British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1475: Israel's nuclear stick

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"Since the French side also believes that this is a market issue, not a political issue, if the European Community meeting comes up with a resolution to arrange for the foreign minister to visit the Middle East. If the European countries want the UK to come forward, it can do so. But don't expect any results, the relationship between the UK and the Arab world is equally important."

Alan Wilson, who was in his own house, held the microphone to guide the diplomatic work and arranged the diplomatic itinerary of Foreign Secretary Patrick, "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs may be busy for a while, busy with the Middle East, and the visit itinerary to Santiago, invite Allian Germany to attend the International Conference of the Socialists. It was held especially for him."

After giving a few words, Alan Wilson let out a sigh of relief and looked at his half-lying wife, "As expected, what is uniting Europe in France is more important than taking the opportunity to sell oil to improve its fiscal surplus."

"Aren't the French always leading Europe? Europe needs to be united." The younger son Arnold's expression was almost mocking, "Do you just lead Europe like this?"

"The countries on this side of Europe know the collective interests of the shit. From the perspective of civilizations around the world, it is pure floor."

Alan Wilson sneered dismissively, "If there is any ability in this area, Ireland will not be unable to digest it for hundreds of years. Although the French are thinking of a continental country, this aspect is also at the European level. The one with a slightly stooped foot."

I have been running around the world in Europe for hundreds of years, relying on selfishness and never know what it means to make profits. France and the United Kingdom have adopted an attitude. Since they have control of energy, of course, they will raise prices together with the Arab League and unite Europe is just talking about it, is it true?

In terms of unity and collectives, Lao Maozi is the upper limit of Europe. The agricultural age is good at this aspect of civilization. Peace Religion and Confucianism are good at it. If you compare Peace Religion and Confucianism, Alan Wilson still feels peaceful. Religion is a little more powerful. From the emergence of religion in the sixth century, it has expanded to half of the civilized world at an extremely fast speed.

But emphasizing that the collective must also have shortcomings. Such a civilization must suppress heresies, and ideas that do not conform to traditional values ​​must be suppressed more severely than the European side.

"The Arabs belong to different countries, which is the luck of Europe. It is so difficult to deal with now. If there are several powerful countries, it is really a nightmare for the civilized world." Arnold agreed with his old father very much. "The First World War The biggest gain seems to be the demise of the Ottoman Empire."

"You father and son really have a common language." Pamela Mountbatten's eyes kept rolling between the father and son. "What? Moved Whitehall to the house?"

"Mother, don't use personal prejudice to describe the happiness between men." Arnold looked like a good old man, "Only we know that my father is running around for this country. Be a little considerate of the hard work of the head of the family and do It's not too much to say."

"Do you really know the happiness between men?" Pamela Mountbatten glanced at the little son whose elbows were turned outwards, and said to your heart that you can't imagine the happiness of your father. Your father is even a princess...

"If only your sister were here, have you felt liberated since Pamela went to Newfoundland?"

"Pamela? In her thinking, it's really hard to do an industry that requires patience, and the gaming industry may really suit her. Use the money to build a rare animal protection association, probably that's it."

Arnold shook his head, "I thought that as the eldest sister, why would she go to Rhodesia to help share the work in food and mining. After all, the price of copper mines has risen temporarily. If the oil crisis continues, once the oil crisis continues, once the European and American industries are affected, some raw materials may fall, and there may not be a scene where everything rises together."

"This is not necessarily, or the price of copper is not necessarily. The price of copper will rise or fall, depending on the panic in the United States. Many things in Latin America cannot be treated the same as the rest of the world. There are many socialists in Europe, and the United States tolerated it for the sake of the Soviet Union. But to the socialist parties in Latin America, the United States sees them as if they saw the Soviet Union about to drop a nuclear bomb.”

Alan Wilson taught, "It's not certain whether it's just oil going up or all commodities going up."

But one thing is certain. After Allende was overthrown in history, the copper price did return to its original price immediately. It can be seen that the copper price during Allende's reign was indeed brought down by the United States.

However, since 1975 after the oil embargo, the industry in Europe and the United States was affected by the oil crisis, which led to an economic crisis and the prices of many commodities fell again.

"In times of economic hardship, there is one thing that is never immune to rising, and that is food."

Arnold thought for a while and said, "If the Soviet Union always purchases grain like this, it will push up the price of grain. The more the Soviet Union buys, it will be difficult for other countries to buy grain. The Soviet Union accepted a five-year loan from the United States last year, and UK loans, in turn, would be immune to food price volatility."

