Broad World

Chapter 427 Under the Establishment of the Ring of Truth

The establishment of a spellcasting organization is not an easy task, especially the core members are all of extraordinary strength, making it extremely difficult to control. In the next two days, the other liches were also resurrected one after another. Most of these guys joined the "Zhenla Ring" under the threat of death, and only the four mages of Nislier seemed to prefer death rather than surrender. But when Congus quietly revealed a little behind-the-scenes information, they reluctantly agreed.

After all, Henry is the true master of this organization, and it is not shameful to be loyal to a powerful spellcaster who defeated him head-on, not to mention that the arrogant half-lich in front of him has been tamed. Now the core members of the entire organization are almost assembled, of course, except for Shang Gela and Lei Yin who are still locked in the box.

Eight liches and one demi-lich gathered for a meeting to discuss and formulate the symbol, related systems, development plans, and action guidelines of the "Zhenla Ring".


Organization Name: Zhenla Ring

Alignment: Lawful evil

Logo: A badge consisting of two rings with a golden scale in the middle, representing Henry, the master behind the scenes. Eleven skulls are inlaid on the inner ring, representing all core members. On the outermost side is a row of sawtooths, symbolizing countless external members who will be controlled in the future. Development plan: centered on Askatla and spread to all directions, the current main goal is to infiltrate and control the masked mage. Any peripheral member who wants to enter the core must be transformed into a lich. And offer your phylactery.

Course of action: Covert action. The best way is never to be discovered.

Leader: Kangus the demilich. Thirty-sixth level necromancer.

Core member:

Lich Bertram. Twenty-eight-level prophecy mage.

Lich Ansair, a level 25 enchanter.

Alva, the elemental lich, is a level 24 evocation mage.

Elemental Lich Alves, a level 24 evocation mage.

Lich Ansalon, a 2nd level conjurer.

Lich Lother, a level nineteen necromancer. Lich Oleg, a fifteenth-level conjurer.

Pending members:

Lich Shangra, a twenty-seventh-level conjurer.

Lich Lei Yin, a nineteenth-level conjurer.


It can be said that as soon as the "Zhenla Ring" was established, its high-end combat power was not inferior to those veteran spellcasting organizations. As the leader, Congus generously contributed a small demiplane and transformed it into a headquarters for the core members to communicate and support each other.

Now that the foundation and branches have been established, the next figure is that the big tree will flourish rapidly. The liches transformed themselves into human beings or elves one after another, and began to develop members of the outer ring everywhere. With the help of the second-level magic "suggestion" and the sixth-level magic "group suggestion". In just a few days, thousands of ordinary people, more than 20 adventure teams and three mercenary groups with more than 200 people were dealt with.

These guys are usually only responsible for inquiring about news. At the same time secretly absorb more people to join. To put it bluntly, it is a way of passing on. The more members you develop, the greater your relative power will be. When the inner circle needs them, they will be mobilized to carry out tasks. Even if they fail and are caught, the other party can only know that there is a secret organization developing in secret. As for the name, core members and other important information, they will not get it at all.

Just when the "Zhenla Ring" was growing, Henry also used these two days to decipher the content of "The Book of Kasa". It has to be said that the period of Netheril was worthy of the era of human magic technology blowout. Even a little-known lich can invent such powerful spell recognition skills. What kind of talents are those great arcanists? stunning.

Through the interpretation, he learned that the important prerequisite for learning this technique is to learn the pronunciation of the language of the creator race. Because this is the root of all modern magic spells. As long as you can understand most of them, you can basically tell what the spell is being cast after the enemy reads two to three syllables.

As the saying goes, knowledge is power. In order to gain stronger combat effectiveness, Henry began to tirelessly learn a thirteenth foreign language. You must know that he has mastered quite a lot of languages ​​now, including Chinese and English brought from the earth. After becoming a monk, he acquired the common language, wood language, and druid language. Later, he taught himself ancient color in the high fence castle. Language, Ancient Elven Language, Celestial Language, Abyssal Language, Dragon Language, Purgatory Language, Underground Common Language.

You must know that this includes reading, writing, listening, and one is not bad. If you put it on the earth, you can definitely be regarded as a top talent. Of course, it's not bad even in Faerun Continent. After all, there are not many scholars and spellcasters who can master so many languages. Most people rely on the spell "Language Proficiency" to communicate with unfamiliar races.

