British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1460: smoke without injury

In fact, at that time, it was supposed to meet the double 25 standard, but there were some problems in the development. In the end, this high-altitude high-speed fighter did not meet the standard of Mach 2.5, and was handed over to the Iraqi Royal Air Force. The general Sidewinder Air-to-air missiles can also fly Mach 2.5.

Historically, because the MiG-25 has Mach 2.8, it is a high-altitude and high-speed fighter of the double-three standard to a certain extent. One acceleration will throw away the air-to-air missiles equipped by the Israeli Air Force. It brought great shock to Israel and the United States and even the whole free world. The Iraqi Air Force will not necessarily lose out in air combat.

High-altitude and high-speed fighter jets are equivalent to specialized weapons. They are particularly good at a certain place. The MiG-25 is so fast that the Israeli Air Force is at a loss.

Alan Wilson also doesn't think that the high-altitude and high-speed fighter jet will definitely withdraw from the stage of history. Maybe there will be such a day in a few decades, when it will come back?

There is no unified standard for sixth-generation fighter jets. In case any country comes up with a high-altitude and high-speed fighter jet with the double-four standard, it is okay to claim to be a sixth-generation fighter jet.

"Why wasn't the Royal Air Force equipped at that time?" Dennis Healy asked when he heard that the cabinet secretary was so optimistic about the performance of the Iraqi Air Force.

"It was cut off because of the issue of military spending. The manufacturing is just to accumulate manufacturing experience." Alan Wilson gave a helpless expression. Who is to blame? Isn't that what happened to Harold Wilson's last term?

Dennis Healy was keenly aware that the Prime Minister or even himself would be held accountable for further investigation, and the matter of why the Royal Air Force was not equipped would not be mentioned any more.

Because the American man did not officially serve in the Royal Air Force of the United Kingdom, the name of this fighter in Iraq, the Long Arrow Fighter, is actually more well-known. Arab countries also call the American man the Long Arrow fighter, which is better than NATO calling the American man a fin whale. .

In terms of electronic equipment, the United Kingdom is definitely stronger than the Soviet Union. The backwardness of electronic equipment has been revealed as early as the Soviet Union. However, electronic equipment in this era is not like the 21st century. It has developed to an extremely important level. The first two When the Soviet Union carried out an electronic jamming cover raid on Warsaw, NATO did not notice anything.

In general, the long arrow in the hands of the Iraqi Air Force, as long as you are careful, even if you can't do anything to the Israeli Air Force, it is not so easy for the Israeli Air Force to catch up with the Iraqi Air Force.

"Actually, it's been less than a day since Israel's air raid on Egypt. The beginning of the war was a time when fake news was high, and the battle reports from both sides were not credible." Alan Wilson asked the Secretary of Defense for peace of mind. Who will win the final victory, no matter what, there must be conclusive news from the ground battlefield.

The supreme authority is actually very concerned about what kind of results the Iraqi Air Force can achieve after participating in the war. The French fighters have just been hit hard, and the British fighters have followed suit.

Although this fighter is not in service in the country, and the Iraqi name is more well-known, it is also made in the UK after all.

Naturally, it is impossible for a cabinet meeting to only talk about whether fighter jets are useful or not. The key point is that several countries participating in the war have already announced a national general mobilization. No matter it is bluff or something, it is very dangerous.

"It's a bluff, of course, but it's still dangerous." Foreign Secretary Patrick made a two-sided conclusion, explaining his understanding of the current situation in the Middle East.

In a sense, the public announcement of general mobilization is to deter opponents, but once some countries announce their follow-up, it may lead to a spiral escalation.

There is no need to look for examples from other places. In Europe during the First World War, Germany, France, Russia and Australia announced a general mobilization to each other. As a result, it was difficult to ride a tiger and finally had to see the truth on the battlefield.

"Something must be done, which will have an impact on world energy." The entire cabinet meeting was full of gentlemen's worries that world peace was at stake.

Look, every minister is so concerned about the country and the people. If everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world.

This is not like a retrograde Great Britain Treasure, who is happily telling the microphone, "Whether Al Jazeera can become a TV station with great influence in the Arab world in the future, just watch this broadcast, and resolutely defend the Arab world's interests, being widely heard around the world, which is extremely important.”

When Vivien Leigh put down the microphone, her daughter Susanna wanted to ask when her mother also ran a TV station in an Arab country. It seemed to be very important.

"What's the matter, Susanna." Vivien Leigh saw her somewhat silent daughter, and said with love, "Is there any difficulty recently."

"It's not difficult, mother, I just think you're in good shape." Susannah replied with a smile, "Even now, you still have such a strong sense of professionalism."

