British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1456: save the peace

The flow of the Jordan River is of course the top priority of this coalition meeting, but it mainly involves three countries, the three neighboring countries of Israel, Egypt, Syria and Jordan.

In addition to these three countries, there are currently more recognized Arab powers, plus Yemen and the Kingdom of Iraq. These five countries are several military powers that the Arab world can handle.

As for other Libya, Sudan, Morocco, either too far away or with a population of only a few million people, they are completely foils for this meeting, but one thing is the same, these Arab countries that are not involved in the Palestinian-Israeli issue are also showing generosity Unpack and resolutely safeguard the dignity of the Arab world.

In terms of the general position, the entire Arab countries are the same. There is no need to distinguish between countries that are close to the United Kingdom or countries that are close to the Soviet Union. Everyone is against Israel.

Although Nasser has been chased by many countries for many years, his arrest warrant was only revoked by the Kingdom of Egypt not long ago, but the Free Officers Organization he led has indeed spread Arab nationalism throughout the Arab world.

Of course, Nasser did not know that he could have been more successful than he is now, establishing the United Arab States with Egypt as the main body, attracting Syria and half of Yemen to join it.

Alan Wilson did not attend the meeting of the Arab League. Naturally, he could not remind Nasser that he had this fleeting dream of an Arab power, but Nasser did not grasp it.

Having said that, the opponents of Arab nationalism are none other than others. The biggest opponent is Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia confronts Arab nationalism with pacifism and prevents Nasser from unifying the Arab world. Otherwise, Saudi Arabia, as a feudal country with little force, will became very embarrassing.

King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was also in this meeting. Compared with other heads of state involving the Palestinian-Israeli issue, and even other heads of Arab countries farther away, King Faisal did not speak much, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

This is also more in line with Saudi Arabia's traditional understanding in the eyes of other countries, a country that is not public.

Many countries also know that Saudi Arabia has the largest reserves of oil resources in the world, and it has gradually become richer in recent years, but the people of various countries do not know it, and individual knowledge has a certain degree of delay.

Saudi Arabia's debut among Arab countries will have to wait until the outbreak of the oil crisis. Before that, Saudi Arabia's status can't really be compared with several traditional Arab powers, only Kuwait is a big one.

At the same time that Nasser resolutely supported the speech of expelling Israel from Palestine, King Faisal also glanced at Nasser from the corner of his eye. Yemen was under Saudi Arabia's ass, and Saudi Arabia was extremely vigilant towards this country supported by the Soviet Union.

With so many countries participating in the meeting together, it is definitely impossible for the results to emerge in one day. Soon the first day of the meeting ended, and news of some Arab League meetings began to spread.

Israel, and countries that have nothing to do with the Israeli-Palestinian issue, are weighing the content of the meeting, possibly Moscow, Washington, or even London.

"The Home Secretary, has been under a lot of pressure recently. Some people complain about immigration." Brest sat in front of Alan Wilson bored. "The Conservatives are hyping immigration again. This is an old problem. In fact, we It is already very strict. Citizens should not complain. They always take it for granted that they have everything for granted. Their existence is more important than the chiefs of Africa, the rich businessmen of India, and the entrepreneurs of Malaya. "

"London is not just London for Londoners. London is more important than the capital of the British Empire, not the capital of the United Kingdom. We can't burst their wishful thinking bubble, which is really offending. It's like we It's useless to not break the election, or the voters will be outraged, and that's the only thing they can comfort themselves."

Alan Wilson's sympathy for the hard work of the Home Office is indeed an unacceptable fact that touches on the essence of the problem, but this kind of problem cannot be vague.

If it can be ambiguous, Alan Wilson doesn't have to force the older Charlotte to correct her accent, isn't it impossible for Hong Kong Pu to use it?

Hong Kong people must think it's okay, but Alan Wilson knows that it really doesn't work, and he's not going to let his son live in a place with a big booger.

"The dissatisfaction of the citizens of London is justified. Immigrants have squeezed some public resources and have a better economy. It is indeed the envy of ordinary citizens. But what about that country?"

Alan Wilson instilled chicken soup for the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, but it must have been a slander to ordinary people, "Isn't this the case with countries, and ordinary people will not necessarily benefit if they develop well. If things go wrong, citizens 100% want to Follow bad luck."

When everything is going well, if you want to benefit from the country, it depends on the conscience of the government. If something goes wrong, it will be shared by all citizens. Are there any exceptions? Alan Wilson can't think of an example anyway.

