British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 800: Warsaw Pact established

As an Englishman, Alan Wilson is very entangled in how to face France. Of course, he does not want France to be stronger than Britain. But now that the United States and the Soviet Union are eyeing, he is still very willing to help the French as much as possible.

Perhaps in the original history, from the end of World War II to before the Suez Canal War, this was the heart of British political circles, and now Alan Wilson has also realized it.

When it comes to actions, it has become nothing to connotate France, but it is constantly helping France. He said that he didn't want to be physically, but he was very honest. He hoped that Britain and France would still have a place on the world stage in the future.

General Naval was only going to stay in Singapore for one day, and during this day, he also had a direct impression of this important city in the British colony, "If the French Three Kingdoms also had such prosperity, it may not be like this today. "

"It's not the same after all." Alan Wilson opened his mouth. Vietnam is too far from France, while it is too close to China and has a long border. With British Malaya, West Malaysia only needs to defend the Isthmus of Kra, and East Malaysia and the Netherlands use Navy blocking penetration is different.

Today's British Malaya looks good. There are many reasons. The Dutch power has not completely subsided. With the support of two loyal followers of Australia and New Zealand, the opening of Chinese entry has diluted the original power, and there are even Japanese prisoners of war. credit.

Later, it was determined to be one of the two wings flying together. With the influence of the British Commonwealth still preserved in the United Kingdom and the full support of the pound area, such a result has just been achieved.

Various reasons have contributed to the current situation, but even if this is the case, it cannot be said that all efforts have been made. Until the real test comes, no one knows whether the impregnable deployment is another 800,000 versus 600,000.

Alan Wilson said that he would send General Naval to the ship the next day, and left in a hurry to work overtime.

The time of France's withdrawal seems to be a little faster than the original history. As for whether it is a few months sooner, I don't know.

This may be due to the butterfly effect brought about by the discovery of Algeria's oil resources, which made France's withdrawal more decisive and did not want the French army in Asia to dawdle.

A French active-duty general who may be the North African head of the Mountbatten Group is certainly worthy of a special farewell from the imperial commissioner. At the Singapore Wharf, the French officers and soldiers who docked for a day rested on their way home with the smoke of gunpowder on their bodies.

After the baptism of the fierce war, many soldiers were very tired, but they finally left this vortex temporarily.

The withdrawal of the French garrison in South Vietnam has just begun. In the next few months, France will follow the promise of the Geneva Conference to withdraw the French fist and focus on operating in French Africa.

Surrounded by French officers and soldiers who kept boarding the ship, when they parted, General Naval and Alan Wilson held hands together.

"Goodbye!" General Naval looked back at the French officers and soldiers who were boarding the ship, and thanked Alan Wilson for coming to see him off. "If my memory didn't deceive me, Commissioner Wilson helped us a lot."

"Isn't this trying to attribute the deaths of many innocent people in Vietnam to me? Well, I mean, the red elements who were bewitched by the Soviet Union." Alan Wilson made a joke, and then nodded solemnly, "Anyway, I hope the future We still have opportunities to help each other.”

The whistle was sounded, and the passenger ship full of the French Expeditionary Force left the Singapore port. Alan Wilson watched the passenger ship go away silently. Although he didn't want to describe it as sadness, his mood was indeed quite heavy at the moment.

He plans to write a report to Whitehall on the ins and outs of the withdrawal of the French army, expounding the comprehensive proposal that colonial independence must not spread the shock to the mainland, and enumerates several possibilities of foreign policy after the withdrawal of French troops.

There was no way, he was just someone who was eating waste oil and worried about Downing Street's life.

"Commissioner, you seem very heavy." Even Radwich could see that the boss was in a bad mood, and asked while starting the car.

"There are some." Alan Wilson answered honestly, "North Rhodesia, where you live, will face this problem sooner or later. I hope that when that day comes, you can be prepared."

"We have blocked the north and south borders with barbed wire and minefields, leaving only a few exits, but the north and south sides are more problematic. We have observed the migration routes of animals in Africa, and even the blockade will be blocked. Huge fauna rushed away." Radwich knew of Alan Wilson's special relationship with Northern Rhodesia and naturally wouldn't hide anything.

"It's a good idea. Although the method is stupid, it really works." Alan Wilson nodded. The Slavs from the Balkans have been cleaning each other for hundreds of years, at least not naive when it comes to racial issues.

Unlike immigrants from South Africa and Rhodesia, who want to comfortably use blacks as cheap labor and become superiors, there is hope that blacks will never resist and appoint old-fashioned slaves. Again and again, you are destined to get nothing.

