British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 547: bold ideas

A similar scene was also staged in the observation post on another island. Lieutenant General Bilton congratulated each other with the observers from France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Australia who were fighting against the Asian colonies.

The French on the battlefield in Vietnam happily emphasized the similar situation between Britain and France under the current situation. Attracted the Dutch and Portuguese nodded.

The faint vibrations on the ground did not disturb everyone's good mood, especially the Australian young Herbert Jones, who had nothing to do with this matter on the surface. He was probably the happiest person besides Lieutenant General Bilton, just like a nuclear weapon. It's like it's in your own hands.

At another location, the battleship Malaya, whose main guns had not been opened for a long time, fired a salvo in the direction of the nuclear bomb explosion, showing the celebration with practical actions.

Whether it was in the observation post or on the battleship, the cheers continued for a long time, but the situation on Alan Wilson’s side was more complicated. The Malayan leaders who were forced by him to observe the nuclear test saw the mushroom cloud persist for a long time. Hearts are mixed.

As the leading figures in this group, they certainly understood what Alan Wilson meant by forcibly pulling them over. On the surface, it was friendly, but in fact it was shocking.

Just like before the nuclear test, it was mentioned that the battleship Malaya was going to bomb Jakarta, copying the deeds of the Royal Netherlands Navy. It’s okay to bombard Jakarta when it’s hot, and it’s okay to replace it with any Malayan city, such as Penang, as well…

Although aboard an old battleship with few missions, the battleship Malaya still had champagne to celebrate.

William Penney was excited. The success of the nuclear test caused the person in charge of the alloy tube project to release his emotions violently. From 1939, the research was terminated and restarted again. The UK was originally the earliest. The alloy tube project that began to be studied did not finally come to fruition until eleven years later.

The hardships along the way made it difficult for William Penney to calm down his mood at this time. It was really not easy.

"It's been eleven years, and I can't describe how I feel now." William Penney shook his head in front of Alan Wilson and Captain Grant of the USS Malaya, and all his emotions burst out.

"Yeah, it's been eleven years." Alan Wilson held the glass and shook it gently. "It turns out that being an enemy of the United States is dangerous, but being an ally with him is fatal."

"From 1945 onwards, it was difficult to tell whether the United States did more against the Soviet Union or caused more trouble for the British Empire."

After finishing talking, he drank the red wine in the glass, and Alan Wilson poured another glass, although it still can't decide anything. But take your time, the splinted Britain will definitely change.

The news of the complete success of Operation Hurricane immediately arrived in London via radio waves. After being known by the Cabinet and Whitehall, it was announced to all British citizens and instantly made the headlines of major newspapers.

The United Kingdom has become the third country to control nuclear weapons after the United States and the Soviet Union. Many newspapers interpret this as an important step for the United Kingdom to get back on the road. There are two options for posing photos in the special edition. Almost all newspapers choose it. British Malay Regardless of ethnic groups, the Asians celebrated the success of the hurricane operation. People danced with joy and joy from their hearts.

In the photo are Alan Wilson, High Commissioner of British Malaya, the nine sultans of the Malays, the leader of the MCA, and the leader of the Malayan Congress Party.

It is simply that all ethnic groups are closely united under the leadership of the British Empire, which is very symbolic. As for another photo of Lieutenant General Bilton and French, Dutch, Portuguese and Australian military representatives, it was too serious to be published.

The news of the success of the British hurricane operation has also caused reprints in Western European countries. People in these countries believe that although after two world wars, the United Kingdom has proved that a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse. A day later, news of Kung Fu in the UK's nuclear test city has spread around the world.

After the successful nuclear test, both the military personnel of the observation station and the distinguished guests of the battleship INS Malaya have all returned to Penang, but what they saw is still a topic of conversation.

William Penney was also in front of Alan Wilson, and mentioned that the alloy tube project was blocked by the United States after the restart, and how local scientists eliminated all difficulties to achieve today's harvest.

"We also have the atomic bomb, and I believe it will be much easier to talk about cooperation." William Penney sighed.

"Really?" Alan Wilson listened to such naive words. As a professionally trained commissioner, he would never laugh unless he couldn't help it, hehe...

"Commissioner Allen, am I wrong?" William Penney looked at Alan Wilson suspiciously. The United Kingdom has broken the blockade, and now there is no need for the United States, and now we can communicate face-to-face.

"Sir William, remember what you said about the fusion reaction? You said it, and that could be a more powerful weapon. If this is true, I have a suggestion that you use the technology exchange with the United States as a Probing. If the attitude of the Americans has changed, there is no conclusion. If the Americans still arrogantly refuse, it means that nuclear fusion is being studied by the Americans, and of course they will continue to block the technology.”

