British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1455: arab league meeting

In the fourth Middle East war in history, the Soviet Red Navy entered the Mediterranean Sea, and there was a very famous confrontation in the Mediterranean Sea with the US Sixth Fleet during the Cold War, which was even larger than the confrontation in the Bay of Bengal during the India-Pakistan War.

Alan Wilson sometimes wonders if something is wrong and the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet leaves.

It should be known that the Mediterranean Fleet is also the second largest fleet of the Royal Navy, second only to the home fleet in the Atlantic Ocean, and has two of the largest aircraft carrier battle groups in active service in the United Kingdom. If a confrontation occurs, the Royal Navy may not be able to escape at the insistence of the United States.

He is racking his brains because of this possibility, preparing to take the opportunity to provoke Yemen. Defend Britain's presence in the Middle East.

Now that I have received a call from a close ally, this feeling is like someone giving a pillow to sleep. If there is another confrontation in the Mediterranean, the main battleship's Mediterranean fleet in the Far East can stand idly by.

Compared to something as dangerous as a confrontation in the Mediterranean, what is it worth to spend a little money on a trip to Japan? The danger is not on one level at all.

"The embarrassment of the United States in the Vietnam War was clearly seen by the world. At this time, the United States needs the help of its allies. After all, defending the free world cannot rely solely on the United States. This is the time to reflect British values, and we should not refuse."

Alan Wilson was righteous, and advocated that he should respond to Washington's call and go to the Far East to defend Japan. "When the time comes to discuss the issue of the yen with the United States, we will also be confident. Japan can't even defend itself. Talk about the value of the yen, that's all. Castle in the sky."

"Indeed." Harold Wilson immediately agreed. His prime minister's fame began with the Zurich goblin in the financial field. At present, the United Kingdom is pulling France to strongly oppose Germany and Japan, mainly Japan, and expand its presence in the financial field. Currency share proportion.

Look how reasonable what the cabinet secretary said. Japan can't even guarantee its own security, so why is it still talking about occupying a place in the world financial field?

"The existence of the Royal Navy is part of the UK's credit." Alan Wilson immediately turned to Defense Secretary Dennis Healey.

"It's justified." Defense Secretary Dennis Healey raised his chest proudly. At other times, he can think about saving expenses, but when he speaks against the value of the pound, he will be against the current Prime Minister Khalid. Rod Wilson.

Alan Wilson certainly did not forget the idea of ​​Defence Secretary Dennis Healy to cut spending. "We will suggest in the telegram to the Mediterranean Fleet that we can do Yokosuka with less fuel. As for the time to come back, I believe that the British help With such a big job, the U.S. Navy won't skimp on gas money."

Alan Wilson even hopes that the two aircraft carrier battle groups have reached the Yokosuka oil depot, which has dried up, and the wool of the US naval base can be considered to save some naval expenses.

After some persuasion, the Prime Minister and the Secretary of Defense had no problem. Alan Wilson said that he would give Washington a warm and positive response. When the United States lost its luster due to the Vietnam War, the actual actions of the Royal Navy Conference proved that the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States unbreakable.

No one can disrespect the U.S. Navy. Although the U.S. Navy is about to face the embarrassment that its scale is getting smaller year by year, the tonnage of 5.7 million tons at this time is still more than twice that of the Royal Navy. And that's to add to the pile of battleships that the Royal Pacific Fleet hardly ever leaves for port.

After receiving such a reply, I believe that Nixon, who was deeply involved in the Watergate incident and was arguing with the judiciary because of the tape, would surely have a warm current in his heart.

Alan Wilson actually doesn't know if the Soviet Union is deliberately provoking trouble in the Far East and diverting attention from the Middle East or more, but he thinks the Soviet Union is playing big chess, and he thinks it is profitable for Britain to do so , happily jumped out of the pit dug by the Soviet Union.

The Mediterranean Fleet was the fleet that Marshal Mountbatten served before returning to London. Many of the generals in it were old subordinates of his father-in-law. Pamela Mountbatten was familiar with some of them and said that she could help polish the wording in the telegram. "However, will this weaken the strength of the Royal Mediterranean Navy."

"Yes, but Anglo-American relations are superior to all foreign relations," Alan Wilson said eloquently. "Although we are not satisfied with the United States at all levels, we still need to help the United States."

The Mediterranean Fleet, which received the local telegram, immediately began to act. The two heavy aircraft carrier battle groups of Malta and Gibraltar pulled anchor and set sail, and said that they would carry one-way fuel according to the order of the telegram, and arrived in Yokosuka for replenishment.

"But why do you want to do this?" Pamela Mountbatten was puzzled. She ran 10,000 kilometers and saved a little money on fuel?

