Then Yaya reconstructed a crutch and showed Gratius a knee-breaking crutch.

Gratius: Hahaha, so humans are really interesting.JPG!

Grexiu happily accepted Yaya's allegiance, and took Xi'er with him by the way. If you want to ask why, it is that Yaya and Xi'er are both lolita, and the three of them belong to the same category. (At first glance, Big Gracie still belongs to the big loli type.)

Yaya has also come up with an upgrade method. Although it looks a bit weird, Mo Yi can be relieved for the time being and doesn't have to worry about the other party thinking too much.

Then he took Mei to "Happy Werewolf Killing" to solve the possible disaster caused by the Herrscher of Corrosion.

Under such circumstances, Mo Yi deliberately took out the form of the Faded Elf Miss Ksitigarbha that was sealed by Mo Yi. To deal with the Herrscher of Corrosion, it is naturally most suitable to use the same type of power to restrain the opponent. After all, the opponent In a virtual information world like Purana, it is simply too powerful. In the words of the heroes, it is as buggy as the Herrscher of the End in the real world.

When Mo Yi, Ai Li and others wanted to completely deal with Miss Faded Fairy in the dream world, they had to blow up the entire dream world. From this, we can see how tricky the Herrscher of Corrosion is after it is fully developed.

As for Mei, she was also very serious and had prepared all kinds of necessities. She carried the Plasma Shadow Show left to her by her father, Raiden Ryoma, on her back. She was also wearing the new Valkyrie Armor 'Dawn Strike' made by Counter-Entropy, but -

Mo Yi looked at the cooking cart next to Mei Yi that automatically followed her, and didn't know how to complain.

"Mei Yi, what is this?"

"I don't know what the situation is over there, so I brought these things with me."

With this carefully modified mobile kitchen cart, Yayi can make delicious and quick things to replenish Mo Yi's energy in any situation.

Of course, there is no need to worry about getting in the way. With the ability of the Rat Talisman, these two cars already have their own intelligence and can move automatically. When necessary, they can also cook automatically. Just the cooking ability. It has inherited 80% of Mei's skills and can be considered a legendary kitchen utensil. It can only be said to be terrifying.

"As expected of Mei Yi, you are so thoughtful—"

Mo Yi could only accept Ya Yi's kindness. Didn't the other party bring this thing just to cook for him at any time?

Where can I find such a good wife? It is not easy to find a wife who can cook nowadays.

"Then let's set off."

After saying that, Mo Yi opened a copy of "Le Tu Werewolf", and then a light door appeared in front of the two of them, and then the two of them walked towards the light door in a car.

When you first walked in, everything was dark, and then the information prompts given by the Honkai Game Console popped up in Mo Yi and Mei Yi's minds.

Both of them are now cadres sent to the Paradise of the Past for further studies by the World Snake. This is still very important in order not to be excluded by the Paradise of the Past.

Mo Yi's World Snake code name is White Cuckoo Pigeon, and Mei Yi's is Red Electric Dragon.


Seeing his World Snake codename, even the mild-mannered cook couldn't help but complain.

"Why is my code name so weird?"

Why the red electric dragon? Obviously I am not a dragon.

Mo Yi explained this.

"The codenames of World Snake cadres are usually in the format of color + animal. This name... is just a temporary pass anyway."

Mo Yi's World Snake codename is 'White Pigeon'. If he hadn't seen this 'White Cuckoo Pigeon', he would have almost forgotten his World Snake codename. Time flies so fast.

Unexpectedly, after coming to PING World, I would still be a loyal cadre of World Snake.

"So that's what it is-"

In fact, Mei Yi still wanted to complain. Since Mo Yi said this, it was useless to complain. Instead, it seemed like she was being arrogant. Anyway, after this incident was over, she returned to her own world and didn't know her strange code name.

At this moment, the two heard footsteps coming from behind.

When the two of them turned back, a burst of lightning kept lighting up. Under the illumination of the lightning, the two finally saw the appearance of the guy behind them.

Even though the other person was walking on stilts, had a pair of red horns, and was wearing a set of dark clothes, Mo Yi and Mei Yi still recognized each other's appearance instantly because they were so familiar!

"Who are you...?"

Listening to Kevin's words, Mr. Ya, the Dragon Herrscher, came to the Paradise of the Past for a trial. He didn't expect to meet other people while walking in the dark passage. This was nothing. She didn't know what it meant at the beginning. What is there in the paradise of the past.

