British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 669: Arrive in the Persian Gulf

"The reactionary government has two main methods for dealing with the people. One is to deceive and the other is to suppress." Alan Wilson learned the good news of the Gold Coast and said to Grace who was just in time to return.

"Who said this?" Grace frowned slightly, as if from a British standpoint, such a thing shouldn't be said.

"Lenin!" Alan Wilson replied with a smile, "Grace, we should know that the enemy is some idea. Ignoring the enemy's thinking is a very scary thing. I hope we will always remember this!"

In all fairness, the current free world values ​​the Soviet Union, at least more so than China in the twenty-first century. This is not a bad thing. If you pay attention, you can judge the possible countermeasures of the opponent.

Taking policy for granted without knowing one's enemies can be a disaster. Who would have thought now that the free world of the 21st century would respond like a cerebral infarction when faced with challenges?

To be honest, when it comes to formulating policies for the United States in the 21st century, such wishful thinking will make you feel that the Qing Dynasty is not keeping up with the times, and it is not incomprehensible that the United States has not opened its eyes to the world?

In fact, in the late stage of any regime, it is not that the vision cannot keep up, but that there are too many beneficiaries accumulated over hundreds of years. No one dared to move, so naturally they could only sink together.

In fact, this is also the case in Egypt, but it is very difficult to solve the problem in Egypt, and it is still possible to alleviate or delay it.

Because in the final analysis, Egypt as a whole is still in an agricultural era, and a wave of electrification with the Aswan Dam as the core can guarantee stability for at least twenty or thirty years. As for what to do when this wave of electrification dividends is exhausted, that is not something Alan Wilson can manage.

He can only solve the immediate problem. Grace's return this time also shows that Farouk I decided to attack the Free Officers Organization for his own throne.

"Sure enough, when it comes to key issues, no monarch will be soft-hearted." Alan Wilson nodded with a smile, "This time King Farouk's reaction really surprised me. I think that only the emperors of the East have the determination to maintain the monarchy."

As for when to start, because the commander of the Mediterranean Fleet is about to be replaced, Alan Wilson is more inclined, and the respected father-in-law will start when he takes office.

He is also thinking in a different position, guessing that Nasser will be as unbearable as the same period in history? First of all, the supporters of Farouk I must be much more than the original history, there is no doubt.

It is still being judged, if Farouk I purges the Free Officers Organization, whether it will be able to kill the enemy or cause a certain degree of military conflict. This requires a different filing to deal with!

But one thing is certain, that is, if General Mountbatten takes over the command of the Mediterranean Fleet, he can add a layer of insurance to this matter and can serve as the backing of Farouk I.

After all, Mountbatten was a character who took the template of Daying Long and Aotian, and he never targeted anyone in terms of courage. That is to say, the United Kingdom was born at an untimely time. If it was at the peak of the British Empire, how could the Five Star Mai Emperor pretend to be forceful?

Since the current Farouk I already thinks that the Free Officers Organization is a threat, then one thing will be ruled out first. The prepared Farouk I will never have his throat cut in an instant.

The initiative is already in the hands of the thief king to a certain extent. As long as there is a timely response from the British Mediterranean Fleet, it should not be a problem to clean up Nasser.

But even so, he still felt that he couldn't do it right away, and he must ensure the maximum success rate.

Because Alan Wilson knew that the impact of Nasser's successful coup was simply too great for the entire Arab world. The Arab world soon followed suit. After the victory of the Egyptian revolution, Nasser became president and often spoke on a program called Arab Voice, calling on the Arab people to rise up against imperialism, liberate themselves, and so on.

Libyan aspiring youth Gaddafi is a loyal audience of Nasser. Gaddafi is just an ordinary college student, but he can take the world as his responsibility. He was very dissatisfied with the pro-Western king. A college student, what he thinks is not how to make money and marry a wife, but how to overthrow this rotten government.

He doesn't feel sorry for himself because of his weakness. He can't wait to start from himself. While giving up his university studies to transfer to the military school and join the King's Guard, he encourages his classmates to join the army. They met like-minded young people in the army and formed a Libyan version of the Free Officers Organization in the way of Nasser. After years of arduous organizational work, they have formed their own power system in the army.

Earlier, in the same year Nasser seized power, some young Iraqi military officers followed Nasser to form a revolutionary group in the army. Four years later, they launched a coup d'etat that destroyed the kingdom of Iraq.

