British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1485: Yen is not eligible

"Dear Sir, both the United Kingdom and the United States speak English, and blood is thicker than water." William Edward said a famous saying more than a hundred years ago, the British and French allied forces attacked the Daku Fort fort, and the American troops watching the battle participated in the battle under the command of the generals. , which is why blood is thicker than water.

But in the face of national interests, how can there be so many personal feelings, Alan Wilson was silent for a moment, "I have a good relationship with some people in the United States, but this involves astronomical wealth. No matter how good a personal relationship is, it cannot be avoided. You should understand the current embarrassment, Minister William. In all fairness, I even agree with the merger of the United Kingdom and the United States, as long as Her Majesty is the nominal head of state. But will the Americans agree?"

Seeing William Edward's silence, Alan Wilson spread his hands and said, "Look, the problem is here, Britain and the United States are special allies, but after all, they are still two countries. The good relationship between me and the United States cannot be bridged. It's a pity for such a disagreement."

This conference involves at least the international status of the next 50 years. It is difficult to say where the United States is stronger than European countries except for the Internet. But the United States is 20,000 US dollars higher per capita than European countries. The power of currency is not understood by countries such as Germany and France that have not obtained currency hegemony. How can the United Kingdom not understand?

You must know that the concept of foreign exchange reserves was proposed by the United Kingdom. The time has already reached the node in early 1976. The United Kingdom has gritted its teeth for so many years.

If there is a choice, William Edward definitely doesn't want to let England go, but he also knows that this is not easy, this time the meeting before the arrival of other countries only played the role of talking to himself.

After the British and American people left, William Edward appeared in front of Rockefeller and Kissinger with a grim look, shook his head lightly and said, "As expected, we are too wishful thinking that the United Kingdom will cooperate with us, The UK also highlighted the issue of the yen, not giving the yen a share, even one percent.”

"The United Kingdom is only subject to the upper limit of the total amount of the mainland, otherwise it may be more difficult to deal with than the Soviet Union." Rockefeller sighed after hearing that, after World War II, the U.S. military should find ways to stay in the United Kingdom and not leave.

But at that time, the United States did not have the mentality of a world hegemony, and it would not be comprehensive to say this. The mentality already existed in the economy, but it was not ready militarily.

Waiting for the dilapidated European countries to ask for three resignations, of course, the United Kingdom invited the United States back to set up NATO, but in the end, it did not give the United States a chance to control the United Kingdom.

Later, it was Charles de Gaulle's administration that drove the U.S. military out of France, and all the other things that led to the separation of Britain and France from the control of the United States.

"There is no doubt that the United Kingdom must have seen our purpose, and it is logical to think about it. Linking to commodity settlement was the proposal of the United Kingdom 30 years ago. It was just that we had the most powerful gold reserves at that time, and it disintegrated the United Kingdom. But now the supporters are not easy to find." Kissinger has a feeling that a lot of people have already appeared, and I feel that I have been living in his shadow.

The easiest country for the US to control is Japan. Although there is South Korea, South Korea’s economic strength is too small. As we all know, the UK has been clinging to Japan. Although the United States has been adopting a vague policy between the United Kingdom and Japan, the United Kingdom has clearly found that Japan and the United Kingdom have formed a fierce industrial competition.

As far as the strength of the UK is concerned, it cannot be underestimated. The British Empire has a rich heritage. European countries, whether it is France, Germany or Italy, are all on the side of the UK in a certain sense.

Of course, the UK is not a human being, and there is no overwhelming national power over France, Germany and Italy. The US really has the national power to shut up these countries. The UK is not good, but in this kind of thing, These countries still tend to support the UK.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer are still very confident. They are both sovereign currencies. The United Kingdom is more dependent on good external relations. This time the oil crisis is really right. It should be on the side of the Arab League.

"If it weren't for me, there's still a fart legacy? It's sold out, and the price hasn't been sold yet." Alan Wilson listened to the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer with approval, expressing revolutionary optimism.

Compared with 1945, Britain was definitely stronger, not weaker. Although British India was still there at that time, most of the production capacity and resources of British India were consumed by itself. In fact, it could not help Britain too much. many.

The biggest role of British India is actually to make Britain not afraid of a full-scale war, and it can supplement the British during the war in terms of manpower, which means that Britain has no shortage of cannon fodder.

