to Israel.

Compared with the US military aid to Israel, is it too much for the UK to buy some rocket launchers from a big country? Even if Washington came to ask for guilt, Britain would be justifiable.

In the face of Israel's military assistance, Moscow's response was more superficial, and it also covered the small moves of the United Kingdom. As for the preparations on the British side, they were nothing more than preparations in a side sense.

For example, British military advisers suggested blocking the Strait of Tiran, sending catamaran missile boats to attack the coast of Israel, suggesting that Jordan try to cut off the Jordan River so that the river would no longer flow into Israel, and so on.

These are all innocuous suggestions, and the generous assistance from the US and the Soviet Union is not a level of support at all. As for whether the Soviet Union secretly sent Scud short-range ballistic missiles to Syria, how would the UK know about that, even if it was sent to the Soviet Union? It will also be kept confidential.

Even if the mobilization mechanism is activated, it is not to threaten Israel, but a normal action of a normal country, at least it is more peaceful than Syria in the north of Israel.

In fact, the United Kingdom can completely decide when the war will start, just after the meeting announced that the diversion of the Jordan River and the blockade of the Strait of Tiran have become the consensus of the Arab countries. Let's see when Israel is fully prepared. Alan Wilson does not expect to destroy Israel, but neither does he want to change the Middle East.

However, the feudal lords in the Middle East can still do something. Alan Wilson does not want to hide his knowledge in this regard. He still believes that the feudal lords are better than the compradors. Chang Gong has already proved that the comprador class can do nothing as good as the feudal lords in power. The Qing Dynasty could not do the eighty years of the Anti-Japanese War and only built 80 mountain cannons.

There are always people who justify Duke Chang with a strong opponent. This is because a large country has a large territory. If Duke Chang is placed in a small country of more than 100,000 square kilometers like South Vietnam, he will fail faster than the South Vietnamese regime, with four to five million square meters. The Pao Dang district with an area of ​​1 km only lasted for four years. Obviously, South Vietnam can fight more than Chang Gong.

Markins still brought some military information about Arab countries, so that his superiors had a clear understanding of the military power of Arab countries. Together with Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Jordan and Iraq, the five countries that may participate in the war, the Arab military powers that can come to the stage have a total of 870,000 soldiers, 6,000 tanks, and 1,400 aircraft. They have 8-1, 3-1 and 3-1 advantages over Israel respectively.

Taking into account the existence of Yemen, this must be greater than the strength of the Arab League in all Middle East wars in history. After all, Yemen's strength is also well-known in the Arab world. It may be because of the lack of progress in Egypt. The Soviet Union attaches great importance to Yemen and Syria, and the UK's meticulous maintenance of heritage has created such a situation.

Yemen, like Indonesia, has deployed Figure 16 bombers. Figure 16 bombers have already begun to retire in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union focused on deploying bombers that had been eliminated in the country in Yemen. The number exceeded 60. In the eyes of the Soviet Union, Yemen is just It seems that the Kingdom of Iraq has a role in the eyes of the United Kingdom, focusing on strengthening the air force in Yemen.

"Even if you can only fight a first-rate war, it's a terrifying amount." Alan Wilson flipped through the information sent by Markins and felt that the book strength was quite good.

So now we can wait for the two sides to be ready for war, and Alan Wilson doesn't have to deliberately promote anything. He still takes the opportunity to solve some specific things, such as cultivating pro-British in Bangladesh, and even cultivating the favor of the colony of Malaya. In this case, UU reading is the supreme authority, and he is a plausible joker, and he can easily pinpoint any jokes about oil paper bags, sewers, and toilet water.

This kind of joke is not a problem for him, anyway, most Bangladeshis are destined to go abroad, and some soft articles are spread and cannot be confirmed.

It's not like Pamela Mountbatten has returned to warm Perth. He can only pray for good-hearted people to take him in, and he acts pitiful among the many ladies who have the same status as his wife, asking him to take him in.

Hepburn was still kind, but Alan Wilson felt that Hepburn had a shortcoming that was not considered a shortcoming. According to his observation, Hepburn was not resistant to aging, and grew older than other ladies of the same status as his wife. Garbo was still very capable at Hepburn's age. Well, as for Heidi Rama, that's a monster, perfect for some medieval legends of blood-sucking forever.

Feeling the palm of his face, Hepburn immediately responded, "Do you think I'm getting old now?"

"Fortunately, the skin is a little rough." Ellen Wilson rubbed Hepburn's cheeks, and it wasn't a lie, she was still in quite a better condition than ordinary women.

"I'm in my forties too." Hepburn frowned and muttered softly, "It's really when the wrinkles creep up all over my face, like most women, you can't look straight."

"What do you say? Darling, elegance never goes out of style." Alan Wilson expressed his loyalty, he is by no means a person who likes the new and hates the old.

At the beginning of this year, it seems that the whole world is in the sage time after intense exercise, which seems to be a lot inferior to the big scene of the India-Pakistan war that came up last year. But Alan Wilson knows that this is all an illusion. As long as one side begins to shrink, the international situation will fall into turmoil. Now it is just the tranquility before the storm.


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