British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1489: Microsoft

"Black people?" Although Ian Smith was reluctant to continue fighting, he still didn't change his thinking that he had a low opinion of black people.

"Yes, Negroes. How simple such a thing is. When you had the upper hand, would you agree to partition? Certainly not. You will feel that you are at a loss."

Alan Wilson pulled out a Cuban cigar and threw it to Ian Smith, "The situation has now changed, with Portuguese Africa becoming history, support from all sides will cross your virtual borders and be sent to Southern Rhodesia. The blacks are already the dominant party, will they let you divide? I have enough experience in this."

"Don't look at the natives in many colonies who seem to hate the colonists very much. They definitely don't hate the land managed by the colonists. If any piece of land is lost, it is the crime of the colonists and should be criticized. If the land left by the colonists is far more The land they have occupied in history is large, and that is their inseparable and inherent territory since ancient times."

From India to Indonesia, South Korea in East Asia, Poland and Lithuania in Eastern Europe, more or less, depending on their own strength and foreign aid, it is just whether their arrogance is arrogant enough.

If one day the unpleasant neighbor next to them doesn't want to endure any more, these countries sacrifice part of their own interests, and they are said to be controlled by the city on the top of the mountain. In fact, we have always been dissatisfied, and then we welcome Master Wang. No guilt, how many people in this world are really not afraid of death?

If Poland is really full of national pride, why didn't it compete with the Soviet Union during the Cold War? A thousand words, why don't you dare?

blah blah blah! Alan Wilson, who lit the cigar and smoked the clouds, was intoxicated, "The key is that you really have to have a clear understanding of your own situation, not only you, even South Africa, the situation is definitely not optimistic, it's just a It's just an enlarged version of Southern Rhodesia. The problems you encounter today will be encountered by South Africa. If the Southern Rhodesia side feels that it can rely on South Africa and the support of the United States behind South Africa to fight, then there is no chance at all. ."

Some tricks can only be used once. Once Southern Rhodesia is successfully divided and conquered in Africa, objectively, there will be no second country in Africa that can be divided and conquered.

No tears without seeing the coffin, the white South Africans felt that they had a more basic confrontation than the whites in southern Rhodesia, until the whole game was lost.

The situation in South Africa is nothing more than the white South Africans who think they feel good and make up more than 10 percent of the population, living in developed countries on the basis of not treating black people as human beings.

But if you count the total population, South Africa may not even be able to reach the level of Latin America, is it still a developed country?

"Secretary-General, I wonder if I can meet with the ministers in the cabinet." Ian Smith still wants to get a more specific commitment, no?

Alan Wilson almost wrote it on his face, and said with some embarrassment, "The reason why you are holding on for a year is because of the US election this year, and London? It may not be very confidential to say it, what the Prime Minister is thinking about every day now. , is when our beloved Her Majesty the Queen leaves office, what titles can be given to him, as well as a medal that is enough to recognize his career as a reward, and the Prime Minister is not very interested in other things at present."

"When the Prime Minister was very concerned about the issue of Southern Rhodesia, you were determined to show the blacks a little more. Now you want to have a good talk, but the Prime Minister doesn't care about this issue anymore."

What can be done then? We can only trust the wisdom of future generations. Alan Wilson also reminded that the United States is also holding an election this year, and it would be better if the Republicans were re-elected.

The Watergate incident is only one aspect of it. The key point is that the current U.S. president is called Rockefeller. This also involves a person like Rockefeller. With such a strong family as the backing, will other deep government families in the United States allow Rockefeller to come back for another four years?

Whether it is the times that make heroes or the heroes that make the times, the oil crisis did break out during Rockefeller's tenure. Now it can be called the most powerful period in the history of the Rockefeller family, even beyond saying that 90% is not enough, I want 100% old Rockefeller.

Regardless of whether the continued leadership of the Rockefeller family will disrupt the political balance of the United States, there is another candidate on the Democratic side called Jimmy Carter. If this candidate is in office, will Southern Rhodesia get support from Washington?

The Democrats are not to be trusted, but this candidate is a real man of his word.

If Jimmy Carter takes office, South Rhodesia, including South Africa, will not even think about getting any effective support during his tenure, not to mention that the Soviet Union is now so powerful.

Jimmy Carter promoted himself as a reformer untainted by the capital's political scandals, which many voters bought into.

That's why Alan Wilson asked Southern Rhodesia to wait and observe the situation at that time. When the United States was unwilling to continue to invest, Ian Smith and the group of people really gave up.

