British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 952: Should carry the white flag!

Along with the hammer and sickle flag, there are huge banners saying Stop Ethnic Cleansing, End the Algerian War.

Some organizers held trumpets and chanted slogans, pointing out that what France is doing now is a shame for the birthplace of modern thinking. All men in Algeria have been killed as a foundation for stability. It is better not to win such a victory.

If Alan Wilson was here, he would definitely be pleased with his wife's ability to do things. At the critical moment, the woman who shared the bed was reliable and had unconditional trust in him, which could be called reliable.

But in the office of the Secretary-General of the NATO Council, he was spitting bitterness in front of the former Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, lamenting that he had encountered such a difficult event just after taking office.

"Sir Ismay, I really want to tell the minister to use fourth-order tactics to deal with the past." Alan Wilson was full of distress and complained to the high-ranking NATO secretary-general.

"It's fortunate that you didn't do that. After all, France is different from other countries." Sir Ismay shook his head slightly. When the foreign ministry was handed over, it happened that the political situation in France was unstable. He also sweated for Alan Wilson. At present, the successor made no ambiguity, and directly visited the surrounding countries to clarify the position of the United Kingdom.

Not to mention how useful it is, but this diligence is very gratifying. After all, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs still made no wrong payment.

The old Sir did not know, but he still paid by mistake. Under such a desperate situation, Alan Wilson also had some in-depth exchanges with Hepburn, obviously more concerned than European security.

"I talked to the commander, Admiral Loris, and also communicated about the current situation in France." Sir Ismay did not hide anything, but revealed everything he knew, especially the trends and attitudes of the French garrison in North Africa. .

Of the more than 800,000 French troops in Algeria, the vast majority are tasked with protecting the lives and property of French immigrants, keeping main roads and railways open, protecting pedestrians from attacks by the Algerian Liberation Army, and ensuring strategically important Facilities such as oil, ports, power stations, and telegraph and telephone exchanges were spared the guerrillas.

Less than 10 percent of the army, or 60,000 to 80,000 people, actually took part in the fighting, carrying out the task of hunting down, searching for, and eliminating the guerrillas.

"It seems that the French army in Algeria thinks that the Paris government is holding back and wants to betray the **** French army. The economic pressure is only a temporary difficulty. As long as France saves money for one to two years, it will give the French army its full support. Successfully suppress the rebels. Not a problem at all."

Alan Wilson listened to Sir Ismay's grasp of the situation, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "So it is, but then again, if the French citizens tighten their belts, it is really possible to succeed. Then we are very embarrassed, I Not knowing how to face such a France, France could usurp British leadership in Europe."

As a walking special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, Alan Wilson kept a distance from France at a critical moment, and then said, "The Italians are very dissatisfied with the establishment of a closed colonial economy in France, and according to our observation, a lot of economic aid is from Italy. The French who arrived in Algeria, since we know it, must also know it.”

Latin-speaking countries can be described as one dissatisfied with the other, especially Italy. Although Italy's record is not glorious whether it is from the colonial era or the last two world wars, this country does have a sense of national pride. , when they were Germany's ally, they did not obey Germany, and now they do not obey France.

"You are right in saying that the current situation in France is indeed quite embarrassing from our British perspective." Sir Ismay is also very entangled, and the reason for the entanglement is the same as that of Alan Wilson.

When it comes to the diplomatic work of the two permanent undersecretaries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the office, both of them are aware that Britain has always advocated independence from France to solve the colonial issue, especially the Algerian issue.

This is already quite obvious. It seems fair to France to solve the colonial issue independently, but in fact it is to buy time for France, so that France can quickly deal with the problem.

Britain has done its best to France, but France has been fighting for so many years, and the war has not ended.

Post-war Britain's efforts to establish a British-led Western European organization to achieve its "third power" goals. At the end of the war, Britain realized that in order to survive in the gap between the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union in the future, it must unite Western Europe and France under the British flag.

Only when Britain becomes the voice of Europe can the United States and the Soviet Union treat it equally. To this end, Aiden of the Conservative Party proposed the idea of ​​establishing a Western bloc, and Bevin of the Labour Party proposed the idea of ​​a third force.

Originally, the UK would not have succeeded, but with Alan Wilson there, it was finally partially successful, and it is still being implemented quite well.

Britain and France could at least breathe a sigh of relief if France had gotten Algeria done sooner.