If we really want to talk about production capacity, that’s actually the case. It stands out because Japan has been destroyed and other countries have not yet developed. It’s not that India is really an industrial powerhouse. It can only be said that some industrial indicators are not bad.

When delegations from France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan and other countries arrived in Jamaica, the messy meeting really began.

As the American guesses were confirmed as the meeting began, Germany and France pushed Britain out to confront the United States. Just like at the Breton Conference 30 years ago, the United States wooed the vast majority of countries and put the British plan on the shelf. The support of European industrial countries, especially Germany, made the United States have to pay attention.

Alan Wilson prepared a proposal for Callahan to use with French President Pierre Mesmer and Prime Minister Chirac to win over Canada and Italy into the group of advanced industrialized nations.

In fact, this organization will be called G7 in later generations, that is, the Group of Seven. The predecessor of this organization was actually established by France.

This time, the UK suggested that Canada, which is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, and Italy, a Latin country, should be added to strengthen each other's strength.

In fact, compared to Mesmer and the president, Chirac, the Prime Minister Alan Wilson, is more impressive. Now Chirac is still in the golden age of politicians, and he certainly cannot imagine his long existence in French politics. Going down, has been active into the twenty-first century.

After negotiation, the No. 1 and No. 2 figures in France recognized the expansion of the industrialized group and expressed their willingness to support a package of monetary solutions for the British pound, franc and mark in the international monetary system to support the international status of the United Kingdom.

"Prime Minister Chirac, it is the most important thing to find each other's place between Britain and France in the new era. You are so wise." Alan Wilson expressed his respect. This French Prime Minister is German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder who led the establishment of the European Union. and independent key figures.

Of course, when Chirac was president, it was also when France was suppressed by the United States in various ways. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, France was even listed as a strategic competitor, ready to give France a taste of the world's second largest country. Afterwards, France will definitely have to pay a higher price.

France strongly opposes the U.S. launching the second Iraq War, which was also a move during Chirac's tenure. The sanctions against the U.S. were also promoted by France. There is such a person as the French Prime Minister. Alan Wilson knew that he was stable. This person may not trust the UK very much, but compared with the US, the UK can still be trusted.

Callahan was still worried. After all, the UK and the US had very different positions this time, and they were really on opposite sides. He was still a little uncertain.

"Callaghan, show fearlessness." Harold Wilson saw the hesitation of the number two leader of the Labour Party, and expressed his encouragement, "As a prime minister, there will be more problems."

Hearing that he was going to be prime minister, Callahan raised his chest proudly. Seeing Callahan regain his confidence, Harold Wilson couldn't help but nod his head in approval.

He has already discovered that he has Alzheimer's disease, or Alzheimer's disease, and his body has struggled to support a longer term.

Thinking of leaving the position of Prime Minister, Harold Wilson is going to exchange interests with Whitehall on his retirement career. After getting along for so many years, the two sides cannot be said to be sincere and sharing weal and woe. It can be regarded as a pleasant cooperation and complement each other. In a nutshell, since he has reached a sad and irreversible end, he has to make some arrangements after he leaves office, which is not too much.

Of course, Harold Wilson is still going to hide all this for a period of time, so that he can win enough merits through this Jamaica conference to leave the position of Prime Minister honorably.

Anyway, in the eyes of some people, he is a very pro-Soviet prime minister, and he is also the prime minister who has the furthest relationship with the United States after the war. Facing the threat of Alzheimer's disease, what is he afraid of now?

With this mental preparation, Harold Wilson is destined to become the most unwilling opponent of the United States at this meeting.

In fact, this is also the case. Harold Wilson seems to have never shown such aggression, or did it to the other side of the special relationship between the United States and the United States.

With the support of France and Germany, the United Kingdom seems to be trying to reverse the failure of the Bretton Woods system, and is clinging to the issue of the yen, the special drawing rights, and the circulation of the pound.

In front of the leaders and delegations of various countries, Callahan was about to take the stage to express his attack on the yen. Alan Wilson stopped the Chancellor of the Exchequer, "Minister, if you are a politician, I'll do it."

“The UK and Europe believe that the yen does not have a bigger role. Japan has nothing, and just two years ago, it needed the Royal Navy to protect it. How can such a country be said to have international influence? We have to admit it One point, Japan is a special country."

Alan Wilson stepped onto the podium, nodded to the various countries, and then declared, "Modern civilization is led by Europe. There is no need to be modest, and there is no need to join an observer."

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