"Reading magic" and "knowledge of languages" are necessary abilities for every mage. The former allows you to understand many magical documents written in secret languages, and the latter can understand the meaning of most languages. However, this translation is quite rough, and it is easy to cause some errors or ambiguities. Especially when dealing with devils, if they don't know Purgatory language, then they will give full play to their talents of elaborating words. After signing a contract, maybe you don't even belong to your soul.

This is why Henry insisted on learning so many languages. However, he encountered a lot of trouble when learning the thirteenth language. Many people knew that the Creator Race was amphibians, birds, and deep-sea fish. Their vocal organs were definitely different from humans. Although it's okay to read. But it's impossible to say it.

For a perfectionist and half OCD. This is simply an intolerable error. to this end. Henry specially invented a second-level change system magic "Universal Throat", and kept it on himself. This magic can change the shape of the vocal organs at any time according to the needs of the caster, so as to simulate almost all sounds in the world, from ultrasonic waves to infrasonic waves, from subtle mosquito sounds to giant beast roars.

Of course, the use of this magic is far more than that. Clever spellcasters can also use it to deceive and intimidate, especially to simulate the roar of a dragon. Basically, most creatures will start to tremble uncontrollably after hearing it. My first reaction was to turn around and run.

After solving the problem of pronunciation, he plunged into the language comparison table of "Book of Kasa" and started to study frantically. With his excellent memory, he probably mastered this extremely difficult foreign language in just two days. Although many places are still a bit rusty, but with the continuous application, I can quickly master it.

After all, the best way to consolidate a foreign language is listening, speaking and writing. There is no problem with writing now, only listening needs more practice. As for that, let's forget it, it would be strange if these weird sounds from the mouth were not regarded as crazy.

Just when everything was ready and was about to start learning some magic recognition skills, suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the study. A maid yelled through the door: "Duke! Something has happened! Many people came outside at once. Most of them were armed. Some said they were your friends. Some said they were your retainers."…

"Wait a minute, you arrange them in the living room first, and I'll go down right away." Henry hurriedly cleaned up the messy table, and carefully put the "Book of Casa" into his arms. Only now did he realize that he had been staying in the room for several days without eating, drinking or sleeping. Calculating the time, Imon, Hina, Nalia, the guard captain Cernic and the housekeeper Ernest should all be here. .

However, the speed of these guys is really slow enough. It must be a lot of time wasted to accept the castle and land along the way, and counting the property is also a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. In particular, the Ronald family has accumulated a lot of artwork and magic items over hundreds of years, and it is quite troublesome to strengthen them.

A few minutes later, Henry simply tidied up his personal hygiene before leaving the room and walking towards the lobby on the first floor. As soon as he walked down the stairs, he was startled by the scene in front of him. Countless soldiers were moving heavy boxes inside, and the front yard was full of countless horse carts, ox carts, and even donkey carts.

Suddenly, a petite figure sprang out from the corner, rushed over fiercely and offered a kiss. This is none other than the lively and cheerful Imoen. After some love, she greedily licked her lips and asked with a smile, "how is it, do you miss me?"

"Of course, I'm thinking of a girl with pink hair all the time." Henry hugged the girl tightly, and then kissed her gently on the forehead.

Aimon poked Henry's chest mischievously and said, "Slick! I bet you have said that to many girls. But for the sake of your good performance just now, let's forget it this time. By the way, this time This house is really luxurious, I believe it must be very valuable, right? A lot of words"

Before Henry could answer, Nalia popped up from an unknown corner and explained: "Yes, this is the Eratan mansion, which means elegance, and it is the most expensive and luxurious residence of the Ronaldo family. The building materials alone cost 150,000 gold coins."

"One hundred and fifty thousand? Oh my god!" Aimeng opened his mouth in surprise and didn't close it for a long time.

"That's right! 150,000 dirty gold coins from the evil trade!" Nalia said in a cynical tone.

Along the way, she checked the finances and saw a lot of ledgers, each of which contained criminal evidence of the Ronaldo family. These things deeply touched the heart of this kind-hearted girl, and she finally decided not to run away, but to stand up and fight for the interests of those civilians living in dire straits.

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