British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1467: warm miami beach

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Where is the difficulty of radar-guided missiles? It is difficult to judge whether it is right or wrong. The British Ministry of Defense and the Aircraft Manufacturing Center believed in 1950 that the era of missiles determining air combat has come.

From this point of view, Alan Wilson is a historically negative figure, because he was a representative figure who opposed missiles deciding everything. The second-generation fighter jets of various countries were unsuccessful after serving, which also proved the foresight of supreme authority. .

But now, Alan Wilson is known to have a flexible moral bottom line.

In yesterday's correspondence with McCarthy, Alan Wilson also scolded the United States, believing that the United States was undermining the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, because he formed the British-US shared air-to-air missile project. Although it is essentially to cut down the minutiae and use the funds where they should be invested most.

But McCarthy did not know that, McCarthy only knew that his good friend cut off the British air-to-air missile project, which contributed to the trust between the United Kingdom and the United States. As a result, Nixon has been banning British exports to pro-British countries in the Middle East, and his old friend must have a hard time doing it at this time.

It's really not difficult to do. Alan Wilson knows that electronic technology is developing rapidly. If he invested heavily in development before the 1970s, it is very likely that he would produce weapons that were outdated within a few years.

If the sun never sets in the UK today, there is nothing to say, just push it forward with full force. But now Britain really doesn't have the extra financial resources to copy the glorious history of the early and late episodes. Wasn't this backstabbed by the United States, and he has now admitted his mistake.

It’s also time. Entering the 1970s, some contexts are already easy to see. It’s not too late to start investing at this time, and you can also use this to cut off some hitchhiking projects.

In fact, the United Kingdom has already started some research work on medium-range air-to-air missiles, such as the seeker, fuze, control rudder and power supply, and now it just needs the full support of Whitehall.

At this difficult time for the United Kingdom, naturally there will be no objection. Alan Wilson designated the air-to-air missile project as the Sky Flash Project, and strived to push the British air-to-air missile to the world's first-class position. The best platform is of course. British Typhoon fighter jet.

The launch site is also ready-made. The main contractor is Hawker Dynamics, together with researchers from De Havilland, to jointly promote the Sky Flash project and take a solid step towards the independence of the Royal Air Force.

Of course, the United States did not know that the United Kingdom had begun to partially decouple from the United States at this time. The United States was busy watching the Soviet Union, and Cuba was also watching the United States.

Things are a series of links. While the United States is far away in the Mediterranean Sea and competes for strategic transportation capacity in the sky of the Middle East, some places that are usually not noticed are also changing.

Cuban smuggling to the United States usually settles in Florida. Because most of these immigrants are well-educated, many of them choose to trade. They take advantage of their language to trade with Latin American countries that are also Spanish-speaking regions, and strengthen Miami as a gateway. The status of the Latin American regional gateway.

The United States is in the process of sending everything that can fly to Israel. Similarly, in Havana, the capital of Cuba, Castro is also preparing to send everything that can float to the United States.

The system of concentrating efforts on major events was also used in the right place by Castro this time. Cuban grassroots organizations have found all kinds of marginalized people in society, as well as all local prison inmates, Cubans whose blood has been drawn from their bodies for a long time, This time, I am going to support the city on the top of the mountain separated by a sea.

Nixon, who was deeply involved in the Watergate scandal, was busy supporting Israel's Middle East war. Castro saw this as a good opportunity to make the United States pay for its actions.

Normally, the capacity is a difficulty, but fortunately Cuba is not far from the United States, and there is no need for standard ships.

Moreover, Moscow was very generous this time, saying that the Soviet Union would reimburse all the ships that Cuba lost because of this operation, so that Cuba could do it boldly.

With the full support of the Soviet Union, Castro had no scruples, and ordered the groups to be sent to the free world according to the severity of their crimes. Of course, the murderer had no doubt that priority was given.

Even the groups that do not belong to Cuba, that is, the prisoners who were exiled by the Soviet Union to Cuba for reform through labor, also arranged their Cuban identities one by one very considerately. Cubans who speak Russian are normal. As we all know, Cuba is a pro-Soviet country, and learning Russian is very important. It's normal, all the people are learning.

The task is arduous. After all, together with the exiles of the Soviet Union, the scale is approaching 400,000. It is unrealistic to expect to be emptied overnight. Castro gave three days to send most of the people to the United States. Fortunately, the Soviet Union promised that the Soviet Union would make up for the various ships that Cuba lost due to the one-way trip, which made him feel relieved.

