British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1491: resignation

Wang An is now flourishing in the United States, but it is not a conspiracy theory. Alan Wilson will not let the most cutting-edge British industry fall into the hands of an unreliable person who is not white.

It must be frankly admitted that there is definitely a ceiling for different races. Although everyone is equal, there are always people who are more equal than others.

Even if it is empathy, Alan Wilson can at most allow it. This computer king's company follows the path of Lenovo, and it is acceptable to be an assembly plant without trying to touch the most profitable industry.

In fact, the problem faced by Wang An's companies in the later stage is that no American companies are willing to join forces with him. Fighting alone is a problem they have always faced in the later stage. Whether it is ibm and dec, or Intel and Microsoft, it is completely the king's fault. Ann's enterprise is regarded as air, Gandhi is very familiar with this trick, non-violence and non-cooperation.

After some consideration, Alan Wilson made a judgment that this computer king is not worth saving, and is arrogant. Even if he is willing to help the other party, he may not appreciate it. Furthermore, it is Wang An's racial issue. Alan Wilson does not dare to take advantage of Gates, because he is afraid that the proportion of British capital will be too large, causing Microsoft to be suppressed by the invisible hand of the United States, and then choose a Chinese company? What's the difference between that and throwing money away?

"It's suitable to be used as a whetstone and talk to Microsoft when the time comes." After thinking about it, Alan Wilson still feels that he has found the value of this Chinese computer king, which is to lower the price with Microsoft.

Alan Wilson has set a development path for Wang An, and he can try to be a Lenovo. If this path cannot be successful, then he will seek more blessings for himself.

He gave the eldest son, who is the crystallization of the British-German friendship, some royalties that he had accumulated over the years, including the invention of the mouse, so that the eldest son could try to be an investor.

At the same time, it is best to find an opportunity to meet Gates and Jobs, two young businessmen who have now started their careers.

At the right time, you can invest in friendship. Alan Wilson will naturally provide assistance. It is similar to investing in a lifetime. The operation of the South African group investing in Penguin is enough to spend a lifetime on the credit. The market value of that South African company is only A fraction of the penguin empire, isn't it just as happy as it is?

A few days later, Garland returned to the United States with a cheque from his old father. Alan Wilson continued to do his daily work. In July, the Queen and the Queen of England started a visit to the United States.

Rockefeller had an advantage that Carter did not have in the popular election campaign. As president, he was able to preside over the commemoration of the bicentennial of the founding of the United States of America. Such activities can generally bring him a relatively positive publicity effect. The fireworks display in the District of Columbia the previous night was also broadcast live on television across the country.

Afterwards, President Rockefeller and the First Lady hosted the Queen and Prince Philip at a state dinner at the White House, which was also broadcast live on PBS. These events are all part of a grand strategy used to win elections.

Strive to portray yourself as a "proven leader" who is busy every day with the work of being the leader and chief executive of your own country.

Of course, this move is to increase his approval rate by entertaining the Queen and his wife. Harold Wilson, who has experienced many elections, can see it clearly, "Rockefeller still wants to be re-elected."

"It's true. But I still don't have much hope." Alan Wilson still shook his head and expressed his disapproval, not because Carter was so powerful, but because the exchange of interests for pardoning Nixon was too bad.

Ford has also performed similar operations in history. He is not as famous as Rockefeller.

Will the current president be re-elected under the famous surname of Rockefeller? Too much damage to the political balance. If the Rockefeller family was really powerful, he felt that Kennedy's end would be a second time, but then again, if he was really re-elected, would there be big news?

To tell the truth, the United States at this time looks like it is about to lose the Cold War from every angle: the complete failure of the Vietnam strategy, the President's exposure to the Watergate scandal, the racial tensions are extremely sharp, the external allies are alienated, the Soviet Union is aggressive, a pair of It is already the number one in the world, and it is not a good time to be the president.

In fact, Carter should be the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and he will definitely become a very respectable figure. Unfortunately, he is an American and cannot hold this position.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs pays attention to all parts of the world, not just the United States. Wick, who has become the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after the Jamaica meeting, reported on the situation in India.

With the third Indo-Pakistani war, Gandhi reached the peak of power and prestige. But the huge consumption of the Indo-Pakistani war caused a heavy financial burden. Nationalized enterprises have resulted in a decline in efficiency, and diseased enterprises have become bottomless pits for financial subsidies.

The oil crisis has led to a skyrocketing international oil price, which has increased costs and foreign exchange constraints. Oil has always been a major problem in India.

