British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 967: Sacrifice the United States one more time

In the end, holding the draft ocean agreement given by Iceland, Alan Wilson said that he would conduct a professional evaluation. If a win-win situation can be achieved, then of course the UK will not object to it in principle.

In making a bad check, as a senior bureaucrat, he naturally does not need anyone to teach him. Essentially, there is more than one member state of the European Community, and this person is very talkative. As long as any country objects, Iceland's purpose will not be very easy to achieve.

Subjective has subjective will, but objectively has objective difficulties, and nothing can be generalized.

The European Community in this time and space, because it was born out of the Brussels Treaty Organization, is inextricably linked with the European colonial countries in the colonial era, so the member states are different from the original European Community. For example, the current European Community has Franco's Spain and Salazar's Portugal, and it does not necessarily require democratically elected countries to join.

It is easy to dry Iceland. Currently, the United Kingdom and Portugal are discussing the arms sale of Tutankhamun-class submarines. It is enough for the Portuguese to say a few words at the European Community meeting. At that time, it will naturally be a democratic decision. Not surprisingly, there was no consensus.

Before leaving, Alan Wilson did not forget to reassure the Icelanders, "The Atlantic Ocean is big enough to accommodate fishermen from European countries."

Alan Wilson is not sympathetic to the current situation in Iceland, although it may be a bit unreasonable to hit a place with only such a small population. But it's better than the three cod wars, the nasty situation in Iceland where I'm poor and I'm justified, and you can't declare war on me anyway.

He didn't think Iceland was at a loss, didn't he already get the exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles? The fishery resources have already been obtained, but the market has just been lost. You can try to digest yourself to tide over the difficulties.

Just after returning to the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dixon, the private secretary of the foreign secretary, came to meet him, "Sir Wilson, you are finally back, and the minister is looking for you."

"Just got back from the Icelandic ambassador." Alan Wilson was a little surprised, and then asked back, "What the **** is going on."

"It seems to be Khrushchev's visit evaluation report." Dixon immediately replied.

Alan Wilson understood in seconds, nodded and said, "In that case, I'll just go directly to the minister's office."

The Foreign Secretary, Harold Wilson, joked politely when he saw the Deputy Secretary coming back, and by the way mentioned the big contract that affects the world's steel industry, "That's $200 million, enough to build a few aircraft carriers. "

"I haven't asked too much about Pamela." Alan Wilson looked noncommittal. He had no need for money, and if his wealth had accumulated to a certain extent, it was impossible for ordinary methods to cause wealth to collapse.

Among them, even if a woman squeezes him dry, the cost is still considerable. As for the drug, he can let the drug bury himself, and he will not lose much of the wealth in his hand. These two can only get a middle-class home in trouble.

Gambling is a big deal. The scope of gambling can be quite wide, and unconscious investment is also gambling. It is true that a failure of investment may bring down a rich man, but who would hang himself from a tree? Isn't diversification a basic requirement?

Harold Wilson didn't want to pay any attention to whether the Mountbatten Group was strong. He took out Khrushchev's visit assessment report and asked, "Are you sure, these two countries are not the same?"

Is this what happened? Alan Wilson understood it, nodded and said, "Of course, the report has been written. The Soviet Union advocates relaxation, and their Chinese comrades do not seem to have this idea. There is a conflict in foreign policy, and there must be a core in the external performance. reasons exist.”

"According to last year's Moscow conference, some semi-publicly confirmed news mainly came from Yugoslavia. China has a tendency to be different from the Soviet Union. Of course, our channels are limited, so we can't make any conclusions. We can only judge that China is an independent countries, not relations between Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union.”

"What does this mean?" Harold Wilson pondered for a while, then shook his head slightly. "It seems very thin."

"Probably equivalent to the French saying that the United States is a parasite of the free world? Although this is also a fact." Alan Wilson said with a smile, "In fact, it is the dream of every country to be a parasite. This is not who is right. Who is at fault, the leadership of each country must consider itself, and no matter how loud internationalism is, it cannot change the essence."

Isn't there a saying that we are not all right and you are not all wrong? Although the words are light, they are close to the essence to a certain extent.

"Then we should consider dividing the Soviet bloc with the United States." Harold Wilson said confidently.

