British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1450: make money india indian flowers

Fortseva reminded the eldest son that when they were in London, the father and son had not talked about the source of the war, Alekseev thought back for a long time and replied, "I didn't say that, but I did say Israel. The lack of water resources in itself cannot change this fact even for qualified citizens."


"Jordan River!" Fortseva replied affirmatively after a moment of contemplation. "Egypt once said that they would divert Israel through the Jordan River. Once the water source is cut off, Israel will definitely go to war. Therefore, once the Arab League countries are in the If a consensus is reached on this, Israel will launch an attack. The Golan Heights is also at risk. Lake Tiberias in the Golan Heights is the largest freshwater lake in the region, and Israel cannot use the salty lake in the Dead Sea.”


Alekseyev raised his eyebrows and nodded, "So, if the Jordan River diversion proposal is discussed at the next Arab League meeting, Israel will have to do it."


Now Alekseev believes his father's judgment, and the current vision of the culture czar is definitely above him, so let him come back and discuss this issue with his mother.


"Absolutely." Fortseva said in her heart that you've only met him a few times, and she's the one who has had lasting and in-depth communication with him.


Israel has a small population of only more than three million, but even with only these people, water resources are still a big problem. Once the water source problem is threatened, they will be forced to choose war.


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Why haven't you thought of this approach before? Isn't that because the United Kingdom has been running for the Palestine-Israel peace talks, suppressing the discussion of diversion of the Jordan River? The main reason is that the construction of the Gaza area and the West Bank has not been completed. Now that the fortified towns and air defense towers have been built, naturally there is no concern.


Fortseva absolutely believed that the bad guy would definitely release the news that the water supply was cut off and force Israel to do it. He could definitely do it.


"Sometimes, I seem to feel that someone is missing me." Alan Wilson, who was at the door, muttered to himself, and then looked back at Monroe with a shameless face, "If my **** goddess speaks at this time, then I'm not leaving."


"Go to work! I don't dare to delay you to benefit the society." Monroe glanced at her, full of amorous feelings, kissed the man on the cheek like a child, and pushed the supreme authority out.


"I'm trying to find a way to make this world a better place every day." Alan Wilson proudly raised his chest and set off with a glass of wolfberry Shi Shiran.


I thought it was another day of idleness waiting for the latest developments in the Watergate incident. The Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, John Hunter, came directly to the door. His solemn expression made Alan Wilson wonder if the Warsaw Pact army had been pushed down just an hour ago. The Berlin Wall, the official start of the World War?


"Indira Gandhi announced the nationalization of insurance companies, private coal mines, steel companies, textile factories, etc." John Hunter said directly after sitting down.


Of course there are also social control of banks, nationalization of general insurance, gradual state-run private import and export trade, grain rationing policies, restrictions on individual speculative income on urban land, abolition of the privileges of princely states, guarantees of minimum food demand, promotion of land reforms and rural development programs, etc.


"In the insurance and banking industries, we have several companies that have suffered heavy losses. The Prime Minister believes that he will know soon. The representatives of the companies hope that the Cabinet will come up with a way to prevent the loss of British capital through diplomatic means."


Alan Wilson nodded expressionlessly and asked John Hunter, "I remember I reminded that the two funds must not enter the Indian market? John, let's be honest, do we have any losses?"


"Alan, absolutely not, I guarantee it with my degree." John Hunt swore that the Commonwealth Foundation and the Prosperity Foundation never entered the Indian market.


"That's no problem." Alan Wilson's face immediately turned relaxed, and he looked completely different from the other. "Maybe this is life, and sometimes things like this happen."


How many British companies are likely to lose a lot in the nationalisation of Indira Gandhi? What does this have to do with Whitehall? In doing business, there is a loss and a profit, and there is no reason why you can only make money and not lose money.


"But these damaged companies have persuaded several Conservative MPs." John Hunter said that looking at Alan Wilson, the meaning is self-evident.


"Then what? Landing in Mumbai and capturing New Delhi?" Alan Wilson chuckled, "It's not like we didn't remind you to be cautious when investing in India. Either be direct and be generous and cooperate with Tata and Birla, or don't go in, someone. Do you listen to us? You want it and you want it, and now you are looking for us again? Why don't you appeal to the Supreme Court of India and fight a lawsuit with India? Anyway, the result is the same."


"There's really no way?" John Hunter was not disappointed, but it was the British companies that suffered the damage, and he still hoped to make up for it.