"The fake news about the conflict between Chinese and Malays in Sabah has been widely reported, and it cannot be ruled out that it is the result of agitation by foreign countries with ambitions for Malaya. The British-Malaysian government will take corresponding countermeasures to cut off the extension to the empire's territory. The black hand..."

Ingrid Bergman sat on the sofa boredly flipping through the newspapers, her long legs jumped, and her thrilling body was covered under silk pajamas. She and Heidi Rama also came to Singapore to serve the empire. The specialist does the logistical work.

The lock was pried, the door was pushed open, and Alan Wilson appeared, just in time to see the female president of Woodpecker Pictures, and asked, "Where's Heidi?"

"Pick up your clothes upstairs." Ingrid Bergman asked with a slight brow. "Have you finished your business? It's getting more and more excessive. Let the two of us follow you, as if no one else can't leave. You too."

"Ingrid, you know, I can't live without you. I cherish the time I can spend with you." Alan Wilson nodded and bowed like a dog, without the demeanor of an imperial commissioner. He came over and pulled Ingrid up. Bergman flattered, "This is the source of my hard work."

"Don't you dislike our age?" Ingrid Bergman said quietly, "Although I think I'm still pretty, but I live to say that we are all, and there will always be days when we're not pretty. But a young woman always have."

"What are you talking about? Even if you are old, I will treat you the same as you are now, a true beauty who is undefeated over time. There are no women who are always eighteen years old in this world, but there will always be women who are eighteen years old. Every woman is eighteen, is every woman as exciting as you are?"

"I know it sounds good." Ingrid Bergman looked at the rhetoric man flatly, trying her best to keep her face sullen, but she still failed, and said in pieces, "It's like coming to this world like this, it's a special purpose. It's like coming for you."

Immediately after being pulled, the two hugged each other, and the majestic waves under the pajamas were almost ready to emerge.

"Maybe I didn't come at the right time." Heidi Rama, who came down from the stairs, wearing a long dark dress and a pair of tender almond eyes, happened to meet this scene.

"No, you came at the right time." Alan Wilson stretched out his free arm, showing a man's broad-mindedness. At this moment, Lord Zhongtang seems to own the whole world. He decided to work overtime today...

Regarding the colonial commissioner working overtime late at night for the Empire, after a comprehensive consideration, in a word, readers do not need to know.

Perfection has always been pursued by Alan Wilson. Hepburn is about to return to Europe with the newly-acquainted famous German strong woman, the two jewels of the Hellmann family.

Unlike Vivien Leigh, who has been promoted from star to company boss and gradually disappeared behind the scenes, Hepburn is still on the road to stabilize first-line actresses, and her professionalism is still very strong. Sister Pokina Anna cannot leave Bonn for a long time. Otherwise, it would seem strange that the two German upstarts disappeared for so long at the same time.

Three ladies of the same status as their wives are leaving, Alan Wilson can't lose the chain at the last moment, and embodying her husband's responsibilities is the top priority.

On the last night in Malaya, UU Reading Hepburn put his arms around the man and said sad words to fans, "Those photos must not be leaked out, don't think I'm like, it's all because your request."

"No, don't worry." Alan Wilson swore and swore, saying that the two of them were busy with work and couldn't see each other often, so they left a memorial to ease the pain of lovesickness.

These are all private collections of the Commissioner. How can others see that Alan Wilson is not selfish, he is protecting the fragile hearts of the majority of male compatriots. The world is already so cruel, some truths should be buried in the fog.

Just like Margaret Thatcher, a famous female activist of the new Conservative Party, she will definitely agree with this.

A piece of news came from Warsaw and shook the whole world. The Soviet Union, together with the German Democratic Republic, the Polish People's Republic, Czechoslovakia, the Hungarian People's Republic, the Romanian Socialist Republic, the Bulgarian People's Republic, the Albanian People's Republic, and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Nine countries held a European Conference on European Countries to Guarantee Peace and Security in Warsaw. The conference adopted a declaration claiming that the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries will take joint measures in organizing armed forces and a joint command due to the ratification of the "Paris Agreement" by Western countries.

Under the Standing Committee, the Foreign Ministers Committee, the Defense Ministers Committee, the Joint Command, the Joint Armed Forces Military Committee, the Joint Armed Forces Staff and the Technical Committee, the Warsaw Pact was officially signed, and a military alliance alongside NATO appeared in Europe.

"A few months earlier, there was another Yugoslavia." Seeing this news, Alan Wilson calculated the difference.

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