British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1466: Great Britain is self-improvement

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Since the withdrawal of the vast majority of US military forces from South Vietnam, the South Vietnamese regime has fallen into unprecedented isolation, and the Soviet camp will not be mentioned, it is the enemy of South Vietnam.

On the side of the free world, the United States can no longer be the backing of the South Vietnamese regime because of the anti-war wave. It is not too much to describe the South Vietnamese regime as a world outcast.

In a situation like the outcasts of the world, even a little bit of support will be clinging to, which is evident from the song "Orphans of Asia" circulated on Fraud Island.

The comprador regime does not have the concept of self-reliance and self-improvement, even if it is an illusory support, it is extremely important to the South Vietnamese regime. Now the South Vietnamese army is full of American weapons, coupled with such a low level of governance ability, it is exactly what the Arab countries need. of.

"The Malayan colony has the former Vietnamese royal family. They have some connections with the South Vietnamese regime. Mr. Ambassador can think of a way from this. The local colonial government will help you." Although Alan Wilson moved his mouth, he was full of sincerity Full of support to the best of our ability.

Queen Nanfang's family is doing quite well in Malaya. They have a certain connection with the South Vietnamese regime, and you can start from this aspect.

After the guidance is over, Alan Wilson also said that the UK will still give sufficient support to weapons that do not involve American technology and do what it should do.

The United Kingdom is under the jurisdiction of the United States with a long arm. Isn’t it still France? The United Kingdom and France have taken most of the responsibility. It is estimated that it will be almost the same if you look for it in the active service arsenal of the United States in South Vietnam.

Of course, Alan Wilson also has a small request. Regarding the backstab of the United Kingdom by the United States, the United Kingdom cannot declare it, which is detrimental to the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States.

The Egyptian side should publicize Britain's difficulties and explain the completely different positions of the United Kingdom and the United States.

In particular, the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom has been transferred from the United States, resulting in the emptiness of the British Mediterranean Fleet and the inability to give more support to Egypt. It needs to be explained in detail.

This is also a matter of great concern to the Egyptian side. The Egyptian ambassador asked the US Sixth Fleet to deter the Arab League side, how to solve this matter.

"The just act of the Arab League has been generally supported by the international community. Even the kingdom of Uganda, which is inland in Africa, has also given diplomatic solidarity, which is enough to show the attitude of the international community. As far as this matter is concerned, the Sixth Fleet Although powerful, the Soviet Mediterranean Fleet, as Syria's backing, will not stand idly by."

Alan Wilson talked eloquently, as if he was strategizing and winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away, the United Kingdom could only play a first half, and the Soviet Union was still fighting in an all-round way.

Syria is the focus of the Soviet Union's insertion into the situation in the Middle East. Not to mention the Soviet Union, Russia has rebuilt the Mediterranean fleet for Syria. Otherwise, Assad in Damascus will definitely be the fate of Gaddafi.

In this world, Egypt did not fall out with Britain and France because of the Suez Canal, and the Soviet Union's business focus was placed on Syria. The dispatch of the US Sixth Fleet will definitely cause a reaction from the Soviet Mediterranean Fleet.

The confrontation in the Mediterranean in history, because the Soviet Union has fallen out with Yugoslavia and Albania successively, resulted in the lack of a fulcrum and port support for the Soviet Union in the Mediterranean Sea, which brought huge logistical pressure.

Now, the Soviet Red Navy must be more confident, as for the United Kingdom? Isn't my British Mediterranean Fleet shunned by the Soviet Union or the United States?

After the Egyptian ambassador left, Alan Wilson picked up the phone, "Wick, protested to Washington, secretly. Asked, the United States to give an explanation about the situation in the Far East, some voices doubted, asked the Royal Navy to go to the Far East to support, it was the United States and the Soviet Union. A tacit match shot."

Although I, Great Britain, were led out of the Mediterranean by the US and the Soviet Union, and I cannot attend the upcoming confrontation in the Mediterranean, all the responsibility lies with the US, there is no doubt about that.

This is the official attitude, but from the perspective of conspiracy theories, public opinion can open up some discussions about why the Royal Navy is not in the Mediterranean.

This treatment was also recognized by Prime Minister Harold Wilson, who laughed happily, "It's not that we don't want to support the Arab League, it's that we have been deceived by the United States."

While submitting solutions to the Prime Minister, the Egyptian side has begun to contact the Defeng Group in Heungkong. The four major families of Heungkong have shipping business more or less, and anyone can be found.

The British side is busy resolving the long-arm jurisdiction of the United States, and the Soviet Union, another protagonist of the earth ol stage in this era, does not need to be a rat. Even if the United States really has long-arm jurisdiction, it is useless. Palace attached great importance to the dispatch of the U.S. Sixth Fleet.