Gandhi's response was an all-round austerity policy. The government reduced investment and tightened credit to private capital. The government also imposes strict restrictions on distribution, such as freezing wages. This policy harmed the interests of ordinary workers and peasants, and caused public grievances. Violence continued.

At this point, two more things happened and the Congress party in power was hit hard. The ruling Congress party lost in the Gujarat parliamentary elections. The other two, Gandhi, have been accused of fraud in the general election. The opposition's anti-British activities have not stopped.

Ing Gandhi fought back with the toughest means. A state of emergency was implemented nationwide, leaders of opposition forces were arrested, press control orders were issued, and news media were controlled. To cover up the mass arrests, the authorities even caused widespread power outages in some areas, but newspapers were unable to arrive in India on time.

At the same time, it was announced that the Congress Party would be implemented as a twenty-point program for marching into poverty to win the hearts and minds of the people. Increase social rectification efforts, vigorously control prices. The ruling faction of the Congress Party used its parliamentary majority to enable the parliament to pass the emergency law and complete the legal process.

At this time, Indira Gandhi is a real prime minister with an iron fist, but the common problem with the title of Iron Lady is that some voters are destined to bury hatred in their hearts and wait for the counterattack.

When the Queen and the Queen completed their visit to the United States, Harold Wilson also passed the budget for the production of the Challenger tank, completing the work, and Queen Elizabeth also returned to London at the same time, and Harold Wilson went directly to Buckingham Palace to express willingness to resign.

"Why would you want to resign?" The news came as a surprise to Queen Elizabeth, who has a pretty good relationship with the Prime Minister.

Although Harold Wilson is the Prime Minister of the Labour Party, the two have a good personal relationship. Although Harold Wilson dared to shout any slogan during the election, he respected the Queen very much.

Among his cabinet ministers, the members of the cabinet are mainly constitutional monarchs. Wilson himself is a monarchist, and he has great respect for the Queen all his life. Even after attending a dinner at Buckingham Palace, she will help wash the dishes, which has won the Queen's favor.

Her Majesty the Queen is only surprised, Alan Wilson is simply disappointed, he has always wanted the Prime Minister to dispel the idea of ​​resignation, isn't it Alzheimer's? It's not better to get it.

Alan Wilson is actually looking forward to a prime minister who can't manage, not to mention that Harold Wilson has not been very involved, especially since his last term.

The wish of the cabinet secretary is also a good wish. Harold Wilson did not hide it, saying that he has begun to suffer from Alzheimer's disease, and the situation will worsen in the future.

"Okay!" Queen Elizabeth nodded and asked, "It seems that the Prime Minister has already arranged it, doesn't it?"

"I will wait until the Labour Party chooses a new leader to take over." Harold Wilson replied sincerely, "I also hope that the new Prime Minister can get along with the Queen in peace and establish a friendship between the royal family and the government."

"Before the last day of the Prime Minister's term, I will go to No. 10 Downing Street to attend your farewell dinner." Queen Elizabeth took the initiative to express her willingness, which also proved her recognition of Harold Wilson's term as Prime Minister.

Queen Elizabeth accepted the Prime Minister's resignation, and it was quickly known that Harold Wilson was quick to acknowledge the news in the House of Commons, saying that Labour would soon elect a new leader.

John Hunter immediately found Alan Wilson and asked who he was optimistic about. "I don't know who the new prime minister will be, whether it is our outstanding foreign minister or a great chancellor of the exchequer."

"It's hard to say, it's like choosing a lunatic to manage a mental hospital." Alan Wilson smiled bitterly, "but it can be seen that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has more support from the Prime Minister. Similar to the chance of a Conservative Party leader election upset "Although Callahan supports the union movement and has union support, he is not a leftist compared to Wilson."

"That's good. Frank also said that although he respects the work of the Prime Minister very much, candidates with similar positions as Prime Minister Harold are best not to come. Financially, it is really hard to bear. British citizens It's a complete waste of state subsidies." John Hunter said, "You also know that the money from the Ministry of Finance is not so easy to come out."

"The Treasury Department always wants to use its financial power to challenge the authority of Whitehall. This is also an open fact." Alan Wilson yawned, "But since the establishment of the two foundations, the people in the Treasury Department seem to have calmed down all of a sudden. A lot, that's right, no one is irreplaceable, even me."

"Alan, your joke is not funny at all." John Hunter said, "Don't lie to me because I don't read much." "Your authority is widely recognized throughout Whitehall."

------off topic-----

Suddenly started to have a headache, this chapter is chaotic.


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