But now the war is protracted, and even France is unstable because of the war. France has turned from a reliable auxiliary to a time bomb. From the perspective of the United Kingdom, this bomb is still very dangerous, and the two countries are separated by a strait.

"The minister is actually communicating with Washington, and the United States seems to be inclined to try to solve it with economic assistance." Sir Ismay said Nunu, "Maybe things will not be so bad."

"I hope so." Alan Wilson nodded. He didn't know that the NATO commander-in-chief, Air Force General Loris Nostad, had already assessed the security situation in France with NATO high-level officials. Of course, everything was hidden from the French military. carried out under the circumstances.

A battle plan is not difficult to represent, and even if it is formulated, it may not necessarily be implemented.

When Alan Wilson was in Kuala Lumpur, several plans were drawn up to attack Indonesia, and Indonesia is still doing fine.

It can only be said that NATO is preparing for the worst outcome, in case it is caught off guard by a sudden situation.

"Don't worry, Alan, the whole NATO will not watch anything happen to France." Sir Ismay patted Alan Wilson on the shoulder.

"Of course it couldn't be better." Alan Wilson said with a forced smile. It seemed that he was worried about France, but it wasn't at all. He wasn't worried about the French at all. What was the obvious European hegemon to worry about?

A country like the United Kingdom, which is outside of Europe, should be worried, and if it is not careful, it will be squeezed out.

In the history in memory, France strengthened Franco-German cooperation and used a framework to draw in European countries, while France acted as the big brother of coordination and pie, and finally led the establishment of the European Community and laid the groundwork for the European Union.

Even after the disintegration of the Soviet Union for a period of time, France was the second most powerful country in the world, replacing the status of the imaginary enemy in the eyes of the United States after the Soviet Union. Although the glorious days lasted for about ten years, the status of the imaginary enemy was soon replaced by a certain great power.

But no one can deny that ordinary countries are not qualified to show their teeth to France.

Alan Wilson, who had left the NATO headquarters, couldn't bear the heart of doing things, and asked Radwich to drive to the location of the parade. He wanted to see how the protests in the old revolutionary base were carried out. sex.

"If I'm not mistaken, isn't that the flag of the Bourbon Dynasty?" Alan Wilson looked at the flags waving in the crowd, which should be a team that advocated resolutely supporting the war. And the march to end the war is the opposite.

Radwich was about to sigh about Alan Wilson's extensive coverage. He even knew the French flag hundreds of years ago, when he heard the words suspected of insulting the law, "Why don't you carry the white flag out, the Bourbon Dynasty once used the white flag as a flag."

"Mr. Wilson?" Radwich didn't understand the special relationship between Britain and France, but this too?

"Do you think I'm lying? The Bourbon Dynasty did use the white flag as the national flag." Alan Wilson stated the historical facts solemnly, with a very solemn appearance, "Seeing the loss of French tradition, as a citizen of a neighboring country, I am very sad. ."

Radwich has no culture and doesn't know if his boss is suspected of insulting the law. He can only try his best to protect the boss's safety and listen to what the French have to say.

It's a pity that neither of them are very proficient in French. They can only judge by people's expressions whether they are supported or not.

It looked pretty good. After more than an hour, Alan Wilson arrived at the headquarters of Woodpecker Pictures. After taking off his exhaustion, he stood by the window on the top floor and watched the crowd gradually dispersing world The most interesting thing about this is that many ignorant so-called citizens really think they have the truth. Without looking back, Alan Wilson had already judged from the footsteps that it was Ingrid Bergman.

Ingrid Bergman greeted her with an unsurprising look. She was absolutely tall among women, but she acted like a little woman and asked in a low voice, "Is this time because of the chaos in Paris?"

"Otherwise? Although the political situation in France is unstable, the chaos this time has been almost three months since March." Alan Wilson sighed, not forgetting to PUA by the way, "But I I'm willing to come here, but I still miss you, it's boring to stay in London all the time."

"I should see you." Ingrid Bergman bowed her head, still walking over with a height no less than a man's, offering a kiss against the background of the dispersing crowd not far away.

On the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, the capital of Algeria, the natural extension of French territory, is also the headquarters of the French Foreign Legion in Algiers. A group of generals in military uniforms expressed their opinions and finally came to a consensus that it was not that we could not fight, but that the civilian government betrayed the French army. Bloody sacrifice. The current impasse must be resolved by a new leader who can fully support the war.

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