But when she saw her other self, she couldn't hold back any longer!

Especially the familiar slutty and aggressive look, and there was even a cooking cart that she left behind at St. Freya College...

Mr. Ya: This... hallucination, is this a hallucination attack? !

Ya Yi was also dumbfounded. The temperament of the Mr. Ya in front of her was so different from her own. This was too middle-of-the-road!

And that voice, the other person is definitely speaking with his throat down, isn't it tiring?

"Since you ask the question sincerely——"

Mo Yi struck a pose and said coldly:

"Then I will tell you with great mercy!"

Chapter 262: Cooking Woman: Use this knife to chop off the head of the pink goblin

There is such a legend in the Paradise of the Past. You can meet a shy pink girl like a flower anywhere. But when you are attracted by her and want to get closer, the other person will be like the one in various myths and rumors. Like a fairy, it disappears in an instant, making you wonder whether the previous encounter was real or just a beautiful fantasy.

To put it simply, the pink fairy will be refreshed in the Paradise of the Past, but it has the characteristic of "escape" and cannot be caught at all, unless you are a cute and beautiful girl.

Of course, Memory Alicia also has her own exclusive territory in the Paradise of the Past, which is the ‘Eternal Paradise’ she built according to her own wishes. If you want to find her, you have to go here——

"Kevin is really always causing trouble for others?~"

In a slightly dimly lit space, Miss Pink Fairy is sitting on her specially built throne, with her right foot on her left leg and leaning on the throne casually. She stretches out one hand with many pink crystals floating on it. , the crystal is reflecting Mr. Ya, who is walking into the paradise step by step.

She was complaining, but actually the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. After all, the cooking lady is a big, soft and beautiful girl. After being transformed into Lei Lu, she became the aloof middle-class Mr. Ya. But for Miss Pink Fairy, as long as she is As long as she's a beautiful girl, it doesn't matter her personality or anything like that. She can even get close to someone as hard as Snake. There can't be anyone more arrogant than Mebius, right?

Why is Alicia sitting on the dark throne, looking at the Paradise Monitor in this posture?

Naturally, this way, Alicia will look more mysterious, more beautiful, and very thin.JPG! (Ellie, who appears in the plot for the first time, is in this pose. She seems to be a slender pink-cut black lady similar to Chongchong. Then everyone will understand later that there is a big gap between the actual goods and the display pictures.)

"But as a new visitor, huh?, let Alicia be your guide and help you get to know us bit by bit."

But at this moment, the originally dim space suddenly lit up, and a golden meteor from the original god cut through the sky, fell into the eternal paradise, and finally landed in front of the memory Alicia.

Alicia: "??!"

"It's so bright, what is this?"

This is the paradise of the past, a virtual world made up of memories. How could there be meteors falling?

"Hi?~A new day starts with a wonderful encounter, hello (*?▽`)ノノ~"

When the light of the shooting star dissipated, a pink fairy was revealed. The other party didn't care what the situation was like in the place she just arrived. Anyway, for her, any first meeting was a wonderful encounter.

Just after seeing the memory Ellie sitting on the throne with the POS, the pink fairy was still stunned, but she immediately realized that this kind of situation had not happened before.

"Hello, I am Traveler Alicia. This is my first time meeting you. Please take good care of me in the future."

After that, he also made a heart gesture to the memory Alicia. This is strange knowledge that Alicia learned from being a host.

Memory Ellie: "???"

You are Alicia, then who am I?

But Alicia is Alicia after all. When she sees another self suddenly appearing in front of her, she will not be like Snake, thinking about how to kill the other person and make herself the real Mebius. .

"Could it be that, hmm?~"

Memory Ellie hammered her left hand with her right hand and said with sudden enlightenment:

"Are you me in reality? Now for some reason, you have to live a reverse life?"

After saying that, he jumped off the throne, walked to Alicia and started circling around, carefully listening to the difference between the 'Alicia' in front of him and her.

"Sure enough, I am more perfect as a memory——"

Memory Alicia quickly came to a conclusion.

"How could I actually hold back my mouth? Unlike me, no matter how much I eat, I won't get fat."

Memory Ellie: The real me, you are fat.JPG.

Ai Li: "..."

Oops, why do I think this Alicia in front of me is so disdainful? No one will reveal his shortcomings when meeting him.

