British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1452: global offense

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After the victory of the Cuban Revolutionary War, the United States has been blocking and sanctioning Cuba, embargoing and subverting Cuba, in an attempt to overthrow the Cuban regime and establish a pro-American regime. At the same time, Cubans are constantly tempted to flee Cuba, smear Cuba against the world, train Cuban anti-government figures, recruit mercenaries, and hope to discredit the Cuban regime.

Americans also provided political asylum to Cuban dissidents, causing a large number of people to flee to Florida after the victory of the Cuban Revolution.

Those who can escape from Cuba are Cubans with connections and connections. They are the backbone of the country. In one year, more than 100,000 people arrived in Florida from Cuba.

For a country with a large population, the loss of 100,000 people a year may not be a big deal, but for a country with a population of 10 million, this is a considerable loss. The GDR cannot stand such a population loss to build the Berlin Wall.

Cuba's population is less than 10 million. The backbone of the carefully cultivated force has taken out the training cost and then transferred it to the United States?

“The content of the Cuban Situation Act is that any Cuban who escapes to the United States from Cuba can become a naturalized citizen of the United States after living in the United States for one year. We have more than 200,000 prisoners in Cuba who undergo labor reform there. I think they will also be there when necessary. Can make Cubans."

Fortseva mentioned the "Cuba Situation Act" promulgated by the United States, "Since the United States has opened its own mouth, we will give them enough people at one time, which is also a burden for us anyway."

"This suggestion?" Suslov pushed his glasses and organized his language before commenting in a uncertain tone, "It's very challenging, we have to stay out of the way, to show that this is Castro's personal behavior, and the Soviet Absolutely unaware."

"Comrade Castro is a brave man, he is an unyielding fighter." When Fultseva heard this, Suslov agreed, and then said expectantly, "Nixon was already in the watergate. The incident, the landing of a large number of stowaways, will definitely cause chaos in the American political arena. Coupled with the North Korean offensive and the imminent Middle East war, we think about how to take the opportunity to calm down the situation in Chile. I believe that even the United States will not be able to Defend all of the above.”

"But what about the UK?" Ustinov asked. "You must know that when the Bay of Bengal confrontation, the UK seemed to have nothing to do with it at first. Diplomatically, it refused to mediate the India-Pakistan issue, and it also refused Washington's request for assistance. , but when the opportunity to intervene came, it was quick and hateful. I believe that Washington was also very shocked by that shot."

Marshal Ustinov, as the current Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union, mentioned the confrontation between the Bangladeshi navy. He believes that the United States cannot only be considered as an opponent, and the British factor cannot be excluded. After all, when the Soviet Union faced off in the Bay of Bengal, it was stolen by the United Kingdom once. .

The U.S. Navy and the Soviet Red Navy have been fighting for so long in the Bay of Bengal. As a result, the British Royal Navy took the opportunity to land in Chittagong, and with a look of hope, accepted the invitation of the People's Alliance of Bangladesh to maintain the stability and reconstruction of Bangladesh, and save face. The British got it all. This stage was set up by the United States and the Soviet Union. How did the Soviet Union accept this?

The Soviet Union maintained the security of India and forced the American fleet away. It was a victory, but the final victory was the British. It would be fine if the matter ended here, but after that, the Soviet Union had to ask the United Kingdom again because of the reduction in food production. , and caught up with a batch of raw materials for reconstruction in Bangladesh, and once again stood for the glorious image of the United Kingdom.

"Comrade Ustinov, although the United Kingdom has not said it explicitly, we all know that the United Kingdom cannot abandon its interests in the Persian Gulf and has always stood by the Arab countries with practical actions." Supplement to the top leadership, at which point he expresses his opinion.

Because of the diplomatic issues involved, Gromyko, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, could not be silent. Gromyko's replacement was replaced by the first secretary of the Ukrainian Party Committee, Sherest.

"It's not impossible to consider, comrades, the situation this year is unprecedentedly complicated, and it is by no means as calm as it seems." Brezhnev spoke at this time to prevent disputes between the foreign minister and the defense minister. Our decisions will determine the situation of the struggle in the next few years, even decades, and we must take a clear picture of the situation in these potential locations.”

Although this is said, everyone here knows that Brezhnev did not veto Fortseva's earliest proposal. As long as Castro plays the role of an unyielding fighter, Brezhnev is very willing to acquiesce. , hit the United States through immigration.

