British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 972: even france

"The life of a white man is also his life. In fact, I don't need to say it. Everyone knows in their hearts that there are white immigrants who have settled in the major colonies. In Africa, the French immigrant group is the largest in Algeria, and there are more or less the rest. "

Alan Wilson looked at the Belgian diplomat, "I believe this issue will also give Belgium a headache. If we adopt a resolute attitude of repression, we will fight against the Soviet Union while deploying troops to form an expeditionary force, which depends on whether the Americans are not. Willingness to protect everyone's interests, the last point is still unknown, what does Mr. Arland think?"

Aland, who was named by Alan Wilson, sighed heavily, "Isn't this obvious. The difference between the Americans and the Soviets in the colonies is just not talking about it."

"The French government knows this best." Alan Wilson didn't mean to ridicule, but his tone was not too far off. "After the war, Europe was devastated, and any single country, on the issue of colonies, and the United States and the Soviet Union, any of them A confrontation is destined to end, so we must cooperate, which is also a major purpose of the establishment of the European Community."

This is not aimed at any of the countries represented by the diplomats present, but all of them. The diplomats of Spain, Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands also nodded in approval.

“The UK has been trying its best to help its allies stabilize the situation, but it has to consider how the situation deteriorates. What if the Belgian Congo has to become independent under external pressure and the repressive method does not work? This is also a huge problem, many Immigrants are there. Similar problems exist in British colonies, such as Rhodesia.”

This is not a problem faced by a certain country. This problem is spread all over Africa. France has also fought in Algeria because of this, and has the most say in this issue.

The problem is that France itself is at war and cannot help the Belgian repression. Supporting the Algerian war has already made it difficult for France. What about the UK, what the UK can do is the navy, just like the Congo? Drive battleships into the Congo River?

France is trapped in the war, and Britain does not rely on the army as its strength. Should Portugal and Spain help Belgium? Spain has finally returned to the international community, and now is the time to bow down and be a human being.

As for Portugal and the Netherlands, the populations of these two countries are on the same level as Belgium, and the remaining colonies in their hands are still very large, and it is difficult to control their own colonies. How can there be such spare power?

"Mr. Wilson is very reasonable." Alland also had to admit that there was indeed no country that could help.

"So we can't solve all problems. We are willing to take care of the local immigrants, but we also need the local immigrants to work hard." Alan Wilson knocked on the table and said solemnly, "At that time, partition may not be possible. No way. I will say it bluntly, once the Belgian Congo becomes independent, I hope that this newly independent country will not have the ability to drive the surrounding situation.”

"At the same time, in order to protect the interests of white immigrants and prevent a large number of immigrants from returning to China and cause social problems, it is absolutely feasible to deal with the method of division and rule, based on the analysis of the examples of British practice in recent years."

"After the partition of India and Pakistan, there was a war," Arland retorted, looking at Alan Wilson.

"At least they killed each other and didn't disturb the peace of other countries." Alan Wilson said indifferently, "Mr. Cassias, Portugal and Pakistan have a very good relationship. Is there any influence from Goa?"

"Mr. Wilson, if I say no, I must be lying." Cassias smiled and said, "Goa's stability also depends on the full support of the United Kingdom. Portugal and the United Kingdom have a common interest."

"Everyone benefits each other when they cooperate, and the same is true for issues in Africa as a whole. Of course, the UK hopes that Belgium can survive this crisis and successfully suppress the voice of resistance. If not, we must consider future issues."

Alan Wilson spread his hands and said in a desperate tone, "Let's not underestimate this problem. If you look at the black movement in the United States today, you will know that this problem is very serious. Support, we are embarrassed to say it outright, if the black population continues to grow like this, after 40 to 50 years, there may be major problems in the United States.”

Now that Martin Luther King has become a reality in the United States, Martin Luther King invited 115 black leaders of the South to a meeting in Montgomery last year, and established the Southern Christian Leadership Council. Martin Luther King was elected as the chairman. .

Now the black movement is no longer a petty mess. All the diplomats here are all diplomats from all over the world. They all know exactly what is happening in the United States. It is definitely not Alan Wilson who is alarmist.

"France still supports Belgium's tough response. It's not too bad. It's too early to talk about how to retreat." Aland pondered for a while, and also sought the recognition of other countries. If you are limited to a certain country, the motherland of the diplomats here has a share. Once the first domino falls, there may be a chain reaction."

