British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 665: Pan Africanist doomsday

It was replaced by the British Malaya model, although British Malaya was also merged. But the specifics vary, and what Alan Wilson believes is that Mutesa II should be interested.

As for Uganda's plan to establish a constitutional monarchy, he himself recommended the plan to Mutesa II. To some extent, it is to follow the example of British Malaya. There are actually several rulers in Uganda similar to the Malay Sultan, but Mutesa II. Tessa II, as the king of Buganda, is the largest kingdom in Uganda.

The territory of the Kingdom of Buganda is close to Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa, in Uganda, a colony that does not rely on the sea. It is a place with very good basic conditions.

"So, Your Honorable King, I think the future of Uganda, if it eventually comes to us Britain leaving, I am more inclined to establish a country with a constitutional monarchy. If you don't mind, I am willing to communicate with Governor Philip on this. But well ?"

Speaking of this, Alan Wilson looked at Mutesa II and kept his mouth shut. He could also veto the Governor's merger plan on behalf of Whitehall, but how can the interests of the United Kingdom be guaranteed?

"Even if Uganda becomes independent in the future, the close friendship with the United Kingdom will not be affected." Mutesa II said decisively, "I will try my best to maintain the friendship between Uganda and the United Kingdom for a long time in the future. "

"It should be like this, who made us all monarchies. Whether it is national self-determination in the United States, equality for all in the Soviet Union, it is all benevolent gentlemen like the king. What Britain can do is to ensure the stability of the colonies. ."

Alan Wilson said with great satisfaction, "If the king can help the UK as much as possible to make this process more gentle. I believe this will be a good thing for both parties, and it will be easier for me to communicate with Governor Philip."

It's not easy either, Philip Mitchell, the governor, although because British East Africa is not like British India, doesn't seem to have much power. But the Governor is the Governor, and his connections in London are still quite thick.

It took me a few days to complete the investigation in Uganda, and I followed the progress of the project in Uganda with Mutesa II. Alan Wilson went straight to Kenya, the heart of British East Africa.

British East Africa Britain's main strength is concentrated in Kenya, not Tanzania, which appears larger.

The capital of British East Africa used to be Mombasa, and was later moved to Nairobi. Both are in Kenya, and it is also the largest and second largest city in Kenya in later generations. Kenya is the core of British East Africa, which is not wrong.

Compared with Uganda, the British power in Kenya is obviously higher, because the British management in Kenya is closer to the model of British India. In other words, in the whole of British East Africa, Kenya is more like a province of British India, while Uganda is very much like a state like Hyderabad.

There are many white settlements in Kenya's two major cities, far exceeding the number in Uganda. It may also be for this reason that after British India became independent, Governor Philip Mitchell wanted to merge into a large and complete colony. Let British East Africa replace India's role.

But Alan Wilson knew that it was too late, because he himself had already taken the initiative in British Malaya ahead of Philip Mitchell.

So Philip Mitchell's British East Africa plan is useless. And even if you continue to practice, the chances of success are not high!

More than half of the population of British Malaya are Chinese, and these Chinese have no feelings for the Malaya colony itself.

Not to mention new immigrants, most of the original Chinese do not regard themselves as locals, nor do they have local awareness. The most important thing is that the Chinese have their own motherland, and this motherland is also hostile to the United Kingdom.

After all, what Alan Wilson did was to ensure the economic development of Malaya at all costs. In exchange for Chinese guests, there is no psychological disturbance. Maintain ethnic balance in Malaya.

If the US thinks about Malaya, it will find that if it succeeds, it may create a pro-China country.

Under such consequences, the United States, which has been helpless because of the Korean War, may not be so easy to make up its mind.

As the threat from the United States eased, Alan Wilson's task was to focus on subversion from the Soviet Union.

This is the objective condition of British Malaya, and Alan Wilson believed in his heart that the United States would not risk subverting British Malaya and promote the emergence of a country that might fall to the Soviet bloc.

However, British East Africa did not have this condition. More than half of the population of British Malaya had no feelings for Malaya, and the colony was just a place for them to work and eat. But the population of British East Africa is all natives.

It’s okay if the merger is unsuccessful, but if the merger succeeds in the British East African Commonwealth, isn’t this going the same way as British India?

Two days later, he had arrived in Nairobi. The purpose of his visit this time was obvious, that is, the plan of the East African Federation, to inform the Governor of East Africa, Philip Mitchell, of the alternative made by Whitehall.