Alan Wilson remembers that the original British history was in 1952. After Prime Minister Attlee restarted the alloy tube project in 1947, it took five years to develop the atomic bomb. But the British hurricane plan was successful in October, and the United States lifted the hydrogen bomb out for testing in November.

Such a short period of time did not make Britain happy for a long time. Whether in terms of public opinion or specific operations, this is an embarrassing behavior for the United Kingdom. After the successful explosion of the hydrogen bomb, the United States continued to impose a technical blockade on the United Kingdom until the successful explosion of the British hydrogen bomb, which was in 1957.

There is nothing wrong with opening your mouth to test it, as to whether the Americans will find out in conscience. You can rest assured about this, just like the Artillery Party will never disappoint when it is time to disappoint.

The United States has never made mistakes on many issues. For example, in terms of nuclear weapons, the United States has to guard against the United Kingdom, let alone other countries.

For the leaders of British Malaya, this nuclear test left a deep impression on them. But for civilians, the impact of nuclear tests is not so great. It doesn't matter whether the people pay attention or not, it has already achieved its goal if it can intimidate the upper echelons.

Some things are bound to happen, such as the Korean War that is about to break out in history, and Alan Wilson can't think of any reason not to break out. From the standpoint of North Korea, it is not a mistake to unify the country.

Moreover, it is very easy for a country with a system like the Soviet Union to stand up to external pressure and become independent. There are no foreign troops stationed in North Korea. If people want to fight, who can stop it?

However, this is not a bad thing for the United Kingdom. What's wrong with using up the national strength of the United States to gain some breathing time? As for whether or not to use this to arm Japan, this is simply a false proposition.

A country like the United States, which even the United Kingdom has to guard against, would believe a country that attacked Pearl Harbor only a few years ago? Like I said before, there are some mistakes America will never make.

In fact, if Alan Wilson estimates, if one day a country is powerful enough to force the United States to withdraw from East Asia. How will the United States respond? Rearm Japan? He found this unlikely.

He felt that it was very possible to completely abolish Japan and leave a huge burden on the opponent. He was going to do it because he couldn't stay in British Malaya any longer.

"Japan!" Alan Wilson thought hard. Since he took office, he has been thinking about two things, one is British Malaya, and the other is Japan.

These two things are essentially the same thing. He wants to maintain the stability of British Malaya, and at the same time hopes that Japan will not fare so well.

At present, Japan's population is close to 80 million. It is difficult to compete with the population of British Malaya. This is still a small matter. British Malaya is still a colony, and instability may occur.

There are various sources of this instability. It is necessary to guard against both the Soviet Union and the United States. Alan Wilson stood in front of the fish tank in the Office of the Commissioner and said to himself, "Can we force the United States to choose one or the other?"

As long as the United States chooses one of the two, the United States will inevitably choose Japan, but why should the United States choose one of the two? It can also contribute to the stability of British Malaya.

"Find my friends Mr. Tian and Mr. Su for a trip to the Commissioner's Office." Alan Wilson picked up the phone and had to say that he had an idea that was not in line with mainstream values, and he had the urge to practice it.

This matter is not only related to Japan and British Malaya, but can even be related to the Korean War, provided that the Korean War breaks out.

Tian Qianqiu and Su Yang are of course his friends, not only including but not limited to people like Ingrid can be friends with him, he also needs to drink and drink. Friends, especially local friends. Although the United Kingdom is not on the same level as this colony in terms of national strength, it is still a minority in the colony.

We must borrow other forces to maintain the stability of the colony. Being the majority of Chinese is the best choice.

"Su Yang, Tian Qianqiu, I remember you are soldiers, what do you think of the Japanese?" Alan Wilson lit a cigarette and asked, "Have you ever fought against the Japanese?"

This question made both of them look stern. Both of them were immigrants to British Malaya after the war. They were once soldiers. It can't be said that they expressed their hatred, but it was not much different.

Listening to the blood and tearful accusations of the two, Alan Wilson, who was surrounded by smoke, thought that for him, it could be said to be a huge risky plan.

If the Korean War breaks out as scheduled, and there is a rumor among the British Malayan people that the United States wants to rearm Japan, the prisoners of war who are coming back for the United States will be rearmament and put into the battlefield?

It has to be said that the group he believes most in the world now is the Slavs of Northern Rhodesia, because he knows that Mikhailovich and those people have cleaned the black people in the territory. At the same time, this matter also started because of him, everyone was prosperous and all suffered, so we can only trust each other.


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