British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1487: 3-sided settlement system

Indecisive France, Callahan's accusations are not fictitious, and France is indeed much more interested in leading Europe than the United Kingdom.

It is not a day or two to attack the US dollar. The remarks that the US dollar is a tool for the United States to exploit the world originated from Charles de Gaulle, the father of the Fifth Republic.

Who can't see that the United States doesn't like the Bretton Woods system, isn't it because the tying of gold has led to restrictions on the issuance of notes in the United States?

The UK does not oppose the distribution of the United States and Europe to eat meat and drink soup, but the question is how much meat and how much soup to eat. Don't use a currency like the yen that depends on how much the United States benefits.

If the United States is unwilling to return to the status of the dollar area, pound area, and franc area before World War II, then the United States is not participating in the war in vain. The United States participates in the war like this, or does not participate in the war, then what is the point of participating in the war? Really for a just cause and a lofty moral stand?

Therefore, developed countries can use a floating exchange rate policy to better balance the internal and external economies, and at the same time maintain the independence of their own monetary policies in the process of automatically adjusting the balance of payments. While developing countries must maintain external balance at the expense of internal balance, the imbalance of international payments is difficult to adjust, and the independence of monetary policy is greatly reduced.

Other developed countries are going to be allies of the US, and if Europe feels that the system can get more and not be satisfied, then the US will have a lot of headaches.

Kissinger is definitely not willing to agree to the British conditions, but in comparison, it seems that the French conditions are more excessive, and it really belongs to the direct digging of the president's mountain.

"France's share should be appropriately reduced. Even if the yen does not even have 1%, it is not enough at present." Kissinger pondered for a while, saying that if the United Kingdom is on the side of the United States, the United Kingdom's share will not be a problem.

"Mr. Secretary of State, can the United States persuade France?" Callahan asked Kissinger after hearing it, and when he saw the latter shook his head, he said, "It's a coincidence that neither can the United Kingdom."

On another occasion, Alan Wilson was showing goodwill to Chirac on behalf of the United Kingdom, expressing admiration for France's proposal to abolish the veto of the United States, but also bluntly stated that the United Kingdom thought it was very difficult, "the entire European Community The US accounts for 28% of the world's economy, and the US is also 28%. But the US is a country, and the European Community is not, at least temporarily. Japan still has an 8% share, and Japan is the US military stationed there. An exclusive country, to be honest, what the United States really wants Japan to do, Japan has no room for resistance.”

Alan Wilson doesn't count Malaya, but even if you do, Malaya's economy is only a quarter of Japan's, because Malaya's population is less than a quarter of Japan's. This is similar to the ratio of the United Kingdom and the United States. Even if the per capita is the same, the United States has so many more people, it is not for nothing.

After 30 years of hard work after the war, France's population finally surpassed that of the United Kingdom last year, and it is still a total population of 50 million, including French nationals in Algeria.

If the natives of Algeria can survive more, maybe the population of France can increase faster, understandable.

Even if Britain, France and Germany are combined, the population is not as good as that of the United States, and Italy is the same. The United States is equivalent to the economic aggregate of the entire European Community. We know that France's idea of ​​abolishing the veto power of the United States is How unrealistic.

At present, it is a victory for Europe to let the imf not be used against European countries. It is a pure dream to want to use the imf to boycott the United States.

"Sir, you won't favor the United States because of the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom?" Chirac, no matter how Alan Wilson replied, was ready to go back and continue to spread the British disloyalty to Europe.

"Absolutely not. Although I personally have a special preference for the United States, I will not sacrifice the interests of the United Kingdom to satisfy this preference." Alan Wilson made a solemn promise, there is absolutely no such thing, it is purely French too high Estimated his own strength, Bridge looked at the strength of the United States.

If you count the whole of Algeria as part of France, look at the conditions of Algeria, most of the area is part of the Sahara Desert, and look at the conditions of the United States, the gap is still very obvious, this comparison is Europe The total amount is similar to that of the United States, but if the United States can play 100%, it will take a while for the European side to argue.

"Sir thinks, that's enough? Do we just have to watch America lead us." Chirac couldn't help sneering, "Looking at America, the pre-war henchman, is now dictating Europe. Are the British quick to accept it?"

"Prime Minister Chirac, people always have to be realistic. Of course we can go back to Europe to make some remedial measures after we finish talking here." Alan Wilson suggested in a tone, "Establish a clearing mechanism within the European Community countries, This can increase the financial strength of Europe."

