British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 978: Minister's Middle East Policy

Xia Meng's face turned cloudy, and she whispered, "I thought you were a gentleman, but you still value men more. Haven't you heard that women can hold up half the sky?"

"I've heard this sentence before. It seems that you have frequent contacts with China."

Alan Wilson raised his eyebrows, how could he not know this famous saying? But these are also two problems, "Don't use the correct words to deny the market, even if it is Xiangjiang, the actor is the guarantee of the box office, is it true? There are no exceptions in the markets of various countries, all are like this. Therefore, Xiangjiang's films must successfully enter the market. In the international market, hope is still on male stars."

Alan Wilson thought for a while, and this important task still has to fall on Jackie Chan.

As for the other Bruce Lee, he is actually an American nationality. As for his fighting ability, although Bruce Lee is associated with the cultural symbol of Kung Fu, he has never been in a ring or a street fight. He doesn't know if he can really fight anyone.

Jackie Chan is an international superstar born and raised in Hong Kong, and the same is true of Hong Kong's international superstars. The biggest gap between him and other Hong Kong stars is that after the Serpentine Diaohand in 1979, the salary is 20 times that of the second-ranked star. In the next 21 years, the global box office champion of Hong Kong Films has been Jackie Chan for 20 years.

When other Hong Kong stars were most famous, they could only open five or five in Hong Kong and Jackie Chan, and if you count Southeast Asia, thirty-seven, plus Japan and South Korea, it would be nineteen, so the world couldn't even see a shadow.

If there is no major change in history, it will take 20 years for Hong Kong Films to have the title of Eastern Hollywood.

It is far from what Xia Meng expected. Alan Wilson can help to let Xiangjiang Film enter a wider market at that time, but now Xiangjiang Film definitely does not have this strength.

Alan Wilson, who is in good health, has to start working hard after the award ceremony. Fortunately, he is not in London, and he has no other work to care about. That is to pay attention to the news of Malaya's rival, Japan. Currently, Japan is in the post-war period. Under the leadership of the 13th Prime Minister, Nobusuke Kishi.

It is clear that Japan is no match for France, the experimental field of political institutions, in the frequency of changing national leaders. Before de Gaulle came to power, France changed 23 cabinets. What is true democracy?

After several discussions with the current High Commissioner of Malaya, Richard, Alan Wilson concluded that the current economic transformation of Malaya should be ahead of Japan's. Just like I said before, there are pros and cons to having a larger population.

Japan's population is five times larger than the Malayan colony, and it is impossible to adjust as decisively as Malaya. Japan must ensure the stable employment of its 90 million people before it can carry out industrial transfer with sufficient assurance.

Otherwise, unemployment will cause social instability. Even Japan in the 21st century has reserved some mid-end industries to create employment. Because Japan's population exceeds that of the average developed country, there are not enough high-end jobs to fully employ the country's population.

As far as the current time period is concerned, the fact that Malaya's textile industry has begun to transfer to Myanmar and Japan's textile industry is still an important part of the country's employment.

Alan Wilson, who has confirmed this fact, is very gratified. The population is no match for this imaginary enemy, and the level of industriousness cannot make up for the huge disadvantage of the population. He can only think of a solution in terms of the speed of industrial transfer.

"There are Chinese people in Southeast Asia. We use Malaya as our main base, through the relationship that blood is thicker than water. It is impossible for Japan to support a stakeholder class in all countries. After this step is completed, there will be no need for a short period of time. I am worried that the UK's international influence will not be maintained."

Alan Wilson was quite optimistic about what Richard said. Are there all Chinese in Southeast Asia and Japanese in Southeast Asia? This is the advantage, and Richard also understands it, "Secretary, this will stabilize our position."

"Of course, we are the cornerstone of civilization." Alan Wilson said with a tone of responsibility. "Politicians only consider the polls in five days. We have to serve the country for fifty years."

In about five to ten years, the profits of the shipbuilding industry will also be a drop in the bucket for the UK. At that time, you can consider transferring the shipbuilding industry. As for cars, there are not many options for Alan Wilson. The UK has a lot of Rolls-Royce, McLaren, Bentley, Aston Martin, it is also not very suitable for these brands to move to Malaya.

Compared with the popular brand, it is possible to try to produce Land Rover in Malaya at that time.

At this time, he was stunned to find that because of the oil shortage in the UK caused by the Suez Canal War, the low-end family cars that appeared did not appear. He could think of only Land Rover as a more popular brand.

"It's really difficult." Alan Wilson gritted his teeth, not knowing if Malaya could hold on if he really moved. The British car route is really not suitable for industrial transfer.