"The U.S. bases in Europe are mobilizing military supplies, and according to spy satellites, there are similar actions in the U.S. mainland, and the airlift will start immediately." Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko reported to Brezhnev Report, "The United States sixth The fleet has left the home port of Naples, and there are indications that Israel's military reserves have declined to a terrible point. This is the kind of action the United States will make."

"I really don't understand why the United States insists on supporting Israel, but it's good for us." Fultseva said in a puzzled way, if there was a supreme authority, she would definitely spank her. This is not a mockery of having the same Status lady Heidi Rama, family harmony, national unity is greater than the sky.

"What does the Ministry of Defense think?" Brezhnev looked at Defense Minister Ustinov, waiting for the other party's answer.

"Of course the Ministry of National Defense has a plan. After the outbreak of the war, we plan to mobilize seven airborne divisions and airborne to Syria." Ustinov replied, "But from the current situation, it seems that the airborne divisions will not be dispatched. The new threat is the dispatch of the US Sixth Fleet. I suggest sending the Mediterranean Fleet. Because of the military exercises in the Far East, the British Royal Navy has already rushed to the Far East. The British military strength in the Mediterranean Sea lies in several military bases, which cannot constitute an obstacle to the Red Navy. "

After Ustinov finished the preparations of the Soviet Ministry of Defense, he looked at Brezhnev who did not speak and asked, "Comrade Ilyich, should we wait a little longer or not?"

"It's now!" Brezhnev replied succinctly. "Order, the Mediterranean Fleet will follow the US Sixth Fleet, and prevent the US from intervening in the war. As for other aspects?"

Brezhnev paused when he said this, and Andropov understood, "The KGB will do its own part of the grand strategy."

As for Brezhnev himself, of course he has his own things to do. The top Soviet leader picked up the US-Soviet line and sent a message to challenge the US, "I want to say it bluntly, if you think that in this matter cannot act together with us, we must immediately consider taking appropriate steps unilaterally."

"Immediately, we will implement our plan resolutely and step by step." Alexeyev contacted the Latin American region as the Minister of the Advisory Department, "When will we start? Right now... First Cuba, then Chile, give the Americans one Unprepared."

"The Transcaucasian Military Region and the Odessa Military Region have entered a state of combat readiness, and all vacations have been cancelled." Marshal Grechko called the two military regions, "waiting for the latest order from the Ministry of Defense at any time."

In any case, Israel is indeed in a difficult situation in this Middle East war. It is not the end if the Egyptian army has been dealt with or lost its strategic offensive ability, because Israel is still facing the attack of Syria from the north. As for Jordan, which threatens the greater West Bank The army also made the Israeli Ministry of Defense feel helpless.

The British support for Egypt, Jordan and Iraq focuses on different fields. The Kingdom of Iraq is far from Israel, and it is not easy to kill the air force by a sneak attack. Therefore, Iraq is mainly given fighter jets, and Egypt is easily attacked by tanks. .

And for Jordan? It is a gunship, and Jordan also has an army aviation unit.

The population of the West Bank is more than that of Gaza next to Egypt, and there are naturally more settlements, which are more suitable for fighting, and the local Jordanian army has an army aviation force that can be used in the Middle East.

If Egypt, Jordan and Iraq are combined, it will become a powerful army with all aspects, but Alan Wilson does not believe that such an army can emerge in the Arab countries, and he does not want the pro-British Arab country to be pushed down by a wave. UU reading www. has come up with a special force that focuses on strengthening one aspect.

If the Egyptian army also has Jordanian army aviation units, there will never be a case where the chief cannot beat the Patton tank. The key is that the United Kingdom is not the big injustice of the Soviet Union. We have to give money, the UK still cares about everything, and it is enough to strengthen one aspect of each of these countries.

A few hours after the United States launched the strategic airlift, the Soviet Union immediately provided support to its pro-Soviet countries. The sky over the Middle East has never been so crowded.

The United States and the Soviet Union have started strategic actions one after another, and the whole world is looking at them. Arab countries have given the United States a one-sided attack.

Arab countries certainly don't like the Soviet Union, but Yemen and Syria are also Arab countries. In the context of the outbreak of war, the feudal lords must also sing praises for the Soviet Union, because the Soviet Union is indeed supporting the Arab side, and the United States is supporting Israel.

While the United States and the Soviet Union were fighting over the Middle East, after an exchange of views with Paris, France announced that it had reached an arms sales contract with the Iraqi Air Force.

"Air-to-air missiles must be localized, and this time is a lesson for the UK." At the meeting of the Ministry of Defense, Alan Wilson expressed his determination to be self-reliant and reinvent the wheel? It's not that the UK wants to do this, but sometimes it just doesn't work.

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