A week after the outbreak of the Middle East war, the Soviet Union once again asked how the preparations were going. Castro finally nodded and called his younger brother Raul Castro to be in charge of this operation.

Experts from the Soviet Union stationed in Cuba calculated a series of data on wind direction and speed, optimized this smuggling incident from a scientific point of view, and tried not to waste any space in transportation capacity. Even calculating the allocation of men and women can increase capacity.

Even with careful preparation, Cuba does not have the ability to complete the smuggling in one day, so the Havana authorities decided to use the night to send people to the ship first, and then the next day strictly ordered the people on board not to come down, and so on until everything was done. Prepare.

There is no doubt that the military is the department with the strongest execution. This definition also applies in Cuba. The Port of Mariel has been taken over by the military under the personal attention of Raul Castro. Seconds, as the night fell on this day, the concentrated flow of people began to enter the port. This night was not destined to be peaceful. The Port of Mariel has never been so crowded.

The captains with rich sailing experience are ready to go, and they will make as many round trips as possible at the fastest speed in one night. The sense of mission of socialism is shrouded in the hearts of the captains.

If it is not dark at this time, looking down at the entire port from above the port of Mariel, it will be shocked that so many people are in an orderly manner. Of course, the Soviets can even plan the economy, and it is not a piece of cake to carry out partition boarding. The backbone of the Cuban government to coordinate.

When all kinds of boats full of passengers leave the port and charge north, if Alan Wilson is lucky enough to see it, it will definitely be compared with the departure of fishermen from the coastal provinces at the end of the fishing ban.

Cuban middle-class cadres intimately reminded that everyone who boarded the ship was careful to keep their Cuban identity certificate, and only in this way can they stay as Cuban refugees when they arrive in the United States. There may have never been this moment that can reflect the situation of the military and civilians.

In this season, the Caribbean Sea is not without high winds and waves, the sky is beautiful, and there is no extreme weather.

This journey to the free world was started by the great Cuban people, even Russian-speaking Cubans.

The Caribbean Sea in the dark night, just like the two powers of the United States and the Soviet Union, which were occupying the skies over the Middle East at this time, were occupied by ships that defected to the free world.

In the southern state of Florida, this is a military base that is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. There are also agents from the Central Intelligence Agency stationed there. Agents who are proficient in Spanish will often receive radio signals from Cuba to learn about the latest Cuban situation across the sea. What happened.

In the mouths of many of the agents, it was boring, and the message was full of praise for the dictator.

But today, there seems to be something different." Comrade Castro took an understanding attitude towards those who wanted to leave Cuba, and said that he would not restrict their departure, but opened the northern ports to give them the freedom they wanted. Naturally, they could Everything went well in the new place."

The detectives in the listening room all stared, and a few other detectives stood up directly, looking at each other with a common question in their hearts, what exactly does this broadcast mean.

Time has not allowed them to think too much. The Cuban fugitive has decided to bring his talents to the warm Miami Beach, just one step away from the loyal Florida.

The wave of escape this time is far bigger than the previous ones, and it is much bigger, completely beyond the thinking of the US government. might blame the decision to give green cards to Cuban fugitives.

The warm sunshine has reappeared in the rich land of North America, and the embarrassing situation of the United States has just begun. The unprecedented wave of escape has been discovered by the US military. As the strongest in the world? It may be the second strongest armed force in many countries. Of course, the US Navy has already discovered this wave of fugitives.

But the decision of how to deal with it is not in the hands of the military, and all ships are sunk at sea and sent to the sea? This is of course very straightforward, and the U.S. Navy also has this ability, but after doing this, the entire country of the United States does not need to pretend to be a human beacon, a city on a hill.

Because the United States is firmly on the side of Israel, the United States has been attacked by the entire Arab, and even the entire Peace Religion country, and sinking these ships on the high seas is not just a problem for the Peace Religion world.

This unprecedented smuggling incident has made a huge contribution to world peace. British public opinion finally stopped focusing on the Middle East war, but focused on the United States.

"This is a weakness of the United States. As long as people from any country come to Cuba, they may enter the United States through this." The major British media shouted at all countries that can be influenced by public opinion hegemony, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, from the Baltic Sea to the United States. From the Pacific Ocean, from Ireland to Khitan, this smuggling incident is due to the attention of the United Kingdom, and no one knows about it.

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