In essence, this kind of buying policy is to delay time to wait for changes. The same is true for Malaya to host the Commonwealth Games. It has been four years since the Commonwealth Games was used to attract attention.

From the feedback from other colonial commissioners, Alan Wilson knew that this time the organized tour group had achieved its purpose.

The continuous support after the war to the present is naturally effective. Malaya is second to none in Asia, let alone compared with British Africa. This intuitive impact has left a deep impression on the elites of some African colonies.

"I hope this visit will be effective. At the same time, British Africa still needs to strengthen the control of public opinion. The so-called cultural people will never see the coffin and shed tears unless the knife is cut to the neck."

During the break between the gatherings, Alan Wilson discussed the stability maintenance work with the colony commissioners. He understood what the so-called literate people were, let alone the real literate people. Even those who write on the Internet are like this. From time to time, they have to fill in some private goods to test the scale, which always causes trouble for editors.

If this kind of inner thought exists, it must be contained in Yuandu Mountain. Once it is found, it is better to kill three thousand by mistake and never let one go.

"The deputy secretary is right." The other commissioners also nodded, saying that they would pay more attention to the situation when they returned.

The month-long visit to showcase the achievements of Malaya's construction and to promote it to other British colonies has come to an end. The colonial commissioners are very happy and feel at home.

Alan Wilson, who was walking forward with a heavy load, was also relieved. The free world is valuable, but it must be done within one's capacity.

At this time he received two telegrams, one from Australia and one from London.

The content of the telegram from Australia is obviously good news. The Blu-ray strategic missile was successfully launched in the last 10,000 km test. It's certainly not possible to have a single test launch, but it's definitely a good start.

Once the reliability is confirmed, the Blu-ray strategic missile will enter the production stage. At that time, the UK will be independent in the field of strategic missiles without worrying about being stuck.

It has unparalleled significance for the British strategy as a whole. Alan Wilson knows that the United Kingdom has been miserable by the United States in the field of strategic missiles.

In terms of strategic strike force after the war, the United Kingdom did not forget the development of delivery vehicles while launching its nuclear program. In 1947, the United Kingdom tried to develop a ballistic missile with a range of 3,500 kilometers. Later, it was dismantled due to financial problems. .

The United Kingdom began to develop blue-light missiles to form a British strategic strike system. At the end of Eisenhower and British Prime Minister MacMillan reached an agreement at Camp David, the US Navy's nuclear submarines can use the British naval base in Hawley Bay, Scotland. In exchange, the United States will open the sky The Lightning air-launched ballistic missile project was given to the UK to equip Vulcan bombers.

At this time, the British were thinking of pawnshops, thinking that with the Sky Lightning project, blue light would not be needed, and it could also solve the problem of the Navy’s financial constraints and the contradiction between the military services caused by nuclear deterrence, so they terminated the blue light project, and the British front foot just terminated the blue light project. , the U.S. informed the U.K. that the plan was canceled for cost reasons.

The Nassau Accords were finally signed during the Macmillan tenure where the mother was American Britain lost its independent nuclear strategy.

Now, the Blu-ray strategic missile has been completely successful, with a range of 10,000 kilometers. The technology can be used in air-launched and submarine-launched missiles, and the United Kingdom can avoid being dug by the United States.

With blue light missiles in hand, the UK does not have to worry about being stuck in the neck, and it is more confident when talking to Americans.

The telegram from the Uumeira launch site stated that the Blu-ray project could be declared a success as long as the subsequent test launches were successful.

The telegram from London is another matter, Foreign Secretary Harold Wilson will travel to Baghdad for follow-up talks with Iran on the distribution of Iranian oil.

"I almost forgot that it was only a temporary response and it had expired." Alan Wilson suddenly remembered that five years have passed since the Iranian oil crisis.

Foreign Secretary Harold Wilson is going to Baghdad this time to talk to Mossadegh in Iran about a lasting solution.

As for why Alan Wilson was told, it was because he dealt with the Iranian oil crisis at the time and signed a short-term solution with Mossadegh. Now that he is also the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is naturally impossible to be left behind.

He doesn't know yet that the foreign secretary's purpose is far from this. While Alan Wilson is showing Malaya's development in Kuala Lumpur, Harold Wilson is also in contact with European countries, aiming to sign oil-producing countries. A deal to secure energy in the Middle East and Europe just coincides with the expiration of the contract to distribute Iranian oil.

In any case, Alan Wilson had to go to Baghdad. At the same time, facing the call of love, Heidi Rama took out the Arabian black robe that she hadn't worn for a long time.

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