British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1471: open condition

"Like you said, Sir, Kissinger may make a topic out of thin air and accuse us." Foreign Secretary Patrick looked serious, indicating that he took Kissinger's visit very seriously, "such as accusing us of appeasement of the Soviet Union, of course. We all understand that this is a problem with the US and the Soviet Union."

"On this matter, we can take the initiative to attack, saying that Nixon's visit to China has not been widely recognized by the free world. The reason why we established diplomatic relations is to take care of the prestige of the United States. Since the United States is now focusing on de-escalation, then the same system A fierce confrontation by the Soviet Union could not convince most of the Allies, especially France."

Alan Wilson pointed out to the Foreign Secretary that he might as well take the initiative to bring misfortune to the east. This matter must have a miraculous effect. "Think that Nixon's visit to China was strongly facilitated by Kissinger. He will never sit back and watch his political legacy be abandoned, so he must We will give a sufficient explanation on this issue, and we will use this as a breakthrough."

Of course, foreign affairs are not decided by a big country, and internal affairs are not decided by France. France is as important as a big country, or even more important, because France is in Europe.

The current France is definitely much stronger than the France in Alan Wilson's memory. The mainland plus Algeria's three million square kilometers of land is there, and the weight is absolutely sufficient.

The area of ​​the Roman Empire is only 6 million square kilometers. Now France has 3 million square kilometers of territory. Even if it cannot be compared with the Roman Empire, it is still the size of the Western Roman Empire. Can such a country be ignored?

Of course Algeria still shows signs of instability from time to time, that's another issue.

Who dares to say that the territory of North Africa is not important? Do you know why the Roman Empire divided east and west? Instead of choosing the easier North-South divide? The reason is that once the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea is lost, the northern part of the Roman Empire cannot be self-sufficient at all, so the Roman Empire will definitely become barbaric, and the north will attack the south across the sea.

The East-West Partition was the Roman Empire’s way of taking care of balance. In the early stage of civilization, the southern coast of the Mediterranean was far more developed than the North. If Patrick had the time, he could even teach Kissinger’s history during the dialogue, showing that Britain was balanced. The important existence of France, blood is thicker than water, and English-speaking people must stand together at critical moments.

After some surprise training, Foreign Secretary Patrick was also full of confidence in the upcoming meeting. Kissinger's special plane landed at London Airport and started this trip to Europe.

Prepare to communicate with the United Kingdom on the Middle East war, cooperation in finance and energy, and even the international situation. At this moment, the United States needs the support of the United Kingdom more than ever. To show the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States in front of the world, Kissinger will definitely achieve his goals. , Didn't the British Mediterranean Fleet just arrive in the Far East, demonstrating the special relationship between Britain and the United States.

While Kissinger was visiting London, the news was immediately known to the Arab world because of the role of an unnamed source. Now is the information age, and it is normal for the Arab League side to get the news.

At the same time, Pamela Mountbatten was also welcoming a visit from a guest, Nelson Rockefeller Jr., the son of Nelson Rockefeller, who came to the UK this time in a private name, and Britain's most powerful entrepreneur, Pamela Mount Patton talks about extensive cooperation.

"Dear President Mountbatten, it may be a little out of place. My father will be the President of the United States soon, and Nixon may not be able to survive this storm." Nelson Jr. revealed his father's decision to Pamela Mountbatten shortly after the meeting. , ready to bring his talents to the beautiful White House.

"Oh, that's really good news. But I think white... The cabinet is more interested in this matter. Mr. Nelson may have made a mistake. I'm not keen on politics." Pamela Mountbatten took a cup of black tea and sipped it lightly. With a sip, he replied gracefully, "Actually, you might as well make it clearer."

"The president's frankness is astounding. In fact, the father's meaning is very obvious. The United States is also in a difficult situation to a certain extent. Only when our two countries stand firmly together can the difficulties be overcome."

"Oh, the United Kingdom and the United States have a very special relationship in the international community, and they should indeed be united on many things." Pamela Mountbatten added with a smile and nodded, "But it depends on what."

There is still patriotism in this world. Pamela Mountbatten is very clear that her husband will not unilaterally sacrifice national interests to cooperate with the United States unconditionally.

And the Labour government will not allow it. This is not to say that the Labour government is patriotic, but it is already used to it. The United States did not completely bring down Britain and France after the war. More than 20 years later, the British government found that This kind of thing, has become accustomed to the current situation, no matter how bad it is, it will not be bad.

Harold Wilson himself especially believes that he belongs to the extremely pro-Soviet representative within the Labour government, otherwise how could there be rumors that the current Prime Minister is collaborating with Russia.

