British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1478: good british

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It is impossible for the United Kingdom to conjure up oil resources comparable to the Persian Gulf out of thin air. Of course, only a small number of oil can be exported. Whether it is North Sea oil or oil from Malaya including Brunei, the bulk must be supplied for its own use. It is impossible to make a brand out of thin air , but supply chain optimization is possible.

With the United Kingdom holding some oil in its hands and not being sanctioned by the Arab world, supply chain optimization is not without effort to help the sanctioned free world.

Importing oil from the Persian Gulf for personal use, and supplying oil from the North Sea and South China Sea to Europe, Japan and South Korea, respectively, wouldn’t it be enough?

Of course, the British Empire will never bow its head to some camel-raising countries. Let’s be flexible. 51% of the democratic oil is mixed with 49% of the feudal oil. Isn’t this democratic oil?

This will not harm the relationship with the Arab world. The Arab League, especially Saudi Arabia, is willing to cooperate with the United States to raise prices, which is essentially to raise prices, not for a real oil embargo.

Otherwise, what do the Saudis eat? There must be some sand in Saudi, but that doesn't solve the problem. If you really shout that God is the greatest, you must fight against the industrialized countries, and Saudi Arabia is likely to revolutionize.

When the United Nations did not know how many times the General Assembly called for a ceasefire between the two sides, the Governor of Hong Kong received a call from London,

The Governor of Hong Kong, MacLehose, was talking endlessly, preparing to report on the establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption to reverse the wide-ranging public security issues in Hong Kong, "Secretary-General, are you listening?"

"Crawford, of course I am very concerned about the security of Hong Kong, but you also know that as a transit port, Hong Kong is also densely populated. Will the oil crisis affect Hong Kong?" cares, even if he doesn't care.

"There was only a trace of panic that day, but the United Kingdom was not included in the sanctions." MacLehose said there was no problem, and everything is normal in Hong Kong now.

"The British Empire has always attached great importance to the interests of Asia. I don't want to talk about the importance of Hong Kong as a transit port. You can understand it very well." Allen Wilson said in a formal tone, "It is true that Japan and South Korea will definitely suffer from the oil crisis. Therefore, for the sake of the United States, the United Kingdom will definitely provide some help, and it is well known that the relationship between the United Kingdom and Japan is also quite good, and this should be done.”

Alan Wilson, who did not change his face, was the narrator of the relationship between the United Kingdom and Japan, and those who did not know thought it was the reappearance of the British-Japanese alliance in the new era. In fact, the team that Heung Kong has trained for many years of smuggling is used in this oil crisis where it should be used.

There is no doubt that in this oil crisis, the British Empire will be Japan's strong backing. A mere gang of feudal lords raising camels dare to threaten a powerful industrial country.

Japan doesn't need to be afraid at all, it just needs to stand firmly with the United States. The Arab League is not a traditional friendly country without the United Kingdom. As long as Japan dares to speak sternly, Kuwait will throw a cup for Japan to feel the treatment of the Netherlands.

I don't know if Japan has the Netherlands, the company has Shell, and the resources have the heritage of North Sea oil.

As the Governor of Hong Kong, MacLehose is also a senior diplomat. Now the UK is so busy, whether it is the Prime Minister or the Foreign Secretary, they are busy with the current hot issues, and they really have no time. The Foreign Secretary's itinerary is all scheduled to Chile.

As for the two sides of one body, the humble social public tool is also the supreme authority. Isn't that the reception of foreign guests?

Obviously, between visiting Japan and receiving ladies of the same status as wives, the latter is more important. I would like to ask MacLehose to take a trip to Japan to express his firm support for Japan.

It's not that Alan Wilson doesn't care about work. He is in a meeting to discuss a number of issues related to the trend of the world economy and its response. This time the oil crisis broke out, accompanied by the two-phase effect of the over-issued US dollar. How should the UK choose? First of all, it is a routine to express the situation in the UK Not a small one, but a great one, and then we started talking about the problems that other countries had.

The reason why the United States imposed sanctions on itself is also to reverse the current predicament. In fact, the prosperity of the United States after the war lasted for more than ten years. Before the 1960s, American life was really carefree. City on a Hill is not expansion at all.

The Kennedy and Johnson administrations had long pursued Keynesianism and kept raising inflation. Since the 1960s, the competitiveness of American industries has been declining, and the share of global exports has dropped sharply from 20 percent to 13 percent.

President Kennedy pursued Keynesianism, implemented a deficit fiscal policy, and continuously expanded government spending to stimulate growth and increase employment.

Alan Wilson is not blaming the US for its actions, because the UK has done the same, but the national conditions of the two countries are different. The UK is building large-scale construction in the colonies.

That's no problem, inflation is completely different in developed industrial countries and impoverished backward countries.

If it really can't be done, let Dajian's colony become independent, and after independence, swallow all the sequelae of Keynesianism.

