British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 983: oil reserve plan

"Will it go so well?" Harold Wilson said with a thoughtful look on his face, and then seemed to remember something, "Can you join France and let the United States stand on the side of Britain."

"This is unlikely, Minister. There are many reasons why the United States chose Iran. Iran has had enemies with the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union. The United States is far away and has a good reputation. If we pull France, France's Middle East interests Almost none, if Britain and France stand together, first of all we eliminate the war factor, the United States is nothing more than supporting the opposition in the spheres of influence of our two countries, Iran is naturally the most suitable choice, and we choose France to deal with it together, it may not be effective.”

"France's interests are mainly concentrated in Africa, and our priority is clearly Asia, including the Far East and the Middle East. It is impossible to be close. Now let's talk about this memorandum. What France wants is to be on an equal footing with the United Kingdom and the United States. , not to mention the United States, in fact, we also disagree in our hearts.”

"If we tell the truth, within the framework of NATO, the United Kingdom is an auxiliary, and the real leader is indeed the United States. We have interests in NATO, and the interests of the United States are greater. If nothing else, since France's claim is equal, then The NATO commander-in-chief certainly cannot reserve it for the United States, does the minister think Washington will agree?"

"I don't think I would agree." Harold Wilson thought down the thoughts of the Deputy Secretary, shook his head and smiled bitterly, "France is still not skilled enough in diplomacy, and it is impossible to stand up to this kind of thing."

"So, France's request will indeed not succeed. We do not oppose it, and the United States will certainly oppose it. If the United States puts pressure on the United Kingdom and the United States to oppose it together, we must oppose it after the Americans."

Alan Wilson said a tongue twister, "I believe that General de Gaulle's memo is not so simple. There will be more things in the future. But at present, it will not help the Iran problem. But we can drag the problem to and When the French attitudes overlap, I wonder what the current government's attitude will be in the face of Iran's move to take back state-owned enterprises?"

"You must show a tough stance." Harold Wilson said decisively. The election is coming soon. This time the Iran issue may be made a fuss by the Conservative Party. Before the Labour Party, there is only one choice. .

"Let's have a good talk first with Iraq, Kuwait, and now the emirates that can still exert influence. This time, let Iran seriously appreciate the strength of the United Kingdom."

During the Iranian oil crisis five years ago, the United Kingdom actually had few solutions, the United States had not paid off its foreign debt, and Malaya's development had not yet taken shape. Although Iran was still within its capabilities after sanctions were imposed, it was impossible to form a comparison.

"Ellen, what do you want to say." Harold Wilson already felt that his deputy secretary had some ideas.

"This needs to be supported by a cabinet decision, in parallel with our market and energy base plans. And the first step is to have a good news, to pass a decision called the oil reserve plan, which requires communication between the minister and the prime minister."

Alan Wilson came up with the results of his work over the past few days, certainly not the manned spaceflight part.

"French oil reserves?" Harold Wilson muttered involuntarily as he looked at the plan.

The first country in the world to establish oil reserves was France. Back in the 1920s, France required oil operators to maintain sufficient oil reserves. France established the "National Liquid Fuels Agency" to manage oil reserves. France's strategic oil reserves are jointly managed and paid for by the state, specialized agencies and oil producers and operators.

France, as a world power at that time, did not control the oil production areas in hand, so it first established oil reserves. Unlike the UK, whose strength includes the Middle East, there is no need to build large-scale oil reserves.

Most countries in the world only established national oil reserves during the world oil crisis in the 1970s.

When the foreign secretary looked at the oil reserve plan, Alan Wilson explained, "The last Iran crisis, the United Kingdom was still recovering, although the influence in the Middle East was not damaged, but it did not give the Arabs much benefit. This time is completely different, the Malayan industrial base has taken shape, and what the pro-British Arab countries need, we can provide.”

"To build a national oil reserve of 180 days? Is it a little more." Harold Wilson saw the key and was obviously surprised by this figure.

"Minister, in this way, the losses of BP can be reduced, and there is enough share to attract pro-British countries." Alan Wilson crossed his fingers, "If it can lead other European countries, it would be great. The most important thing is , should have an effect on the government's approval rating."

The last words are nonsense by Alan Wilson. The support rate of the two parties in the UK has remained unchanged for a long time. Those who don't know it think that it is the supporters of the two parties in the United States in the future. No matter how good you support it, I will oppose it.

