Chapter 6: We recommend Nahida to learn from Hongwu to kill gods!

"How can there be no gods?"

"Mr. Su Cheng, aren't you a god?".

Nahida was indeed surprised to hear the news.

Su Cheng was able to drag her directly from the world of Teyvat with that white arrow, and she was able to communicate and interact with her through a screen that was almost completely secure.

This power, not what is God?

In this regard, Su Cheng shook his head and said.

"I'm not a god, and there are no gods in this world. "

"Still, I recommend that you search for the ancient kings. "

"The king's words stained thousands of miles with blood, and millions of corpses were ambushed. "

"In ancient times, the word king was basically similar to a god, so it was not a big deal for you to directly study the king as a god. "

Nahida: "King?".

Hearing what Su Cheng said, Nahida was a little puzzled.

After all,

in her memory, the human kings who can be regarded as cards are all kings of the desert.

But the king of the desert knows what it does, and I guess the player knows better than Nahida.

Just look at the whole desert except for the place in Aru Village, and you can see what the rest of the places are.

But listening to what Su Cheng said, the human kings of this world have something worth talking about even like gods

This piqued Nahida's interest.

Nahida: "Even in this world, though. "

"There should be a lot of human kings. "

"Who should I learn from?".

Su Cheng: "Well, it's hard for me to say it alone." "

"But you can listen to what the majority of netizens have to say. "

"I'll bring up the barrage for you here, you can take a look. "

After all, Su Cheng is here to live broadcast the interaction with the table pet.

Therefore, there will definitely be a chat between table pets and netizens.

Well, as

long as this group of netizens is more serious, the effect is still very good.

Therefore, on Su Cheng's side, he put the barrage message section of the live broadcast in the lower right corner of the screen.


barrage area instantly began to come alive!

Netizen: "Okay, the anchor has finally released the barrage area!".

"Wife, wife, look, this is the barrage I posted!".

"Don't be weird, shout at a table pet that your wife is weird. "

"Whatever, this pet looks exactly like Nahida herself!, and it's so interactive!".

Nahida: "Ahem, ahem, ahem......


Nahida herself coughed twice in embarrassment.

Then he looked at Su Cheng with a resentful look.

That look, as if to say.

You people in this world, it's so strange.

"It's just that you're a little too cute. "

Su Cheng also laughed, and then asked the thousands of netizens who were active in the live broadcast room to speak seriously.

Tonasida's suit, basically more than 90% of the people in the entire live broadcast room are all alive, so at this time, it is also a crazy message.

"Hahaha, that's the right question, I'm the class representative of my high school history class. "

"How about Emperor Hongwu, I think this is more appropriate. "

"Nahida is a sister, so as for who to learn, I vote for the empress, how about it. "

"Although we do have only one empress in Great Xia, it is not appropriate to let the little grass god learn. "

"From Teyvat's point of view, Zulong doesn't seem to be suitable, and if you calculate it like this, Tang Taizong is not suitable either. "

"Okay, if you think about it seriously, there is basically no suitable one, so let's vote for Emperor Hongwu, at least if we change the position of which one, we will definitely give the Akademiya a hard stab. "

"I agree, it must be interesting to let Xiaocao learn to kill gods. "

"Little grass god, choose Emperor Hongwu!".

Nahida: "Uh-huh......


Looking at the message on the barrage, Nahida also nodded.

Although netizens seem to recommend her a Hongwu Emperor who is called the God of Killing, how do you always feel that this group of netizens is thinking from the perspective of watching fun?

However, it turned out to be the result of almost thousands of netizens, and Nahida naturally turned her head to ask Su Cheng.

"Mr. Su Cheng, do you think this proposal is appropriate?"

"You can search and see, anyway, it's not a loss to accumulate more knowledge. "

Nahida nodded, then went to the search page and typed in the search of Emperor Hongwu.

The first search content is the relevant introduction of the Hongwu Emperor, the relevant reality, and the experience of the Hongwu Emperor over the years.

After only a few minutes of watching, Nahida rubbed her gray hair with a headache.

"It's true, it's a killing god. "

"He has been in power for so many years, has he killed more than a million officials? "

"If you count the numbers that he has developed by fighting the country, it is definitely enough for this number. "

Looking at the

number that died tens of thousands of thousands at every turn, the little grass god's first reaction was discomfort.

After all, the nature of the little grass god is too kind, and the Akademiya has suppressed her for so many years, but she has never poured out her anger.

Instead, he is dedicated to the people of Sumeru.

But when she looked down, Nahida saw it.

This Hongwu Emperor, who is called the god of killing by netizens, is really fierce.

But maybe it's

because of his background, it's really good to treat the people.

"Perhaps, a human emperor really has something to learn. "

Looking at the search interface, Nahida in Su Cheng's screen was also fascinated.

PS: 10 more every day, the old author begged for flowers, evaluation votes, comments, monthly passes, rewards, the first day is really important, thank you Yanzu!

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