"Maybe the United States will see that the Royal Navy is too stretched to maintain the current fleet size." Alan Wilson showed a white tooth, "It can't help in vain, can it? It's not too much to change a ship of fuel? The Royal Navy doesn't have a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. , we are all conventionally powered."

Moreover, there is a confrontation in the Mediterranean, and the backbone of the Mediterranean fleet will not be able to return for a while because of the lack of fuel. It is definitely in the past, right?

"How else can you make money, dear." Pamela Mountbatten's mouth curled slightly, complimenting the man who had calculated to the bottom of his heart.

"I can't say that. In this field, we still can't compare with the United States. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been thrown directly into the Vietnam battlefield." Alan Wilson expressed humility and cannot be compared with the United States.

After replying to the proposal that the United Kingdom would help the United States stabilize the situation in the Far East, it was faced with the question of whether the Prime Minister should explain to the President of the United States that the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States is unbreakable.

Alan Wilson suggested that if it had to be done, express support for Nixon in a private name, because now that Nixon was in trouble, it would not be appropriate to do so in the name of the British Prime Minister.

"Nixon and the judicial system seem to be wrangling for a while!" Alan Wilson said, "We still don't know if Nixon will get through the storm. Although there is no precedent for impeachment by the US president, it may not be completely It does not exist, the immediate problem is the Arab meeting. Since last year, the situation in the Middle East has become somewhat tense, and the UK should try to maintain peace in the world's oil depots."

Naturally, it is still the old rule, calling for the territories of the two countries recognized by the United Nations in 1948, which means that Israel should still withdraw its troops from the Palestinian territories occupied by the first Middle East war.

To tell the truth, from the perspective of Israel, it is absolutely impossible, because according to the time control line in 1948, although Israel occupies 57% of the land, the Gaza area and the West Bank are almost a stone's throw away. , and also allow Israel to build a road.

According to that division, Israel could be cut into two disconnected lands, north and south, at any time, not an enclave or almost an enclave.

According to the division at that time, Jerusalem has nothing to do with Israel, and is purely a city in the hinterland of Palestine.

On August 14th, the Arab League meeting was held in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya and other countries gathered here to start this time. Arab League Heads of State meeting.

The host was the king of Egypt. The 20-year-old Fuad II presided over the meeting as a king. Not long after he took power, the Egyptian version of the Queen Mother of the Two Palaces and the Sixth Guizi were still in control of the government.

But in this Arab League meeting, King Fuad II was still quite eye-catching. The current king is not married yet, and at the age of 20, he is at the dawn of his life, which makes some heads of state of Arab countries have some plans.

In a sense, this meeting of the Arab League was actually embarrassing, because the leader of Yemen was named Nasser, who used to be a colonel of the Kingdom of Egypt and a free officer of Egypt, the leader of this absolutely banned organization.

However, since it was a meeting of the heads of the Arab League, Fuad II had to let the chaotic ministers and thieves of the past, the leaders of Yemen today.

I believe that even Nasser himself did not expect that one day he would return to the country where he had served for most of his life in such a form and with such an identity, and sit in front of the king in a grand manner. Nasser also participated in the first In the Middle East War, he was a war hero of the Egyptian military at that time.

In fact, it was obvious at the meeting that there was a division between the republic and the monarchy. Sudan, Syria and Yemen were all republics armed by the Soviet Union. Egypt, Iraq and Jordan are British-backed monarchies. As for the pro-American Saudi Arabia, because the Arab League does not have Iran, Saudi Arabia is still a little transparent for the time being.

There has even been a news among the Egyptians that after Egypt will retake the occupied Palestinian territories, the royal family will consider reforming the constitutional monarchy and hand over most of the power to the parliament.

This was of course released by the United Kingdom. Although the United Kingdom is not a member of the Arab League, its heart is already with the Arab countries. Just a few days ago, the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet aircraft carrier battle group just entered the Indian Ocean through the Suez Canal. The Far East went to defend the special Anglo-American relationship.

The leader of the Syrian Arab Ba'ath Party, Hafez al-Assad and King Hussein ibn Talal of Jordan, came up with a plan to change the course of the Jordan River so that it would not be used by Israel, Hafez Before Assad came, he had already met with Soviet diplomats in Damascus, and the Soviet Union explained the dangers of the Golan Heights.

Hafez al-Assad also accepted the warning of the danger of war from the Soviet Union, understood the importance of the Golan Heights, and made preparations before he came to Cairo.

The entire meeting was discussed intensely, with Arab countries expressing their opinions, showing the unity of the Arab world, even Saudi Arabia.


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