But in fact, there is indeed a large group of voters in the UK who have slacked off the Labour Party in power for so long.

"It does need the Prime Minister's support to succeed." Harold Wilson is not sleepy when it comes to approval ratings. Cabinet ministers and shadow cabinet ministers are not the same thing.

"Smart decision, my minister. We use the oil reserve plan and the upcoming negotiations with Iraq and Kuwait as leverage. The loss of toughness should be avoided. This is a time to test the government's ability."

Alan Wilson is not too early to sing praises to Harold Wilson and Prime Minister Attlee directly now.

Sanctions on Iran can be imposed in one day, but as long as it lasts for more than a year, it can coincide with the time when France substantially withdraws from NATO. Things are universally linked, this is what Lenin said.

Doing things in front of a country with an electoral system is a huge risk, either a big win or a heavy loss. Although several important figures in the Labour Party know that the Labour Party will dissolve the parliament and call for a general election, it is limited to a few of their ministers and the Prime Minister.

Even Aiden of the Conservative Party did not know about it, let alone other countries. When Prime Minister Attlee Attlee in the House of Commons in London suddenly showed a tough attitude, the tone of sanctioning Iran appeared, and he took it out for 180 days to establish the United Kingdom. When the oil reserve scheme was used, the Commons suddenly turned into a vegetable market.

It was a complete surprise for the Conservative Party, with Aiden and MacMillan, the Conservatives' No. 1 and No. 2, silent, smelling something unusual.

"Is Attlee going to call for an early election?" This is the question that Aiden and MacMillan thought of at the same time.

Through the BBC broadcast, the entire British people also know that Iran's unfriendly behavior towards the United Kingdom.

"We support the Prime Minister's decision. All patriots can't stand this insult to Britain." The Conservative Party has always appeared in the face of patriots. After a brief controversy, Conservative Party leader Aiden immediately made a final decision and made a statement in the House of Commons. , "The Persian Gulf is the energy center of the world, which is closely related to the prosperity of the United Kingdom. It belongs to the consensus of all British citizens, and we all support the Prime Minister's response to the Iranian oil crisis."

Aiden's remarks brought prolonged applause from the House of Commons, a united Parliament and a united Britain. The attitude of the leader of the Conservative Party, who is dedicated to the country and fully supports the current government, has also spread throughout the country.

Under the political consensus of the two parties, the British oil reserve plan was approved by the House of Commons, and the British took this attitude, indicating that the United Kingdom wants to engage in a protracted war with Iran.

"Isn't this an extra card out of thin air?" Alan Wilson said to Dixon with a local telegram. "When we meet with Iraq and Kuwait in two days, we will have even more room for maneuver."

The hegemony of British public opinion is also good at influencing, and all the responsibility lies with Iran, and the Iranian oil industry will be hit hard.

Washington, U.S. Secretary of State Dulles arrived at the White House and saw the current President Eisenhower not long after. Dulles was holding two telegrams which were the 2.0 version of the Iranian oil crisis, and the French proposal. Reorganization of NATO, a memorandum for greater powers.

"We still have to support Iran, Mr. President. Iran and Israel are the keys to America's entry into the Middle East. Intellectually, of course we would like to choose the Arabs. But we can't abandon Israel. After all, Israel is alone and needs other powers in the Middle East. Get the Arabs' attention. There's no better option than Iran."

Dulles looked embarrassed, "Of course we don't want to be unhappy with the UK, but Iran's establishment of US influence is very important to US interests in the Middle East."

The United States cannot abandon Israel, and it is destined to stand on the opposite side of the vast majority of Arab countries. Even if there are a few pro-American countries in the Arab countries, they would not dare to stand on the side of the United States. The only remaining influential power in the Middle East is Iran.

"Try to be as euphemistic as possible in rejecting British solidarity." President Eisenhower pondered for a while. "In terms of economic assistance to Iran, don't let the United States make a direct statement, but we agree to support the move of a later power."

"I understand." Dulles nodded, and immediately left the White House to start the matter. As for the memorandum that France proposed to reorganize NATO, he forgot.

Before the meeting between the UK and the Gulf countries, the International Monetary Fund provided 60 million US dollars of economic assistance to Iran under the opposition of the UK. The news spread all over the world.

"Is this my Suez war?" Alan Wilson burned the telegram from London, but it was better than the real Suez war.

At this time, when the IMF made such a decision, there is no doubt that the United States has expressed its position, because the United States has a veto power in this organization.

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