Alan Wilson's suggestion is actually the swift liquidation system, that's right, the financial nuclear weapon that claims to kneel down once it is used.

In the original history, the swift settlement system has been around for several years, and it is still dominated by the United States, but in this world, isn't the United Kingdom unwilling to give up its share of the pound. Holding on to the Middle East and not letting go has resulted in the retention of a considerable circulation area. The cost of surrender in this case is somewhat unacceptable.

"Swift clearing system?" Chirac's eyes lit up, when would the British become empathetic, "It's really unexpected."

"It's all about European unity." Alan Wilson casually said, "After all, Europe is the UK's largest market, and of course, it's also French."

It wasn't because he had a conversation with the current prime minister that he learned that Harold Wilson was showing signs of Alzheimer's. In fact, what is this? As a cabinet secretary, he comforted the Prime Minister, saying that such a minor illness would not delay his continuation in power.

Not to mention the United States, where Ronald Reagan ruled with Alzheimer's disease, wouldn't there be a sleeping king in later generations? With these two examples, what's the problem with the British Prime Minister's ruling like this? Isn't there Whitehall to help?

But obviously Harold Wilson is not as shameless as his two juniors, and at the same time he is not ready to become a spy in Whitehall after being really confused, so he is ready to support a leader of the Labour Party to govern in his place at an appropriate time.

However, although he is not going to be Whitehall's puppet, Harold Wilson is ready to exchange some interests. In the past, because of scruples, he did not agree with Whitehall's plan, and now it can be implemented.

I voted, but I did not fully vote. This is not only suitable for Harold Wilson, but also for France now. After the United Kingdom and France jointly persuaded Germany, European countries have already done it.

The Jamaica meeting, which was enjoyable to the outside world, but in fact, was fiercely quarreling, continued in this kind of integration, and the proud Japan of Asia continued to pretend to be integrated into this big group. Although Alan Wilson has been quite well-known in Japanese public opinion lately, and a bunch of racist hats have been buckled, this does not change the overall situation.

Do you really dare to surrender Japan? The European side may not be sure, so the United States still reluctantly gave up. The value of the yen depends entirely on the containment strategy supported by the United States.

The United States agrees that European countries occupy relatively more than half of the voting rights, but in terms of special drawing rights, it still hopes that European countries will make concessions, and must face up to the improvement of the rights and interests of Arab countries.

There is no problem with the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is still clinging to the military bases in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, and it also has its own influence in the Persian Gulf. It is always difficult for the UK to put its attitude towards Japan on the Arab countries. Otherwise, the friendly relations forged by the Middle East war will not be lost.

Having successfully kicked Japan out, considered a victory by Alan Wilson, the United States agreed that Europe would hold 55 percent of the voting rights, 25 percent of which belonged to Britain and 30 percent to France, Germany and Germany. other European countries.

After confirming this matter, participating countries happily signed the Jamaica Agreement, clarified the obligations of Europe and the United States, and reached a consensus on gold demonetization, floating exchange rates and increasing fund shares.

Alan Wilson thinks this is a great victory, in fact the role of the imf under the new system is far greater than that of the Bretton Woods system. It is already a great victory to be able to get the US to give more than half of the voting rights to Europe on the imf.

As for linked commodities? There is no relevant content in the Jamaica Agreement. This kind of thing needs to be fought for by oneself, and it is not something that can be discussed at a conference.

The U.S. dollar has never been formally linked to the settlement of bulk commodities by any international agreement, but by the industrial and military strength of the United States that makes Americans proud.

Liquidity and settlement shares are not a problem for the current pound as long as the Royal Navy is still swaying around.

After the agreement was heads of countries left Jamaica one after another. After Prime Minister Harold Wilson returned to London, he received a document from Whitehall's swift settlement system, indicating that the settlement of European trade really needs such a solution. The system should be negotiated with Germany and France. After the three countries agree, they can be directly implemented in Europe.

The three countries immediately started negotiations for the establishment of the swift settlement system, and soon announced the official establishment of swift for the settlement of the three countries of Britain, France and Germany, involving the trilateral settlement of pounds, francs and marks.

The swift clearing system is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. It is a non-profit organization established to solve the problem that the financial communications of various countries cannot adapt to the rapid growth of international payment and clearing. It is responsible for designing, establishing and managing the swift international network. The transmission and routing of international financial information between them.

The World Wide Web, which Whitehall has been promoting, is directly connected to the swift clearing system. As the assistance of major European banks, it is also easier to spread to the whole of Europe with the help of the European banking network.


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