The Arab Social Baath Party in Iraq came to power, which in turn led to the Social Baath Party in Syria. After the merger of Syria and Egypt, a series of effects of the collapse of the Libyan Kingdom can be said to be related to the success of Nasser's coup.

It was precisely because he knew the importance of Nasser and the Free Officers' organization that Alan Wilson didn't dare to act like he did with Nkrumah.

This matter must first be approved by Farouk I himself, and the British Mediterranean Fleet should be the backing. The most important thing is that General Mountbatten is willing to support, so Alan Wilson must wait until Mountbatten takes office.

First through the Sultan of Khalifa, and later by having Grace make a trip, and after having a general idea of ​​Farouk I's thoughts, Alan Wilson secretly left the British embassy and went down the river to reach the Tean Point Palace.

The vicinity of Cape Thien Palace is protected by a Copt-based palace guard, which is some of the changes that Alan Wilson brought to Egypt. This time I came in secret, of course, to talk about how to remove the threat of the Free Officers Organization.

In fact, for the UK, the most important thing is to keep the Suez Canal open. This canal is of great significance to the UK. Once the UK loses control of the canal, its influence on Asia will quickly decline. Both the Persian Gulf and Malaya will be affected.

If it weren't for the canal, Alan Wilson couldn't think of the value of Egypt as a country.

In terms of time, Mountbatten's arrival time is still unclear, because Alan Wilson only feels sure when his father-in-law is watching.

After meeting Farouk I, Alan Wilson expressed his determination to help his father-in-law when he was in office.

As for the time to take action on the Free Officers Organization, Alan Wilson said bluntly, "Dear Your Majesty, the time is of course as close to the US election as possible. I have an example here that I can share with you..."

The example mentioned by the non-staff Egyptian Prime Minister Alan Wilson, of course, gathered four years ago. Chang Gong, in a lightning-fast manner, knelt down in three major battles around the time of the US election, and was eaten in more than two months. two million troops.

If it is said that before the three major battles, it is possible for Chang Gong to have theoretical support from the United States. After the three major battles, this theory may be gone, and the possibility only exists in the mouth of his good friend McCarthy.

For the reactionary forces in the current world, Duke Chang kneeling three times in two months is definitely a proper negative teaching material.

The closer it gets to the U.S. election, the less the U.S. can respond to the outside world. This is something that has been proven.

"There is only Britain in the world with goodwill towards the monarch. The Soviet Union is inclined to socialism, while the United States is inclined to a democratically elected government, and they do not appreciate the identity of the monarch. It is hard to say whether the future of Egypt needs the United Kingdom, but you, Your Majesty, There must be enough goodwill towards the UK."

Alan Wilson blatantly stated that Farouk I should cooperate with the United Kingdom even for his own **** problem.

But the carrot-and-stick policy is never out of date, and after mentioning the Alan Wilson said that Britain could compensate the kingdom of Egypt in other ways. For example, to provide necessary support for the development of Egypt.

"Alan, as the king of Egypt, of course I have full respect for Britain." Farouk I asked after a while, "but I want to know how much goodwill Britain is willing to show in the development of Egypt."

"Dear King, I think this issue should be discussed after clearing Egypt's internal threats." Alan Wilson smiled and said, "But what I can reveal is that the final destination of my tour this time is Iran, and I have to deal with Iran. Let’s revisit the issue of oil distribution and follow the news if His Majesty is interested.”

Alan Wilson's meaning is very simple. If he negotiates with the Iranians and has a good result, he may be able to set it on Egypt in the future. As for now, Farouk I should join hands with the United Kingdom to remove domestic instability first.

Farouk I agreed to this, and Qibufa first began to investigate the Free Officers Organization, and at the same time stayed at the Cape Thien Palace, and then ensured safety under the **** of the Royal Palace Guard.

After meeting Farouk I this time, Alan Wilson received a call back from his wife again, saying that General Mountbatten should arrive in July. The distribution issue is settled, and if this issue has a result, I will go to Cyprus and wait for my father-in-law to take over the Mediterranean fleet.

After three months of inspection, Alan Wilson, who set off from Alexandria, approached the Persian Gulf, the final destination of this part-time job, to solve the most pressing issue in the eyes of the London government, the distribution of Iranian oil interests.

Although it is negotiating with Iran, the place of negotiation is not in Iran, but in Basra, a city in southern Iraq, which seems to be neutral.

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