British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 682: for the free world

"It can't be said that, there are still competitors, such as Burke Trend, such as Rodkins, Douglas, Frank, etc." Alan Wilson does not think that it will be smooth sailing, and he is not blind Patton, he can really bring back the **** that has been blown past.

"Sir Edward's deputy? Ambassador to the United States, Commissioner of the European Community?" Pamela Mountbatten matched the names of her husband's mouth one by one, and then said, "What you lack is the experience of domestic civil servants, which of course cannot be vacant for a long time. Yes, but among the people you mentioned, Burke Trend is the most threatening, and Sir Norman places him by Sir Edward's side, which shows how much he takes it."

Alan Wilson agrees, who is Edward Bridges? The former cabinet secretary, the current secretary of the civil service and the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Finance, this is equivalent to the fact that Burke Trend, as the confidant of the current emperor, was placed by the side of the Supreme Emperor, and the degree of trust is evident.

"My dear, Sir Edward's birthday seems to be coming soon, if you don't mind. Let's organize a private party!" Alan Wilson suggested after a while, "Sir Edward happens to be his sixtieth birthday. Orientals think that Sixty means a lot."

In fact, the significance of 60 years old in the United Kingdom is not small. In the 1950s, the retirement age of British civil servants was 60 years old, but so far, Edward Bridges has not shown signs of complete retirement.

"Good idea. In terms of internal relations in Whitehall, you don't have to worry about it when you are not at home." Pamela Mountbatten agreed, Edward Bridges' birthday was in August.

As she said, Pamela Mountbatten decided to do her best to help her husband's future.

Of course, this is due to the huge financial resources she has accumulated now. However, this does not involve power and money transactions. She is completely selfless, and only uses an occasion to conduct necessary social interactions.

Although Edward Bridges will have to leave his job for a maximum of five more years, for now, Edward Bridges is still the Civil Service Chief of the Imperial Civil Service.

On such occasions, Pamela Mountbatten is obviously more at ease, and Alan Wilson usually follows his wife's rhythm. Although not as professional as his wife, but from the final result, the effect is still very good.

Edward Bridges is very happy, and the young leaders he once valued have always been rewarded, which is very happy.

He is also very much in favor of Alan Wilson leaving a mark on the establishment of NATO, and also hinted that he is more optimistic about the more well-connected Alan Wilson than the so-called assistant Burke Trend.

"I'm very grateful to Sir Edward for his high regard for me." Alan Wilson couldn't help but smile when he heard it. "I have always regarded reliability as the criterion for devoting to the empire, and I dare not slack off in the slightest."

"Ellen, I have never doubted your reliability. You have no shackles except your age. Actually, age doesn't matter much. Roggins also started his civil service career in 1945. The same is now done for the Commissioner of the European Communities." Edward Bridges referred to the current Commissioner of the European Communities.

"Of course, the empire is full of talents, which is always good for our country." Alan Wilson nodded hastily.

There are more than a few candidates who can compete for cabinet secretary. In addition to the few people he has already locked in, why aren't the five elites in Cambridge not the young talents of the empire? Just serving another country.

About this NATO signing, it is naturally also in the discussion between Edward Bridges and Alan Wilson.

Entering 1952, the Korean War, which was fought and stopped, no longer had the conditions to involve the entire experience of the United States. The beginning of the Berlin crisis made the United States, which has already drawn some of its energy, re-emphasize European security issues.

Compared with Europe, the Far East is only a trivial issue after all, and after the annexation of Hokkaido by the Soviet Union, the Berlin Crisis that followed has also made Britain realize that it is imminent to conclude a military alliance.

Britain's recovery from the war was accompanied by the Soviet Union's recovery from the war. After all, the two countries were completely different in size. The Soviet Union's ceiling was not comparable to Britain's population of 50 million.

The United States also got rid of the confused period in the early post-war period, and also intends to intervene in European affairs. The United Kingdom and the United States hit it off.

"The military responsibilities of the Brussels organization will be incorporated into the new military alliance, and the economic and trade sector will also be incorporated into the European Community. What about the colony's garrison? I don't know if this aspect has been discussed?" In many parts of the world, what about the garrison in the colony?

"This part is not within the framework." Edward Bridges said that the United Kingdom still has reservations on the colonial issue, and the United States is still a suspicious ally of the United Kingdom on the colonial issue.

Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief. The United Kingdom was not confused by the threat of the Soviet Union. The scope of NATO's protection was only within Europe, and the British overseas garrison was still an armed force controlled by the United Kingdom itself.

