British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 887: enemy ICBM

The scene from the observation window made everyone fall into silence. Although it was not that there was no preparation for this, the blue-light missile that gave high hopes turned into a big fireball, which was still disappointing.

The most lost person is de Havilland. He is the most staunch supporter of the Blu-ray missile, and he won the opportunity to develop it.

"Pamela, I'm sorry." After a long time, de Havilland apologized to his partner in the rain.

"It doesn't matter, failure is the mother of success, continue to develop until it succeeds." Pamela Mountbatten put her disappointment behind her and said to her partner, "Both we and the government are very clear in their hearts that research will never be smooth sailing. , it will definitely take a lot of capital investment to see results.”

Speaking of loss, Pamela Mountbatten certainly has it in her heart, and his husband attaches great importance to this project.

There are not many important things that can make that man talk about it. In her memory, there is almost nothing that can attract her husband too much attention. There was no surprised expression in exchange.

Only this matter has been mentioned over and over again. The failure of the Blu-ray missile test this time made Pamela Mountbatten feel a little guilty. Her husband only explained such a thing, but she did not do it well.

Married for many years, Pamela Mountbatten has been supported by her husband, and there is no fault in guiding the direction. In turn, she can't help at all, and her husband will surely be disappointed.

Although she thought so in her heart, Pamela Mountbatten knew that this was not the time to be depressed. At this time, what the research team and the military personnel needed was encouragement, and immediately clapped her hands and said, "Failure is the mother of success, this time the failure It's nothing, and we're not without gains, at least with the engine."

If Alan Wilson were here, he would be amazed at how well his wife knew the words of partial failure and partial success.

But at this time, Pamela Mountbatten, a strong supporter of Blue Light Missiles, was needed to sweep away the depressed atmosphere.

"We must continue to experiment until we succeed." Pamela Mountbatten expressed her determination to firmly support the Blue Light missile project, "No matter how much money it costs, it's worth it."

Pamela Mountbatten, the main funder, said this, swept away the frustration of the failed test launch. Outside the observation station, the fuel with fire was still burning, but it did not damage everyone's determination to move forward with the project.

Alan Wilson, who was still in Aden Bibi, learned that the Blu-ray project had failed, and immediately sent a telegram to comfort his wife, "No weapon development will be smooth sailing. Isn't that what the so-called development is? You think I am writing about the future of the world. Solve the mystery, just make it up? I heard that my dear wife expressed her determination to continue the development immediately after that. I am very happy as a social tool. I really don’t know if I saved the world in my previous life and found such a good life partner. "

Alan Wilson certainly wants the Blu-ray project to succeed the first time, but it shouldn't be a fuss when it fails. Who made the UK's accumulation in this area really not very good? Not as good as the United States and the Soviet Union, not even Germany's post-war talent snatch.

In order to prevent the flow of German rocket talent to the United States, he even hinted that the Soviet Union had taken action.

The original intention was also because of Germany's rocket talents. Even if Britain got it, it would not be able to keep it. Instead of cheapening the United States in the end, it would be better to give it directly to the Soviet Union. If it were replaced now, he would definitely not do it, but at that time, he had no choice.

The Blu-ray missile is an important cornerstone for the UK to establish a strategic strike system, and of course it is necessary to carry it out.

Loss is not without it, at least for now, Alan Wilson has kept the OPEC organization that he has been thinking about in his heart. Only when the United Kingdom is on the right track in all aspects and will not be blackmailed will OPEC be established.

"Sad, no matter how good an idea is, it won't work without the support of national strength." Alan Wilson, who sent the telegram, couldn't help but sigh, all he can do now is to stabilize the situation and wait for his competitors to make mistakes.

Fortunately, the hardest time is over, and the UK now at least has the financial resources to do what it wants to do. Compared with the environment in 1945, where the family was surrounded by apprentices, it was much better.

The best proof of this is that during these few days of meetings, the colonial commissioners are blaming each other for the issue of the share of fund preparations. This is a good thing. If there is really no money, they would have lied down long ago and let him, the deputy secretary-general, go. Checked.

The difference between having no money and being unwilling to pay for it is quite big, and the external performance is also quite different.

Eventually Alan Wilson suggested that if that was the case, he would actually report to Whitehall to send someone to audit the accounts. This topic was simply skipped, and the financial support of 200 million pounds was put into practice.

