Broad World

Chapter 100 Chaotic Docklands

In the evening, Andrew brought back a silver coin with a skull engraved on it, and returned to the chamber of commerce from the dock area. As soon as he entered the door, he said to Henry: "Count, I have already contacted you. They require you to meet the passengers face to face, otherwise they will not allow strangers to board the smuggling ship. This silver coin is the token of contact. You just need to take this to the Dragon's Roar Hotel in the northwest of the dock area, and find a dwarf named Nanfuduo. He will negotiate the price and specific departure time with you."

Henry took the silver coin engraved with various horror patterns and looked at it carefully. "It seems that this underground force has a pretty good sculptor. Looking at the pattern on this coin, it is so complicated that most craftsmen can't imitate it at all."

"They only have less than a hundred coins in total, and they will be recycled every time a transaction is completed. As far as I know, these silver coins were made by a gray dwarf who escaped from the ground, and ordinary human craftsmen can't reach this level." Fatty explained to Henry.

Henry nodded. "In this case, we will set off immediately, and everything about the Chamber of Commerce will be handed over to you. If there is anything in the future, I will send someone to contact you with this enchanted family crest." After speaking, he took out his family crest and handed it to Andrew.

The fat man took it and kept the pattern and material on it firmly in his heart, and then he returned the badge to Henry. "Don't worry, I've kept it in my heart, and I won't admit it wrong. Another reminder, be careful of those evil creatures in Skull Harbor. Finally, I wish you the best of luck."

Soon Henry led a group of people to the cordon of the dock area, and the captain who was in charge of guarding the security here immediately saluted him. "Good evening Earl, are you going to the pier to take a boat to leave Waterdeep City?"

"Yes, I've stayed here for too long. There haven't been any major riots in the dock area these days." Henry smiled and answered the captain's question.

The captain shook his head and sighed. "On the night when the dark elves raided, there was a large-scale riot and fighting here. I have already lost a dozen of my men, and it is estimated that no less than 600 robbers and thieves died in the fighting that day. If you want to pass through the dock area now, you'd better be kind. The underground forces here have just been reshuffled, and there are still occasional small-scale conflicts. If necessary, I can send an army of twenty to escort you to the dock. They are still afraid of the watchers."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't think these prostitutes and robbers can cause me too much trouble. If there is an accident, I will let them know how stupid it is to anger a spellcaster." After speaking, Henry glanced coldly at the street in the distance.

The captain sighed secretly. Ordinary businessmen and nobles would probably ask them to send out all their troops for escort when encountering such a situation. The earl in front of him is just the opposite. He seems to prefer to use his own strength to solve problems and troubles. It would be great if everyone could do this.

"In that case, I'm here to wish you a pleasant journey, and I hope those damned guys don't annoy you with their blind eyes." The captain saluted again and sent his blessings.

Henry returned the salute with a smile, led a group of people away from the cordon, and walked towards the dirty alley of the pier. Along the way, they saw a lot of corpses lying in corners. Most of them were rotten and smelly. Flies and mice gnawed on the mutilated bodies. The doors and windows of every house were tightly closed, and some even blocked all the exits with wooden boards.

When walking through the alley, Henry could even feel countless eyes staring at him vigilantly around him. The half-orc warrior was no longer as carefree as before, and he tightly held the magic throwing ax around his waist. As long as these people move a little bit, his ax will fly out and kill these lifeless things.

Just when everyone was a little nervous, suddenly a thief flashed out from the corner, and he aimed at everyone with a crossbow in his hand. "This is the territory of the Crusher Jaw Gang. If you want to leave alive, you must hand over all the gold coins and equipment on your body. Otherwise, my companions will shoot you into hedgehogs and throw them in the corner to feed the mice."

Hearing the thief's declaration, Debra burst out laughing. Her laughter quickly infected Vaughn and Dai Lina around. For those who have experienced many crises in the underground, the threat of these ordinary robbers is as funny as the provocation of a dragon facing a kitten.

After hearing the laughter, the thief shouted angrily: "Be serious! This is robbery! It's not just playing tricks! Don't laugh! If you laugh again, I'll really get angry!" It's a pity that his threat not only didn't have the desired effect, but made everyone laugh even harder.