Moreover, the current distribution of power in NATO is that the United States is the commander-in-chief, and the United Kingdom is the deputy commander-in-chief and civil secretary.

Thinking of this question, Alan Wilson suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "Is our candidate Marshal Montgomery? If it is him, it is estimated that the command of the military alliance may not be very harmonious."

Now the problem is very simple, the two senior five-star generals of the United States, MacArthur and Eisenhower, MacArthur has been distrusted because of the ability of the Korean War.

As for Eisenhower, he is now running for president on behalf of the Republican Party, given the current depressed polls of the Democratic Party. Eisenhower has won the presidency.

So the commander-in-chief of NATO is definitely not Eisenhower, but who can be the commander-in-chief of NATO other than these two people? Can't pull Nimitz out of the Navy? Even the United States knows that Nimitz is unreliable, and the confrontation with the Soviet Union has nothing to do with the Navy.

Alan Wilson can't even imagine that Nimitz is the commander-in-chief of NATO, and Mountbatten is the deputy commander-in-chief. Candidates for NATO commander-in-chief must be chosen from among the army generals. Don't look at first-class people and second-class people, the army is the only force that can be relied on when life is saved.

As far as the current wind is concerned, let Li Qiwei be the commander-in-chief of NATO? Montgomery was the commander of the British Army during World War II, not to mention Ridgway. In Eisenhower, it was often connoted by Montgomery.

If Ridgway is the commander-in-chief and Montgomery is the deputy commander-in-chief, it is estimated that the most annoying thing for Ridgway all day long is not the Soviet threat, but Montgomery's saliva.

In fact, in addition to Eisenhower and MacArthur, the five-star general from the US Army is still Omar Nelson Bradley. Maybe he is the one who will be the commander-in-chief.

Omar Nelson Bradley had fought in North Africa, and Montgomery also knew the five-star general. But now this man is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee of the United States, and he has little chance to be the commander-in-chief of NATO.

"I don't think it would be better for Marshal Montgomery to be the commander-in-chief. Anyway, the United States has no one to choose." After thinking for a long time, Alan Wilson spread his hands and said, "But I'm afraid the United States will not agree."

"They absolutely disagree. Now is not after World War I." Edward Bridges said with a wry smile.

After this birthday party, Ellen Wilson went to Paris to wait. Pamela Mountbatten was very happy. It wasn't that she didn't want her husband to be around, but her cheeks were about to swell when he was always there.

She thought that her husband in the telegram was joking, but when she came back, she was always slapped in the face, which was very aggrieved.

With the heavy responsibility of guarding the free world, Alan Wilson is about to set off with great pride. He is wary of Princess Margaret coming to his house from time to time, in order to maintain the crumbling Munich Agreement. Get ready to go to Paris!

"Brother-in-law, isn't it the 25th? When you just came back, you said you were going to Helsinki to watch the Olympics." Princess Margaret was displeased, and when no one was around, she directly helped Alan Wilson's arm, The movement has become more and more proficient.

If it wasn't for your presence every day, I really want to take my wife or a lady of the same status to see it!

He hasn't been to Northern Europe yet, he really wants to see it! Although he thought so in his heart, Alan Wilson pulled back his arm as if he was putting national affairs first. Her Royal Highness, the signing of the Paris contract is a major event that will change the world. We must protect the free world. I gladly accepted the task of Whitehall, how could it be delayed because of personal matters? "

What is there to see in the Helsinki Olympics? Just look at the final results, and then see how much revenue the Commonwealth Sports Lottery has made. In the future, I will gradually accumulate experience. There are many sports events, such as the World Cup and the European Cup.

With a righteous statement in front of his sister-in-law, Alan Wilson boarded the Paris flight without any hesitation. A few hours later, he was already lying on the big bed at the Woodpecker headquarters, lamenting his own toil.

While complaining about herself, Ingrid Bergman came out of the bathroom wearing a bath towel and said, "Put the water on, the temperature is just right. Take a bath to relieve fatigue."

Alan Wilson abruptly stood up, and after a while, she was naked. When she walked past Ingrid Bergman, she ripped off the latter's bath towel, and said with some effort, "Actually, the hardware is too good to be a burden. I hold you every time I hold you. It's like holding a cannonball."

"If you don't want to hug, you can let go!" Ingrid Bergman said dissatisfiedly with her arm hooked around the man's neck.

"The cannonball I'm talking about is a positive word." Alan Wilson said, and he had already walked to the bathroom door. He closed the door as if he had eyes on his heels. For the stability of the free world, he had to walk forward with a heavy load.


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