"Arnold, the problem of not enough food in the Soviet Union is more serious than in other countries. Not enough food in the corners of the world, at most, protests? Overthrow the government? It's a civil war that lasts a day or two. Three or four months? Five or six years. Seven or eight thousand or one million casualties." Alan Wilson diligently taught, "That's not a big deal, but the Soviets will get angry if they don't have enough to eat..."

"That's the truth." Arnold nodded as if he had come to a realization. "Pamela would definitely agree if she was at home. She thinks that protecting and cherishing animals is imminent."

Israel declared control of most of the West Bank and crushed a Syrian offensive from the north.

It may have been the news of the Arab League's announcement of an oil embargo that shook the world, followed by Israel's announcement of its superiority on the battlefield, showing that it was still the dominant party.

When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs judged whether the news was true, Alan Wilson thought it was unnecessary. "This is the same as Egypt has one million square kilometers of territory, but only three percent can live in it. Most of the land in the West Bank is empty land. Jordan What's so strange about Israel occupying most of the West Bank with the army huddled into the cities?"

Not to mention occupying most of the land in the West Bank, Israel can also occupy most of the Sinai Peninsula, because the situation in the Sinai Peninsula is similar to the West Bank, and Egypt will not leave the city after the loss of its armored forces.

Listening to what Israel has to say, it is better to pay attention to the scale of the confrontation in the Mediterranean, or to the European Community meeting. After all, the United Kingdom also participated in this response meeting.

After intense discussions among the countries of the European Community, the countries reached an agreement that they hope that the United Kingdom will exert diplomatic influence on behalf of Europe and can facilitate direct dialogue between Europe and the Arab League. If possible, I hope that Arab countries can send representatives to negotiate with the European Community.

Foreign Secretary Patrick is ready to start his trip to the Middle East in the eyes of European countries. Alan Wilson seems to see the Foreign Secretary's chest proudly raised.

"If you don't forget it, there will be echoes. Today's European countries' expectations for the United Kingdom are mainly because the United Kingdom retains a military presence in the Persian Gulf, and it is not confused when it comes to Arab and Israeli issues." Alan Wilson realistically recognized the United Kingdom's presence in the Middle East It's right not to be hostile to Arab countries on the issue, and then the conversation changed, "It's okay for the minister to make an effort. Even if we can finally talk about the successful oil embargo, oil prices will inevitably rise."

"France also seems to avoid the important and only care about the oil embargo." Foreign Secretary Patrick also noticed the ambiguous attitude of the Paris government. "The national interest must be the criterion."

After World War II, there has never been a British foreign secretary's visit that was valued by so many European countries, although the foreign secretary did not visit any European country.

Patrick’s first visit to the Middle East was Cairo, Egypt is the leading Arab country, and the United Kingdom has always been shaped like this, the second destination is Saudi Arabia, Iraq is the third, and the intense itinerary even includes Iran, Finally in Kuwait and the UAE, which is not officially independent.

Of course, France does not want the United Kingdom to stand alone in the United States. The French Foreign Minister's visits to countries are mainly North Africa, Libya, and Morocco. Tunisia. Although it is not as strong as the Middle East countries, France has also tried its best. France's influence in the Middle East is in the greater Syria area. Syria is now an ally of the Soviet Union, and Lebanon's influence is too small.

At the same time that Britain and France began diplomatic work, the European Community issued a statement on the decision, expressing "Europe's consensus" on the Middle East issue. They also called for a direct dialogue between Europe and the Arab countries, as support for the diplomatic work between Britain and France.

When receiving the visiting British Foreign Minister, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia expressed his welcome very solemnly, "To be honest, the Arab League has been solemnly waiting for the invitation of European countries."

When the oil-producing countries in the Middle East have agreed to conduct direct dialogue with European countries and let Britain and France exert their diplomatic influence, Israel, which is on the warring side, is uneasy, and the Israeli high-level is full of pessimism. European neutrality is better than European hostility It seems that Europe seems ready to compromise with the Arab states.

"Up to now, we can't watch the hard-earned motherland die, and we will use all means to do this." Mrs. Meir, who experienced the tragic experience of World War II, said, "The Air Force is ready, and when necessary, the nuclear weapons are turned on. strike."

Israel's external communiqué on this day disclosed the fact that Israel has nuclear weapons in its hands. Israel, facing the threat of annihilation, will never sit still. At this time, Israel finally revealed its nuclear weapons.

Prime Minister Mrs. Meir ordered fighter jets and short-range missiles in the desert to be armed with nuclear bombs, and the trigger for nuclear war has been pulled!

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