British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1454: alibi

Who came up with this idea? It's just that heroes see the same thing. Castro really wants to have a drink with this unmasked comrade, and cook wine to talk about heroes.

Involving the operation of hundreds of thousands of people, Castro has shown unprecedented attention. For this reason, he specially found his own younger brother to promote this matter. This must be planned well.

Nixon, who was deeply involved in the Watergate scandal, did not know that under his nose, he would give the United States a hard time.

Actually, who is to blame? The comprehensive containment policy pursued by the United States in the Americas, whether in the Cold War or after the Cold War, has given the United States numerous opportunities to fundamentally dismantle the Cuban threat.

There are many ways to do it. With the national strength of the United States, it can be done. I wonder if the United States insists on taking Cuba as a negative example, so it maintains an attitude of not asking.

There is also no benchmark country in the Americas. If the United States establishes a benchmark country, it proves that the United States can surpass Cuba’s living standards. Cuba will not persist for so long in the backyard of the United States, but obviously the United States did not. , pro-American countries and anti-American countries have the same living standard in Latin America, so it doesn't matter whether they are pro-American or not.

Look at Haiti around Cuba. The famous mud can't support the wall. There is no essential difference in Dominica. Of course, Cubans can stand up proudly and continue to fight against the United States.

In the final analysis, American countries have no united front value in the eyes of the United States. Even if the influence of the Soviet Union appears in Cuba, the United States will not change its original intention to turn Latin America into a cesspool of immortality.

Let's look at the countries with United Front value, the countries next to China and the Soviet Union, the United States will do its best to support, even if it really can't support it, it will give a sufficient sense of presence in diplomacy.

Latin America does not have this kind of treatment. The living standards of Latin American countries have only room for decline, but no room for improvement.

Alan Wilson disclosed Allende's predicament to the Soviet Union to a certain extent. It is a good thing at the macro level of the world structure. Maybe the United States will pay more attention to Latin American countries. Of course, this opportunity is not big. The country that speaks loudly to the United States, the United States suffers more than it is to die.

To say that the United States only likes to set fires in places far from the mainland is to slander the United States in a sense. The bottom of the United States has always been a pile of shitholes. It should be said that the United States has spread the mature experience used in Latin American countries to the world.

It doesn't matter if you have a cesspool under your own ass, if other opponents are also surrounded by cesspools, wouldn't the problem be solved?

As for the initiator, he is hiding his merits and fame in London, and continuing to talk about himself and the Indian government is obviously a matter of nationalization. In the past, the United Kingdom would ignore it, but India has its own traffic in the United Kingdom, and Whitehall There is no intention to settle the matter right away.

The tranquility before the storm, the national pillars of course have to find something to do. It is precisely because the nationalization of India is not important in nature that Whitehall will hold on to it, and do not expect the problem to be solved, and the losses of British companies can be recovered. Holding on has nothing to do with the loss of British businesses, it's just that Whitehall proves its worth, and there's no risk.

The British citizens who were attracted by their attention did not know that they imagined that the busy Whitehall, they should have afternoon tea, and afternoon tea, and they did not imagine the tension of confronting India.

"Those voters who have granite in their heads know shit. They only know how to speak, but that's how diplomatic work is. Let them do diplomatic work. Do they dare to declare war on the Soviet Union?" The enthusiasm on the Internet sneered, "The expansion of modern democratic elections is the root cause of the country's decline, although on some occasions, we also praised the greatness of this change..."

John Hunter shook his head imperceptibly and said, "Alan, fortunately this is only a very private occasion, and no one will know what you just said."

"Someone will know." Alan Wilson is ambiguous, and the supreme authority is actually one watergate incident. His office also has a monitoring system, but it is not turned on now.

Moreover, no one else knows about this. The richest woman sent someone to do the renovation. Others only know that the cabinet secretary's office has been renovated once.

"The real thing must not be known to them." Of course John Hunter knew that the thing that Britain had spent too long on diplomacy was the yen issue with Japan, and even the upcoming Arab League meeting. To lean back, "I didn't expect the yen issue to be so difficult."

"It must be done even if it is difficult. The yen does not have such a great value. Why? That is the spare tire of the US dollar."

Alan Wilson snorted softly, "Japan has nothing in this country, and even the second largest island has been occupied by the Soviet Union? What can support the exchange rate of the yen? The Soviet Union had an exercise in Hokkaido, and all of Japan would be scared to pee their pants. , just relying on Japan's industrial strength? Even developed countries have grades. Japan is obviously the kind of developed country that has just entered the market. It has 12 hours of non-stop all year round, and it is also the income of eight hours with weekends in Europe. near."