Henry watched the farce with a smile. He had already discovered that the accomplices mentioned by the thief were just a group of children under the age of twelve. These little fellows with sticks in their hands could not pose any threat at all. Looking at the terrifying black-faced thief, he said, "Stop making trouble, I already know that the fellows around you are still children. If you just need some gold coins to buy some food, I can give some, but I advise you to take everyone out of the port area as soon as possible. This place is too dangerous for you, and you will die if you are not careful."

"Why should we trust you? Last time, there was a guy who said he would help us get out of here. In the end, he wanted to trick us into boarding a ship and sell us to the north as slaves." This guy had obviously been fooled once, and he was skeptical of anyone.

Henry glanced at him and sighed. "I don't have to, and I don't have time to lie to you. Here is a bag of gold coins. The money in it should be enough for you to use for a while. If you want to leave this chaotic place, go to the business district to find President Andrew of the Brown Bear Chamber of Commerce." He took out a small bag of gold coins and threw it over.

The thief immediately picked it up and opened the bag, and then he exclaimed, there were at least fifty gold coins inside. The children hiding around saw it and quickly surrounded it. They chattered about what they wanted to eat, and the scene suddenly fell into chaos.

Dai Lina walked gently to Henry's side. "These children are really pitiful. They must have been hungry for a long time, and they came out to rob them if they had no other choice. Can't you find a way to help them?"

Henry looked at these dirty, apparently nutritious little guys and thought to himself. If I take them all back to cultivate, maybe they will become my help in the future, maybe there will be a few mage or druid seedlings among them. Moreover, these children are all orphans and very young, so it is easy to have a sense of belonging to the territory after simple training. This is a good thing that is both famous and profitable. Thinking of this, he nodded to Delina. "I can help, but it also depends on their willingness."

The confusion lasted for quite a while before the leading thieves calmed down the children. He took off the face towel and walked over with the gold coin and returned it to Henry. "You're right, we should really leave here. Even if we have so much money, we can't spend it. Once other gangs target us, we might all be killed. Now I decide to try your proposal. I don't know how you can get us through the cordon of the dock area. You know, the troops guarding there are not very friendly."

Henry took out his noble badge with a smile on his face. "As long as you bring my family badge to the captain stationed there, I believe he will send someone to send you to the Brown Bear Chamber of Commerce in the business district. At that time, you can work as a helper there for a period of time, and I will send a ship to pick you up to my territory in a few months."

The thief, who had been deceived many times, lowered his head and thought for a while, and finally he agreed while biting his lip. "Well, we choose to trust you again. I hope this time you won't be sold as slaves like before."

The half-orc warrior looked at the group of children who were a little bit hesitant and comforted him: "Don't worry, boy, the head is the Earl of Angomey Island, the hero of Belfast. You should have heard his story, we are not bad people."

"Really? That's really great! I've heard about your legend, so it's best to start now, because we haven't eaten for three days." One of the children jumped up happily.

The leading thief also felt that these people were not like the liars before, so he took the magic badge from Henry's hand. "You can call me Bob, the head of these children. If there is no other order, I will take them to the Brown Bear Chamber of Commerce now. It has been too chaotic recently, and people are killed or starved to death every day."

"Let's go now. Remember to obey Andrew's orders when you fall down. He will take care of your food and lodging." After speaking, Henry watched Bob lead a group of children towards the cordon.

Debra watched these little guys pass through the cordon safely and said to Henry: "Seeing them now reminds me of my childhood. At that time, I was hiding like this, doing petty thefts all the time. It wasn't until I stole a spell book and became a mage apprentice that the situation improved."

Henry stroked the female mage's hair. "Isn't it all over now, and the harvest we got this time is enough to support us to become Grandmasters."

Debra smiled and pushed Henry's hand away. "Compared to those who have died, I am quite lucky. When the mentor of the Brotherhood was conducting apprenticeship trials, I was the only one among the thirty people who walked out of it alive. The suffering of my childhood made me understand better than others how to avoid the coming danger. Well, let's not talk about these memories now, let's find a ship and go back to the Mage Tower. I can't wait to start interpreting Helast's notes."


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