Alan Wilson couldn't help but sigh that the French actually applied the domino theory to the colonial issue, and the Americans didn't ask the French for copyright, obviously the United States came first. But the theory can be applied to any problem.

"Britain is not against the strong suppression, but just pointed out the common difficulties faced by all countries. The Belgian side can implement two sets of preparations at the same time. If the strong suppression is successful, naturally there is no need to think about how to retreat. When it is a last resort, it can ask Northern Rhodesia to help. , local asylum for Belgian immigrants.”

Belgian diplomat Stalit nodded and thanked Alan Wilson and Alland, "The Kingdom of Belgium is very grateful to the UK and France for their support on the Belgian Congo issue. As long as the UK and France have this attitude, Belgium is willing to do it. Try hard, and if you fail, you may need the UK to help."

"Britain can still provide asylum to Belgian immigrants in Congo." Alan Wilson promised mildly, "Our British attitude is consistent, not only hope that the Belgian colony will be stable, but also hope that the territories of the countries present here will be stable. After all The problems are common, and some of the frictions that were once in the past are in the past.”

Speaking of this, Alan Wilson paused, looked at Arland and wished sincerely, "Mr. Arland, in a sense, the outcome of the war in Algeria determines the future pattern of Africa. Will Europe have a chance to recover in the future? It's all about whether France can solve the Algerian problem."

At a critical moment, it is still necessary to bring a high hat to France. The French are actually very happy to accept this role.

Who makes these French people think too much of themselves? However, because of the problems in the Belgian colony, the plan did not change quickly, and the executor of an issue that had to be settled before had to be changed.

The issue of the fish rights market, which Iceland has been active in, was supposed to arrange for Portugal to oppose it. But now that Belgium is looking forward to the support of the European Community, it is more appropriate to have Belgium as the villain.

Britain and France have come up with two sets of plans for Belgium to implement at the same time, and are willing to provide corresponding support. This kind of thing is not visible, how can the media people who are eagerly looking forward to know it?

French newspapers focus on France's key leadership role in the European Common Market. British newspapers, on the contrary, sided with Foreign Secretary Harold Wilson and lashed out at the de Gaulle government's devaluation of the franc, which undermined the financial stability of European countries.

The main purpose of Harold Wilson's visit to Brussels this time is to use the chaos of the franc devaluation agency to advertise the UK's financial financing capabilities. He should actually be Chancellor of the Exchequer.

In fact even Harold Wilson himself thinks so, but who makes him less senior in the Labour Party than Gateske?

After each completed their work, Alan Wilson and the Foreign Secretary met, and the two exchanged with each other the exchange process of their respective affairs.

"I slammed the de Gaulle government's devaluation policy of the and won the support of the European Community." Harold Wilson cheerfully praised himself, "How about you, Alan."

"I refuted the French proposal that Belgium should be resolutely suppressed, and advocated a partition approach to deal with the crisis. Get a decent result." Alan Wilson said this and looked at the foreign secretary, revealing a silent expression smile.

"Haha..." Happiness is contagious, and the two leaders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs burst out laughing at the same time.

The staff not far away saluted, and finally the British Foreign Secretary and the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom regained their gentlemanly demeanor.

"Alan, do you have a schedule next?" Harold Wilson walked side by side with his deputy secretary. Hearing that Alan Wilson was going to Kuala Lumpur, he asked this question.

"Oh, there is no need to say much about the importance of Malaya and the Straits Settlements to the British Empire. The oil refining center has been established. I also want first-hand information. After all, this is a precious treasure of the British Empire." Alan Wilson said It is the spirit of serving the country and the people. By the way, I mentioned the bidding of oil refining equipment in a big country. If you don't look at it, it may not be easy to operate.

Harold Wilson understood in seconds, and lowered his voice, "After all, this is a big event. If it is revealed, it may cause misunderstandings among allies in the free world."

"Of course we can't let misunderstandings appear, so there is no need for Washington to know." Alan Wilson made a solemn assurance, "Xiangjiang is a good transit station, and we have been fully prepared for this."

"If you pay attention yourself, I believe the results will be satisfactory." Harold Wilson looked at the scenery not far away, "What a beautiful day."


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