"Everyone is influenced by others." Vivien Leigh answered very seriously. She is so enterprising, mainly because there is a man who is more enterprising.

"This is Al Jazeera. Just now, Yemeni leader Nasser announced that he would join the war against Zionism and defend the dignity of the Arab world. Next..."

The Whitehall Cabinet Secretary's Office is waiting for the permanent secretary of his ministers to gather together, and they have just received the news that Yemen is participating in the war.

"Yemen should be difficult to convince that Saudi Arabia or Egypt open their own territory for marching. Egypt cannot be unguarded against the Free Officers Organization, and those Saudi chiefs are also very afraid of the fate of Yemen's chiefs." Markins said with some surprise, "Yemen What are you going to do?"

"We must consider a problem. The Yemeni Air Force is not weak, especially the Soviet Union took a fancy to Yemen's position and gave Yemen a lot of Figure 16 bombers. The Yemeni Air Force may participate in the war, and Tim Island has an airport that can be used." Alan Wilson replied, "The Yemeni Air Force can provide air supremacy cover for the Egyptian army on the Sinai Peninsula."

For Nasser, who has always advocated Arab nationalism, it is not impossible for him to abandon his previous hatred and contribute to the entire Arab nation. This move may also improve relations with Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

In the Sinai Peninsula, the Egyptian army had strong fortifications. The Israeli army suffered great losses due to the violent and accurate Egyptian anti-tank artillery fire. After **** battles again and again, the Israeli army finally approached the target step by step. Israeli tanks rushed into the urban area of ​​Arish. This small town is close to the Mediterranean Sea and is an important station for the railway along the Suez Canal through Gaza. Breaking through Arish is the key to the battle of the Sinai Peninsula.

As early as the beginning of the Israeli Air Force's raid on Egypt, the defenders of the Sinai Peninsula received news of the outbreak of war, and then they were ordered to enter the major settlements and wait for assistance.

The attacking Israeli army had a total of 60,000 people, and the soldiers were divided into three groups and approached their respective goals, but what they did not expect was that they did not meet the sniper of the Egyptian army that came.

There was even a feeling of being in a no-man's land, but after rushing into the urban area of ​​Arish, everything changed. Positional warfare is a method that no army is willing to face, especially Israel.

The streets extending in all directions divided the strongholds into ideal alleys and battlefields. The Egyptian defenders hid in the urban area without any scruples, facing the attack of the Israeli army. I don't mind at all, turning the bustling streets of the past into purgatory.

As for the giant air defense tower used to protect the safety of the Suez Canal, there is exactly one on the east side of the city of Arish, and it has already begun to operate, covering each other with Arish and becoming a giant fortress that blocks Israel's advance.

The Egyptian Air Force was basically overwhelmed, and the Israeli planes were left unattended. In order to increase the number of aircraft dispatches, Israeli ground crews have less and less time to refuel and reload their ammunition. Their record is that it takes 5 minutes to fill up more than 7,000 liters of gasoline, and it only takes a few seconds to hang up a drop tank, and they send batches of ghost-like planes into the sky.

Now the main task of the Israeli Air Force is to open a channel for the advance of the army. Anyway, the enemy is throwing bombs at the city of Arish without any hesitation, but when facing the air defense tower of Arish, this attack surface has little effect. On the contrary, the anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft missiles equipped with the Arish air defense tower are constantly venting towards the sky, expressing their sense of existence.

In the face of the carpet bombing of the Israeli Air Force, the air defense tower stood still. The predecessor of this reinforced concrete cube with a length, width and height of 70 meters fought until Berlin was conquered in the face of the British and American strategic bombing. The country has changed its environment, and it is still prosperous that day, and the blockbuster can't be shaken at all.

The time of the fall of the air defense tower depends entirely on when the king of Egypt announced a truce. After the two batches of bombing, the pilots of the Israeli Air Force couldn't help but scold their mothers. The attack on the air defense tower was a proper prince's tactics. Even if it can't be said to be completely smokeless, it is obviously far from destroying the target.

For Israel, time is the most precious thing. Israel cannot fight a protracted war with Arab countries. It must conquer Arish at all costs and cut off the important supply base of the Egyptian army.

The news that Arish was fighting was also known to the people of Cairo. The people of Cairo were as powerful as the Chaoyang people. It was soon known by word of mouth that there was a giant air defense tower in the city of Arish, and even this giant air defense. The tower itself is part of a supply base for the Egyptian army in the Sinai Peninsula.

If the supply center is not fully occupied, the Egyptian army will not be in a situation where drinking water is a problem. Over Gaza, the Iraqi Air Force, which has arrived, is also fighting with the Israeli Air Force. This is a high-altitude and high-speed fighter jet. the stage.


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