"John, if you don't share the benefits with the big local conglomerate in India, it seems that only one company will make money." Alan Wilson took a sip of wolfberry and replied helplessly.


"Which one?" Hearing the more and more outrageous supreme authority, John Hunter was also intrigued and wanted to know how sacred this company was.


"You have heard of this company, and it has played a major role in British history." Alan Wilson licked his lips and gave the answer, "East India Company."


Alan Wilson can't do anything about this. In this regard, everyone in India is equal, and it is not aimed at the United Kingdom. There must be victims in other countries. It is not once or twice that the nationalized enterprises have caused heavy losses to the United Kingdom. This account should be counted on the head of the Soviet Union.


It can only be said that it is a cowardly act for Indonesia to ignore the United States.


If there is no Soviet Union, would any country dare to confiscate British assets by nationalizing it?


He also has no reason to help these British companies get justice. Anyway, he reminded Pamela Mountbatten before that some aristocratic companies should not go to India. That place in India is India to make money from India. Family.


If you want to make money in India without being cut off by leeks, you have to find a deep integration of Indian local snakes, or find a light asset industry to operate, and run away through the Bombay Stock Exchange at any time.


Soon, No. 10 Downing Street also called him there. Naturally, he met the political secretary Maria Falkender, "Maria, what's the matter?"


"It's not yet India's nationalization bill. Is there any way for Sir? You used to be an official in British India." Maria Falkander revealed the purpose very cooperatively.


"Then I really have nothing to do. It's normal to lose and make money in business." Alan Wilson did not change his original intention, saying that he couldn't help. If it is not the enterprises of the aristocratic class, but not the state-owned investment of the United Kingdom, then the loss will be lost. Isn't that what the market economy is all about?


After waiting for a while, Harold Wilson did talk about the nationalization of Indira Gandhi. Alan Wilson smiled and said, "If you do this, India will encounter big problems sooner or later. Even the textile industry is nationalized. It is courting death. Although the textile industry is a labor-intensive enterprise that can create a lot of employment, the profits of the textile industry are too low, and the disadvantages of nationalization far outweigh the benefits. The profits of the textile industry are so low that any country can Do, exchange such a low profit for a deficit in the national budget? Is it worth it?"


"Let's not talk about the textile industry, even if it is coal and steel, it would be good to be able to make ends meet. The nationalized industries should be concentrated in the industries that can make money while lying down. The burden should be thrown out and the people will fend for themselves. Increase the source of national finance. If you compare Australia's mining industry, Australia's mining industry is very suitable for nationalization. But private enterprises will not be a burden. After all, Australia's foundation is too unique. India has too many people to choose such a low-profit industry. The inefficiencies brought about by the nationalisation of industries completely offset the advantages.”


Harold Wilson said, "But when I nationalized steel, coal, and even the water supply system, you didn't object."


"Prime Minister, I am not all against it. When the water supply system was nationalized, I was very supportive, because every day the local citizens contributed financial revenue. Of course I will not be against As for coal And steel, I was just persuaded by the prime minister."


Alan Wilson shrugged, "Pretending to not see the drawbacks. In fact, in the field of nationalization, no matter how hard we try, there can be no Soviet Union run by the Economic Planning Commission, but this is a trend in Europe. When the cabinet has made a bold decision, Whitehall can only go all out to cooperate."


In fact, the effect of Indira Gandhi's nationalization this time is less than ten years. The nationalized enterprises have caused a decline in the efficiency, and the sick enterprises have become a bottomless pit for financial subsidies. International oil prices have skyrocketed, increasing costs and foreign exchange shortages.


The biggest effect may be that many state-owned enterprises in India let Modi sell and sell, which has become an important means for him to raise funds to make up for India's financial expenditure for a period of time.


Of course, this is also a benefit. Alan Wilson is actually looking forward to the Conservative Party coming to power again and starting privatization. The sale of British state-owned enterprises is an opportunity to realize it. Some dukes or earls far away in Australia will surely be eagerly waiting with banknotes, waiting to regain the dominance of the local economy.


As for the Prime Minister's talk about whether he can use diplomatic means to restore the losses of British companies, Alan Wilson said that he will try it out according to the procedure, but don't expect any effect.


"By the way, Prime Minister, the Arab League summit in August may be a test for Britain's diplomacy." Alan Wilson suddenly said without end.




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