The question goes back to the question at the beginning, whether the Soviet Union wants to fight with the United States in the Americas, the backyard of the United States. The last time was the Cuban missile crisis. The Soviet Union had to acquiesce that the United States had won a nominal victory. Can't win? this is a big problem.

Seeing that so many hot spots are going to break out in a concentrated manner, where to focus and where to focus is naturally the core of this discussion. The Soviet Union has always wanted to reach the United States. It is unwilling to always set fires in Eurasia. It will put out the fire itself. It has a sense of presence in the Americas, and let the United States feel the situation of the Soviet Union. Moscow has been pursuing, otherwise it will not be. There is the Cuban Missile Crisis.

As long as Cuba still exists, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Soviet Union will not be a complete failure. Now it is obvious that a second country may be used, and Brezhnev's heart is ready to move.

As Brezhnev's promoted confidant, Grishin, the first secretary of the Moscow Municipal Party Committee who has just entered the top leadership, of course knows what the No. 1 person is thinking, but it is because of his status as the top leader. And it is customary to make the final summary speech without saying it.

At this time, she needed to speak, and Grishin did not evade, and said directly, "I don't need any primary and secondary issues, whether it is the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Chile in Latin America, or the liberation movement in southern Africa, every one is very important, every one is very important. All needs to be pushed forward. In fact, comrades can see that the United States has suffered a lot from the Vietnam War, and a degenerate generation has emerged in the United States. Citizens are no longer proud of joining the military. What are they doing? Corrupting society as a whole."

"Hippies are everywhere, unjust wars have broken trust between citizens and governments, and the entire Soviet Union is thriving and striding toward victory."

Brezhnev nodded slightly. What Grishin said was exactly what he wanted to say. Of course, this was not over yet. As a theoretician, Suslov should speak at this time.

In fact, the theoretician does not need to be understood by people. It is more important to make a statement than to make people understand. At the moment when many hot spots are about to break out, Suslov made a speech in the dimension of time.

The importance of the time dimension is that it is a key factor influencing the rhythm of strategy. Reasonable time setting can make the strategy execution process unhurried and steady.

Improper time setting will make the actor lose the aggressiveness or lose the slack, thus affecting the execution of the entire strategy.

The combination of time dimension and goal nature allows us to divide strategic goals into four categories: rigid goals with time constraints, flexible goals with time constraints, rigid goals without time constraints, and flexible goals without time constraints. The time dimension is also closely related to the phenomenon of strategic goal deviation.

The actor is either trying to achieve the goal in advance, or trying to improve the goal level, whichever is the case, it essentially reflects the mentality of the actor is eager to achieve. Studies have shown that exaggeration of external threats, window of opportunity, and emergencies are important factors that lead to the phenomenon of target deviation.

“The problem of coupling between the time dimension and strategic goals can arise in the strategic planning and execution of any country. Of course, if a major country has this problem, its consequences will have a greater impact on international relations. Now it is clear that we have the determination and perseverance to push forward. , changes that are good for the proletariat and not good for imperialism, and of course we cannot miss the opportunity.”

Bishop Suslov in gray, after a long speech, provided theoretical support for a comprehensive and active offensive strategy, which is exactly what Brezhnev wanted to hear.

"Under the current international situation, the Soviet Union must take a proactive attitude to fulfill the mission entrusted to us by history. The whole world is watching us, and we should let the world take a good look at it." Brezhne The husband said in his usual gentle tone, "Sometimes we should give them a good look too."

There is no need to distinguish between primary and secondary problems. All problems are the main problems. Brezhnev saw that the United States had all kinds of problems because of the Vietnam War. The defense is the offensive, so that Americans can also experience how the Soviet Union has felt for a long time.

Fortseva sighed in her heart that the global offensive strategy that Brezhnev had been thinking about since he came to power is now finally going to be put into action. Is Furtseva's heart complicated and disturbed? To be honest, there are some, but more of them are relieved, there is always such a day, sooner or later.

"Of course the detente strategy is what we pursue, there is no doubt about it, but comrades, this was obtained by virtue of the strength and position of the Soviet Union." Brezhnev still maintained the habit of speaking softly and not shouting, "We are not trying to destroy the United States, but the United States and all imperialist countries can only understand the language of strength, then we will speak with strength that can overcome all language barriers."

As soon as Brezhnev finished speaking, the entire conference room was full of applause. The Soviet Union's global offensive strategy will become a consensus after this meeting and will be unswervingly implemented.


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