British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1461: mixed feelings

, the fastest update of British civil servants! The F4 Phantom fighter is a successful second-generation fighter, at least compared with other second-generation fighters, it is already a generalist.

Fighting is not the real situation of ghosts and Iraqi long arrows. Whether it is the ghosts piloted by the Israeli Air Force or the handsome men piloted by Iraqi pilots, they are all weak in this regard. The ghost fighter jets are relatively better than the handsome men in dog fighting. So some, but only some.

Therefore, over Gaza, the air force of the two countries engages in the mode of flying kites, finding the target to launch missiles, or finding the enemy's air-to-air missiles attacking, and using speed to shake off the threat.

It is impossible to expect to drive a high-altitude and high-speed fighter jet, to have a fierce chase, all kinds of fancy fights and then to fight for life and death. is not able to do this.

But it can't be said that the air combat is not fierce, even in the agricultural era, the two trebuchets were very fierce, and no one dared to let the flying boulder really hit.

But the consequence of this air battle is that Israel lost more than 20 fighter jets in exchange for more than 30 victories, but launched nearly 400 air-to-air missiles.

The fighter jets that the Iraqi Air Force came to support also emptied all their mounted weapons and returned directly to the next batch of fighter jets.

At this intensity, within a week, the war pattern of the warring parties will be demonstrated in front of the whole world, what is called civilization regression. Even if it is as wealthy as the United States, it honestly used the b52 for carpet bombing in the Vietnam War. Of course, the United States has more advanced strategic bombers, but the b52 is the most economical.

Facing the difficulties of the Arish air defense tower and the urban area, the Israeli Ministry of Defense launched a discussion, thinking that it could not continue to waste time in front of this difficult bone.

The prospect of taking Arish without supplies to Egypt's forces in the Sinai peninsula was good, but it would be worth the loss of valuable offensive time.

Israel itself is inferior in military strength. The defenders of the Sinai Peninsula are twice as many as the offensive Israeli army. Israel has no time to waste here. It is obviously not a short time to conquer the important supply base and railway hub of Arish. Israel has made adjustments to annihilate Egypt's living forces as its core purpose.

The setback in Arish and the participation of the Iraqi Air Force in the war have caused huge losses in the Israeli Air Force, especially since so many air-to-air missiles have been issued in one day. It caused a gloom in the hearts of high-level Israelis, including Mrs. Meir, and the progress was not going well. If the fight continued like this, the final result might not be what Israel wanted.

At this moment, the air defense siren suddenly sounded in Tel Aviv, which surprised everyone. Could it be that the air force of the Arab countries has penetrated into the capital of Israel?

Of course not. The Scud missile, with its parabola, which is unique to ballistic missiles, tells the Israelis that there are other things that can fly in this world besides planes.

In Syria behind the Golan Heights, Scud missiles assisted by the Soviet Union were used without hesitation to wash the faces of major cities and transportation hubs in Israel.

The use of ballistic missiles to attack cities in hostile countries originally occurred in large numbers during the Iran-Iraq War. It would not have appeared in the previous Middle East wars. It was not until the end of the fourth Middle East war that the Soviet Union took into account the strategic balance and provided Arab countries with Scud missile.

Maybe after this war, Israel will think about how to deal with the threat of tactical missiles, and the Iron Dome system may enter the stage of history early.

Of the 24 Scud missile launch vehicles that Syria obtained, half of them were launched directly, which were used to strike important Israeli targets and prepare for mobilization.

The effect of the Scud missile launched by Syria is still quite remarkable. The remarkable thing is not how high the flames of the hit target rise, nor how big the crater is, but to let the Israelis know that there is no place in the whole of Israel now. is safe.

"Egypt has two giant anti-aircraft towers, one at each end of the Suez Canal, and the one at Arish blocked our advance. Not only in the direction of Egypt, but also behind the Jordan-controlled Gaza Strip. The anti-aircraft tower, it is reported that the British have the right to manage the Suez Canal, and the Jordanian currency issue is exchanged with the two countries."

When Defense Minister Moses Dayan spoke, the blindfold on his face moved, which also indicated that the one-eyed general was not at peace.

When this giant air defense tower was built, of course Israel knew it, otherwise it would have looked down on Mossad too much, but these air defense towers were built in the territory of the two countries. Israel could not always object to others building defense facilities in its own country. Israel has also protested to Britain, but apparently on the issue of the management of the Suez Canal, Israel's protest is still slightly thin.

Unexpectedly, this kind of motionless giant air defense tower has become the root cause of Israel's difficulties. Israel actually faced the difficulties of the First World War in the 1970s.

