Broad World

Chapter 438: Bastard

After the war, mutilated corpses were everywhere on the pier and the surrounding beaches of Bluewind City. The blood dyed the entire bay red, and a strong fishy smell could be smelled everywhere. A large number of soldiers and civilians are sorting out the corpses under the organization of the city hall, throwing those belonging to murlocs into the sea, and transporting those belonging to humans to the cemetery for burial.

Due to the large number of deaths, the priests of all the temples presided over the funerals all night long, one after another, with no time to rest at all, and the whole city was immersed in grief. In order to appease the emotions of the soldiers' families, Henry generously distributed a pension of 100 gold coins to each of the dead. The living and wounded also received 30 to 50 gold coins according to their military exploits. As for the barbarian guards They even got a generous reward of 200 gold coins per person.

In his opinion, it is easy for this army that has never seen blood to persist until the end on such a cruel battlefield. Especially in the case of more than half of the damage, there is no collapse. Everyone should be rewarded generously, whether they are dead or alive.

As the saying goes, the more you give, the more you get back. After throwing a lot of gold coins, both family members and soldiers were glad that there was a generous and kind lord on their stall, and their hearts were full of gratitude. You must know that the treatment of the soldiers in the Angome Islands is already quite high. Not only can they receive a salary of five silver coins a day, but once the family members die in battle, they can also get jobs arranged by the city hall. After handling the government affairs, Henry took Ares to the Lord's Mansion alone. According to his original plan, he also wanted to invite all his acquaintances to a banquet at home to celebrate, but he was too busy. Finally had to give up the idea.

Vaughan returned to the barracks early to appease the wounded soldiers. Borken led the mage group back to the station. Prepare to hold a meeting to summarize this experience. Amy needs to send thieves to clean up the bodies in the sewers. At the same time, the situation here must be sent out through the intelligence network. Mike led many druids to drive the beasts back to the forest. As for Debra, she is busy adjusting the energy distribution of the mage tower to restore the mage tower from its wartime state.

In short, except for one person and one bear, no one is idle, and they are all busy with their own affairs. Ten minutes later, Henry finally returned to the gate of the mansion. But when he compared the size of the door, he patted his animal companion's front legs with a wry smile and said, "Ares, it seems that you can't go in. Otherwise, the wall will be crushed. Go back to the forest, If there's anything else, I'll see you again."

The smart big brown bear understood this sentence, lowered its huge head and arched Henry with the tip of its nose, then turned around and ran deep into the forest. It roared cheerfully as it ran, and disappeared after a while. As Ares got bigger and bigger, it was obviously not suitable for staying in the town. It seems that it's time to make a magical equipment with teleportation ability for it, so that it can be summoned to its side at any time like Pixie Luis. The roar of the giant bear alarmed the servants of the lord's mansion, and soon, Shikodi rushed out with her skirt in hand. Hugging her husband tightly, she sobbed, "Honey, you're finally back. Those damned murloc robbers frightened me, especially the number of them, almost filling up the entire bay."

Henry gently kissed his wife's forehead and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I have wiped them all out. At least for a few decades, there will be no sahuagin near this sea area."

"Really? Didn't you say that there were a lot of murlocs attacking the coast this time?". Shikodi wiped the tears from his face and asked.

"It's a lot. It's about 100,000 when I was in Baldur's Gate. But I killed more than 10,000 when I was in Baldur's Gate. Later, I killed 40,000 to 50,000 with legendary magic in Waterdeep City. Counting the two 10,000, almost 70,000 to 80,000, and finally counting their losses in the tug-of-war in Waterdeep City, there is no doubt that they have been completely lost. It can be said that from the Sword Bay to the Sea of ​​Swords, it will not be seen for a long time These nasty sea robbers."

A sneer appeared on Henry's face after he finished speaking. Now he really wants to know how the sahuagin god Sekora feels, whether he lost his temper in the Kingdom of God, and then writes his name in the little black book, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate after recovering his strength. But this guy will have to wait at least ten years to fully recover, and by that time it is not certain who will take revenge.

Hearing her husband's narration, Shi Kodi opened her mouth in surprise, and it took several minutes to recover. Because she was too excited, she asked incoherently: "You... you can't be... already become? Gods, I can't believe it."

Henry smiled and nodded. "That's right, dear. I'm already a legendary mage and a legendary druid at the same time. So don't worry, there will basically be no similar situations in the future, because as long as I live for one day, I can deter those who hide Enemy in the dark."