In the United States, during the Nixon period, the Nixon administration adopted the "New Economic Policy" to control prices, implemented wage and price controls, and stopped paying dollars with gold, which shocked American citizens who believed in liberalism, and there was an extremely rare panic buying. fad.

The supreme authority looks like I understand the economy very well, and looks like an authoritative economist. In fact, he has been promoting the state in real estate for many years, killing or burying it, the United Kingdom gets the benefits, the colonies get the capital, and then the capital changes. Capital, such a set of procedures.

In fact, this time the UK has shown such a conscientious mind, and it is also interested in Bangladesh, which has a labor force of 60 million. What's wrong with inflation? What happened to the gap between the rich and the poor? Wouldn't it be better to be poor than the whole country being a trouser?

At present, the inflation rate in the United States is 6% and the unemployment rate is 5%. Both figures in the United Kingdom are lower than those in the United States. It is not an exaggeration to say that the situation is very good.

At the beginning of this oil crisis, the UK has been able to stay out of the way, and optimistic forecasts for the economy should be fine.

"In fact, before the oil crisis, the U.S. slump was basically set. It is very consistent with the trend of the Vietnam War. What we need to do now is to continue to develop at our own pace."

Alan Wilson said to the executive undersecretaries of various departments, "In the diplomatic field, it is possible to take a détente attitude, especially with Argentina. There is also a certain reason for the Falklands to belong to Argentina. In the Middle East, we have traditional friendship with Arabs. Relations should be upheld, but not anti-Israel."

"A good external environment is also beneficial to Israel's economy. The Far East has no hatred between us and East Asian countries, and it is good at taking advantage of the position of Hong Kong. The status of Hong Kong's financial center should be strengthened. The division of labor with Malaya for financing and production should be established. The home appliance industry can try to move to Xiangjiang, where it is more convenient.”

As for the convenience, in the principle of no trivial diplomacy, Alan Wilson did not say that, officials who participated in the meeting should understand it in their hearts.

Of course, Hong Kong is very important, and now it is helping the Saigon government to deliver the lost air-to-air missiles to its owner, the warring Arab coalition. This kind of spirit of collecting gold without ignorance should be praised.

At the same time, it is also responsible for returning the US dollars discarded by the Saigon regime to their original owners. It has to be said that South Vietnam was too careless to throw such a good thing as US dollars in the deserts of the Middle East.

If it wasn't for a gentleman like Britain to help get it back, wouldn't it be a loss for nothing? Sarawak Development Bank and HSBC have also established a very good relationship with the high-rise in the South through this operation of using your money to do your business. Once the mud legs of North Vietnam go south, it is also convenient for these high-rise South to defect to the free world. .

While the British side was discussing economic development, MacLehose had already set off for a visit to Japan, which of course only began after the Whitehall and the United States had communicated.

MacLehose has been the governor of Hong Kong for some time, but he has not forgotten the ethics that a diplomat should possess. After arriving in Tokyo, he met with Toshio Toshio, honorary chairman of the Japan Federation of Keidan Organizations.

Although it seems nothing, this group is by no means unimportant on the surface. Japan's development route is the Concain model, which is the chaebol route.

The large and medium-sized enterprises throughout Japan are in one group. The Japan Keizai Federation is one of Japan's "three economic groups", which is also called the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Keizai Douyoukai. Stable 1955 system.

The dependence relationship between Japan and the United States is well known to the world. Unlike the United Kingdom and Europe, the size of the United Kingdom is not a small country in Europe.

On Japan's side, a certain big country has a completely different economic system. Is it going to warm up with the Korean Wolongfengchu newspaper group?

The United States is now supporting Israel in the face of sanctions. Normally, Japan should show that it would rather stand and die, but Japan is a country that is useless except for MacLehose brought the British full Man's kindness started this visit. He naturally couldn't talk more about the fact that Britain was not sanctioned by the Arab League.

It is impossible for Japan to learn from Britain. Japan does not even have an army. How can it be at least a part of the backing of the Arab League?

MacLehose expressed that the United Kingdom is still on the side of the free world. There are voices in the country who want to take a tough policy on the Arab world. Before coming, he also communicated with the United States. It is certain that the United States will never compromise, and the United Kingdom and the United States are in this issue. Differences remain.

Japan is extremely important in the Far East and is a bridgehead to contain the Soviet bloc. At this time, it is even more necessary to express its unwavering loyalty to the free world, which of course also includes South Korea.

"Respected Governor, then what can the UK help?" Tu Guangminfu looked at the teacup under his nose and wondered if the US was unwilling to come forward. He hoped that the UK would be the villain and warned Japan not to compromise. A family that is thicker than water.

"Britain is willing to trade with Japan on the oil resources of the colony, so that this embargo will not have an excessive impact on Japan. When India was embargoed by oil, it was solved through the oil pipeline of South Sudan." MacLehose The righteousness is strict, just like Langston, the British foreign secretary who brought about the Anglo-Japanese alliance.

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