Southern Rhodesia covers an area of ​​about 400,000 square kilometers. It is a great victory to win a quarter of the land for white people. In fact, according to the population ratio, even one tenth is enough.

It is quite terrifying that the population maintains a high growth rate after reaching a certain base. Blacks can produce a population of Rhodesian whites every year.

"Actually, there is another question. How do you treat the black people who serve you? Once divided, these black people will stay in their original places, and the end may be very tragic." Alan Wilson asked Ian Smith, did he think of what to do? Dealing with members of the Black Alliance.

Ian Smith shook his head, not considering what to do with the black armed men who listened to the white man.

Alan Wilson said, "Now that the impact of the oil crisis has passed, Kenya will soon become independent. I will try to delay Kenya's independence for a few months. The black soldiers and their families who have helped you will go to Kenya at that time. Well. The language problem is not a big problem. It is also a British colony. When Kenya becomes independent, a large number of white residents will leave. When the time comes, I will think of a way to stop fighting with you for so many years. Pay the price."

Even Ian Smith has not considered this issue, but Alan Wilson must consider it. Although the UK is completely qualified not to consider it, the consideration also adds to the annoyance.

Next, the two also discussed how they would deal with themselves in the future if the partition was successful. Southern Rhodesia is only half the size of Rhodesia. It is hard to say how much land will fall into the hands of white people after the partition. The way to do it is to merge with the Rhodesian royal family after the independence of Ian Smith and the others, and the land brought out by the partition will be regarded as a dowry.

Ian Smith said that he could seriously consider it, and then left London the next day, obviously he also had to discuss with others how to decide the future of Southern Rhodesia.

Ellen Wilson began to arrange the Queen Elizabeth couple's visit. This year marks the 200th anniversary of the founding of the United States of America. Although this is a holiday for the United States to become independent from the United Kingdom, as long as the United Kingdom is not embarrassed, it is others. The Queen Elizabeth couple is ready to attend the celebration. activities to express recognition of the power status of the United States.

Taking the time to go to No. 10 Downing Street, Alan Wilson suggested to the Prime Minister that because the Queen and his wife were going to visit, Harold Wilson had better choose to consider resigning after the Queen's visit.

After all, Harold Wilson is the prime minister who has the best personal relationship with the queen, and the queen should express her affirmation of the prime minister's achievements at that time.

At this time, the British Foreign Office received a visiting US senator, with Biden, one of the youngest senators, who also took the opportunity to raise the issue of Northern Ireland. It made Whitehall very dissatisfied, wondering why this **** was such a bastard.

"It doesn't matter. He's the best at **** up anything," Alan Wilson reassured his colleagues, who happened to be in London with Pamela Mountbatten in the summer, and JFK's widow, Jacqueline, out of a friend. From an angle, he hoped that Jacqueline could help deal with the young Sleeping King.

At this time, Jacqueline has long since lost the arrogance that she had when she visited the United Kingdom when she raised her chest to the Queen. She was under the roof, and the couple really took care of her and Kennedy's two children. JFK Jr. also attended Eton College, in the same school as Arnold, and had a very good relationship.

As for himself, he went to Monroe to criticize the United States. The weapon of criticism cannot replace the criticism of weapons. He must take concrete actions to express his dissatisfaction with the United States.

"It's not serious at such an old age." Monroe glanced at the supremely authoritative little brother and teased, "I really followed a good master in this life, and I got everything I deserved."

Alan Wilson is a bit unworthy of praise. Especially in front of women, a woman of the same status as his wife gave him good treatment, and he wanted to give him something in return. "There is a newly established company in the United States. My company is called Microsoft, I think the prospects are very good, you are a famous American star, the dream goddess of a generation, how about I invest in this company in your name?"

Investing in an American company is very simple for Newfoundland, which is a famous offshore financial place and has many foundation businesses. Alan Wilson is not greedy. Although he has made corresponding preparations, he still cannot guarantee that he will invest On the Internet, the United Kingdom can do what the United States does.

It is not too cheap to invest in a share of shares. He is not trying to annex Microsoft. In fact, if he does, it is very likely that Microsoft will not develop to the level of a technology empire.

If Washington finds that this company has too much British capital, the choice of help and containment should be the latter.

Pamela Mountbatten also had some contact with Gates' mother's International United Way. After all, they are both successful women, and they can be regarded as mutual sympathy.


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