Twenty-four hours after the start of the war, Israel faced a mixed situation. Fortunately, the Egyptian Air Force has already existed in name only. Although Israel also paid a certain price, forty fighter jets were shot down by the counterattacking Egyptian Air Force and anti-aircraft missiles, but in exchange for Egypt The destruction of this most powerful opponent's air power, in addition to the Egyptian Air Force, Syria and Jordan also lost a lot of power.

But the fact that the Iraqi Air Force, which is equally powerful in the Arab world, entered the war so quickly was unexpected.

Moreover, the attack on the Sinai Peninsula was not smooth, and he had to choose a more risky style of play, and was attacked by tactical missiles just now. Egypt and Syria, one in the south and one in the north, have announced a general mobilization from the very beginning, and a statement that the war will be prolonged, which is even more worrying.

After only one day of fighting, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq, and Yemen later, have already participated in the war or expressed their willingness to participate in the war, and many more Arab countries have expressed their willingness to provide financial and military support. More than a dozen Arab countries The unanimous statement, and even the solidarity of the non-Arab countries, has brought unprecedented pressure to Israel.

Coincidentally, Alan Wilson was also talking about the direction of the war on the first day. To be honest, because it was only one day and the war was still in the fog, he couldn't tell the truth from the fake news, but it seemed that the Arab side should not have the first day. Just a spoonful of stew.

"There are five Arab countries that have clearly participated in the war. The relationship between the United Kingdom and Jordan and Iraq is not bad. As for Syria and Yemen, those are from the Soviet Union." Alan Wilson told his wife in a narrative tone, "There are still many Arab countries. The country has expressed its willingness to donate money and materials to help the warring countries buy arms. Libya and Kuwait have both expressed their views.”

"So many countries?" Pamela Mountbatten asked after thinking for a while. "What about Oman? Didn't we just talk about it before, and Oman didn't make a statement."

"No, the country of Oman is not a stakeholder, but it has also expressed support at the diplomatic level." Alan Wilson nodded and said, "If it hadn't been for Kemal's abolition of the caliphate, it was said that the caliphate declared a jihad against Israel. Some believe it."

Regarding Kemal's abolition of the caliphate, although it was the sultan and caliphate of the Ottoman Empire, the Arabs' views on this matter in later generations were obviously polarized.

Some Arabs believe that Kemal's abolition of the caliphate, the spiritual co-lord of the pacifist religion, has greatly weakened the cohesion of the pacifist religion, but if it is not abolished, the caliphate will be a Turk, so...

The last person who still wants to restore the caliphate system is also related to the Middle East war this time. It is the father of the Egyptian king, the previous king, Farouk I. But what if Farouk I became caliph?

There is always some damage to the authority of the caliph, the second occupation of the caliph is a thief?

"Honey, who do you think will win and Israel will lose?" Pamela Mountbatten asked. The richest woman doesn't think that supreme authority is a last resort, but this is her husband who doesn't ask his husband who he asks?

"Israel will not fail. As for who can achieve a more favorable situation for peace talks, in the final analysis, it is still a ground war." Alan Wilson shook his head. He never thought that Israel would fail, and that everyone in Israel was equal. I really feel like the catastrophe is just around the corner, and Israel will show it.

In addition to the choice of Israel's defeat, Alan Wilson's defense line of iron turtles is to prevent Israel from being too smooth, not too arrogant, and more valuable in offshore balance.

As night fell, the warring countries were not idle. They were all using diplomatic means to win over supporters. Not to mention anything else, the Egyptian king had already passed the Paris embassy to explain the serious loss of the Egyptian Air Force due to Israel's shameless sneak attack. Appealed to the British government through the London embassy, ​​Israel's next page in the Sinai! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

Military operations pose a huge threat to the security of the Suez Canal.

Egypt's diplomacy is of course fruitful, especially among Arab countries. King Idris I of Libya has announced that Libya will contribute to help Egypt rebuild its air force, and has ordered air force pilots to fly fighter jets of the Libyan Air Force to Egypt, supplementing the Kingdom of Egypt because Damage from Israeli air strikes.

The actions of Idris I made the Arab world awe-inspiring. Al Jazeera, established by Vivien Leigh, has already expressed its admiration for Idris I in the news.

While not as inspiring as a big victory on the battlefield, it was enough to make the Arabs sing the praises of a move of solidarity.

So far, the battle on the ground and in the sky has been fierce, but the sea is calm for the time being. Fuad II is preparing to meet Saudi King Faisal, hoping to gain greater support.

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