"You must have seen it wrong!"

Traveler Ellie would definitely not admit that she was fatter than the other person, so she retorted in a louder voice.

"How could I gain weight as a magical girl? I will only become more perfect and cuter."

Memory Ellie: "···"

This smell is right. Memory Ellie can now confirm that the guy in front of her is indeed the 'Alicia species'. As for whether it is the original body that has been resurrected, it is hard to say.

"On the other hand, why are you sitting here with a POS? Although it looks pretty, you are not suitable for this style-"

Memory Ellie: Aren’t I bored? For fifty thousand years, I can only stay in the Paradise of the Past. Even though I have other people accompanying me, I still feel bored. As for visitors, on average, ten I haven’t had one in years, so I don’t know how to have fun, but I’m suffering from jade syndrome, my mouth and teeth!

Ellie's character is a real social nerd. When the two Ellie met, they immediately became familiar with each other. They didn't even think about being wary of anything. They just asked what they knew and there was no need to hide anything.

So the two soon learned about each other's situation. One was the planeswalker Ellie who became a magical girl and could travel freely through time and space. The other was Ellie, the memory body.

However, the pink fairy did not look down on the memory Ellie because of this. In her opinion, since the other person has his own personality and memory, it is another self. After all, personality determines destiny, and destiny is the record of a person's life.

"The paradise of the past in this world is so magical~ It's very similar to Nasida's Maya Palace~"

The pink fairy looked around in surprise. She also had a 'Palace of the Past', but her Paradise of the Past was more like a personal portable world and was essentially completely different from the Paradise of the Past here.

“Although I don’t know what the Palace of Maya is, it’s best if you like it, but——”

Memory Ellie hugged the pink fairy and rubbed her face hard.

Alicia is so cute, but it's a pity that she herself couldn't stick to such cute Alicia before. Now that she finally has the chance, Memory Ellie naturally wants to rub her hard.

"I still can't help but be envious of defeating the collapsing world."

In the world of Traveler Ellie, under the solemnity of the principles of the stars, Honkai has been cleared. Even if the appearance of 'Honkai' has not been completely eliminated, Honkai has become an important source of energy and technology in the future of mankind.

Only in this way can the pink fairy travel at will, witness various scenery and worlds, meet more interesting and lovely people, and find the lost Mo Yi.

Pink Fairy: Cricket Grexiu, do you think you can seal Alicia? No one can hinder a girl's pursuit of love. As long as she doesn't stop, the road will continue to extend. One day, we will want it under the same starry sky.

"I'll take you to Eden, Kevin, Mebius and the others. They must be interested in things in your world -"

Memory Ellie wanted to drag the pink fairy to meet her twelve good friends and tell everyone that in a certain parallel world, they successfully defeated Honkai and had a different and bright future.

"Oh~ no, I still have work."

Memory Ai Li took Traveler Ai Li for a few steps before she remembered how she served as a tour guide for Mr. Ya. If she took everyone to open a banknote, wouldn't the other person be standing there alone, at a loss?

It's such a pity that the other person is so cute and beautiful.

This is not possible, why not bring the other person with you and let the other person join this party.

Just do whatever you want, and Memory Ellie tells Traveler Ellie about it.

The pink fairy said it didn't matter. She was a traveler now anyway and had no specific goals. She just wanted to enjoy every journey and cherish every time.

The next second, the pink fairy said that she had no problem, because she saw a hot man through the monitoring of memory Ai Li!

"Mo Yi?!"

The pink fairy was immediately ecstatic, and then thought that maybe the other person was an individual from a parallel world, not the Mo Yi she knew. This needed to be verified, after all, another Alicia had already appeared in front of her.

"No, didn't Kevin say there was only one visitor?"

Memory Ellie looked at the screen in bewilderment, where there appeared two beautiful girls with the same appearance but completely different looks and temperaments, an unknown man, and a mobile food truck.

For Memory Aili, only beautiful girls deserve her attention, and men like Mo Yi are naturally ignored by her.

"But things seem to be getting more interesting."

The other end.

"Since you asked the question sincerely, we will tell you mercifully——"

Following Mo Yi's words, Qi Qi in the form of a beautiful girl suddenly appeared next to Mo Yi, and then said:

"To prevent the world from being destroyed."

Mo Yi changed to another JOJO stand.

"To maintain world peace."

"Carrying out love and true evil."

"Lovely and charming villain"

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