"Kissinger hopes that the UK can call for a ceasefire on the Arab side." Wick continued to convey the dialogue of Kissinger's visit to the cabinet secretary's office. "The foreign secretary said that there will be an appropriate response."

"Of course we will agree, because of the special relationship between the United States and the United States." Contrary to Wick's expectations, Alan Wilson agreed directly, and the supreme authority immediately told him to think more, "But you need to add "Yes" in front of the official letter. This was done at the request of the U.S. government."

The United States wants to make Britain come forward to offend people? If you want to be beautiful, as long as you add this sentence to the official note, the meaning will be completely changed.

Of course, the United Kingdom will try to promote a ceasefire from the perspective of maintaining the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, but this is what the United States has asked for.

Once this matter spreads throughout the Arab world, the Arab League will only think that Israel can't stand it anymore. In order to prevent Israel from losing too ugly, the United States persuaded the United Kingdom to make peace.

Not only to help, but also to show the unprecedented efficiency of Whitehall, to let the Arab League know the valuable opinions of the United States, and soon the ambassadors to the Arab countries received such an order, the opportunity to exert diplomatic influence, the ambassadors are gearing up to convey concerns in Washington.

When the news spread across the Arab world, all Arabs cheered, as Alan Wilson predicted, and many took the US pressure as evidence that Israel was running out of fuel.

The supreme authority, the person in the key road, of course, also knows the person in the key road, even if these people in the same road are Arabs.

King Fuad II of Egypt immediately made the news public, and at the same time delivered a speech firmly defending Egypt's interests, "Unless Israel unconditionally restores the United Nations territory of 1948, the two sides have no basis for negotiation. As for the role of the United States, the Arab world It's already known. Protracted war will hurt both sides, but the Arabs have no choice..."

"What a good thing to say, as if the tanks of the two armored divisions were destroyed." Alan Wilson, who went home, watched the Egyptian king's speech on the news, which was almost a protracted war, and was still confused about whether the chief had fought. Barton thing.

"Jr. Nelson Rockefeller is here today, and he wants to talk to me on behalf of his father, Vice President Rockefeller." Pamela Mountbatten took her husband's briefcase, then sat down together, and began to take the Rockefeller family's wife's line. things and tell the truth.

Alan Wilson didn't speak, and only said after listening to the cause and effect, "It seems that the Republican Party has given up on Nixon. I think it won't be long before someone will talk to Nixon."

"So, Rockefeller will become the President of the United States?" Pamela Mountbatten muttered in surprise, "This is equivalent to you being prime minister... dear, slip of the tongue."

"Even if he replaces Nixon, it will be difficult to restore the bad influence." His wife, Alan Wilson, continued regardless of the gaffe, "I think Rockefeller will solve the problem of Israel in Nixon, and then come forward to find Nixon. Nixon. Is there no condition? Is it at least let Rockefeller promise that he will not agree to step down after the fall?"

Another thing Pamela Mountbatten said is that the United States is very sincere to work with the United Kingdom to solve the current economic problems around the world, and it has found Pamela Mountbatten, a businessman.

Alan Wilson knew right away, "Facilitate the increase in oil prices to tie the dollar? Digest the hundreds of billions of dollars in excess issuance, which will inevitably lead to inflation, and short-term economic problems are inevitable. However, the Rockefeller family is an oil tycoon, and the world is driven by oil. The Rockefeller family is an exception when the price increases to pay for it.”

"So what do you think, if you don't agree, I will reject him." Pamela Mountbatten said obediently, of course she knew that her husband had always defended Britain's interests.

"This is really a difficult choice. Saudi Arabia is the country with the lowest oil production cost among the Middle East countries. It can even be 50% less than the cost of the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. In fact, as long as the United States persuades Saudi Arabia, this thing can be done. . But because there are still British troops in the Middle East, especially the Persian Gulf, if we strongly resist it. This will be a tug of war. Even if the United States finally achieves its goal, it will suffer from prolonged inflation Torture, and of course the United States will use all means to force Europe into submission."

Alan Wilson explained to his wife the stakes, why Europe can't get rid of Russian gas in a short period of time? The most fundamental reason is that it is cheap.

Saudi Arabia is the country with the lowest oil production cost in the world. Don’t look at the fact that Britain didn’t seem to be afraid of the oil embargo when dealing with Iran, but Saudi Arabia is completely different.

"So what? Does Europe have the ability to resist?" Pamela Mountbatten asked. "Can you settle this problem? How about uniting with France?"

"It's not the problem of our two countries, the US military is all over Europe." Alan Wilson shook his head and said, "I'm thinking about what conditions to open, the problem of the yen should be solved, and there should be other benefits to fight for, I have to let Whitehall make a list for me."


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