Of course, the supreme authority still praised Japan's industrial production capacity. This is the only place to be praised. The crushing of agricultural countries by industrial countries still exists. Stuck neck.

For example, a certain Wuling Hongguang sells for 45,000 in a big country, 70,000 in Chile, 69,000 in Peru, and 80,000 in Mexico.

The more there is no such industry, the more expensive it is to sell. Malayan cars are sold at a lower price in the UK than in Southeast Asia, even though Southeast Asia is poorer. The same goes for the pickup line in Portugal.

"We are also an island country. If the United States puts its view on the yen on the pound?" John Hunter had already expressed his meaning clearly with doubts.

"Anyway, there is the second largest navy in the world. Especially now, the tonnage of the US Navy was 7.7 million tons two years ago, and this year it is 5.7 million tons."

Alan Wilson said to his old friend, "And this is just the beginning. Within five years, the US Navy will drop to four million tonnage. In six or seven years, the size of the Navy will shrink by half. Now the US Navy and the Royal Navy are On a starting line."

The production capacity that broke out in the United States during World War II, after 30 years, is now at the time of concentrated decommissioning. Although the US shipbuilding has not stopped, from 770 in 1970 If the 10,000-ton drop has dropped to 5.7 million tons, we know how strong the tide of decommissioning is this time.

Even if American shipbuilding is extremely powerful, it is impossible to make up for the gap of 500,000-60000000000000000000000000000000000000 ton-a-year warships retired, not to mention that American civil shipbuilding is almost impossible.

Alan Wilson estimates that the U.S. Navy must have worked harder than the history he had in mind, because the Royal Navy did not decline to the point of being ignored. But? Effort is just a drop in the bucket. This retirement tide is too violent, and it is not much worse than the retirement tide that happened to happen in a big country.

There will be a consequence of this. The U.S. Navy will, of course, still have an overwhelming advantage over the Soviet Red Navy, with the help of the Royal Navy. If the U.S. Navy faces the Soviet Red Navy alone, it is impossible to guarantee that it will be able to retreat completely.

At the end of the Cold War, if only to compare the tonnage, without considering how many aircraft carrier battle groups the Red Navy's anti-ship missiles can replace, the tonnage of the US Navy is only a fraction of that of the Soviet Red Navy. In other words, if the Royal Navy and the Red Navy are on the same front, the U.S. Navy is at a disadvantage.

So Alan Wilson now feels that the United Kingdom is full of united front value, so that the yen, which should not have played a big role in the first place, should not be on the stage of history. This requirement is not excessive at all.

While President Nixon and the judiciary were battling over the issue of handing over the tapes, the time had come to August, and the problem facing Alan Wilson was the issue of the Soviet military's exercise in Hokkaido, UU Reading www. Of course, this is second-hand news from Washington. After the cabinet's rational judgment, the United Kingdom made a decision. "With the strong strength of the US Navy, it is enough to make the Soviet Union dare not act rashly."

Washington quickly replied, "From the perspective of the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, it is natural for the United Kingdom to send a core force with combat effectiveness to stand with the United States and resolutely fight back against the Soviet Union. If the Royal Navy visits Yokosuka at this time, the Soviet Union will Can feel the indestructible friendship between the two countries."

This has inspired a special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, which Alan Wilson will firmly defend, before Prime Minister Harold Wilson and the Secretary of Defense Dennis Healey, to make a bitter statement, "The Queen Victoria-class aircraft carrier of the Mediterranean Fleet should be sent to to the Far East."

"Ellen, we all know that you have a deep personal relationship with many people in the United States." Harold Wilson almost looked at the cabinet secretary with a reliable look.

"Prime Minister, personal relationships are personal relationships, and I have always firmly defended the interests of the United Kingdom." Alan Wilson had a look of grievance on his face. "It's just that I think it is good for the United Kingdom to respond to the call of the United States."

"What's the benefit?" Defense Secretary Dennis Healy twitched the corners of his mouth, eager to hear what the specific benefit was.

Of course, there was an alibi during the war in the Middle East, but it's hard to say, Alan Wilson pondered for a while, "I don't deny that the United States is now in the midst of the factual failure of the Vietnam War, and it needs an ally to encourage it. ."


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