The East African Governor's Palace is a white marble building. It can be seen that it is incomparable to the Governor's Palace of British India. It is even less attractive to Alan Wilson, who has seen many high-rise buildings in his previous life.

After waiting for a while, Governor Philip Mitchell appeared and motioned for Alan Wilson to sit down. The two discussed the issue of the colony.

"Dear Governor, I have some knowledge of Northern Rhodesia. After I went to Uganda, I also knew some of the situation in East Africa." Alan Wilson expressed his views straight to the point, "The East African Federation plan is too difficult. There is no need to continue, just like the plan of the Central African Federation."

The central African federation plan he mentioned is the federation plan of some voices who want to merge North and South Rhodesia. This was earlier than Philip Mitchell's East African federation plan was rejected.

As early as 1945, when the Yugoslavs arrived in Northern Rhodesia, they were officially dead.

In Whitehall, no one cares about the Central African Commonwealth Plan. However, there are still some supporters of the East African Federation plan!

"Alan, what's your opinion?" Philip Mitchell didn't insist. In fact, in 1945, many people were indeed enthusiastic about the East African Federal Plan, but as time passed, East Africa Federal supporters are indeed dwindling.

"Divided and conquered according to local conditions. For example, in Uganda, I met Mutessa II of the Kingdom of Buganda. He was a person who was easy to communicate with. I talked to him, and he himself was very opposed to the merger plan." Alan Wilson Speaking of which, he smiled, "Our views are very consistent. Although the original intentions are different, the results are the same."

"It's very rare that a colony's commissioner and a colony's monarch have the same views." Philip Mitchell said in surprise, "I even thought I heard it wrong."

"No, he is for his own status, and I am for the British Empire. The latest realization that I came to Africa this time is that the current pan-Africanism is bigger than I thought." Alan Wilson changed his words. , "This reminds me of a very bad precedent. Before we arrived in India, India itself had many powers, and our colonial rule shaped the collective consciousness of India and overwhelmed the autonomous powers everywhere. My friend Ali Khan He was also one of the victims, and this tragedy must never be repeated."

"Once we have spent a lot of effort to integrate East Africa into a country that is at least no worse than India in size. Once this country is independent, it will be very difficult for Britain to maintain its traditional influence." Alan Wilson thought for a while, " We should guard against this kind of thing, not indulge it. In a sense, either the East African Federation or the Central African Federation, whichever one may end up being used by the Pan-Africanists, isn't it? Dear Governor?"

Alan Wilson's dangerous Pan-Africanist, Kwamy Nkrumah, is ranting in Paris. After arriving in Paris, Kwamy Nkrumah met with various members of the Afro-French National Congress to discuss his ideas.

The consequence is that the French government, which is fighting in Vietnam, has now begun to have doubts about the leader who ran out of the British colony, and sent agents to monitor Kwamy Nkrumah and his party. Keep an eye out for black organizations who have met Kwamy Nkrumah.

Maybe if Kwamy Nkrumah stayed in Paris for a year and a half, without such an open-minded Frenchman as the United Kingdom, maybe he would directly kill the danger in the Mela Mountbatten was in Paris, paying attention to her husband's every move, and contacting her husband by telegram, who had just finished persuading the Governor in Nigeria, then in the Gold Coast, then in Uganda, and now in Kenya.

Regarding Kwamy Nkrumah's remarks in the telegram inquiry, Alan Wilson said in a reply, "This is all an illusion, the Gold Coast is not independent and he is hiding his true thoughts, even if He is not a socialist, but through his words and deeds in the past, it can be seen that he is a die-hard Pan-Africanist, and once he succeeds in independence, he will be the first domino.”

"Okay!" Pamela Mountbatten still chose to trust her husband's judgment, when Marina came in and said, "Madam? What's the matter."

"You go to Algiers with my handwritten letter and find Major General Philorand, the commander of the garrison in Algiers. Please do him a favor. This is to be done in private. It's very important, you know?"

Pamela Mountbatten instructed very seriously, "Your companion has already arrived in Algiers. After you arrive, you can discuss and get things done."

"Understood, ma'am!" Marina replied calmly, "Then I'll set off immediately."

Pamela Mountbatten smiled and nodded. She was relieved when Marina left, wondering how her husband would compliment her.


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