"I don't recommend doing this, and of course I'm not prejudiced against the United States." Alan Wilson, who did have a prejudice against the United States, persuaded the Foreign Secretary not to do this, "It's only been five years since the Korean War, and we know from the British that it exists. However, according to the feedback from the department that the government has never admitted to exist, the general environment in the United States today is still quite hostile to China, in the political, cultural and other fields, and the military may have a more objective attitude.”

"In this environment, when making this kind of proposal, Washington may think that our proposal is a distrust of the United States. And economically, Hong Kong is a transit point for import and export trade, although some countries have noticed it, but But I don’t know how big the specific number is, if it is successful and a full-scale trade is carried out, the British trade may lose its current speciality.”

Taking the Korean War as an example, the United States did not do its best, and the Korean War did not affect the national strength of the United States. After all, the national strength accumulated by the United States in the World War is too rich. Europe has not yet recovered to its peak and is still in the position of the US commodity market.

During the Vietnam War, European countries had already recovered their national strength, but they were not easily manipulated by the United States like the Korean War. The blood loss of the Vietnam War was the blood of the Americans themselves, and it was the Americans who felt the pain.

The Korean War did not trigger any kind of reflection in the United States. The United States, which was beaten, only became more hostile to China. The mentality is probably similar, the mentality that will make you look good next time.

As for the significance of Xiangjiang's status as a transit port, Harold Wilson also understood, and finally said, "We should still test the tone of the Americans. Of course, if Washington is stubborn, then there is nothing to say. We have done our duty as allies."

"Extremely thoughtful, Minister." Alan Wilson pondered for a while, then volunteered, "In this way, I will leave this matter to me, and I will go to Washington to communicate, which can be regarded as a manifestation of the importance the UK attaches to this, the Minister has just After the visit, you should not go to the United States immediately, what do you think of this arrangement minister?"

"Of course it couldn't be better. The Mountbatten Group has just had a very important cooperation with an American company. There should be connections to make the trip smooth." Harold Wilson spoke in approval.

Not to mention that the foreign secretary will choose people, is there anyone in the UK who is more suitable than Alan Wilson to exert his ability to work in the special relationship between the UK and the US? absolutely not!

This arrangement is comparable to making Philby the director of MI5, specializing in counterintelligence work.

However, Alan Wilson, who is well versed in the private use of public tools, knew about this trip, and his first thought was to let Vivien Leigh go with him and do a good job in logistical support.

"Are you going to discuss with the Americans? Consensus on the China issue?" Pamela Mountbatten had an unbelievable expression, and the distinguished British richest woman was full of surprise. She just didn't know the afterwords of meat buns beating dogs.

"Why do you look at me like this, is there someone more suitable than me to practice the special relationship between Britain and the United States?" His wife's eyes pierced him deeply, and she said, "For the unity of the free world."

"Okay!" Pamela Mountbatten kept her doubts in her heart, and listened to the unity of the free world.

Alan Wilson is very dissatisfied, he is just anti-American, not pro-Soviet. And Philby is still fundamentally different.

"I want to ride a rocket." Pamela Mountbatten looked at her husband eagerly. It's been another ten days and a half Of course she can understand her husband's painstaking efforts to travel around for the UK, but the private aspect is still Just take care of your own perception.

No problem, this is no problem for a permanent secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who perfectly combines public and private use.

In this interview, Alan Wilson has already prepared the script about how your father taught you how to implement a global strategy.

Regarding the specific implementation of the walking Anglo-American relationship, Alan Wilson has prepared enough topics, such as stabilizing the situation in Southeast Asia through peace and friendship with China. Binding the proposal of the United States to withdraw from the scam island, in exchange for peace in Asia, focus on fighting the Soviet Union in Europe.

The words are sincere and seem very reasonable. If he was an American, he would never agree.

Sacrificing the interests of the United States in exchange for peace on the front line of the Asia-Pacific, the British have come up with it, why not sacrifice Hong Kong?

Didn't Britain sacrifice a lot? For example, British India, such as British Nigeria, are also in the process of independence.

The Deputy Secretary of State, who received the British diplomats, reacted rather coldly, and even wondered whether it was worth reporting the exchange to Secretary Dulles.

"The British really have a problem with their strategic vision now." Dulles couldn't help shaking his head after listening to the Deputy Secretary of State's report. "Since the Greek crisis, the United Kingdom has been retreating. It is full of colonial realization. We and Can't be like them, so naive, wishful thinking on the issue of life and death, thinking that taking a step back can be peaceful coexistence."

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