"Without your support, it's really not easy to get them to pay." John was full of emotion and said to Alan Wilson, "I thought they really had no money."

"You look like the Gold Coast has no money, it's the place where gold is produced. Except for Xiangjiang, it is estimated that among the African colonies, the Gold Coast is a place with strong financial resources." Alan Wilson pouted, "Maybe the Gold Coast alone can Get £200m out."

"Except Xiangjiang?" John frowned. "I remember, it seems to be a small place."

"Biaden is bigger." Alan Wilson raised his eyebrows and asked back, "Guess who is China's largest trading partner for a long time? Of course not now, the trade volume between the Soviet Union and China has exceeded ours. .You are guessing, what currency is used to settle the trade agreement signed between China and Japan? That’s right, China’s largest trading partner before was the UK, and the settlement currency was GBP.”

Even now, Britain is the largest country in the free world that trades with China, and every year it is bigger than the year before.

It's a pity that Alan Wilson couldn't reach out to Xiangjiang. He wanted to send a commissioner to share in the framework of the Overseas Assets Management Committee, but Xiangjiang is precisely a place where the Governor exists. And being valued by London, there is nothing he can do about it.

"The United States may be dissatisfied with us." John said sincerely, "Since I came to Aden to take office, I found that the atmosphere here is completely different from that of Sudan, and I can feel it after having more contact with Americans. The US is not an ally to the UK."

"The United States is an important supporter of Israel, and we support Arab countries." Alan Wilson shrugged. "And countries like Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, and Jordan, doesn't the United States want to replace us? We You can’t always use the garrison to deter you, but you have to pay for it, or something will go wrong sooner or later.”

"So your work is about as difficult as mine, and our colleagues in Africa don't feel our difficulty."

The Persian Gulf and the Strait of Malacca are now the most important places Britain can control. Americans may have little interest in Africa, but they have always been interested in both places. And the United Kingdom is well aware of this interest, otherwise it would not have established the Middle East Joint Operations Command in Aden and the Far East Joint Operations Command in Singapore.

"As long as there is no problem with the Suez Canal and no one can drive us away, I don't believe that the Americans can still go to war with us. The Soviet Union must be very happy to see our two countries turn against each other. There is France on the African side, so don't worry about it for the time being. The accident, currently mainly operating in the Far East and the Middle East, is also the meaning of the Cabinet and Whitehall."

In the end, after the two complained to each other for a while, they reached a consensus on one issue, and the Suez Canal must not go wrong. As long as there is no problem with Egypt, the United Kingdom will still be able to play this game of chess.

"I almost slept in the direction of the Suez Canal." John shook his head and smiled wryly, "I just don't know how long the Aswan Dam can help us."

"It depends on whether the position of Farouk I is stable. No matter what happens, we have to express our support for the living monarch known as Ali Pasha." Alan Wilson said this slightly, "When necessary Should send troops to support The failed test launch of the Blu-ray missile was just an episode for Alan Wilson and did not delay his meeting in Aden.

But just a few days later, the news, published in Pravda, caused an uproar in the free world. The Soviet Union successfully tested the R-16 ballistic missile, an intercontinental missile with a range of more than 10,000 kilometers.

The P-16 missile is a two-stage ICBM. It is the world's first ICBM equipped with a high-boiling-point storable propellant engine. It is also the Soviet Union's first ICBM with an autonomous control system. In the absence of radio corrections, the designer's system brought the strategic missile to a firing accuracy acceptable to the user.

The missile's huge tracking station is no longer needed, the enemy's radio interference can no longer disable sensitive instruments, and the autonomous system can reliably control the missile to fly and aim at the target.

The time of the successful test launch was the second day of the British test launch of the Blu-ray missile in Australia.

"So much more powerful rocket technology in the Soviet Union?" Alan Wilson muttered to himself when no one was there. This is a real ICBM, which appeared more than a year earlier than the original history.

Did he imply that the Soviet Union's interception of German rocket talents had something to do with the early emergence of intercontinental missiles?

There is no doubt that the appearance of this intercontinental missile will definitely make people in the free world feel bad. War is no longer limited to front-line confrontation, and threats are not divided into front and rear. If a fight occurs, no one is safe.

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