After getting an affirmative answer, Shi Kodi couldn't hold back her excited nerves and jumped up happily. As a traditional aristocrat, she is very clear about what this means. As long as her husband lives in peace, the Angomei family will become one of the top aristocrats in the entire continent in less than a hundred years.

You must know that Henry started from scratch, went from a commoner step by step to today, and experienced countless adventures and tribulations. This is a living legend in itself. I believe that as soon as this news is announced, it will immediately attract countless bards and scholars. His name will be passed down forever along with stories and books, and as his wife, the name Shikodi will also be remembered by people.

"Okay, don't be so excited, I'm a little hungry now, let's go back to the house and have some supper." Henry said with a smile, stroking his wife's hair.

Patting her cheek hard, Shikodi forced herself to calm down. She raised her head and hesitated again and again, and finally began to speak: "Honey, I need to tell you something. Doris is pregnant, and according to the results of the pastor's examination, it is a boy."

"My child?" Henry asked in surprise. He only remembered that he had sex with the baron's daughter once, so it couldn't be so accurate.

"That's right, this is the result of the pastor's inspection. And it's also the priest of Haim, the God of Guardians. What should we do after the child is born? Let him live with us. Let him take his mother's surname. He will inherit Baron Otto's territory." After speaking, Shikodi's eyes revealed a look of worry. Although most illegitimate children have no inheritance rights, she is still a little worried that this unborn boy will pose a threat to her son.

Henry stroked his chin and considered for a few minutes, then replied: "Of course you have to take my last name, and you have to live with us. When the child is a little older, he will be sent to learn magic with Alan and Liv, so that It is good for them to cultivate their relationship. As for the issue of inheritance, you don't have to worry, I just obtained a large and rich territory in Amn, which is enough for them to share."

"How big is it? If you can, it's better to prepare a dowry for Liv. You must know that no matter how many gold coins you have, you will spend one day. Only the castle and the land can bring a steady stream of benefits."

As a mother, Shi Kodi can be said to be thinking about her children in everything, and she wants to keep a share of everything. Her behavior is completely subconscious, just like most ordinary people always think of the closest people when they have delicious food.

Regarding his wife's behavior of protecting the calf, Henry laughed it off, and then tried to explain: "It's very big, most of the territory north of the Esmere River, including four castles and a large area of ​​farmland around it. But it's nothing .If the children show enough talent in magic, I can also leave them a demiplane with rich resources. So you don't have to worry too much about this at all. As a legendary spellcaster, I have enough property to allow every child to live a life of luxury.”

Since subduing the demilich Kangus, the demiplanes he can control have suddenly increased. Except for that species and the one rich in minerals, there are more than thirty other demiplanes, large and small, among which there are seven or eight that are suitable for human habitation. It is not a problem at all to distribute one to each of the three children.

It has to be said that the demilich does have a great advantage in plane exploration. An ordinary legendary mage may not be able to find so many even if he explores for thousands of years. After all, letting the soul wander aimlessly through the astral world is a very dangerous thing. If you are a little careless or have a little luck, you will never come back. But the demilich is a master of soul spellcasting, so there is no problem in this regard, even if it attracts a large number of gods and evils, it can easily escape.

After hearing this, Shikodi nodded with a wry smile. "Well, it's because I'm too worried. I always think about the children's future, but I feel more at ease when I hear you say that. I really didn't expect that the family has become so rich in such a short period of time. "

"Rich? For most people, it may be counted, but compared to those legendary mages and demigods who have lived for thousands of years, I am still far behind."

In Henry's eyes, he was definitely not rich. He was very worried about the research and development expenses of legendary spells, especially recently, Kang Gusi sent several legendary spells, and after all the research and development, he would have to sell more than half of the inventory to raise funds. The research and development costs of tens of millions are really terrifying. I really don't know how those old monsters above level 30 survived back then.

Hearing her husband's complaint, Shi Kodi was amused and laughed: "Hahahahaha! You said it yourself, these guys have lived for thousands of years, and after a long time of accumulation, they will definitely be very rich. But I believe, Just a few hundred years from now, and your fortune will be as much as theirs."

"Maybe, but it's a little early to discuss this now. Let's go, my stomach is already rumbling with hunger, and if I don't go into the house to eat something, I'm afraid I will faint from hunger." After speaking, Henry took his wife's hand and strode forward Go inside. Since his body was modified, he found that he was getting hungry more and more easily, especially after strenuous activities. If he didn't eat something, he would feel dizzy and weak in limbs.


Bow down and thank the three book friends Shanyu Panpan, Xuanyuanzhihen, and Yitang Anyi for their monthly votes, and at the same time thank the deep-sea mud beast for its generous reward.


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