Assuming that the Soviet Union came over, the government has countless ways to make all the British people become cannon fodder. Don't think about being able to escape, and want to make money outside?

Nobles can, they have been operating in Australia for a long time, you are an ordinary person, and when you are guilty of treason, you eat dry rice?

In all fairness, his supreme authority is good enough for the citizens of the United Kingdom. Whenever he wants to take shortcuts, he will directly vote for the United States and use all his strength to make the Soviet Union disintegrate as soon as possible. The British will find that there are A large number of immigrants who have received enough socialist education will make these idiots who eat people's food and do nothing else quickly get out of the way.

Even Brest knows that the immigration bottom line set by Alan Wilson is that in a generation, immigrants cannot exceed 3% of the British population. In fact, he wants to win 2%.

That is to say, there are a maximum of one million immigrants in the UK, and it is the Home Secretary who becomes 3%. Of course, it is not the current Home Secretary to relax.

"It is still in film and television works that subtly change the perceptions of voters, and at an appropriate time, reveal the fact that there are 250,000 British immigrants in Malaya, 30,000 people in Hong Kong, and 100,000 in Kenya. Ten thousand people should let them know about these things. To be honest, when Kenya becomes independent, another 100,000 people will return to the mainland. Even if they don’t all return, it will be enough for some community and public resources to be strained.”

This matter cannot be compromised. As I said before, this is a real issue. Compared with people who can rely on their own financial resources and abilities to immigrate to the British mainland, voters who have one vote are really unimportant.

"I think Kenya's independence is really not far away." Brest is also a high-ranking official in Whitehall. He is very clear that Kenya's rule cannot be maintained. Now it is nothing more than discussing the final conditions.

Kenya's independence also showed that the plan to re-establish a British India in East Africa was bankrupt, but that plan had long since collapsed and was moved to Malaya.

As soon as Brest left, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the Cabinet Office, "Secretary-General, the latest progress of the Arab League meeting, should I send it to you?"

'The Prime Minister is also very concerned about this matter, send it to me and I will give it to the Prime Minister. ' Alan Wilson held the microphone and said, "We still have to do our best to run for peace. We must let the Arab world understand that some choices are to choose war, and we must be careful when making choices."

When it comes to the issue of the Jordan River, it is essentially Israel's water supply. This is the source of the third Middle East war in history. Egypt, led by Nasser, took Israel's threat as a bluff.

As a result, Israel achieved an overwhelming victory in the third Middle East war, and since then it has also confirmed its self-confidence in the Arab world.

The Middle East war has not been fought so many times in this world. The question of the direction of the Jordan River needs Jordan to nod. Jordan is traditionally a pro-British home, and the United Kingdom has been pressing the discussion of the Jordan River.

Not long after, Alan Wilson arrived at No. 10 Downing Street. Prime Minister Harold Wilson was of course there. He also received a call from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the same time. Foreign Secretary Patrick was also present, with a rather solemn expression.

Obviously, the two also knew that the direction of the Jordan River was a matter of life and death for Israel.

"The war will definitely start. The Arabs are overconfident. The United States will not let Israel perish." Foreign Secretary Patrick shook his head and said that the United States' support for Israel is a well-known thing. This country has always been an important part of the United States in the Middle East. The fulcrum, and Iran encircled the Arab countries from east to west.

"The minister is right, this problem will cause war." Alan Wilson also had a headache, as if he did not know that the problem of the direction of the Jordan River would cause war. On the contrary, he understands it better than anyone else. The change in the direction of the Jordan River is killing Israel.

"We should prevent the outbreak of war. The discussion on the direction of the Jordan River at the Arab League meeting is one-sided and will not help to change the local tension. The Jordanian side has clearly promised us before." Harold Wilson was a little angry that the diversion of the Jordan River had once The Arab side has raised it, and the UK has also discussed this issue with Jordan.

"I think it may be that the Syrian side persuaded Jordan that although we all have good relations with the Jordanian side, they are the Arab brother countries."

Alan Wilson spread his hands and said, "The matter has come to this point, of course, the United Kingdom will do its best to prevent the outbreak of war and work hard to save peace."

This is no problem. The Arab League meeting is still open, and the British Foreign Office has already issued a diplomatic letter to start the operation to save the peace. The diplomatic letter clearly pointed out that the Arab League is not discussing this time. , but forcing three million Israelites to war.


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